Study Document
… linked with suicidal behavior. Therefore, to overcome this sentiment of gender dysphoria, numerous transgender people opt to seek medical assistance and undergo gender-affirming interventions that can either include gender-affirming surgery or sex hormonal medical treatment. In the present day, it is usually embraced and acknowledge that both … include gender-affirming surgery or sex hormonal medical treatment. In the present day, it is usually embraced and acknowledge that both hormonal and surgical interventions can relieve gender dysphoria (Jellestad et al., 2018). Weinforth et al. (2019) indicate that if persons with gender incongruence develop clinically relevant biopsychological … programs that utilize gender minority theoretical backgrounds and models to detect specific issues that impact transgender persons and then target them when creating interventions. Secondly, community-centered participatory intervention design approaches can aid in pinpointing noticeable matters that necessitate being addressed exclusively concerning the transgender community. Furthermore, these interventions need to be rendered by……
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… unanswered issues or when experiences dictate alternative therapies may provoke an investigator to formulate a clinical research question. This paper describes PICO (population, intervention, control, and outcomes) criteria in framing a research question. Finally, it assesses the characteristics of a peer-reviewed article on urinary tract infections.
Part … a comprehensive, focused definition of clinical concern. In such a system, clinical problems are broken into four parts, i.e., the P: patient/problem; I; intervention; C: comparison; O: outcome (Yuan et al., 2019).
PICO is a framework for creating an effective clinical research question before commencing research. PICO … of a sound foreground question in clinical studies. Such a question must identify the population or the patient targeted in the study, the intervention measures intended, how each intervention compares with another where applicable, and results expected. The PICO process begins with a case scenario, which helps formulate the research question. The ………
Considine, J., Shaban, R. Z., Fry, M., & Curtis, K. (2017). Evidence-based emergency nursing: designing a research question and searching the literature. International emergency nursing, 32, 78-82.
Eriksen, M. B., & Frandsen, T. F. (2018). The impact of patient, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) as a search strategy tool on literature search quality: a systematic review. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 106(4), 420.
Yuan, X., Xiaoli, L., Shilei, L., Qinwen, S., & Ke, L. (2019, May). Extracting PICO elements from RCT abstracts using 1-2gram analysis and multitask classification. In Proceedings of the third International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics 2019 (pp. 194-199).
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Fu, D. Y., & Hughey, J. J. (2019). Meta-Research: Releasing a preprint is associated with more attention and citations for the peer-reviewed article. Elife, 8, e52646.
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… project. The problem (P) determined in the paper is the effect of home-based monitoring on the rate of re-admission of CHF-diagnosed individuals. The intervention (I) is in-home CHF patient monitoring. Comparison (C) is: control group (non-recipients of in-home tracking). The outcome (O) serves to determine whether or ……
Bashi, N., Karunanithi, M., Fatehi, F., Ding, H. & Walters, D. (2017, January). Remote Monitoring of Patients with Heart Failure: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(1). DOI: 10.2196/jmir.6571
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Ong et al. (2016, March). Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring After Discharge of Hospitalized Patients with Heart Failure. JAMA Internal Medicine, 176(3), 310-318.
Study Document
… Storm and its effect on the American consciousness.
Analysis of Humanities
On January 16, 1991, President George H. W. Bush launched the military intervention, Operation Desert Storm, in an effort to force occupying Iraqi troops out and restore Kuwait’s democratic institutions (Taylor, 2016). Like many other military … on continued United Nations weapons inspections” (p. 21). Despite these negative views, however, the Bush administration’s public relations campaign in support of military intervention in Iraq was highly effective in positively influencing the American public’s views, especially after the successful outcome at minimal cost became apparent.
Further, … in positively influencing the American public’s views, especially after the successful outcome at minimal cost became apparent.
Further, the positive response to America’s intervention in Iraq extended beyond the Oval Office to include other democratic institutions. In this regard, Lindsey and Smith (2003) conclude that, “Most of … the American public as a……
Curtis, J. (2015, November). Reflecting on strategic results of Operation Desert Storm. Army, 65(11), 24-27.
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Study Document
The article by Lynch et al. (2019) is entitled “Randomized Trial of a Lifestyle Intervention for Urban Low-Income African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes” and appeared in JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine. The article by Protheroe et … identify the length of the study in their title; however, like Protheroe et al. (2016), they did include the primary concept of lifestyle intervention for urban low-income African Americans with type 2 diabetes, and they did identify the population and design of the study.
Protheroe et … randomized control trial they conducted was comparing a group of African American patients that would receive Lifestyle Improvement through Food and Exercise (LIFE) intervention. The control group received conventional Type 2 diabetes education which consisted of two group educational classes.
Both studies thus used a sufficiently non-biased ……
Lynch, E. B., Mack, L., Avery, E., Wang, Y., Dawar, R., Richardson, D., … Fogelfeld, L. (2019). Randomized Trial of a Lifestyle Intervention for Urban Low-Income African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes. JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine, 34(7), 1174–1183.
Protheroe, J., Rathod, T., Bartlam, B., Rowlands, G., Richardson, G., & Reeves, D. (2016). The Feasibility of Health Trainer Improved Patient Self-Management in Patients with Low Health Literacy and Poorly Controlled Diabetes: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial. Journal of Diabetes Research, 1–11.
Study Document
… factors and indicators of outcomes when looking out for long term psychological morbidity so that the areas that need health enhancement and healthcare interventions can be pointed out (Caplin& Cooper, 2007).
Critical illness for children exposes them to stressors in the end. They are subjected to invasive … 1 to 25. Higher scores on this scale indicate intensifying emotional status (Li et al., 2016).
