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… that nearly drowned at sea. Her first and only book was also a resounding success. That book, which came to be known as Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, came about in 1773. This, of course, was only seven years removed from her first poem. She ……
Biography. 2017. "Phillis Wheatley". Biography.Com. .
Bartleby. 2017. "On The Death Of A Young Lady Of Five Years Of Age. Phillis Wheatley. 1773. Poems On Various Subjects". Bartleby.Com. .
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...Poems Contact in Canadian Literature: The Use of Gothic Elements in the Negotiation of Cultural Differences between Settlers and Indigenous Nations
Common elements of gothic literature include mystery, fear, omens, curses, preternatural settings, gloomy atmospheres with a hint of being haunted, some dimension of the supernatural, romance, an arch-villain, nightmare situations, anti-heroes and ladies in distress (Mulvey-Roberts; Smith). Popular examples on both sides of the Atlantic include works by the Bronte sisters, works by Poe, and Shelley’s Frankenstein. The gothic was a popular genre form in the 19th century. It was romantic, vibrant, dark, brooding, frightening, exciting, and visceral. It resonated with readers because after a century of Enlightenment (hyper-emphasis on reason and naturalism), the romantic era had ushered in something desperately needed: feeling. Thus, authors of the 19th century, like Duncan Campbell Scott and Pauline Johnson, found elements of the gothic genre to be a useful way to explore……
Works Cited
Gray, Charlotte, and Clara Thomas. "Flint and feather: the life and times of E Pauline Johnson, Tekahionwake." Canadian Woman Studies 23.1 (2003): 183.
Johnson, E. Pauline. “Pagan in St. Paul’s Cathedral.”
Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, ed. The Handbook to Gothic literature. NYU Press, 1998.
Salem-Wiseman, Lisa. ""Verily, the White Man's Ways Were the Best": Duncan Campbell Scott, Native Culture, and Assimilation." Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature canadienne (1996): 121-144.
Scott, D. C. “The Onondaga Madonna.”
Smith, Andrew. Gothic Literature. Edinburgh University Press, 2007.
Study Document
...Poems A Self Care Plan for Preventing Burnout at Work
An action plan is a way to establish a step-by-step guide for oneself to follow in order to achieve a goal. The main goal for this action plan is self-care. There are six areas of self-care that this action plan focuses on: physical, emotional, cognitive, social, financial and spiritual. The action plan identifies three sub goals within each area and describes the steps that I will take to reach those goals. This specific action plan was chosen to prevent me from becoming burned out at work. Self-care is important as psychologists and even the bible have shown. This paper provides support for the plan using scholarly sources, books, and other reference material, and the action plan shows why the goals and steps described are helpful in my self-care plan.
Outline of the Action Plan
This Action Plan will go through……
Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., &Vohs, K. D. (2003). Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier lifestyles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(1), 1–44.
Cosentino, B. W. (2020). Loving Yourself. How to raise your self-esteem.
Dall’Ora, C., Griffiths, P. & Ball, J. (2016). 12-hour shifts: burnout or job satisfaction? Nursing Times, 112(12/13), 1-2.
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
National Academy of Medicine. (2019). Valid and Reliable Survey Instruments to Measure Burnout, Well-Being, and Other Work-Related Dimensions. Retrieved from
Nursing Theories. (2012). Retrieved from
Orem, D.E. (1991). Nursing: Concepts of practice (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book Inc.
Robinson, R. B., & Frank, D. I. (1994). The relation between self-esteem, sexual activity, and pregnancy. Adolescence, 29(113), 27–35.
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...Poems Women Creating Culture: Sofonisba Anguissola, Mary Wollstonecraft and Emily Dickinson
While the patriarchal heritage of the West commonly references the contributions of men to history and culture, the West would not be what it is today without the contributions to culture made by women as well. This paper will look at the contributions of three women in particular—Sofonisba Anguissola, the Italian Renaissance painter whose skill caught the attention of Michelangelo and ultimately won her a position in the court of King Phillip II of Spain; Mary Wollstonecraft, whose Vindication of the Rights of Women in the 18th century opened the door for the 19th and 20th centuries’ women’s movements; and Emily Dickinson, whose poetry of the 19th century was lauded by second wave feminists such as Adrienne Rich, who identified Dickinson as an important inspiration in her own work. These women helped shape but were also shaped by their……
Chisholm, H. (1911). Sophonisba Angussola. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2 (11th ed.), Cambridge University Press, p. 44.
