Study Document
...Plants Strategic Supply Chain Management: Case Study
I. Executive Summary
Strategic supply chain management consists of strategic, tactical and operational levels, wherein general planning, short-term process decision-making, and day-to-day operations are planned and executed. This case study examines the supply chain issues of Krebbler-McCray Home Products and provides recommendations together with an integration implementation and monitoring plan to address both the long and short term issues presented in the case. The report is organized in the following sections: Issues Identification, Environmental Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, Alternatives and Options, Recommendations, Implementation, and Monitor and Control. It covers the strategy and market position of the company, the supply chain decisions that have to be made, evaluation criteria, possible alternatives, quantitative and non-quantitative analysis, how the best strategy can be implemented, and how the company be know whether the strategy has been successful.
The main points of this summary are the following:
1. The……
Channick, Robert. “Fallout from China Trade War,” Chicago Tribune, 2019.
Krebbler Furniture Case Study, Supply Chain Management Association. Digital File.
Study Document
...Plants Fruit Science Report
Washington Navel Oranges
In as far as appearances are concerned, the Washington Navel orange happens to have a rounded shape and is small to medium in size. One of the many distinguishing features of this particular tree are the white flowers which are scented. The canopy of the tree also appears droopy. In mid winder, the tree supplies seedless oranges that are rather tasty – making this particular variety ideal as either a commercial venture or as a past-time activity in a home orchid setting. It is important to note that the flesh of the fruit is firm and has a distinguishing deep color. The taste of the fruit could also be described as tangy and distinctly sweet. The Washington Navel orange, according to Ramsey and Markell (1920) “originated at Bahia, Brazil, apparently as a bud variation from the Portuguese orange variety, Laranja Selecta” (22). As……
Boule, D. (2017). A Brief History of the Navel Orange in California – From the Sacramento Bee. Retrieved from
Considine, D.M. & Considine, G.D. (2012). Foods and Food Production Encyclopedia. New York, NY: VNR.
El-Boray, M.S., Mostafa, M., Salem, E. & Sawwah, O. (2015). Improving Yield and Fruit Quality of Washington Navel Orange Using Foliar Applications of Some Natural Biostimulants. J. Plant Production, 6(8), 1317-1332.
Ferguson, L. & Grafton-Cardwell, E.E. (2014). Citrus Production Manual. Richmond, CA: UCANR Publications.
Geiger, P. & Dunkan, S. (2007). Farmers\\\\\\' Almanac. Mason, OH: Almanac Publishing Company.
Ramsey, H.J. & Markell, E.L. (1920). The Handling and Precooling of Florida Lettuce and Celery. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Susser, A. (1997). The Great Citrus Book. New York, NY: Ten Speed Press.
Study Document
...Plants Overview of Africa’s Post-Conflict History
Historical Formal Institutions
Colonial legacies persist in Africa in spite of a post-colonial era (Austin, 2010). These legacies have continued in post-conflict Africa’s history. In Africa, there has been no real unifying factor bringing individuals together, primarily because of the communal aspect of society throughout the continent. Community exists and can be found everywhere in Africa. Structural, dramaturgic and institutional factors in formal institutionalization in Africa of health care has come about as a result of investment, development, and political stability (Ratcliffe, 2013). The relationship among cultural traditions, laws of society, and the symbolic boundaries have served to create the structural meanings behind formal institutions; the expressive dimension, communicative properties and interaction of these elements have made up the dramaturgic, and the actors and organizations themselves have manifested the institutional. An example of this can be seen in Nigeria.
Structurally, dramaturgically and institutionally, Africa has……
Afro-centric Alliance, A. (2001). Indigenisingorganizational change: Localisation in Tanzania and Malawi. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 16(1), 59-78.
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Austin, G. (2010). African economic development and colonial legacies (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 11-32). Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement.
Brager, G., Specht, H., Torczyner, J. L., &Torczyner, J. (1987). Community organizing. Columbia University Press.
Bratton, M., & Van de Walle, N. (1997). Democratic experiments in Africa: Regime transitions in comparative perspective. Cambridge university press.
Burnham, G. M., Pariyo, G., Galiwango, E., & Wabwire-Mangen, F. (2004). Discontinuation of cost sharing in Uganda. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 82, 187-195.
Dillard, C., Duncan, K. L., & Johnson, L. (2017). Black History Full Circle: Lessons from a Ghana Study Abroad in Education Program. Social Education, 81(1), 50-53.
Ehui, S. (2020). Protecting food security in Africa. Retrieved from
Study Document
… Sanyo.
