Personal Response Essays (Examples)


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Hurricane Katrina Military Response

Pages: 4 (1256 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:19776713

… center (EOC) was more of a liability than an asset as it had not been trained for such a disaster either. A National response Plan had not been developed nor was there a National Incident Management System, which meant FEMA was not ready to act (Lewis, 2009; … National Incident Management System, which meant FEMA was not ready to act (Lewis, 2009; Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and response to Hurricane Katrina, 2006). Thus, it was basically up to the military to provide assistance, and since the military—particularly the U.S. Coast Guard … operations that FEMA and the local agencies were unable to give. This paper will discuss the role of the military in the disaster response to Katrina.
Coast Guard
The U.S. Coast Guard played one of the most important roles. The Brookings Institution (2007) has stated that “the … stated that “the Coast Guard……



The Brookings Institution. (2007). 9/11, Katrina and the future of interagency disaster response. Retrieved from 

E-PARCC Collaborative Governance Initiative. (2008). Collaboration Amid Crisis: The Department of Defense During Hurricane Katrina Teaching Note. Retrieved from 

Lewis, D. E. (2009). Revisiting the administrative presidency: Policy, patronage, and agency competence. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 39(1), 60-73.

Philipps, D. (2017). Seven hard lessons responders to Harvey learned from Katrina. Retrieved from

Samaan, J. L., & Verneuil, L. (2009). Civil–Military Relations in Hurricane Katrina: a case study on crisis management in natural disaster response. Humanitarian Assistance: Improving US-European Cooperation, Center for Transatlantic Relations/Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD/Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin, 413-432.

Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina. (2006). A failure of initiative. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

COVID 19 Pandemic Public Implications Of Government Response

Pages: 4 (1183 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Case Study Document #:19700171

...Personal response Keywords:  corona virus, coronavirus, covid, covid-19
Executive Summary
The current coronavirus health crisis facing the world has brought about a need for rethinking and reorientation of public administration. Public administration in many of the jurisdictions has been tasked with the role of keeping the public safe; by ensuring that there are no public gatherings and that people remain in their homes. To emphasize on social distancing, government, and in general, public administrations have banned mass public gatherings of all kinds (McCloskey et al., 2020). In various jurisdictions, the ban on mass gathering has been designed to address the specific aspects of society. So far, pubic administrations have been effective in the implementation of social distancing measures, and in general, the actions taken by public administrations are supported by the masses, despite the little challenges that such measures might bring about. However, it is expected that as new information on the……



Fong, M. W., Gao, H., Wong, J. Y., Xiao, J., Shiu, E. Y., Ryu, S., & Cowling, B. J. (2020). Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings-Social Distancing Measures. Emerging infectious diseases, 26(5).

McCloskey, B., Zumla, A., Ippolito, G., Blumberg, L., Arbon, P., Cicero, A., ... & Borodina, M. (2020). Mass gathering events and reducing further global spread of COVID-19: a political and public health dilemma. The Lancet.

O\\\\\\'Leary, R., Van Slyke, D. M., & Kim, S. (Eds.). (2010). The future of public administration around the world: The Minnowbrook perspective. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

Tuite, A. R., Ng, V., Rees, E., & Fisman, D. (2020). Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Italy. The Lancet Infectious Diseases.


Study Document Study Document

Disruptive Behaviors Of Students

Pages: 7 (2148 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:28118148

… observed subjects as discreetly as they could. For decreasing reactivity, observers observed lessons for several weeks before gathering information for research. All subject response opportunities were recorded on the information acquisition form, in addition to whether or not participant response was right. Right response implied those where the opportunity of dependent variable performance was followed by relevant behavior on the part of the staff (Petscher & Bailey, … variable performance was followed by relevant behavior on the part of the staff (Petscher & Bailey, 2006).
On the other hand, a wrong response entailed opportunities not being followed by staff conduct, or if the staff’s conduct was improper, or if target response were performed without any opportunity arising. The share of right behaviors was computed (number of right reactions/ (right reactions negative reactions) * 100%) … monitoring combined gave rise to swift, definite improvement in non-aggressive conduct manifestation from session……



Bailey, J. S., & Burch, M. R. (2018). Research methods in applied behavior analysis, 2nd edition. Routledge.

