Organizational Behavior Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Strengths And Weaknesses Of Various Organizational Behavior Theories

Pages: 14 (4343 words) Sources: 16 Document Type:Essay Document #:17367904

A Review of organizational behavior Theories
Because organizations are the primary means by which capital is earned and job are created, it is not surprising that there has … of scholarship concerning how organizations actually “behave” in the real world. The purpose of this paper is to provide a current definition of organizational behavior together with a statement of three prominent theories of organizational behavior, French and Raven's Five Bases of Power, Complexity Theory and Resource Dependence Theory. An explanation concerning the fundamental concepts of each of these … strengths and weaknesses of each of these three theories as well as the positive and negative ways that the theories impact the workforce behavior of organizations. Finally, in the context of Air India, the paper presents a critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of interrelationships between … of organizations. Finally, in the context of Air India, the paper presents a……



‘About Air India.’ Air India. [online] available: .

Arena, MJ ‘Understanding Large Group Intervention Processes: A Complexity Theory Perspective.’ Organization Development Journal, 27, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 49-53

Braunstein, JR and Zhang, JJ ‘Dimensions of Athletic Star Power Associated with Generation Y Sports Consumption.’ International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 6, no. 4 (July 2005): 242-245.

Buble, M and Juras, A ‘The Relationship between Managers\\' Leadership Styles and Motivation.’ Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 19, no. 1 (June 2014): 161-165.

French, JRP & Raven, B ‘Bases of power.’ In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Studies in Social Power (pp. 150-167). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, 1959.

Gruia, GC and Kavan, M ‘An Off-Line Dual Maximum Resource Bin Packing Model for Solving the Maintenance Problem in the Aviation Industry.’ Global Economic Observer, 1, no. 1 (January 1, 2013): 135-140.

Hillman, AJ, Withers, MC and Collins, BJ ‘Resource dependence theory: A Review.’ Journal of Management, 35, no. 6 (2009): 1404-1427.

Jain, AK ‘Organizational Citizenship Behaviour as a Potential Source of Social Power.’ Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 45, no. 3 (January 2010): 396-401.


Study Document Study Document

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Interrelationships Between Organizational

Pages: 16 (4728 words) Sources: 28 Document Type:Essay Document #:81594345

1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Interrelationships between organizational Functions and Impact on Organisational Structure
organizational Functions
The functions of an organization take into account the different aspects undertaken by the business including production or manufacturing, marketing, sales, accounting … the business including production or manufacturing, marketing, sales, accounting as well as research and development. In accordance to Sherman and Thompson (2019), the organizational structure delineates the relationship and interrelations between the functions of a business and ascertains the manner in which the chain of command operates … the functions of a business and ascertains the manner in which the chain of command operates through the various levels. The interrelationship between organizational functions and organizational structure is akin to a flow chart. This is in the sense that an entity can set up its business structure around the … structure is akin to a flow chart. This is in the sense……



Air India. (2019). Board of Directors. Retrieved from: 

Aquinas, P. G. (2008). Organization structure and design. India: Excel Books India.

Burns, T., & Stalker, G. M. (2005). Mechanistic and organic systems. Organizational Behavior, 2, 214-25.

Choo, S., & Bowley, C. (2007). Emerald Article: Using training and development to affect job satisfaction. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14(2),339 - 352.

Cichocki, P., & Irwin, C. (2014). Organization design: A guide to building effective organizations. Kogan Page Publishers.

Civil Aviation. (2019). About Us: Organizational Setup. Retrieved from: 

Cunliffe, A. L. (2008). Organization theory. New York: Sage.

Cunliffe, A. L., & Luhman, J. T. (2012). Key concepts in organization theory. New York: Sage.