Jones, E. M. (2000). Libido dominandi: Sexual liberation and political control. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’ Press.
Juhasz, S. (1983). Feminist Critics Read Emily Dickinson. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Sewall, R. B. (1974). The life of Emily Dickinson. NY: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.
Wollstonecraft, M. (1792). Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
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...Poems When Willie Lynch wrote his letter to white slave owners in America in the 17th century, laying out the blueprint for the American Establishment on how to create racial tensions in order to facilitate the white slave owners’ rule over their African slave, he unwittingly laid the foundation stone for American elitism and racism that has since come to characterize the ruling class’ use of mass media in controlling the population (Heaggans). As Horkheimer and Adorno later showed in their analysis and dissection of the Culture Industry, the controllers of mass media have essentially used the basic framework of Lynch to perpetuate the idea of racism and to use race as a means of dividing and conquering the population, keeping the mass of men and women disunited and disempowered, turned against themselves, focused on their own external differences, and preventing them from uniting and standing up to the powers that……
Works Cited
Adorno, Theodor and M. Horkheimer. The culture industry: Enlightenment as mass deception. Stardom and celebrity: A reader, 34, 2007.
Aldrige, Derick. “From Civil Rights to Hip Hop: Toward a Nexus of Ideas.”
Blair, Elizabeth. “The Strange Story of the Man behind Strange Fruit.” NPR.
Cashmore, Ellis. The Black culture industry. Routledge, 2006.
Collins, Patricia Hill. "New commodities, new consumers: Selling blackness in a global marketplace." Ethnicities 6.3 (2006): 297-317.
Davis, Angela. The Meaning of Freedom. San Francisco, CA: City Light Books, 2012.
Guy, Talmadge C. "Gangsta rap and adult education." New directions for adult and continuing education 2004.101 (2004): 43-57.
Heaggans, Raphael C. "When the oppressed becomes the oppressor: Willie Lynch and the politics of race and racism in hip-hop music." West Virginia University Philological Papers 50 (2003): 77-81.
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...Poems Introduction
The issue of abolitionism came to a head with John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859. Brown’s intention was to instigate an armed slave rebellion (Horwitz). Brown and nearly two dozen other men took over a U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Virginia—but instead of achieving the goal of a slave revolt, the men were caught in a stand-off with U.S. Marines from October 16th to the 18th. Robert E. Lee, ironically, was the commander in charge of retaking the arsenal; Lee would be the commander of the Southern Army just a year and a half later. Other future Confederates assisting in the recapturing of Harpers Ferry from the insurrectionist Brown and his men were Stonewall Jackson and J. E. B. Stuart (Horwitz). This paper will discuss the raid, explain what happened and why, and what the fallout was.
The Reason for the Raid
John Brown was a……
Works Cited
Barney, William L. "Brown, John". The Civil War and Reconstruction: A Student Companion. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2001.
Furnas, J. C. The Road to Harpers Ferry. New York, William Sloane Associates, 1959.
Hoffer, Williamjames Hull. The Caning of Charles Sumner: Honor, Idealism, and the Origins of the Civil War. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
Horwitz, Tony. Midnight Rising: John Brown and the Raid That Sparked the Civil War. Henry Holt and Company, 2011.
McGlone, Robert E. John Brown's War against Slavery. Cambridge, CUP, 2009.
Smith, Ted A., Weird John Brown: Divine Violence and the Limits of Ethics. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2015.
