Study Document
The concept of health reform has to do with the process of changing health systems in the US so as to make it accessible to all American citizens. As it is at the moment, it still faults … as to make it accessible to all American citizens. As it is at the moment, it still faults and faces numerous challenges. The reform is not going to happen like magic. It will take time. In fact the reform process itself is likely to face lots of challenges including stiff opposition. However, the size and dynamic of reform involved necessitates that the process is started and measures put in place to safeguard the little steps made towards great and positive change … and measures put in place to safeguard the little steps made towards great and positive change in future. Private companies control the US health system; that is a fact……
Barrett, S., & Hammond, J. (2009, September 20). Key Elements of Healthcare Reform. Retrieved from Insurance Reform Watch:
Nikolai. (2019, November 20). Healthcare Reform: What It Is and Why We Need It. Retrieved from National Institute of Health Policy:
Study Document
health care reform Equity
The author of the “health care reform Equity: Promise, Pitfalls, and Prescriptions” article delves into the subject of the US’s failure to make desired progress within the past ten … and Prescriptions” article delves into the subject of the US’s failure to make desired progress within the past ten years. The ACA (Affordable care Act) attempts at expanding insurance coverage for the yet-to-be-insured 23 million individuals in the nation, though it requires additional laws for doing so. … nation, though it requires additional laws for doing so. Two key challenges hampering progress are addressed in the article: alignment of the nation’s health resources with the requirements of patients and primary care revitalization, mainly for the underserved population (Fiscella, 2011). Gaps in health service provision have been impeding progress towards more equitable health. This article puts forward the following six interconnected domains: insurance cost and……
Fiscella, K. (2011). Health care reform and equity: Promise, pitfalls, and prescriptions. Ann Fam Med, 9(1), 78-84.
Starfield, B., Shi, L., & Macinko, J. (2005). Contribution of primary care to health systems and health. Milbank Q, 83(3), 457-502. Retrieved from
Study Document
Scientific Merit Paper
This paper will analyze Doekhie and coworkers’ 2018 research work titled “The different perspectives of patients, informal care, and professionals on patient involvement in primary care teams. A qualitative study”. This analysis will entail an evaluation of how the research work contributes to scientific knowledge and research theory, its … the scientific knowledge base
The research work adds to the literature on the subject through examining the issue of patient participation in the health-related decision?making process in the course of primary care team interactions with patients and their informal care within the primary patient care setting. Here, patient participation is no explicitly established idea; instead, the concept is coproduced using interactions and discussions of primary patient care practitioners, reciprocally, with patients and their informal (or family) care. This renders it essential to concentrate on patient participation as members of primary care units (Swan et al., 2012). Generation of……
Brook, R. H., & Vaiana, M. E. (2015). Using the knowledge base of health services research to redefine health care systems. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(10), 1547-1556.
Cutcliffe, J. R., & McKenna, H. P. (1999). Establishing the credibility of qualitative research findings: the plot thickens. Journal of advanced nursing, 30(2), 374-380.
Doekhie, K. D., Strating, M. M., Buljac?Samardzic, M., van de Bovenkamp, H. M., & Paauwe, J. (2018). The different perspectives of patients, informal caregivers, and professionals on patient involvement in primary care teams. A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 21(6), 1171-1182.
Eccles, M., Grimshaw, J., Walker, A., Johnston, M., & Pitts, N. (2005). Changing the behavior of healthcare professionals: the use of theory in promoting the uptake of research findings. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 58(2), 107-112.
Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical research: Planning and design, 12th edition. Pearson Education, Hudson Street, NY.
Sanjari, M., Bahramnezhad, F., Fomani, F. K., Shoghi, M., & Cheraghi, M. A. (2014). Ethical challenges of researchers in qualitative studies: The necessity to develop a specific guideline. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 7.
Swan, J., Clarke, A., Nicolini, D., Powell, J., Scarbrough, H., Roginski, C., ... & Taylor-Phillips, S. (2012). Evidence in Management Decisions (EMD): advancing knowledge utilization in healthcare management.
Thomas, D. R. (2017). Feedback from research participants: are member checks useful in qualitative research?. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 14(1), 23-41.
Study Document
health Insurance and Reimbursement
Medical Insurance Products and Services
health and medical insurance represent an insurance coverage form that disburses operation and clinical treatment expenditure incurred by those insured. Such insurance may either … insured. Such insurance may either reimburse insured individuals for the money they put into treatment for injuries or disease or may directly pay care practitioners. It is commonly a part of the compensation packages offered by organizations to their employees for attracting quality recruits (IMedPub, 2020). It … organizations to their employees for attracting quality recruits (IMedPub, 2020). It constitutes one means by which individuals in different nations pay for their health needs. When individuals hailing from poor backgrounds without any financial risk protection get sick or injured, they encounter the following difficulty: they may … from poor backgrounds without any financial risk protection get sick or injured, they encounter the following difficulty: they may either……
Araujo, M. (2020). Health and medical insurance differences: HMO, PPO, POS, EPO. Retrieved from
Bertram, M. Y., Lauer, J. A., De Joncheere, K. D., Edejer, T., Hutubessy, R., Kieny, M. P., & Hill, S. R. (2016). Cost-effectiveness thresholds: pros and cons. Bull World Health Organ, 94, 925–930.
Dey, P., & Bach, P. B. (2019). The 6 functions of health insurance. The JAMA Forum, 321(13), 1242-1243. DOI:10.1001/jama.2019.2320
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Maruthappu, M., Hasan, A., & Zeltner, T. (2016). Enablers and barriers in implementing integrated care. Health System & Reform, 1(4), 250-256.