When asked to comment on the play interventions at the hospital, she confessed that they learned a lot about hospital procedures through the games. The children also confessed that they felt … anxious because of the games. Parents also expressed similar views. The reported that Eva settled more after she was engaged in the play interventions. She was also much more at home with the procedures at the hospital.
The findings support the positive effect of hospital play on ……
Campos, M. C., Rodrigues, K. C. S., & Pinto, M. C. M. (2010). Evaluation of the behavior of the pre-school one just admitted in the unit of pediatrics and the use of the therapeutic toy. Einstein (São Paulo), 8(1), 10-17.
Caplin, D., & Cooper, M. (2007). Child development for inpatient medicine. In Comprehensive pediatric hospital medicine (pp. 1285-1292). Mosby.
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Li, W. H., Chung, J. O. K., Ho, K. Y., & Kwok, B. M. C. (2016). Play interventions to reduce anxiety and negative emotions in hospitalized children. BMC pediatrics, 16(1), 36.
National Collaborating Centre for Women\\\\\\\\\\\\'s and Children\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Health; UK. (2009). Diarrhea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis: diagnosis, assessment, and management in children younger than 5 years.
Study Document
Lab: Potassium Value:1.9
Normal Value: Critical Value: 3.7
Clinical significance: Low level of potassium in the blood could indicate hypokalemia.
Nursing assessments/interventions required: Management of vomiting tendencies, which causes loss of potassium.
Lab: Magnesium Value:1.2
Normal Value: Critical Value: 1.7
Clinical significance: Low level of … of potassium.
Lab: Magnesium Value:1.2
Normal Value: Critical Value: 1.7
Clinical significance: Low level of magnesium in the blood could indicate hypomagnesaemia
Nursing assessments/interventions required: Magnesium replacement
1. What is the primary problem that your patient is most likely presenting with?
Anorexia Nervosa
2. … What MENTAL HEALTH nursing priorities will guide your plan of care?
a. Mood and affect
b. Depressive symptoms
c. Suicide ideation
7. What interventions will you initiate based on this MENTAL HEALTH priority (ies)?
Nursing Interventions
Expected Outcome
Cognitive-behavioral intervention
Supportive psychotherapy
To address altered mood, perceptions and depressive symptoms
Need to……
Study Document
… great deal being done about. Other than elder abuse, most people could not say how or in what situation this might happen.
These interventions that do exist can be helpful but it is really the case that more is needed—but what is the problem. More interventions are unlikely to have any impact unless they are striking in the right way. What is really needed is preventive medicine. Abuse is … they are perfect, and that everyone else needs to accept their will. Abuse happens when their will is not accepted.
There is no intervention for this but an intervention that gets to the cultural ill that is affecting society and the family and the individual. The education has become too liberal and ……
Grossu, A. (2014). Margaret Sanger, racist eugenicist extraordinaire. Retrieved from
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National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence. (2019). Appropriate Sanctioning of Domestic Violence Crimes. Retrieved from
North, A. (2019). What’s next for #MeToo? This college might have the answer. Retrieved from
Reilly, K. (2016). Read Hillary Clinton's 'Basket of Deplorables' Remarks About Donald
Trump Supporters. Retrieved from
Understanding Elder Abuse. (2019). A guide for Ohioans. Retrieved from
Study Document
… inside the head of the individual to understand how they see themselves and what their ideal self looks like.
Practical Implementation of the Intervention
The best way to understand the needs of the workers is for managers to get engaged by interviewing and surveying them. Requesting feedback … reach the level of self-actualization where they want to pitch in for the common good.
Pros and Cons
The pros of the intervention are that it provides managers with greater ability to connect with workers, understand them and create a bond, which is good for transforming … improving morale. Workers will feel valued and dignified because managers are showing concern for them. The cons are that this is an intensive intervention and requires a great deal of engagement on the part of managers. However, the benefits are that if managers get engaged with their ……
Cañadas-De la Fuente, G. A., Vargas, C., San Luis, C., García, I., Cañadas, G. R., &
Emilia, I. (2015). Risk factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing profession. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(1), 240-249.
Meacham, W. (2017). History of industrial and organizational psychology. Retrieved from
Study Document
… prognosis, and high prevalence, the treatment of SAD in pediatric care settings remains significantly under-researched. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is recommended as the best-suited intervention for the treatment of SAD (Ruocco, Gordon & McLean, 2016; Schneider et al., 2011). This paper is a case study of SAD in … criteria were: English language articles published in and after 2010. Types of studies included randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental researches. The type of intervention was cognitive behavioral intervention.
Article 1: Schneider, S., Blatter-Meunier, J., Herren, C., Adornetto, C., In-Albon, T., & Lavallee, K. (2011). Disorder-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy for separation anxiety ……
Minde, K., Roy, J., Bezonsky, R., & Hashemi, A. (2010). The effectiveness of CBT in 3–7 year old anxious children: Preliminary data. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 19(2), 109.
Ruocco, S., Gordon, J., & McLean, L. A. (2016). Effectiveness of a school-based early intervention CBT group programme for children with anxiety aged 5–7 years. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 9(1), 29-49.
Schneider, S., Blatter-Meunier, J., Herren, C., Adornetto, C., In-Albon, T., & Lavallee, K. (2011). Disorder-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy for separation anxiety disorder in young children: a randomized waiting-list-controlled trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 80(4), 206-215.
Van der Sluis, C. M. (2016). Anxiety disorders in young children: Parent and child contributions to the maintenance, assessment and treatment. (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Amsterdam).
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