Manners Essays (Examples)


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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Various Organizational Behavior Theories

Pages: 14 (4343 words) Sources: 16 Document Type:Essay Document #:17367904

...Manners A Review of Organizational Behavior Theories
Because organizations are the primary means by which capital is earned and job are created, it is not surprising that there has been a great deal of scholarship concerning how organizations actually “behave” in the real world. The purpose of this paper is to provide a current definition of organizational behavior together with a statement of three prominent theories of organizational behavior, French and Raven's Five Bases of Power, Complexity Theory and Resource Dependence Theory. An explanation concerning the fundamental concepts of each of these three theories is followed by an analysis of their respective importance to a business. In addition, an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each of these three theories as well as the positive and negative ways that the theories impact the workforce behavior of organizations. Finally, in the context of Air India, the paper presents a critical analysis……



‘About Air India.’ Air India. [online] available: .

Arena, MJ ‘Understanding Large Group Intervention Processes: A Complexity Theory Perspective.’ Organization Development Journal, 27, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 49-53

Braunstein, JR and Zhang, JJ ‘Dimensions of Athletic Star Power Associated with Generation Y Sports Consumption.’ International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 6, no. 4 (July 2005): 242-245.

Buble, M and Juras, A ‘The Relationship between Managers\\' Leadership Styles and Motivation.’ Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 19, no. 1 (June 2014): 161-165.

French, JRP & Raven, B ‘Bases of power.’ In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Studies in Social Power (pp. 150-167). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, 1959.

Gruia, GC and Kavan, M ‘An Off-Line Dual Maximum Resource Bin Packing Model for Solving the Maintenance Problem in the Aviation Industry.’ Global Economic Observer, 1, no. 1 (January 1, 2013): 135-140.

Hillman, AJ, Withers, MC and Collins, BJ ‘Resource dependence theory: A Review.’ Journal of Management, 35, no. 6 (2009): 1404-1427.

Jain, AK ‘Organizational Citizenship Behaviour as a Potential Source of Social Power.’ Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 45, no. 3 (January 2010): 396-401.


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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Interrelationships Between Organizational

Pages: 16 (4728 words) Sources: 28 Document Type:Essay Document #:81594345

...Manners 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Interrelationships between Organizational Functions and Impact on Organisational Structure
Organizational Functions
The functions of an organization take into account the different aspects undertaken by the business including production or manufacturing, marketing, sales, accounting as well as research and development. In accordance to Sherman and Thompson (2019), the organizational structure delineates the relationship and interrelations between the functions of a business and ascertains the manner in which the chain of command operates through the various levels. The interrelationship between organizational functions and organizational structure is akin to a flow chart. This is in the sense that an entity can set up its business structure around the organizational functions. However, even if the entity fails to do so, the organizational functions and structure will have an impact on one another (Sherman and Thompson, 2019).
Functional Organizational Structure
A functional organizational structure creates distinct and separate departments. Plenty……



Air India. (2019). Board of Directors. Retrieved from: 

Aquinas, P. G. (2008). Organization structure and design. India: Excel Books India.

Burns, T., & Stalker, G. M. (2005). Mechanistic and organic systems. Organizational Behavior, 2, 214-25.

Choo, S., & Bowley, C. (2007). Emerald Article: Using training and development to affect job satisfaction. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14(2),339 - 352.

Cichocki, P., & Irwin, C. (2014). Organization design: A guide to building effective organizations. Kogan Page Publishers.

Civil Aviation. (2019). About Us: Organizational Setup. Retrieved from: 

Cunliffe, A. L. (2008). Organization theory. New York: Sage.

Cunliffe, A. L., & Luhman, J. T. (2012). Key concepts in organization theory. New York: Sage.