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Symbolic Frame Of Organizational Analysis Walt Disney Company

Pages: 7 (2089 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:13456127

The Symbolic Frame
A novel approach to organizational behavior, Bolman & Deal’s (2013) model includes the structural, the human resources, the political, and the symbolic frames. The symbolic frame refers to the … and the symbolic frames. The symbolic frame refers to the organization’s use of signs, symbols, and stories to create a brand identity and organizational culture, as well as justify its behavior. Symbols create and propagate meaning, and encapsulate an organization’s written codes of ethics and values.
Therefore, symbols become one of the most powerful … an organization’s written codes of ethics and values.
Therefore, symbols become one of the most powerful means by which to create and control organizational culture. Bolman & Deal (2013) explain the five assumptions underlying the symbolic frame. The first involves the salience of meaning. What matters most … conflict and confusion, increase the locus of control or sense of certainty, or to……



“About the Walt Disney Company,” (2020). Retrieved from: 

Boguszewicz-Kreft, M., Kreft, J. & Zurek, P. (2019). Myth and storytelling: The case of the Walt Disney Company. Myth in Modern Media Management and Marketing. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9100-9.ch002

Bohas, A. (2014). Transnational firms and the knowledge structure: The case of the Walt Disney Company. Global Society 29(1): 23-41.

Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (2013). Reframing organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

Di Giovanni, E. (2014). Cultural otherness and global communication in Walt Disney films at the turn of the century. The Translator 9(2): 207-223.

Forbes, W. & Watson, R. (n.d.). Destructive corporate leadership and board loyalty bias. Retrieved from: 

Wasko, J. (2001). Challenging Disney myths. Journal of Communication Inquiry 23(3): 237-257.


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Organizational Situations And Interventions

Pages: 6 (1880 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:43843471

Socialization Activity
Socialization is an important component to the success and effectiveness of an organizational setting. Workplace socialization or social interaction is associated with numerous benefits for both the individuals and the organization. However, organizations are sometimes faced … individuals and the organization. However, organizations are sometimes faced with socialization issues that negatively impact employee engagement and productivity. An example of an organizational situation relating to socialization is the integration of new members. Organization X has established human resource policies and plans to integrate new members …
Relevant Research
Korte (2007) states that socialization in an organization is associated with four major benefits i.e. reduced turnover, transfer and maintenance of organizational culture, positive employee attitudes and behavior, and learning organizational political and social norms. Despite these benefits, many organizations face challenges in integrating new employees. Existing socialization practices for new employees focus on … focus on the traditional view of……



Bhui, K., Dinos, S., Galant-Miecznikowska, M., de Jongh, B. & Stanfeld, S. (2016, December). Perceptions of Work Stress Causes and Effective Interventions in Employees Working in Public, Private and Non-governmental Organizations: A Qualitative Study. BJPsych Bulletin, 40(6), 318-325.

Kelly, E.L., Moen, P. & Tranby, E. (2011, April). Changing Workplaces to Reduce Work-Family Conflict: Schedule Control in a White-Collar Organization. American Sociological Review, 76(2), 265-290.

Khan, N. & Khurshid, S. (2017, February). Workplace Stress and Employee Wellbeing: Case of Health Care Staff in UAE. European Scientific Journal, 13(5), 217-226.

Korte, R.F. (2007). The Socialization of Newcomers into Organizations: Integrating Learning and Social Exchange Processes. Retrieved from Institute of Education Sciences website: 

Kossek, E.E. & Lee, K. (2017, October). Work-Family Conflict and Work-Life Conflict. Retrieved March 24, 2020, from

Njegovan, B.R. & Kostic, B. (2014). Impact of Organizational Socialization Towards Employees’ Social Adaptation. Journal of Engineering Management and Competitiveness, 4(1), 34-40.

Van Kleef, D., Steen, T. & Schott, C. (2017, October 26). Informal Socialization in Public Organizations: Exploring the Impact of Informal Socialization on Enforcement Behavior of Dutch Veterinary Inspectors. Public Administration, 97(1), 81-96.

