Family Issues Essays (Examples)


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Families Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Pages: 7 (2023 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:27788997

Childcare Patterns and issues for Families of Preschool Children with Autism

Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are the most rapidly growing student population served in special … programs are established to help meet the special needs of these children while promoting and enhancing their academic growth and achievements. In addition, family members play a critical role in the development and growth of these children with respect to meeting their special needs. Mereiou, Bland & … of interventions and related services. Additionally, understanding the needs of these children help families to adopt suitable childcare patterns and deal with emerging issues effectively.

Background Information

ASD diagnosis among children has increased significantly in recent years and generated new demands on families and special needs educators. … in children has become more prevalent. This condition is characterized by difficulties in social communication and behavior as well as impaired child and family functioning. Consequently,……



Coogle, C.G., Guerette, A.R. & Hanline, M.F 2013. Early Intervention Experiences of Families with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Pilot Study. Early Childhood Research & Practice, vol. 15, no. 1. Viewed 7 August 2019,

Forest, E.J., Horner, R.H., Lewis-Palmer, T. & Todd, A.W 2004. Transitions for Young Children with Autism from Preschool to Kindergarten. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.103-112.

Jansen, H 2010. The Logic of Qualitative Survey Research and its Position in the Field of Social Research Methods. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, vol. 11, no. 2, pp.1-21.

Ponto, J 2015. Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research. Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.168-171.

Reeves, S., Kuper, A. & Hodges, B.D 2008. Qualitative Research Methodologies: Ethnography. BMJ, vol. 337. Doi: 

Reeves, S., Peller, J., Goldman, J. & Kitto, S 2013. Ethnography in Qualitative Educational Research: AMEE Guide No. 80. Medical Teacher, vol. 35, no. 8, pp.e1365-e1379.

Stahmer, A.C., Akshoomoff, N. & Cunningham, A.B 2011. Inclusion for Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 625-641. 

Stahmer, A.C., Collings, N.M. & Palinkas, L.A 2005. Early Intervention Practices for Children with Autism: Descriptions from Community Providers. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.66-79.


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How Do Marriage And Family Therapist View Fathers As Being The Single

Pages: 6 (1680 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:29707714

… role. They encounter isolation, grief, and even challenges relating to the noncustodial parent. The use of a brief therapy strategy design to the issues is demonstrated via multiple case presentations that show classic issues that single-parent families have to confound with. When the single father parent is also the caregiver, the challenge is aggravated.
Literature Review
Haire ……



DeJean, S. L., McGeorge, C. R., & Stone Carlson, T. (2012). Attitudes toward never-married single mothers and fathers: Does gender matter? Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 24(2), 121-138.

Greif, G. L., Finney, C., Greene-Joyner, R., Minor, S., & Stitt, S. (2007). Fathers who are court-mandated to attend parenting education groups at a child abuse prevention agency: Implications for family therapy. Family Therapy, 34(1), 13-26.

Haire, A. R., &McGeorge, C. R. (2012). Negative perceptions of never-married custodial single mothers and fathers: Applications of a gender analysis for family therapists. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 24(1), 24-51.

Jones, E. (1983). Leaving whom? Motherless families: problems of termination for the female family therapist. Journal of Family Therapy, 5(1), 11-22.

Maier, C. A., &McGeorge, C. R. (2014). Positive attributes of never-married single mothers and fathers: Why gender matters and applications for family therapists. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 26(3), 163-190.


Study Document Study Document

Experiential Family Therapy

Pages: 7 (1974 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:26144504

Experiential family counseling focuses on role playing and other multisensory techniques, allowing members of the family to step into the shoes of one another through role play exercises to better understand one another, develop empathy and work out issues together (Tuttle, 1998). This paper will identify leading figures in experiential family counseling, historical and current events, assumptions, development of the theory, concepts, and techniques that relate to my own approach to counseling. Similarities and … events, assumptions, development of the theory, concepts, and techniques that relate to my own approach to counseling. Similarities and dissimilarities between the experiential family counseling and other leading theories will be explored and the paper will conclude with a discussion of what new knowledge I acquired.
Leading … explored and the paper will conclude with a discussion of what new knowledge I acquired.
Leading Figures
Carl Whitaker helped to found experiential family therapy in……



About Kempler Institute. (2019). Retrieved from

Brown, K., & Taghehchian, R. (2016). Bottled up: An experiential intervention for emotional suppression. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 27(4), 302-307. doi:10.1080/08975353.2016.1235435

Cag, P., & Voltan Acar, N. (2015). A View of the Symbolic-Experiential Family Therapy of Carl Whitaker through Movie Analysis. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 15(3), 575-586.

Carson, D. K. (1999). The importance of creativity in family therapy: A preliminary consideration. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 7(4), 326-224. doi:10.1177/1066480799074002

Epstein, N. B., & Baucom, D. H. (2002). Enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples: A contextual approach. American Psychological Association.

Napier, A. Y., & Whitaker, C. A. (2011). The family crucible. Harper Collins.

