Economic System Essays (Examples)


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Violence Prevention Programs

Pages: 9 (2805 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:52417572

Using Social Media to Build Out Support system
Violence prevention programs focus on curtailing forms of violence in society, such as child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. These programs … strain theory posits that people are pressured to commit crime by society: they may be unaccepted by others, or they may face severe economic or financial pressures; they may face pressures from family, or from school or from church. They commit crime when the pressure becomes too … involved in the programs who might not otherwise have heard about them or have had any interest. The key to building out support system for participants, for instance, is getting people involved in the lives of others in a positive and giving way. There are many people … receive messages from volunteers in the community who can reach out, touch base and get involved as part of the person’s social……



Altafim, E. R. P., & Linhares, M. B. M. (2016). Universal violence and childmaltreatment prevention programs for parents: A systematic review. Psychosocial Intervention, 25(1), 27-38.

Alternative Paths. (2020). Violence prevention. Retrieved from 

Farrell, A. D., Meyer, A. L., Kung, E. M., & Sullivan, T. N. (2001). Development and evaluation of school-based violence prevention programs. Journal of clinical child psychology, 30(2), 207-220.

Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (1995). Why violence prevention programs don't work--and what does. Educational Leadership, 52(5), 63-68.

Lee, C., & Wong, J. S. (2020). Examining the effects of teen dating violence prevention programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-40.

Siegel, L. (2018). Criminology, 7th Ed. Cengage Learning.

Stagg, S. J., & Sheridan, D. (2010). Effectiveness of bullying and violence prevention programs: A systematic review. Aaohn Journal, 58(10), 419-424.


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Individuals Using Customary Practices In Times Of Crises

Pages: 17 (4950 words) Sources: 30 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:60738961

… responses to them using case studies from Bangladesh, Kenya, Nepal, the Phillipines, and Saipan. The premise behind this paper is that early warning system (EWSs) often fail in countries where social and cultural determinants prevail and because disaster risk reduction institutions (DRRs) misunderstsood how people perceive risks … were warned to prepare for earthquakes, floods, and volcanis eruptions. The authors provide evidence of 2 determinants limited the success of early warning system: social and cultural. In Keyna, the EWS was said to fail because of social determinants because people mistrust authorities and there were problems … unreliable and primitive. What is, however, surprising is that the authors of the present article observe that both contemporary and customary disaster management system have not also been fully embraced or appreciated. There appears to be a system failure in this particular region in as far as a disaster and crisis management ideals,……


Roberts. A.R. (Ed.). (2005). Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Sama’ila, A. (2019). Economic crisis and the coping strategies of indigenous automobile entrepreneurs in northern Nigeria, 1983-2014. Sociology International Journal, 3(6), 437-442.


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COVID 19 In South Africa Nigeria And Swaziland

Pages: 7 (2030 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:literature review Document #:53851517

… scope is limited to informal institutions, then it was studied that social norms, culture, and cognitive aspects like perceptions reduce the uncertainty in economic decisions of that region (Escandon-Barbosa et al., 2019). Prior studies suggested that there are four environmental dimensions of the entrepreneurial process: government policies, … decisions of that region (Escandon-Barbosa et al., 2019). Prior studies suggested that there are four environmental dimensions of the entrepreneurial process: government policies, socio-economic conditions, business skills, and financial or non0finanacila help. The informal factors serve as mediators between formal factors and entrepreneurial activity. For example, if ……



Coelho, A. (2019). The role of informal institutions in the enforcement of rules and how to improve corporate and public governance in Brazil: Studies based on a set of corporate governance cases involving state-owned companies (Working Paper). Retrieved from SSRN website 

Dacin, M.T., Goodstein, J. & Scott, W.R. (2002). Institutional theory and institutional change: Introduction to the special research forum. Academy of Management Journal, 45(1), 45- 47. DOI: 10.2307/3069284

Escandon-Barbosa, D.M., Urbano, D., Hurtado-Ayala, A., Paramo, J.S. & Dominguez, A.Z. (2019). Formal institutions, informal institutions, and entrepreneurial activity: A comparative relationship between rural and urban areas in Colombia. Journal of Urban Management, 8(3), 458-471. 