Zhou, S., Da, S., Guo, H. & Zhang, X. (2018, April 17). Work-Family Conflict and Mental Health Among Female Employees: A Sequential Mediation Model via Negative Affect and Perceived Stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(544), doi:


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Organizational Concepts

Pages: 5 (1484 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:57244011

organizational mission: the organization's mission and purpose, stated in terms of benefits to customers, employees, and society
The mission of an organization is its … guiding purpose, its reason for existing beyond the superficial aims of profiting its shareholders, owners, and staff members. At the very least, the organizational mission is linked to its core goals or objectives, which include the target population or market it serves, as well as why, and … to capture the essence of the company’s vision to account for expansions into new markets or business sectors to accommodate for change and organizational growth. The mission of the organization also sets the tone for its value statement and the organizational culture. Through its mission statement, the organization can provide employees with the fundamental reasons underlying their roles, and also the purpose of organizational rules, standards, protocols, regulations, and hierarchies. Through its mission, the employees can also……



Ahmed, A. (2019). Importance of mission vision in organizational strategy. The Chronicle. Retrieved from: importance-mission-vision-organizational-strategy-16000.html

Daft, R.L. (2013). Organizational theory and design. Boston: Cengage.

Metcalf, T. (n.d.). Contingency theory of organization. The Chronicle. Retrieved from:


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Organizational Situations

Pages: 6 (1663 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:92019167

… “psychological maladjustment…[is the result of a person] denying awareness of significant sensory and visceral experiences” and that “the best vantage point for understanding behavior is from the internal frame of reference of the individual” (p. 495). Thus one has to get inside the head of the individual … the strengths and weaknesses of the personalities of the workers are and whether they would be conducive to leadership roles within the company.
organizational Constraints that Lead to Counterproductive behavior
organizational constraints that can lead to counterproductive behavior include leadership struggles and environmental issues, such as lack of access to recreational rooms such as gyms for getting exercise during the workday, ……



Cañadas-De la Fuente, G. A., Vargas, C., San Luis, C., García, I., Cañadas, G. R., &

Emilia, I. (2015). Risk factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing profession. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(1), 240-249.

Meacham, W. (2017). History of industrial and organizational psychology. Retrieved from 


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Managing Behavior In Adolescents And Children Through Solution Focused

Pages: 10 (3015 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:12594584

… For this undertaking, FSCJ's databases diary articles are used to find them. To identify with similar restricted center articles, the hunt terms "Overseeing behavior in Adolescents and Children Through Solution-Focused Therapy" was utilized. While choosing the articles, the inquiry was constrained to peer-audited articles distributed somewhere in … SFBT gave answers for directing circumstances like these (Kiser & Piercy, 2014). It is a successful treatment approach for Adolescents and Children overseeing behavior.
Keywords: Solution Focused Therapy, FSCJ, behavior
Managing behavior in Adolescents and Children through Solution-Focused Therapy
behavior is a common occurrence for children and adolescents with lifetime predominance rates running from 2.6% to 20% (Brockman, 2016). Children and adolescents … conduct may experience lower accomplishment, challenges with social and enthusiastic working, sorrow, and substance use issue. There are numerous instances of how managing behavior presents with youth: school refusal, nervousness when changing from center school to High……



Boyer, B., MacKay, K. J., McLeod, B. D., & van der Oord, S. (2018). Comparing Alliance in Two Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Adolescents with ADHD Using a Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 49(5), 781–795. 10.1016/j.beth.2018.01.003

Brockman, M., Hussain, K., Sanchez, B., & Turns, B. (2016). Managing Child Behavior Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Utilizing Structural and Solution Focused Therapy with Primary Caregivers. American Journal of Family Therapy, 44(1), 1–10. 10.1080/01926187.2015.1099414

Gonzalez, C. (2017). Recovering Process from Child Sexual Abuse During Adulthood from an Integrative Approach to Solution-Focused Therapy: A Case Study. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26(7), 785–805. 10.1080/10538712.2017.1354954

Kiser, D. J., & Piercy, F. P. (2014). Creativity and family therapy theory development: Lessons from the founders of solution-focused therapy: The journal of solution focus in organizations. InterAction, 6(2), 51-851645018526?accountid=45782

Smith, T. E., Shelton, V. M., & Richards, K. V. (2016). Solution-focused financial therapy with couples. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 26(5), 452–460. 10.1080/10911359.2015.1087921