Neil, J. & Kniskern, D. (1982). From psyche to system: The evolving therapy of Carl Whitaker. New York: Guilford Press.

Kempler, W. (1965). Experiential family therapy. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 15(1), 57.


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Raising Families In The 1950s After World War II

Pages: 6 (1711 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:94465868

… to an end, there was a complete reversal in these roles, with the women playing the housewife role in taking care of the family and bearing children, whereas the men took up the role of going to work and providing for the family. The age group of 65 years and above is a progressively increasing population. The cohort is referred to as Baby Boomers and encompasses ……



Baernholdt, M., Yan, G., Hinton, I., Rose, K., & Mattos, M. (2012). Quality of life in rural and urban adults 65 years and older: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey. The Journal of Rural Health, 28(4), 339-347.

Canizares, M., Gignac, M., Hogg-Johnson, S., Glazier, R. H., & Badley, E. M. (2016). Do baby boomers use more healthcare services than other generations? Longitudinal trajectories of physician service use across five birth cohorts. BMJ Open, 6(9), e013276.

Cleary, K. K., & Howell, D. M. (2006). Using the SF-36 to determine perceived health-related quality of life in rural Idaho seniors. Journal of allied health, 35(3), 156-161.

Hall, R. C., Hall, R. C., & Chapman, M. J. (2003). Identifying geriatric patients at risk for suicide and depression. Clinical Geriatrics, 11, 36-44.

Khan Academy. (2020). Women in the 1950s: Learn about the myths and realities of women\\\\\\\\\\\\'s lives during the 1950s. Retrieved 8 March 2020 from 

Oguzturk, O. (2008). Differences in quality of life in rural and urban populations. Clinical and investigative medicine, E346-E350.

Phillipson, C., Leach, R., Money, A., & Biggs, S. (2008). Social and cultural constructions of aging: the case of the baby boomers. Sociological Research Online, 13(3), 1-14.

Rinfrette, E. S. (2009). Treatment of anxiety, depression, and alcohol disorders in the elderly: Social work collaboration in primary care. Journal of evidence-based social work, 6(1), 79-91.


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Ethical Issues Conflicts Of Interest

Pages: 4 (1232 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:89213693

Ethical issues
Conflicts of Interest
Conflict of interest emerges when an inividual in power uses their position to exploit situations to their advantage. For instance, … of lawyers, incidents in which personal interest comes into conflict with that of the client amount to a conflict of interest(Kindregan, 1976).
Ethical issues related to Conflict of Interest
The executive team in any organization is often faced with issues of ethical nature in complex and conflicting situations. The basis of conflict of interest is the social values structure and the standards of … of circumstances, including disputes to do with child welfare. Circle sentencing was hatched in New Zealand and Australia. It features many aspects of family conflict resolution. The use of circle sentencing should be reserved for only the offenders who feel motivated and come with community support. It ……



Alterio, E. (2011). From judicial comity to legal comity: A judicial solution to global disorder?I-CON, 9(2), 394-424. doi: 10.1093/icon/mor036

BrainMass. (2019). Correctional officer subculture: Ethics. Retrieved from 

Filgueiras, F. (2011).Transparência e controle da corrupção no Brasil. In: Corrupção e sistemapolítico no Brasil, edited by Leonardo Avritzer and Fernando Filgueiras. Rio de Janeiro: CivilizaçãoBrasileira.

Kindregan, C. (1975).Conflict of interest and the lawyer in civil practice. Retrieved from 

Legal Dictionary. (2018). Conflict of interest. Retrieved from 

Lilles, H. (2002). Circle sentencing: Part of the restorative justice continuum. IIRP. Retrieved from 

Montes, A., Mears, D., &Conchran, J. (2016). The privatization debate: A conceptual framework for improving (public and private) corrections. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 32(4). Retrieved from

Off, C. (1999). How can we trust our fellow citizens? In: Democracy and trust, edited by Mark Warren. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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COVID 19 Effect On Health And Economic Issues For Latinos

Pages: 5 (1629 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:89327444

… extra cash, and with money flows already tight, it means that Latino families are being squeezed on all sides.
In conclusion, the Latino family during the COVID 19 crisis is being more negatively impacted by the scare than many other populations, primarily because every facet of their ……



Despres, Cliff. “Coronavirus Case Rates and Death Rates for Latinos in the UnitedStates.” Salud America, 20 Apr 2020. 

Garcia, J. & Hellerstein, E. (2020). Undocumented workers face obstacles qualifying for benefits during the pandemic. Retrieved from 

Labor Council for Latin American Advancement. “The Impact of COVID 19 on Latinos in the US.” 

Manuel, Jens M. et al. “U.S. Latinos among hardest hit by pay cuts, job losses due to coronavirus.” PewResearch, 3 Apr 2020. 

Tappe, Anneken. “30 million Americans have filed initial unemployment claims since mid-March.” CNN, 30 Apr 2020. 


