Positive Psychology Essays (Examples)


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Positive Psychology And Its Link To Meditation

Pages: 8 (2260 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:98938910

The positive psychology arena has undergone swift expansion in the last ten years, with studies explicitly highlighting the significance of examining processes, conditions, and factors improving … for self-regulation. Secondly, individuals engage in meditation for acquiring a better grasp of life, growing wiser, and enlarging their consciousness: i.e., meditation for positive changes in one's consciousness. Frequently, it is not possible to clearly separate the above two goals, and the majority of meditation practitioners perhaps … above two goals, and the majority of meditation practitioners perhaps pursue both of these goals to some extent. Up until now, the academic psychology of the West has concentrated on meditation in therapy. Despite the growing public interest and a rise in the number of research works … our routine scanning, cognition, analysis, and reaction (Kristeller & Rikhye, 2008). Such attentional process alterations allow one to expect cognitive changes and, consequently, positive change……



Gable, S. L., & Haidt, J. (2005). What (and why) is positive psychology? Review of General Psychology, 9, 103–110. DOI:10.1037/1089-2680.9.2.103

Hasenkamp, W., & Barsalou, L. (2012). Effects of meditation experience on functional connectivity of distributed brain networks. Front. Hum. Neurosci. Retrieved from  https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2012.00038/full 

Kristeller, J. L., & Rikhye, K. (2008). Meditative traditions and contemporary psychology. In K. R. Rao, A. C. Paranjpe & A. K. Dalal (Eds.), Handbook of Indian psychology (pp. 506 –538). New Delhi, India: Cambridge University Press.

McGee, M. (2008). Meditation and psychiatry. Psychiatry, 5, 28 – 40.

Pepping, C. A., Donovan, A., & Davis, P. (2013). The positive effects of mindfulness on self-esteem. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 8(5), 376-386.

Sedlmeier, P., Eberth, J., Schwarz, M., Zimmerman, D., Haarig, F., Jaeger, S., & Kunze, S. (2012). The psychological effects of meditation: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 138(6), 1139 –1171.

Seligman, M. E. P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive psychology: An introduction. American Psychologist, 55, 5–14. DOI:10.1037//0003-066X.55.1.5

Shapiro, S., Walsh, R., Britton, W., & Britton, B. (2003). An analysis of recent meditation research and suggestions for future directions. The Humanistic Psychology, 3(2-3), 69-90.


Study Document Study Document

Positive Aging And Friendship

Pages: 5 (1364 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Letter Document #:58238510

Future Directions for positive Aging
1: To Do List
My to-do list for joining community of Serenbe starts with writing a big thank you to the world … this opportunity. I want to express my gratitude and joy, and doing so is a health way to get in touch with the positive energy that will be of so much use in Serenbe. I will post this message on social media so that all my friends … in the community of Serenbe.
Second on my list is to start eating right! Diet is one of the most important aspects of positive aging because a healthy and nutritious diet can keep you going like a well-oiled car. People who do not take care of their … to come to Serenbe and be a part of a community—the way community is supposed to be. This is the way to a positive mind and……



Brymer, E., Cuddihy, T. F., & Sharma-Brymer, V. (2010). The role of nature-basedexperiences in the development and maintenance of wellness. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 1(2), 21-27.

Katz, S. (2001). Growing older without aging? Positive aging, anti-ageism, and anti-aging. Generations, 25(4), 27-32.

Klein, D. A., Council, K. J., & McGuire, S. L. (2005). Education to promote positive attitudes about aging. Educational Gerontology, 31(8), 591-601.


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Gestalt Therapy Counseling Psychology History And Interventions

Pages: 7 (2051 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:37769060

… a holistic view of the human psyche that provided a necessary counterpoint to the fragmented, reductionist, and structuralist views that prevailed in research psychology. Gestalt therapy emerged after blending the principles of Gestalt with the goals of psychotherapy. In particular, Gestalt therapists like Frederick “Fritz” Perls used … of contact between individuals who are connected in an integrated social network. Group therapy and art therapy are also methods used in Gestalt psychology.
Although the phrase may seem out of vogue, Gestalt psychology underwrites a lot of contemporary psychotherapies and therapeutic interventions, particularly those with a humanistic outlook. Gestalt psychology started off with firm empirical grounding in the science of perception and cognition, and then merged with prevailing psychotherapies to become an integrated … that promotes self-awareness, self-empowerment, and acceptance.
Origin and History of Gestalt
In 1912, Max Wertheimer offered a new paradigm for the field of psychology. Reacting against……



Brownell, P. (2016). Contemporary Gestalt therapy. In D. J. Cain, K. Keenan, & S. Rubin (Eds.), Humanistic psychotherapies: Handbook of research and practice (p. 219–250). American Psychological Association.  https://doi.org/10.1037/14775-008 

Cherry, K. (2019). Gestalt psychology overview. Very Well Mind. Retrieved from:  https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-gestalt-psychology-2795808 

Covey, G. (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, enhanced, 10th edition. Cengage.