Study Document Study Document

Army Organization Analysis Equal Opportunity Program

Pages: 5 (1483 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:96709465

… race, color, gender, religion, age, disability or national origin,” (United States Army, 2014, p. 1). Because of the destructive power of discrimination on organizational culture, the Equal Opportunity Program ensures the fulfillment of organizational objectives via the creation of a sustainable, effective environment in which personnel flourish and contribute to departmental missions and goals. The Equal Opportunity … components, such as training, classes, materials, the establishment of a special harassment hotline, and procedures for reporting and prosecuting violations of ethical or behavior codes related to equal opportunity comportment.
The reasons behind the Equal Opportunity Program are expressly stated on the Army’s website and include an … the identifiable challenges, issues and dynamics associated with the program. The interview also helps to clarify the contextual variables impacting the environment. Applying organizational metaphors and exploring alternative theories will also help develop an informed action plan for resolving current challenges. Colonel S……



“The Army Values,” (n.d.). Retrieved from: 

Daft, R. L. (2016). Organization Theory & Design (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Morgan, G. (2006). Images of organization. Sage Publications, Inc

Schein, E. H. (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

United States Army (2014). Army equal opportunity program. Retrieved from: 


Study Document Study Document

How To Use Employee Referrals To Increase Workforce But Still Be

Pages: 10 (3022 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:50167640

… the effect of self-interest in employee referrals. One proposition mentioned by Eisenhardt (1989) is that “when the principal has information to verify agent behavior, the agent is more likely to behave in the interests of the principal” (p. 60). This means, from an HR perspective, that HR ……



Bussin, M., & Christos, D. (2018). Blind hiring not as crazy as it sounds. HR Future,  2018(Sep 2018), 36-39.

CBS News (2017). Retrieved from 

Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Agency theory: An assessment and review. Academy of management review, 14(1), 57-74.

Frank, L. (2018). How to Use Employee Referrals Without Giving Up Workplace Diversity. Retrieved from 

Jensen, M., & Meckling, W. (1976) Theory of the firm: Man- agerial behavior, agency costs, and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3, 305-360.

Larcker, D. F., & Tayan, B. (2017). Governance Gone Wild: Epic Misbehavior at Uber Technologies. Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University Closer Look Series: Topics, Issues and Controversies in Corporate Governance No. CGRP-70, 18-3.

Payscale. (2018). Retrieved from s

ProActive Solutions. (2020). Agency theory. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Online Auctions For Fund Raising By Non Profit Organizations

Pages: 8 (2322 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:34213505

...Organizational behavior A Systematic Review of Online Auctions for Fund Raising by Non-Profit Organizations
Its origin dating back to Babylon in 500 BC auctions account as one of the oldest forms of price determination mechanism in the markets. Auction is negotiation protocols that entail simultaneous bidding with the price determined bidders and products or services allocated based on competition amongst potential buyers (McAfee, 2017).
Classifications of Auctions
There are four major classifications of auctions formats in the market based on the information asymmetry and the flow of prices. The auction types include English Auction, Dutch Auctions, sealed-bid first-price auctions, and Vickrey auctions (Klemperer, 2004).
English and Dutch auctions are both open auctions implying that they are orally implemented but entail distinguishing value setting features. According to Klemperer (2004), an English Auction also known as the oral ascending auction or first-price auction entails an ascending sequential price strategy where the auctioneer sets a……



Cachon, G. P., Daniels, K., & Lobel, R. (2015). The Role of Surge Pricing on a Service Platform with Self-Scheduling Capacity. 

Connelly, A., & Winter, M. (2003). Going...Going...Gone!: Successful Auctions for Non-Profit Institutions (Second). Target Funding Group, Inc. All.

Fasli, M., Co, C., & Co, C. (2014). Designing and Implementing E-market Games. Designing and Implementing e-Market Games. January 2005.

Forbes Magazine. (2019). The 100 Largest U.S. Charities. Forbes Magazine. 

Hasker, K., & Sickles, R. (2010). eBay in the Economic Literature: Analysis of an Auction Marketplace. Review of Industrial Organization, 37(1), 3–42. 

Kingston, K. (2015). A Higher Bid: How to Transform Special Event with Strategic Benefit Auctions. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Klemperer, P. (2004). Auctions: Theory and Practice. In Princeton University Press. 

McAfee, P. (2017). The Ideal Auction - Numberphile. YouTube.

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