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Abortion Laws Issues

Pages: 3 (1038 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:13785952

Abortion and Its Ongoing issues in America
The issue of abortion, while never far from the spotlight, has been making headlines again recently as New York passed a … many Americans continue to be divided on the abortion issue. This paper will describe the current state of abortion in America, the ongoing issues regarding what should be permissible and what should be denied, and how the subject continues to be a major political sticking point.
Abortion ……


Works Cited

BBC. “Virginia late-term abortion bill labelled 'infanticide'.” BBC, 2019. 

Green, Emma. “Trump Sees an Opening With Voters on Late-Term Abortion.” Atlantic,2019. 

Kliff, Sarah. “The new Trump plan to defund Planned Parenthood, explained.” Vox,2018. 

North, Anna. “The controversy around Virginia’s new abortion bill, explained.” Vox,2019. 

Selk, Avi. “‘Jane Roe’ made abortion legal. Then a minister made her rethink.”

Washington Post, 2017.

Tolentino, Jia. “How Abortion Law in New York Will Change, and How It Won’t.” New Yorker, 2019. 


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US Healthcare Reimbursement And Insurance Issues

Pages: 6 (1653 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:69275488

...Family issues HealthCare Insurance and Reimbursement
Medical Insurance Products and Services
Health and medical insurance represent an insurance coverage form that disburses operation and clinical treatment expenditure incurred by those insured. Such insurance may either reimburse insured individuals for the money they put into treatment for injuries or disease or may directly pay care practitioners. It is commonly a part of the compensation packages offered by organizations to their employees for attracting quality recruits (IMedPub, 2020). It constitutes one means by which individuals in different nations pay for their healthcare needs. When individuals hailing from poor backgrounds without any financial risk protection get sick or injured, they encounter the following difficulty: they may either make use of healthcare services, further impoverishing themselves by financing these services, or may forego treatment, stay sick/injured, and risk not being able to function properly or go to work. Regardless of the differences in funding and corporate……



Araujo, M. (2020). Health and medical insurance differences: HMO, PPO, POS, EPO. Retrieved from 

Bertram, M. Y., Lauer, J. A., De Joncheere, K. D., Edejer, T., Hutubessy, R., Kieny, M. P., & Hill, S. R. (2016). Cost-effectiveness thresholds: pros and cons. Bull World Health Organ, 94, 925–930.

Dey, P., & Bach, P. B. (2019). The 6 functions of health insurance. The JAMA Forum, 321(13), 1242-1243.  DOI:10.1001/jama.2019.2320

Ho, A. (2015). Health insurance. Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics. Retrieved from

IMedPub. (2020). Health insurance. Retrieved from

Maruthappu, M., Hasan, A., & Zeltner, T. (2016). Enablers and barriers in implementing integrated care. Health System & Reform, 1(4), 250-256. 

Sekhri, N. (2000). Managed care: The US experience. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78(6), 830-844. Retrieved from 

Strata Decision Technology. (2020). Healthcare and hospital capital budget. Retrieved from


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Free And Fair Trade Issue

Pages: 3 (910 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:11500705

… on various factors relating to serving the interests of the public. However, the process of making budgetary changes is sometimes characterized by political issues and partisan approaches. Policymakers or politicians differ on the measures adopted by the government or public sector organization when proposing changes in the … farmers continue obtaining payments by providing agriculture funding. In this case, they sought to provide such funding at a time…[break]…on some of the issues Congressional leaders face in their policymaking initiatives. Therefore, the source provides high-quality and reliable information on this issue.
I believe that the dispute ……



Cochrane, E. (2020, September 21). Democrats and Republicans Clash Over Spending Bill to Avoid Shutdown. The New York Times. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from 


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Chicago Public School System Issues

Pages: 4 (1328 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:89040340

...Family issues Chicago Public School (CPS) system is the most understaffed in Illinois, where throughout the state the average student to staff ratio is 11 to one. In the CPS system, it is 16 to one—16 students to every one teacher, and that is just going by averages (Sepeda-Miller, 2018). As Laraviere (2019) puts it, “the 20 most adequately staffed school districts in Illinois have 100 staff members for every 500 students.” Yet in CPS, it is just 29 staff for every 500 students (Laraviere, 2019)—which means when compared to the best that Illinois has to offer, Chicago looks like the worst. That is a serious shame for a city and school system that should be recognized and hailed as the state’s top district. Instead, the reality is that there is no maximum limit on classroom size in the CPS system (Guerrero, 2019), and some classes can grow much larger than already……



Blatchford, P., & Russell, A. (2019). Class size, grouping practices and classroom management. International Journal of Educational Research, 96, 154-163.

Guerrero, M. (2019). Understaffed and overcrowded: Chicago teachers on strike. Retrieved from 

Laraviere, T. (2019). Is the teachers' union demanding enough? Retrieved from 

Leone, H. (2019). Chicago Public Schools’ enrollment drops another 6,000 students, extending long downward trend. Retrieved from 

Sepeda-Miller. (2018). Is CPS the most understaffed district in Illinois? Retrieved from 

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