Jacobs, L. (1989). Dialogue in Gestalt theory and therapy. The Gestalt Journal 12(1): 1-25. Retrieved from:  http://www.gestaltpsychotherapie.de/jacobs1.pdf 

Kepner, E. (n.d.). Gestalt group processes. Retrieved from:  http://www.elementsuk.com/libraryofarticles/gestalt.pdf 

Oaklander, V. (1994). Gestalt play therapy. In O’Connor, K.J. & Schaefer, C.E. (Eds.). Handbook of play therapy. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 143-156.

Rock, I. & Palmer, S. (1990). The legacy of Gestalt psychology. Scientific American 263(6): 84-91.

Yontef, G. & Jacobs, L. (n.d.). Gestalt therapy. Retrieved from:  https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1211/3bf06e5fa3208fea4330873403ae65b0891c.pdf


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Psychological Health

Pages: 11 (3279 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Evidence Based Practice Document #:50896264

Evidence-Based Programs and Practices in psychological health
Numerous years of research and studies in clinical psychology have illustrated that how individuals process received information, particularly with an attentional bias (AB) to scary information as well as bias in negatively … a huge part in the start and maintenance of depression and anxiety (Hughes at al., 2016). There is a growing interest in health psychology in the application of these experimental techniques to evaluate possible cognitive processing prejudices in health conditions like chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, … procedure was utilized for this review. Firstly, a keyword search was carried out to identify any relevant studies. The used keywords were “evidence-based psychology practice,” evidence-based cognitive biases,” “evidence-based psychology health,” and “evidence-based psychological interventions.” A thorough cross-search was also carried out using different keyword combinations via the EBSCO database of research, which … on medical illnesses pathophysiology is a growing……



Australian Psychological Society. (2010). Evidence?based psychological interventions in the treatment of mental disorders: A literature review. Victoria: Australian Psychological Association.

Barth, J., Munder, T., Gerger, H., Nüesch, E., Trelle, S., Znoj, H., ... & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Comparative efficacy of seven psychotherapeutic interventions for patients with depression: a network meta-analysis. Focus, 14(2), 229-243.

Castelnuovo, G. (2017). New and old adventures of clinical health psychology in the twenty-first century: standing on the shoulders of giants. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1214.

Hofmann, S. G., Asnaani, A., Vonk, I. J., Sawyer, A. T., & Fang, A. (2012). The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Cognitive therapy and research, 36(5), 427-440.

Hughes, A. M., Gordon, R., Chalder, T., Hirsch, C. R., & Moss?Morris, R. (2016). Maximizing the potential impact of experimental research into cognitive processes in health psychology: A systematic approach to material development. British journal of health psychology, 21(4), 764-780.

Kirkham, J. G., Choi, N., & Seitz, D. P. (2016). Meta?analysis of problem solving therapy for the treatment of major depressive disorder in older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(5), 526-535.

Lenz, A. S., Hall, J., & Bailey Smith, L. (2016). Meta-analysis of group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for decreasing symptoms of acute depression. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 41(1), 44-70.

Linde, K., Rücker, G., Sigterman, K., Jamil, S., Meissner, K., Schneider, A., & Kriston, L. (2015). Comparative effectiveness of psychological treatments for depressive disorders in primary care: network meta-analysis. BMC family practice, 16(1), 103.


Study Document Study Document

Cognitive Theory Clinical Social Work Practice

Pages: 7 (2210 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:question answer Document #:73366521

… developed thoroughly into a formal and widely accepted paradigm, the cognitive learning perspective draws from several perspectives including clinical experience, behaviorism, and cognitive psychology (Berlin, 1987).
According to the Code of Ethics published by the National Association of Social Workers (1996), there is a need to respect ……



Adefolalu, A. O. (2018). Cognitive-behavioural theories and adherence: Application and relevance in antiretroviral therapy. South Afr J HIV Med., 762.

Bandura A. Organizational applications of social cognitive theory. Aust J Manage. 1988;13(2):275–302. https://doi.org/10.1177/031289628801300210 [Google Scholar]

Berlin, S. B. (1987). Cognitive behavioral interventions for social work practice. National Association of Social Workers, Inc.

Gitterman, A., & Heller, N. (2011). Integrating Social Work Perspectives and Models with Concepts, Methods and Skills with Other Professions’ Specialized Approaches. Clinical Social Work Journal, 204-211.

Gonzalez-Prendes, A. (2012). Cognitive-behavioral practice and social work values: A critical analysis. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics.