Sekhri, N. (2000). Managed care: The US experience. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78(6), 830-844. Retrieved from
Strata Decision Technology. (2020). Healthcare and hospital capital budget. Retrieved from
Study Document
… full extent and scope of their education and training (IOM, 2010). In doing so, the belief was that this would increase access to care and provide nurses with the opportunity to practice as they were trained. O’Brien (2003) notes, after all, that the whole reason APRNs began … reason APRNs began being trained in the latter half of the 20th century was to fill the gap being left behind by primary care physicians as they left their primary care practice to go work for specialized medicine. Today, however, nurses are still bound by regulations that require them in many states to work … this indeed comes about in Oklahoma and in other states across the country, the practice of nursing will grow and change. Continuity of care, accountable care organizations (ACOs), medical homes and nurse-managed health clinics—all of these will be impacted.
By growing the field of nursing, continuity……
American Nurses Association. (2010). New care delivery models in health system reform: Opportunities for nurses and their patients. Kansas City, MO: Author.
IOM. (2010). The future of nursing. Retrieved from
Korda, H., & Eldridge, G. N. (2011). ACOs, PCMHs, and health care reform: nursing’s next frontier?. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 12(2), 100-103.
O’Brien, J. (2003). How nurse practitioners obtained provider status: Lessons for pharmacists. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 60(22), 2301-2307.
Study Document
… of the nation more than 200 years ago. The Jacksonian Era, the Era of Reconstruction and the Progressive Era on up to the reform of the 1970s all effected different changes to the function—i.e., the goals and activities—of the correctional system. Pennsylvania’s state correctional system was the … to introduce solitary confinement as a way of removing the deviant element from society. This was part of William Penn’s attempt at social reform, a fundamental characteristic of his Quaker ideals (Fantel, 1974). The goal of Penn’s plan was to promote moral rehabilitation and it was believed … was believed that through the inmate’s lengthy time alone to reflect on his misdeeds he would begin to develop the moral resolve to reform himself and become a better contributing member of society. Today, solitary confinement is a controversial option in the state correctional system and not … option in the state correctional……
Clemmer, D. (1940). The prison community. New Braunfels, TX: Christopher Publishing House.
Compton, M. T., Anderson, S., Broussard, B., Ellis, S., Halpern, B., Pauselli, L., . . .Johnson, M. (2017). A potential new form of jail diversion and reconnection to mental health services: II. Demonstration of feasibility. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 35(5–6), 492–500. doi:10.1002/bsl.2319
Corrections Arizona Department. (2020). Retrieved from
Dryburgh, M. (2009). Policy implications of whistle-blowing: The case of Corcoran State Prison. Public Integrity, 11(2): 155-170.
Fantel, H. (1974). William Penn: Apostle of Dissent. NY: William Morrow & Co. Florida Department of Corrections. (2020). Retrieved from
Hensley, J. & Rough, G. (2011). Kingman prison still under scrutiny. Retrieved from
HIV among Incarcerated Populations. (2015). CDC. Retrieved from
Study Document
Why Immigration Reform is Needed
Immigration reform has almost always been a thorny issue in America. Though it is popularly believed that America was born of a nation of immigrants, … social) threat (McCaffrey), and Mexicans were almost always treated poorly—particularly via the Bracero Program (Calavita). Thus, in this context, talk today of immigration reform has to be understood as a long process of push and pull in which ethnic groups have fought back against the WASP establishment … and attempted to ensure that immigrants be allowed to continue to come to the U.S. This paper will discuss the issue of immigration reform and show what the problem is and how to solve it.
The current issue with immigration today is that President Trump wants to … illegal immigration. Many radical Democrats want more of an open borders policy where immigrants can come into the country, receive services (like free……
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Study Document
A Self care Plan for Preventing Burnout at Work
An action plan is a way to establish a step-by-step guide for oneself to follow in … to establish a step-by-step guide for oneself to follow in order to achieve a goal. The main goal for this action plan is self-care. There are six areas of self-care that this action plan focuses on: physical, emotional, cognitive, social, financial and spiritual. The action plan identifies three sub goals within each area … that I will take to reach those goals. This specific action plan was chosen to prevent me from becoming burned out at work. Self-care is important as psychologists and even the bible have shown. This paper provides support for the plan using scholarly sources, books, and other … using scholarly sources, books, and other reference material, and the action plan shows why the goals and steps described are helpful……
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Study Document
1. Introduction
Early 2008, representatives from indigenous health organizations, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, and the commonwealth government of Australia, signed an agreement that was meant to … that was meant to ensure that all the relevant stakeholders cooperate to ensure indigenous and non-indigenous Australians have equality in life expectancy and health status by 2030 (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 2008).
For quite a long time, it has been known that indigenous people in … Opportunity Commission 2008).
For quite a long time, it has been known that indigenous people in Australia have a disadvantage in terms of health. Many organizations and activists have over the years been trying to bridge the gap in health status between them and non-indigenous Australians and the signing of the agreement was a huge milestone that served two purposes. It raised public … served two purposes. It raised public……
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Study Document
When a family has to decide how much is too much, as Plakovic (2016) puts it during end-of-life care, there is a clear ethical dilemma that crops up for family members and care providers. That dilemma is related to the issue of how to approach end-of-life treatment. For instance, some individual have strict preferences when it … whether or not they want to be resuscitated or kept alive by a machine. Others have no instructions set aside before hand for care providers and family to go by. The ethical dilemma is complicated by the fact that care providers have an oath to care for all life—but at the end-of-the-life, what is the line between postponing the inevitable inhumanely and giving as much humane care as is possible? That blurred line is a complicated one to walk. The two major points that this paper will address when it … That……
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