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Manufacturing Systems In Automotive Industry

Pages: 12 (3647 words) Sources: 16 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:87931381

...Manners Introduction
A manufacturing system includes four different components together with the production machine, material handling system, computer control system, and human resources (Lee, 1998). In recent times, due to the technological advancement, automation of manufacturing systems has continued to become prevalent. A key aspect in the contemporary automotive manufacturing systems and automotive industries is automation. An automated manufacturing system alludes to an intersected or interrelated system of material processing stations with the capability of automatically processing an extensive range of part types simultaneously under computer control. Imperatively, the system is not just interlinked by a material transport system but also interconnected by a communication network for assimilating all aspects of manufacturing. This sort of system portrays flexibility in handling, routing, processes, and changing of tools. Also, an automated manufacturing system demonstrates key features, including a high magnitude of automation, integration, and flexibility (Swamidass, 2000). This paper examines the four different……



Boone, L. E., Kurtz, D. L., & Khan, M. H. (2009). Contemporary business. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

Chui, M., George, K., Manyika, J., Miremadi, M. (September 2017). Human + machine: A new era of automation in manufacturing. McKinsey & Company.

Deng, W., Luo, Q. (2012). Advanced Technology for Manufacturing Systems and Industry. New York: Pearson.

Groover, M. P. (2007). Fundamentals of modern manufacturing: materials processes, and systems. John Wiley & Sons.

HR Cloud. (2020). HR Automation - The Future of Human Resource Process Management. Retrieved from: 

Joshi, V., Adhikari, M. S., Patel, R., Singh, R., Gehlot, A. (2018). Industrial Automation: Learn the current and leading-edge research on SCADA Automation. New Delhi: Pearson.

Krar, S. F., & Gill, A. (2003). Exploring advanced manufacturing technologies. Industrial Press, Inc.

Ladet, P., & Vernadat, F. (Eds.). (2013). Integrated manufacturing systems engineering. Springer.


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The Differences In Religions And Their Burial Rituals

Pages: 10 (2909 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:18018467

...Manners Introduction
The three dominant religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam all shares some common characteristics when it comes to burial rites, and yet each has their own cultural quirks and issues. Each religion has different sects as well. Christianity was dominated essentially by Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox for most of its history, but Protestant Christianity introduced myriad sects over the past five hundred years. Judaism has also seen various sectarian movements arise, but can generally be divided into Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism. Islam has its sects as well, including Sunni and Shia. This paper will compare and contrast the general burial rituals of Roman Catholics, Jews and Muslims, highlighting sectarian differences when appropriate, while also relying on my own personal history with family and friends to shed more light on the subject from my own perspective.
Rituals at the Time of Death
In the Roman Catholic tradition, the……


Works Cited

Brener, Anne. Mourning and Mitzvah: A Guided Journal for Walking the Mourner’s Path Through Grief to Healing. Jewish Lights/Turner Publishing, 2017.

Goldstein, Z. “The Jewish Burial.”

Goodman, Arnold M.  A Plain Pine Box: A Return to Simple Jewish Funerals and Eternal Traditions. Ktav Publishing House, 2003.

Reform Judaism. 

Sheikh, Aziz, and Abdul Rashid Gatrad, eds. Caring for Muslim patients. Radcliffe Publishing, 2008.

Siddiqui, Abdul Hamid. Sahih Muslim. Peace Vision, 2012.

Toner, Patrick. "Extreme Unction." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 5. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909.

Wilde, Melissa J. Vatican II: A sociological analysis of religious change. Princeton University Press, 2018.


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Clinical Informatics

Pages: 11 (3264 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Essay Document #:78574553

...Manners Clinical Decision Support and Electronic Health Records
Information technology has revolutionized nearly every aspect of life, from how people recreate to how they work. This is no less true in the field of health care, where clinical informatics is reshaping the nursing workplace environment, how patient data is recorded and shared, and how health care is delivered. This paper will discuss clinical informatics concepts emerging in the 21st century, what evidence-based practice (EBP) shows with respect to clinical informatics, how the law figures into this issue with respect to HIPAA, privacy/confidentiality and security issues; and how patient safety, the nursing role and electronic medical records are impacted.
Clinical Informatics Concepts in the 21st Century
Controlling the flow of information to promote efficiency, security, and safety is the number one priority of clinical informatics. 21st century concepts for how this can be accomplished include training in how to find information,……



Cho, O. M., Kim, H., Lee, Y. W., & Cho, I. (2016). Clinical alarms in intensive care units: Perceived obstacles of alarm management and alarm fatigue in nurses. Healthcare informatics research, 22(1), 46-53.