Barlow, D. H., Nock, M., & Hersen, M. (2009). Single case experimental designs: Strategies for studying behavior for change (No. Sirsi) i9780205474554).

Carr, J. E. (2005). Recommendations for reporting multiple?baseline designs across participants. Behavioral Interventions: Theory & Practice in Residential & Community?Based Clinical Programs, 20(3), 219-224.

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward W.L. (2020). Applied Behaviour Analysis (Third Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.

Petscher, E. S., & Bailey, J. S. (2006). Effects of training, prompting, and self?monitoring on staff behavior in a classroom for students with disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39(2), 215-226.


Study Document Study Document

Elder Abuse

Pages: 7 (2239 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:22335640

...Personal response Introduction: What Is Known About Elder Abuse
Elder abuse occurs at an alarming rate: around one million incidences a year and perhaps more due to under-reporting and inconsistencies in defining what constitutes elder abuse (Falk, Baigis, Kopac, et al., 2012). Roberto (2016) estimates as many as one in every ten American elders experience some kind of abuse. Unfortunately, “there is no uniform term or agreed-upon definition used among state governments, researchers, health care and service providers, and advocates,” (Roberto, 2016, p. 302). Cultural and religious diversity further impedes the evolution of a comprehensive and universally applicable definition of elder abuse, in spite of the fact that some forms of abuse and certain instances can be considered unequivocal (Saghafi, Bahramnezhad, Poormollamirza, et al., 2019).
Some types of abuse may go undetected, such as financial abuse or identity theft, which could go unnoticed for years. Healthcare workers often feel powerless to intervene……



Falk, N. L., Baigis, J., Kopac, C., (August 14, 2012) \\\\\\\\\\\\"Elder Mistreatment and the Elder Justice Act\\\\\\\\\\\\" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 17(3).

Forum on Global Violence Prevention; Board on Global Health; Institute of Medicine; National Research Council (2014). Ethical considerations. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2014 Mar 18.

Lacher, S., Wettstein, A., Senn, O., et al. (2016). Types of abuse and risk factors associated with elder abuse. Swiss Medical Weekly 2016(146): 1-10.

Lachs, M.S., Teresi, J.A., Ramirez, M., et al. (2016). The prevalence of ersident-to-resident elder mistreatment in nursing homes. Annals of Internal Medicine 165(4):229-236.

Malmedal, W., Iversen, M.H. & Kilvik, A. (2014). Sexual abuse of older nursing home residents: A literature review. Nursing Research and Practice 2015(Article 902515): 

Roberto, K.A. (2016). The complexities of elder abuse. American Psychologist 71(4): 302-311.

Saghafi, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Poormollamirza, A., et al. (2019). Examining the ethical challenges in managing elder abuse: a systematic review. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 2019(12): 

Wangmo, T., Nordstrom, K. & Kressig, R.W. (2017). Preventing elder abuse and neglect in geriatric institutions: Solutions from nursing care providers. Geriatric Nursing 38(5): 385-392.


Study Document Study Document

The Transformation Of The US Into Oceania

Pages: 9 (2807 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:33502677

… privacy have become the greatest issue facing 21st century ethical leadership. Indeed, public and private sector organizations of all types routinely collect consumers’ personal information and use it in ways that are violative of the spirit if not the letter of the law, and the proliferation of … threat to ethical leadership, including recent and current trends in global leadership. In addition, a discussion concerning the various ways that threats to personal privacy manifest and what organizational and leadership theorists maintain should be done about them is followed by a summary of the research and … by a summary of the research and the key findings that emerged in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Overview of threats to personal privacy
Together with freedom of speech and religion, many consumers prize their personal privacy above all else. Although the concept lacks definitional clarity, the term “privacy” is generally used……



Black’s law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Cantor, M. D. (2006, Summer). No information about me without me: Technology, privacy, and home monitoring. Generations, 30(2), 49-55.

