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At present, the symptoms presented by the student are consistent with infectious mononucleosis (IM) caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). This includes symptoms that appear to mimic those of the flu. In addition to a sore … important to note that “because peak heterophile antibody levels are seen between 2 to 6 weeks from infection, testing too early in the disease process may lead to increased rates of false negative testing” (Stuempfig and Seroy, 2019). In the case study, we are told that the … for the last one week. Therefore, the Monospot test in this case could have been undertaken too early – hence the negative result.
infectious mononucleosis is, according to Dunmire, Hugguist, Balfour (2015), characterized by sore throat, cervical lymph node enlargement, fatigue and fever” (219). As the authors … get IM at any age, it has a higher rate of occurrence amongst teenagers. IM has been variously……
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Study Document
… nearly 1 million deaths annually. It is an infection that basically attacks the liver and has the potential to generate acute and chronic disease. This communicable disease is mostly transmitted from mother to child during birth. Additionally, HBV is transmitted through contact with body fluids like blood. Since it is … stakeholders have developed various initiatives to help lessen the prevalence of this infection and mitigate its impacts worldwide. This paper analyzes this communicable disease, determinants of health relating to its development, epidemiological triad, and role of the nurse practitioner in the management of the infectious disease.
Analysis of the Communicable disease
The World Health Organization (2019) defines hepatitis B virus as a viral infection that attacks the liver and has the potential of causing … Organization (2019) defines hepatitis B virus as a viral infection that attacks the liver and has the potential of causing acute and chronic……
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Keywords: corona virus, coronavirus, covid, covid-19
The novel coronavirus spreading the COVID 19 disease first appeared in Wuhan, China, in 2019 and quickly spread around the world. The infectious disease is a new form of a previous severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS) and has led to nationwide lockdowns from the East to … and management strategies currently being employed to help contain and stop the spread of what is now a pandemic, the epidemiology of the disease, and how it has impacted society and culture.
Signs and Symptoms
One of the more mysterious characteristics of COVID 19 is that one … media makes it out to be. Though lockdowns have been applied for all non-essential services, one of the more perplexing characteristics of this disease is why it can be so quick to infect people at work, church, playgrounds and parks and yet seems to have no infectious……
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… expected that as new information on the virus continues to be available, public administrations will revise their measures appropriately.
The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has so far has a significant effect on lives on a global scale. It has been classified as a threat to … threat to national security my many countries and regions, and thus, putting in place several measures to curb the spread of the contagious disease. One of these measures is a ban on mass gathering, as an effort to minimize mass spread in case one member of the … how the ban and the implementation of the same are influencing public administration.
Scenario background
The current health scourge facing the world, Coronavirus disease – COVID-19, has brought about significant changes in the normal way of life. The disease is contagious – spread…[break]…recommended that public administration continue to implement social distancing measures that……
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… to admit all qualified candidates to nursing schools, combined with a dramatically expanded and diverse patient population with higher rates of chronic versus infectious disease are all contributing to the need for more nurses, combined with quality of life issues for many nurses. There are also some positive … (2019) also notes that the nursing population is becoming more educated than it has been historically, with greater mastery of complex concepts like disease management and greater technical knowledge. This has resulted in advanced practice registered nurses (APRN)s practicing independently in many states, and more than half ……
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...Infectious disease To vaccinate or to not?
In summary, the article takes into consideration the consequences that would come about if a parent would make the decision not to vaccinate his or her child. Significantly, the article provides a supposed instance whereby a child that is not vaccinated ends up infecting another child. The comprehension of epidemiological illnesses like measles makes it possible that a persuasive causal association can be created between the decision not to carry out vaccination, and a letdown of not undertaking suitable precautions to isolate a non-vaccinated child who might have been exposed to the illness from highly susceptible persons, and a demise. In a nutshell, the main argument made by the article is that regardless of whether a parent chooses not to vaccinate a child based on exemptions provided by state law, such a decision does not generate full safeguard against liability for the adverse ramifications of……
Caplan, A. L., Hoke, D., Diamond, N. J., & Karshenboyem, V. (2012). Free to choose but liable for the consequences: should non-vaccinators be penalized for the harm they do? The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 40(3), 606-611.
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… used a condom, sexual education can be considered a public health imperative (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2019). Unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease are the most important health-related reasons to teach sexual education in public schools. Research has shown that “when sex education is comprehensive, students … students feel more informed, make safer choices and have healthier outcomes — resulting in fewer unplanned pregnancies and more protection against sexually transmitted disease and infection,” (“America’s Sex Education: How We Are Failing Our Students,” 2017, p. 1). Children will seek out and find information related to … education is about a lot more than just reproductive health and safe sex, though. Preventing teen pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted disease is a primary objective of sexual education, but not the only reason why it is an ethical imperative. Sexual education allows young people ……
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… safety and health risks while at work. Averagely, one official dies per annum, no less than 2-3 take their own lives, innumerable contract infectious ailments, several are attacked, and others may be subject to other ailments and injuries jeopardizing their safety and health. Such risks increase with … increase with time, owing to greater demands on personnel, occupational stress and shift jobs, criminals' tendency and readiness to attack officials, and greater infectious disease prevalence. Risk reduction is contingent on identifying risk factors, in addition to implementing sound risk prevention plans. Nevertheless, the risk is an inescapable ……
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… an important way to help preserve health and safety. Thorough washing can help kill bacteria and viruses, which reduces the risk of contact disease transmission. However, a surprising number of people do not engage in routine recommended handwashing. This handwashing essay will cover the basics of handwashing. … an important way to help preserve health and safety. Thorough washing can help kill bacteria and viruses, which reduces the risk of contact disease transmission. However, a surprising number of people do not engage in routine recommended handwashing. In this hand washing essay, we cover all of … all of the basics of good hand hygiene and explain why handwashing is so important. This information is critical to have to reduce disease transmission at any time, but is especially important at this time when handwashing is considered one of the most important components of slowing … several times when it is……
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “When and How to Wash Your Hands.” CDC. 2 April 2020. " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
… fever, cough, shortness of breath, as well as back ache. It is also important to note that the patient suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. The patient is a 54-year-old male. Some of the symptoms that the patient presents are consistent with COVID-19 symptoms. … of their age, the World Health Organization – WHO (2020) points out that “people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus”. It therefore follows that the 54-year-old is at increased risk of … The two differential diagnosis for the scenario resented would be respiratory syncytial virus and influenza. Some of the shared symptoms of the two disease in this case are: cough, fever, runny/stuffy nose, sore throat and shortness of breath. The 68-year old……
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