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...Poems Abstract
The untimely death of Kobe Bryant, a well-known basketball player and philanthropist, sent shock waves through the community. The impact of the death was magnified by the fact that the accident that killed him also took the life of his daughter, Gianna Bryant. While he was mourned by people from all walks of life, his death seemed to hit the African American community the hardest, as he had long been considered a role model for African American men, especially in terms of fatherhood. However, while many people mourned his death, others found it disturbing that posthumous coverage of his death did not address the fact that Bryant had been the subject of credible rape allegations, leading to heated discussions about when it is appropriate to discuss the possible wrongdoings of someone who has passed. This article covers Kobe Bryant’s life, his career, his personal life, and the allegations against……
Badenhausen, Kurt. “Kobe Bryant’s $600 Million Fortune: How He Won On- And Off-The Court.” Forbes. 28 January 2020. . Accessed 15 March 2020. Editors. “Kobe Bryant Biography.” A&E Television Networks. 25 February 2020. . Accessed 15 March 2020.
CBS News. “Kobe Loses McDonald’s Deal.” CBS News. 23 January 2004. . Accessed 15 March 2020.
Sanchez, Ray. “Kobe Bryant Was a Living Legend. In His Final Hours, He Was an Ordinary Dad and Friend.” CNN. 3 February 2020. Accessed 15 March 2020.
Wikipedia. “Kobe Bryant.” Wikipedia. 8 March 2020. . Accessed 15 March 2020.
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...Poems Realism in Art in Paris in the 19th Century Prostitutes and Third Class Carriages
The 19th century was a century of Realism, Romanticism and Victorianism; a conflict existed in society between wanting to explore boundaries (the romantic aspect), expose reality, and wanting to cover over indecencies (the prudish Victorian aspect). Puritanism and prurience defined the two juxtaposing poles. Realism was like the middle ground, the area of the field that artists sought to highlight. Yet, for artists like Courbet, Daumier and Manet, certain subjects—like a mother holding a sleeping baby in the nursing pose on a third-class train, or lesbian lovers, or a nude woman—were deemed to provocative, too revealing, too dirty, sensual and real and thus too sensational for a Victorian crowd. They were appealing to those with Realist leanings, but Romantics were not quite satisfied with them either because they did not put emphasis on the beautiful and……
Browne, E. (2020). The third-class carriage. Retrieved from
Clark, T. J. (1999). The painting of modern life. Princeton.
Michallat, W. (2007). Lesbian inscriptions in Francophone society and culture. Durham Modern Languages.
Millett-Gallantt, A. (2010). The disabled body in contemporary art. Palgrave Macmillan.
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...Poems Colonial America was a diverse hodge-podge of religious communities. The Quakers had been given Pennsylvania by William Penn, whose father had held ties with the King of England (Fantel). The Puritans were in New England. Baptists established themselves in the South. Catholics had been in the Northern territories and in the Southwest well before the Protestant surge, and they also established the first Catholic state in Maryland—before it was later taken over by Protestants who banned Catholicism (Laux). In short, there was little religious unity broadly speaking, but religion nonetheless played an important role in the structuring of society and class when it came to local organization. Hawthorne and Melville—the two premier authors of the 19th century—described this experience of social stratification within a religious context fairly well. But there are numerous signs and examples of how it existed and persisted. This paper will show that religion was used as……
Works Cited
Fantel, Hans. William Penn: Apostle of Dissent. NY: William Morrow & Co., 1974.
Graham, Michael. "Posish Plots: Protestant Fears in Early Colonial Maryland, 1676-1689." The Catholic historical review 79.2 (1993): 197-216.
Holton, W. Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves, and the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1999.
Laux, John. Church History. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1933.
Melville, Herman. Clarel.
Milder, R. Herman Melville. New York: Columbia University Press,1988.
Pyle, Ralph E., and James D. Davidson. "The origins of religious stratification in colonial America." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 42.1 (2003): 57-75.
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...Poems Commonplace Log
Part 1
“You know in the old days it was not so easy to get a girl when you wanted to be married.” This quote begins the story of “High Horse’s Courting,” and it sets the tone that Black Elk wants to set. He is making a comment on the present and the past with the quote and wants to show that times were different when he was a young man and that the courting process was a lot more challenging back in the old days. It thus appears that he is talking to a younger audience and is both trying to entertain them a bit and trying to teach them a lesson—namely that if young men want to win a nice young girl they should be prepared to show that they are men. So that story that he is about to tell is one such a story,……
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