Ethical issues facing businesses. (2020). Florida Tech. Retrieved from https://www.floridatech

Haslag, C. (2018, Fall). Technology or privacy: Should you really have to choose only one? Missouri Law Review, 83(4), 1027-1033.

Karn, R. (2019). The biggest threat to data security? Humans, of course. The Privacy Advisor. Retrieved from .

Sharma, P. (2017, June). Organizational culture as a predictor of job satisfaction: The role of age and gender. Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 22(1), 35-40.

Taslitz, A. E. (2009, Spring). The Fourth Amendment in the twenty-first century: Technology, privacy, and human emotions. Law and Contemporary Problems, 65(2), 125-131.


Study Document Study Document

Solitary Nation Documentary

Pages: 5 (1593 words) Document Type:response paper Document #:42443342

Solitary Nation response:  Why Does America Allow Solitary Confinement in Prison
The major issue addressed in the documentary Solitary Nation is the role that solitary confinement ……


Study Document Study Document

Arguments For And Against Parole For Juvenile Offenders Sentenced

Pages: 5 (1643 words) Document Type:response paper Document #:86756982

Second Chance Kids Documentary response
The major issue addressed by the documentary Second Chance Kids is whether kids who commit violent crimes like murder should get a ……


Study Document Study Document

Stress In The Workplace

Pages: 2 (647 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:response paper Document #:88311106

The most common contributors to personal workplace stress are long hours, heavy workload, organizational change, deadlines, job insecurity, overbearing bosses, unfriendly workers, and stigmatization (Victoria State Government, 2019). However, ……



Coade, M. (2018). Professional development: Career: Matters. LSJ: Law Society of NSW Journal, (49), 44.

Victoria State Government. (2019). Work-related stress. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

How Educational Leaders Make Good Citizens

Pages: 6 (1816 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Essay Document #:44966938

A personal Philosophy of Education
In sum, I believe the long-range impact that educational leadership should have on stakeholders and on the community includes … involvement of parents in their children’s education and lobbying policymakers for additional classroom educators. The purpose of this paper is to explicate my personal leadership philosophy as it applies to education as well as a discussion concerning the rationale in support of this philosophy.
My personal philosophy of leadership is that educational leaders can play a vitally important role in providing students with the critical thinking skills required in … combine to determine how well young learners acquire skills and knowledge.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of my personal philosophy of educational leadership with respect to the need to help all students achieve the full potential, including developing the critical thinking skills … is increasingly……



Black’s Law Dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Blakesley, S. (2011, July). Defining educational leadership in Canada\\'s Yukon Territory: \\"Hmmm, that\\'s a good question ...\\" Canadian Journal of Education, 34(1), 4-7.

Bowser, A. & Hux, A. (2014, September). The roles of site-based mentors in educational leadership programs. College Student Journal, 48(3), 468-471.

Chan, T. C. (2014, March). Educational leadership: The research agenda. New Waves, 17(1), 1-4.

Cushman, K. (2009, December). Subjects, or citizens? High school students talk about investing in their schools: If we want to know what students think, Ms. Cushman suggests that we ask them. Phi Delta Kappan, 87(4), 316.

Demirci, F. & Ozyurek, C. (2017, December). The effects of using concept cartoons in astronomy subjects on critical thinking skills among seventh grade students. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 10(2), 243.

Erstad, W. (2018, January 22). Six critical thinking skills you need to master now. Rasmussen College. Retrieved from .

Litvinov, A. (2017, March 16). Forgotten purpose: Civics education in public schools. NEA Today. Retrieved from .


Study Document Study Document

I O Psychology Motivation And Leadership Topics

Pages: 4 (1098 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Peer Response Document #:87691912

… all no doubt do get forgotten in that line of work.
I think it is great that you are interested in psychology for personal reasons. I would like to wish I was that motivated to go to school, but I am here primarily because I want to ……



Rogers, C. (1951). Client-Centered Therapy. MA: Riverside Press.


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