Effken, J., Weaver, C., Cochran, K., Androwich, I., & O’Brien, A. (2016). Toward a central repository for sharing nursing informatics’ best practices. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(6), 245-246.

Elsayed, W. A., Hussein, F. M., & Othman, W. N. (2017). Relation between nursing informatics competency and nurses’ attitude toward evidence-based practice among qualified nurses at Mansoura Oncology Center. International Journal of Nursing Didactics, 7(6), 26-33.

Drolet, B. C., Marwaha, J. S., Hyatt, B., Blazar, P. E., & Lifchez, S. D. (2017). Electronic communication of protected health information: privacy, security, and HIPAA compliance. The Journal of hand surgery, 42(6), 411-416.

Haupeltshofer, A., Egerer, V., & Seeling, S. (2020). Promoting health literacy: What potential does nursing informatics offer to support older adults in the use of technology? A scoping review. Health Informatics Journal, 1460458220933417.

Kharbanda, E. O., Asche, S. E., Sinaiko, A. R., Ekstrom, H. L., Nordin, J. D., Sherwood, N. E., & O’Connor, P. (2018). Clinical decision support for recognition and management of hypertension: a randomized trial. Pediatrics, 141(2).

Khezri, H., & Abdekhoda, M. (2019). Assessing nurses’ informatics competency and identifying its related factors. Journal of Research in Nursing, 24(7), 529-538.

Kleib, M., & Nagle, L. (2018). Factors associated with Canadian nurses\\\\\\\\\\\\' informatics competency. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(8), 406-415.


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Ethical Issue In Public Administration

Pages: 6 (1796 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:87375741

...Manners Trash or Treasure - Case Study
Ethics is an important issue in the field of public administration since it provides accountability between the administration and the public. To enhance accountability, public administrators, public service leaders and other stakeholders in this field are required to adhere to a code of ethics. The code of ethics gives these professionals guidelines for integrity in their work and helps to ensure the public receives its needs in a fair manner (Academic Partnerships, 2016). However, not every professional in the field adheres to the code of ethics because of various factors such as corruption and greed. This paper analyzes the ethical dilemma in the City of Sunville that has left the Deputy Director of Transportation torn apart on what to say during the regularly scheduled monthly City Council meeting.
General Statement of the Ethical Dilemma
The ethical scenario in the City of Sunville is the……



Academic Partnerships. (2016, May 24). The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration. Retrieved from the University of Texas Arlington website:,the%20trust%20of%20the%20community .

Kure, G.M. (2018, May). Public Servants’ Attitude Towards Professional Ethics and its Implications for Service Delivery in Selected Bureaus of the Oromia Regional State. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from 

UNC School of Government. (2019, November 20). The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration. Retrieved from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill website:,integrity%2C%20promote%20ethical%20organizations%2C%20and 

Whitton, H. (2001, February). Implementing Effective Ethics Standards in Government and the Civil Service. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from 



Study Document Study Document

Foxtrot Phone Scandal

Pages: 6 (1877 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Case Study Document #:53518196

...Manners Foxtrot Phone Scandal - Case Study
Ethical dilemmas and issues are common in different areas in public and private sectors. These dilemmas and issues are attributable to the emergence of different situations in the work setting. Therefore, addressing these issues is critical toward promoting a suitable work environment and interactions with others. Cooper (2012) states that a decision making model is essential in addressing ethical issues as it helps in moving from a problem to developing a course of action to resolve the issue. An example of an ethical dilemma or issue relates to Foxtrot Phone Scandal. Foxtrot Company comprises nearly one hundred cadets from all four classes in the United States Coast Guard Academy. The company is one of the eight firms that constitute the Corps of Cadets. Cadets in this class at the academy are committed to the values of honor and dedication to duty. The ethical dilemma……



Cooper, T.L. (2012). The responsible administrator: An approach to ethics for the administrative role (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

European Ombudsman. (2012, November 15). Ensuring Ethics in Public Administration: The Role of the Ombudsman. Retrieved June 7, 2020, from 

Kapstein, M. (2015). The Battle for Business Ethics: A Struggle Theory. Journal of Business Ethics, 144, 343-361.

Ondrova, D. (2017). Challenges of Modern Public Administration and Ethical Decision-Making. RAP, 3, 255-279.