3. Samsung
Samsung Electronics is a multinational corporation that has its headquarters situated in South Korea. Significantly, Samsung Electronics operates numerous assembly plants across the globe and has sales systems in more than 70 nations and hires approximately 300,000 personnel. It is the biggest manufacturer of … control processes, GE Appliances has been able to work on its profits and productivity levels. For instance, in 2018, one of the company's plants situated in Mississippi, was experiencing a loss of up to 15 percent of its output as a result of production defects. However, owing ……
General Electric. (2019). Annual Report, 2019. Retrieved from:
GE Appliances. (2020). Our Community. Retrieved from:
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Goh, A., Sullivan, M. (2011). How To Conduct Quality Control With Chinese Manufacturers. Business Insider.
Weber, A. (2019). Assembly Plant of the Year: Refrigerator Production Heats Up at GE Appliances. Assembly. Retrieved from: s
Trebilcock, B. (2020). GE Appliance: Pulling the digital thread. Logistics Management. Retrieved from:
Flannery, R. (January 15, 2016). Haier To Buy GE Appliances For $5.4B In China\\\\\\\\\\\\'s 2nd Big U.S. Acquisition This Week. Forbes. Retrieved from:
Hayes, A. (July 28, 2020). Quality Control. Investopedia. Retrieved from:
Study Document
...Plants Part 1:
Lesson plan 1
1. Lesson Plan Information
Subject/Course: Mathematics
Grade Level: Sixth
Date: Time:
Topic: Fractions
Length of Period: 1hr 30 minutes
Standard: Pennsylvania’s Common Core State Standard CC.2.3.2.A.2 for Mathematics
2. Lesson objective(s)
Expectation(s) (Directly from The State Curriculum):
i. Understanding of fractions (parts of a fraction)
ii. Understand basic operations with fractions
· Addition
· Subtractions
· Division
· Multiplication
iii. Ability to perform operations with fractions
Learning Skills (Where applicable):
· Creative thinking
· Critical analysis
3. Learning Context
A. The Learners
Sixth grade learners have basic knowledge on fractions, how to perform basic operations on fractions.
To accommodate diversity (learning), different methods of instructions will be used. The primary method of instructions will be guidance notes to ensure challenged learners are carried along.
B. Learning Environment
A learner-centered classroom environment is to be used. Classroom practices will be aimed at discovering what the……
Spooner, F., Baker, J. N., Harris, A. A., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., & Browder, D. M. (2007). Effects of training in universal design for learning on lesson plan development. Remedial and special education, 28(2), 108-116.
Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2012). The Understanding by design guide to advanced concepts in creating and reviewing units. ASCD.
Study Document
...Plants Operation Ajax
The war was triggered by the Anglo-Iranian crisis of 1951 to 1953. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was largely viewed as a colonial influence bent on controlling the host government and enjoying benefits from the hierarchies that resulted from a society that was divided. However, in 1951, led by campaigns championed by Prime Minister then, Mohammad Mossadeq, Iran managed to nationalize its oil resources. Slightly over two years down the line after the nationalization of its oil, the Iranian Premier was deposed (De Seve, 2020).
When the foreign powers failed to destabilize and abdicate, the British tried to dislocate the premier one more time. Following mass protests and a three-day uprising and bloodshed – the Siyer-Tir on July 21, Mohammad Mossadeq, was granted powers to appoint the chiefs of staff and the minister for war. The British noticed a chance to depose the premier from the differences between the……
Contini, C. (2013). A Realistic View on Iran: International relations and Global Politics. GRIN Verlag.
De Seve, M. (2020). Operation Ajax: The Story of the CIA Coup that Remade the Middle East. Verso Books.
Fowler, R. (2018). More Than a Doctrine: The Eisenhower Era in the Middle East. U of Nebraska Press.
Lee, C. T. (2013). A Cold War Narrative: The Covert Coup of Mohammad Mossadeq, Role of the U.S. Press and Its Haunting Legacies. Senior Theses, Trinity College, Hartford, CT.
Levin, Y. A. (2018). Operation Ajax in the CIA analytics: colonial knowledge in postcolonial age. Samara Journal of Science, 7(2), 200-203.
Luce, D. D. (2017, September 20). The specter of operation AJAX. The Guardian.
Merica, D., & Hanna, J. (2013). In declassified document, CIA acknowledges role in\\\\\\'53 Iran Coup. CNN News. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
Roosevelt, K. (1979). Countercoup, the Struggle for the Control of Iran. McGraw-Hill Companies.
Study Document
...Plants Trash or Treasure - Case Study
Ethics is an important issue in the field of public administration since it provides accountability between the administration and the public. To enhance accountability, public administrators, public service leaders and other stakeholders in this field are required to adhere to a code of ethics. The code of ethics gives these professionals guidelines for integrity in their work and helps to ensure the public receives its needs in a fair manner (Academic Partnerships, 2016). However, not every professional in the field adheres to the code of ethics because of various factors such as corruption and greed. This paper analyzes the ethical dilemma in the City of Sunville that has left the Deputy Director of Transportation torn apart on what to say during the regularly scheduled monthly City Council meeting.