National Association of Social Workers. (1996). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from http://www.naswdc.org/pubs/code/code.asp.

Nevill, D. (2014). Positive Interventions: Developing a Theoretical Model to Guide Their Development and Use. Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) Capstone Projects.

Parks, A. C., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2013). Positive interventions: Past, present, and future. In T. Kashdan & J. Ciarrochi (Eds.), Mindfulness, acceptance, and positive psychology: The seven foundations of well-being (pp.140-165). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications


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Individual Self Esteem Growth And Development

Pages: 4 (1244 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:45484325

...Positive psychology Development of Self-Esteem
As self-aware and self-reflective beings, numerous individuals instinctively identify the significance of self-esteem. Self-esteem is, therefore, more of perception instead of a reality. It alludes to an individual’s belief regarding whether one is whether appealing or competent, and it does not necessarily mean anything regarding whether the individual is appealing and competent. Conventionally, the majority of people consider self-esteem to be significant. It is hard, in not intolerable, for people to continue being unconcerned to information that impacts their self-esteem, for instance, being told that they are stupid, ugly, or deceitful. An escalation or decline in self-esteem usually generates significant emotional responses. Furthermore, these changes are usually corresponding with key successes and failures experienced in life. Therefore, self-esteem facilitates happiness, greater performances, and also improved standards of living.
By Maslow (1943), the actions of human beings are motivated to accomplish particular needs. Maslow delineates five various levels……



Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., & Vohs, K. D. (2003). Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier lifestyles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(1), 1–44.

Cosentino, B. W. (2020). Loving Yourself. How to raise your self-esteem.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Robinson, R. B., & Frank, D. I. (1994). The relation between self-esteem, sexual activity, and pregnancy. Adolescence, 29(113), 27–35.

Watts, R. (2015). Adler’s individual psychology: The original positive psychology. REVISTA DE PSICOTERAPIA, 26 (102) 123-131.


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Impact Of Phobias

Pages: 14 (4238 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:96563573

… that they spend a considerable amount of time worrying about it appearing or trying to figure out how to avoid it. The American psychology Association (APA) has recognized three types of phobias namely specific phobia, social phobia or social anxiety, and agoraphobia. Specific phobia is an intense ……



Campos, D., Mira, A., Bretón-López, J., Castilla, D., Botella, C., Baños, R. M., & Quero, S. (2018). The acceptability of an internet-based exposure treatment for flying phobia with and without therapist guidance: patients’ expectations, satisfaction, treatment preferences, and usability. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 14, 879.

Carleton, R. N., Thibodeau, M. A., Weeks, J. W., Teale Sapach, M. J. N., McEvoy, P. M., Horswill, S. C., & Heimberg, R. G. (2014). Comparing short forms of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale. Psychological assessment, 26(4), 1116-1126. doi:10.1037/a0037063

Erceg-Hurn, D. M., & McEvoy, P. M. (2018). Bigger is better: Full-length versions of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and Social Phobia Scale outperform short forms at assessing treatment outcome. Psychological assessment, 30(11), 1512-1526. doi:10.1037/pas0000601

Goetter, E. M., Frumkin, M. R., Palitz, S. A., Swee, M. B., Baker, A. W., Bui, E., & Simon, N. M. (2018). Barriers to mental health treatment among individuals with social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Psychological Services, No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified. doi:10.1037/ser0000254

Halldorsdottir, T., & Ollendick, T. H. (2016). Long-term outcomes of brief, intensive CBT for specific phobias: The negative impact of ADHD symptoms. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(5), 465-471. doi:10.1037/ccp0000088

Hirsch, J. A. (2018). Integrating Hypnosis with Other Therapies for Treating Specific Phobias: A Case Series. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 60(4), 367-377.

Leitenberg, H., Agras, W. S., Barlow, D. H., & Oliveau, D. C. (1969). Contribution of selective positive reinforcement and therapeutic instructions to systematic desensitization therapy. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 74(1), 113-118. doi:10.1037/h0027063

Probst, T., Berger, T., Meyer, B., Späth, C., Schröder, J., Hohagen, F., . . . Klein, J. P. (2019). Social phobia moderates the outcome in the EVIDENT study: A randomized controlled trial on an Internet-based psychological intervention for mild to moderate depressive symptoms [Press release]


Study Document Study Document

Depression In The Military

Pages: 11 (3156 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:55497619

… health of military servicemen. Those risks can be associated with PTSD incurred from situations in combat, abuse, drug addiction, or lack of a positive value system that causes a soldier to deteriorate from within as he has nothing beyond his duty in the military to give him … increasing exponentially in recent years. One way that leaders have been trained to deal with military service-related depression is through the use of positive psychology and resiliency training (Reivich, Seligman & McBride, 2011). This paper will discuss a more positive way to treat mental health issues such as service-related depression among military servicemen and will include a discussion of positive psychology theories as well as spiritual factors from a biblical worldview.
Service-related depression is common among servicemen in today’s military in spite of … Resiliency Training program (MRT), which focuses on the key aspects that have to be developed by……



Bonde, J. P., Utzon-Frank, N., Bertelsen, M., Borritz, M., Eller, N. H., Nordentoft, M., ... & Rugulies, R. (2016). Risk of depressive disorder following disasters and military deployment: systematic review with meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(4), 330-336.