Singh, A.K. & Mishra, N.K. (2018). Ethical Theory & Business – A Study Based on Utilitarianism and Kantianism. International Journal of Humanities and Social Development Research, 2(1), 97-113.

Stein, C. (2019, January 25). Ethical Considerations in Public Administration. PA Times. Retrieved June 7, 2020, from


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How Gregorian Chant Changed Sacred Music In The Middle Ages

Pages: 5 (1553 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:92405285

...Manners Middle Ages Music Known as Plainchant aka Gregorian Chant
Pope Gregory I is famous for, in the 6th century AD, standardizing the form of monastic choral music known as chant. This form, known as plainchant or alternatively as Gregorian chant, essentially served as the standard vocal music for church services (mainly Masses or for the Divine Office) held throughout the Church (mainly Europe) for the whole of the Middle Ages. Plainchant consisted of Scriptural verses chanted by the members of the choir, usually monastics. Plainchant was a single line of music, no overlapping lines as in polyphonic music. It was monophonic but could consist of lines of great range and variation. From simple melodies with a single pitch to highly elaborate melodies consisting of long, flowing lines plainchant was anything but plain and boring. In fact, it was considered one of the greatest expressions of human art and helped to……


Works Cited

Grout, Donald. A History of Western Music. New York: W. W. Norton & Co, 1960.

Hiley, David. Western Plainchant: A Handbook. Clarendon Press, 1995.

Laux, J. Church History. IL: TAN, 1989.

Meconi, Honey. Hildegard of Bingen. University of Illinois Press, 2018.

Wilson, David. Music of the Middle Ages Schirmer Books, 1990.


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Anxiety And Depression Treatment Through Mindfulness

Pages: 3 (959 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:question answer Document #:94130498

...Manners Abnormal Psychology Questions
Q1. According to your text please describe how negative reinforcement increases the avoidance behaviors often associated with anxiety.
Negative reinforcement refers to the withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus to reward behavior. Using operant conditioning in a laboratory experiment, this might be accomplished by the withdrawal of an unpleasant sound when the desired behavior is completed. However, in the real world, for someone experiencing anxiety, the usual way in which someone suffering from this psychological disorder deals with the unpleasant feelings of anxiety (pounding heart, sweating, and racing thoughts) is to withdraw from the situation and avoid the triggering stimulus. Although this, on the surface, might seem to be sensible on the one hand, on the other hand it can result in the anxious individual becoming socially withdrawn or avoiding positive life experiences because of the fear. For fears of very common things—such as driving—it can significantly impair……



Cameron, O.G. (2007). Understanding comorbid depression and anxiety, 24 (14). Retrieved from: anxiety

Facts and Statistics. (2020). Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Retrieved from: 


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Exploring The Issue In Evaluating Adult Learning

Pages: 8 (2390 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:65651598

...Manners Introduction
The problem facing students in college is that many of them are not being educated as adults. There is a significant difference in the way an adult approaches education and the way a child approaches education (Forrest & Peterson, 2006). Adult learning is an important concept because it focuses on realizing that adults are not children and so they should not be taught the same way. This is a crucial concept for teachers to understand so that they can be more impactful with adult learners. The problem for university students is that they are not being evaluated in a way that is conducive to adult learning. This problem is significant because university students may be unnecessarily and unfairly struggling with classes because university teachers fail to use evaluations that are conducive to adult learning. The research question this paper poses is this: What are some ways to evaluate adult……



Fenwick, T. J., & Parsons, J. (2009). The art of evaluation: A resource for educators and trainers. Thompson Educational Publishing.

Forrest III, S. P., & Peterson, T. O. (2006). It\\\\\\'s called andragogy. Academy of management learning & education, 5(1), 113-122.

Hase, S., & Kenyon, C. (2000). From andragogy to heutagogy. Ulti-BASE In-Site.

Howatt, W. A. (1999). Journaling to self-evaluation: A tool for adult learners. International Journal of Reality Therapy, 8(2), 32-34.

Knowles, M. (1984). Andragogy in action. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Moss, D., & Van Duzer, C. (1998). Project-Based Learning for Adult English Language Learners. ERIC Digest.

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