General Statement of the Ethical Dilemma
The ethical scenario in the City of Sunville is the……
Academic Partnerships. (2016, May 24). The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration. Retrieved from the University of Texas Arlington website:,the%20trust%20of%20the%20community .
Kure, G.M. (2018, May). Public Servants’ Attitude Towards Professional Ethics and its Implications for Service Delivery in Selected Bureaus of the Oromia Regional State. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from
UNC School of Government. (2019, November 20). The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration. Retrieved from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill website:,integrity%2C%20promote%20ethical%20organizations%2C%20and
Whitton, H. (2001, February). Implementing Effective Ethics Standards in Government and the Civil Service. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from
Study Document
...Plants Marijuana is a drug that is acquired from the cannabis plant. It is also referred to as cannabis and it is a psychoactive drug (Miller, Oberbarnscheidt and Gold 1). Marijuana is used for recreational or medical purposes. Across the world, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug and it is classified as Schedule 1 controlled substance. It alters the mood of a person and affects almost every organ in the body. The cannabis plant is normally dried out, ground up, and smoked. The drug comes in many forms and it can even be baked. In most instances, it is added in the ingredients for cookies and candies for it to be consumed. This produces the same effect as that of smoking it. Marijuana being a psychoactive drug alters perception. It contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is a chemical compound that causes the effects of the drug (Uhl, Koob and Cable……
Ford, Benjamin M, et al. \\\\\\"Synthetic Pot: Not Your Grandfather’s Marijuana.\\\\\\" Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 38.3 (2017): 257-76. Print.
Hefner, Kathryn R, Mark J Starr, and John J Curtin. \\\\\\"Altered Subjective Reward Valuation among Drug-Deprived Heavy Marijuana Users: Aversion to Uncertainty.\\\\\\" Journal of abnormal psychology 125.1 (2016): 138. Print.
Miller, NS, T Oberbarnscheidt, and MS Gold. \\\\\\"Marijuana Addictive Disorders: Dsm-5 Substance-Related Disorders.\\\\\\" J Addict Res Ther S 11 (2017): 2. Print.
Uhl, George R, George F Koob, and Jennifer Cable. \\\\\\"The Neurobiology of Addiction.\\\\\\" Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1451.1 (2019): 5. Print.
Wong, Su-Wei, and Hsien-Chang Lin. \\\\\\"Medical Marijuana Legalization and Associated Illicit Drug Use and Prescription Medication Misuse among Adolescents in the Us.\\\\\\" Addictive behaviors 90 (2019): 48-54. Print.
Study Document
...Plants How the DOE Used the Acquisition Process to Demolish a Contaminated Building
Today, many organizations lack the resources to engage in a formal acquisition process while others rely on acquisitions processes that are specially designed for a specific project. In either case, these organizations may fail to achieve optimal outcomes due to these types of approaches to the acquisition process. One organization that has recognized the importance of using a formal, standardized acquisition process in the U.S. Department of Energy which oversees dozens of major projects each year. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed review of a major program that has been managed, via the acquisition process, over the past decade, by the Department of Energy at the Y-12 National Security Complex. A description of the demolition project is followed by a discussion concerning the acquisition process that was used to guide the process. Finally, a……
About DOE. (2020). U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from ,
About Y-12. (2020). U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from about.
Birchfield, J. W. & Albrecht, L. (2012). Successful characterization strategies for the active high risk Y-12 National Security Complex 9201-5 (Alpha-5) Facility, Oak Ridge, TN - 12164. United States.
Recovery cleanup project at Y-12. (2010). U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from .
Standard review plan: Acquisition strategy review module. (2010, March). Washington, DC: Office of Environmental Management.
Supplement analysis for the site-wide environmental impact statement for the Y-12 National Security Complex (DOE/EIS-0387-SA-02). (2018, May). U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from .
Teamwork successfully brings down the Alpha 5 Annex. (2018). U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Plants Pros and Cons of GMO Farming
The commercial growing of GMO crops has been around for a while – with the last two decades having been especially important for GMO advancement. As a matter of fact, it is important to note that from 1996 to 2014, the global area under GM production grew from 1.7 to 182 million HA (James 72). In essence, the crops that account for the largest portion of GM crop production include, but they are not limited to, soybean, canola, maize, and cotton (James 54). However, the all-time favorite GM crop appears to be soybean. It is, however, important to note that GM crop production is not uniform across the world. This is to say that there are some jurisdictions where GM crop production happens to be higher in comparison to others. At present, the largest GM-free zone happens to be Russia. In most cases, policy……
Works Cited
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