Bonelli, R., Dew, R. E., Koenig, H. G., Rosmarin, D. H., & Vasegh, S. (2012). Religious and spiritual factors in depression: review and integration of the research. Depression research and treatment, 2012.

Casey Jr, G. W. (2011). Comprehensive soldier fitness: A vision for psychological resilience in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 1.

Dolphin, K. E., Steinhardt, M. A., & Cance, J. D. (2015). The role of positive emotions in reducing depressive symptoms among Army wives. Military Psychology, 27(1), 22-35.

Griffith, J., & West, C. (2013). Master resilience training and its relationship to individual well-being and stress buffering among Army National Guard soldiers. The journal of behavioral health services & research, 40(2), 140-155.

Kang, H. K., Bullman, T. A., Smolenski, D. J., Skopp, N. A., Gahm, G. A., & Reger, M. A. (2015). Suicide risk among 1.3 million veterans who were on active duty during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Annals of epidemiology, 25(2), 96-100.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.


Study Document Study Document

Drug Therapy Vs Animal Therapy

Pages: 7 (2031 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:70346686

… The drug therapy that children get is just a foundation for future drug abuse. But something lie animal therapy can do much more positive things for the child. It can even be used with drug therapy if drug therapy is needed initially, but in the end the … impairment? This is why Whitaker (2001) condemns their use in treating children. It is why Seligman, Steen, Park and Peterson (2005) recommend a positive psychology approach: positive psychology is another humanistic approach that gives people a motivation to want to take back control of their own lives.
Children who grow ……



Broaddus, M. E. (2017). A Demonstration Project to Address Juvenile Drug Addiction.

Graduate Thesis, Bellarmine.

Korry, E. (2015). California Moves To Stop Misuse Of Psychiatric Meds In Foster Care.

Retrieved from  https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/09/02/436350334/california-moves-to-stop-misuse-of-psychiatric-meds-in-foster-care 

Kutz, G. D. (2011). Foster Children: HHS Guidance Could Help States Improve

Oversight of Psychotropic Prescriptions: Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, US Senate. US Government Accountability Office.

National Foster Youth Institute. (2017). Aging out of foster care. Retrieved from



Study Document Study Document

Fight Club And Resiliency

Pages: 9 (2826 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:28924089

...Positive psychology Resiliency
As Webster and Rivers (2018) point out, the notion of resilience has been promoted in a variety of fields and essentially research on it has focused on the need for individuals to “toughen up”—particularly in what has been called a “snowflake” culture, a term popularized by the 1996 Chuck Palahniuk novel Fight Club. As Palahniuk said later when the book was made into a cult hit film, “Every generation gets offended by different things but my friends who teach in high school tell me that their students are very easily offended…The modern Left is always reacting to things. Once they get their show on the road culturally they will stop being so offended” (Londoner, 2017). While there is a lot to unpack in that statement (offense and culture are implicitly linked to resiliency and the ability to cope with conflict), the essence of the point made by Palahniuk is……



Domhardt, M., Münzer, A., Fegert, J. M., & Goldbeck, L. (2015). Resilience in survivors of child sexual abuse: A systematic review of the literature. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 16(4), 476-493.

Fincher, D. (1999). Fight club. Los Angeles, CA: 20th Century Fox.

Koerner, R. (2017). Authoritarians to the Right of Me, Authoritarians to the Left. Retrieved from  https://fee.org/articles/authoritarians-to-the-right-of-me-authoritarians-to-the-left/ 

Londoner. (2017). Londoner's Diary: Fight Club's Chuck Palahniuk: "I coined 'snowflake' and I stand by it". Retrieved from  https://www.standard.co.uk/news/londoners-diary/londoners-diary-chuck-palahniuk-i-coined-snowflake-and-i-stand-by-it-a3448226.html#comments 

Perkins-Gough, D. (2013). The significance of grit: A conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth. Educational Leadership, 71(1), 14-20.

Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.

Tough, P. (2013). How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character. NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Webster, D., & Rivers, N. (2018). Resisting resilience: disrupting discourses of self- efficacy. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1-13.

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