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Health Care Reform Essay

Pages:4 (1260 words)




Document Type:Essay



The concept of healthcare reform has to do with the process of changing health systems in the US so as to make it accessible to all American citizens. As it is at the moment, it still faults and faces numerous challenges. The reform is not going to happen like magic. It will take time. In fact the reform process itself is likely to face lots of challenges including stiff opposition. However, the size and dynamic of reform involved necessitates that the process is started and measures put in place to safeguard the little steps made towards great and positive change in future. Private companies control the US healthcare system; that is a fact that makes reform all the more challenging (Nikolai, 2019). In order to fix the broken healthcare system, many problems will have to be addressed. The main problems can be split into three. The quality of the healthcare is a serious issue. Accessing healthcare remains the elephant in the house. The issue of bad practices taking root in the American healthcare system is already in the public domain. Other problems that could pass as secondary are largely related to the three main issues. This paper focuses on possible solutions for the three issues by offering tools that can be used to assess he legislation proposed. Here is a list of the five aspects of healthcare that need quick fixing

List of healthcare issues that need urgent address

· The cost and quality of healthcare

· System practices in healthcare

· The need to weigh the reward-report

· The role of IT

· Healthcare accessibility

Justify the choices through a logical analysis of the elements' impact on the current system

Healthcare Quality and Costs

It is a fact that it is possible to improve healthcare services and sustain the trend. Legal reform will enhance better delivery of healthcare services. There will be a way of improving the service and quality delivered without cost implications. More attention will be given to the patients suffering from chronic diseases. The various healthcare providers will be integrated better. One aspect of improving the healthcare provision is boosting the benefits that come with it. This system component was changed by the Affordable Healthcare Act. The act directed insurance companies to provide clients with the basic benefits of healthcare. Effectively, insurance is required to chip in for such health aspects…

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…will encourage notable improvements in the type of care that colored people receive. It helps providers to understand the population from which their patients come. They should also follow up on how their quality metrics is done and point out areas with problems.

Role of Health Information Technology

There’s a need for a complete and holistic adoption of a secure healthcare and confidential information technology and exchange referred to as HIT. This is what the healthcare system needs for the sake of establishing a culture of transparency. Information technology will assist to speed up the use of quality methods and enable the public to report important information that makes sense to providers, players and patients alike. The use of information technology will also speed up support for fast decision making with an aim to enhance quality service delivery and safety. The technology is available in a well secured and private module. Citizens can access it when they need it and where such a need arises. These are the gains that will emanate from implementation of the healthcare reform agenda. It is not worth standing on the sidelines and lamenting about the broken healthcare system. Reform is a tool that will trigger the evolution.…

Sample Source(s) Used


Barrett, S., & Hammond, J. (2009, September 20). Key Elements of Healthcare Reform. Retrieved from Insurance Reform Watch:

Nikolai. (2019, November 20). Healthcare Reform: What It Is and Why We Need It. Retrieved from National Institute of Health Policy:

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