Estrin, S. & Prevezer, M. (2010). The role of informal institutions in corporate governance: Brazil, Russia, India, and China compared. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28, 41- 67. 

Kaufmann, W., Hooghiemstra, R. & Feeney, M.K. (2018). Formal institutions, informal institutions, and red tape: A comparative study. Public Administration, 96(2), 386-403.

Meluch, A.L. (2016, August). Understanding the organizational and institutional origins of social support in a cancer support center. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from!etd.send_file?accession=kent1466944822&disposition=inline

Torniainen, T.J. & Sasstamoinen, O.J. (2007). Formal and informal institutions and their hierarchy in the regulation of the forest lease in Russia. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 80(5), 489-501. 


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Why Ageism Needs To Be Stopped In Society

Pages: 9 (2613 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Prompts Document #:38322228

… their elders as “boomers” and have no problem mocking the elderly for what appears to them to be cognitive decline.
Historical, Political, Social, economic and Cultural Factors Regarding Age
In older societies age was revered and one was taught to respect one’s elders. This was the customary … should mind their manners. The cultural barriers for place and respect were disintegrated all over the world (David, 2018).
However, with 2008 global economic crisis, many older persons who ordinarily would have retired continued on working in the workplace, fearing that their economic futures were not secure. Thus, the workforce is aging in the 21st century (Heggeness, Carter-Johnson, Schaffer, & Rockey, 2016). This means that there … with working with older people. In the physical changes category, the elderly are likely to experience sensory, muscular and aerobic obstacles. Their immune system is not going to be as strong as a younger……



Albom, M. (2019). Jabs at Joe Biden mask our growing ageism issue. Retrieved from 

David, K. E. (2018). The Poster Child of the “Second” Cultural Revolution: Huang Shuai and Shifts in Age Consciousness, 1973–1979. Modern China, 44(5), 497-524.

Heggeness, M. L., Carter-Johnson, F., Schaffer, W. T., & Rockey, S. J. (2016). Policy implications of aging in the NIH-funded workforce. Cell Stem Cell, 19(1), 15-18.

Landeiro, F., Barrows, P., Musson, E. N., Gray, A. M., & Leal, J. (2017). Reducing social isolation and loneliness in older people: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 7(5), e013778.

Lassila, S. (2019). Managing Risks of an Aging Workforce. Construction Executive, 2020. Retrieved from 

Liu, S. J., Lin, C. J., Chen, Y. M., & Huang, X. Y. (2007). The effects of reminiscence group therapy on self-esteem, depression, loneliness and life satisfaction of elderly people living alone. Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine, 12(3), 133-142.

Lumen. (2019). Theoretical perspectives on deviance. Retrieved from 

McLeod, S. (2018). Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development. Retrieved from


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Influence Of The PRC With Great Power Competition Globalization

Pages: 6 (1708 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Essay Document #:99402887

… Republic of China (PRC) is the state that most influences contemporary international security. The globalization of the Communist superpower projects brings employment and economic growth. Since joining the World Trade Organization, China has become an increasingly influential participant in the global economy, and has used this increase … joined the World Trade Organization, and at that time it was already growing its economy rapidly. Since that point, China has become an economic powerhouse, and this in turn has allowed China to increase its military might considerably, and restore the nation to its former status as ……



Chatzky, A. & McBride, J. (2019) China’s massive Belt and Road Initiative. Council on Foreign Relations. In possession of the author.

“China as a Trading State” (n.d.) In possession of the author. s

“Foreign Direct Investment” (n.d.) In possession of the author.

Global Times (2018) Best strategic opportunity since the Cold War. Global Times. In possession of the author.

Hoffman, S. (2002) Clash of globalizations. Foreign Affairs. July/August 2002. 105-115.

Morrison, W. (2017) China’s economic rise: History, trends, challenges, and implications for the United States. Congressional Research Service. September 15, 2017. In possession of the author.

NIC (2017) Paradox of progress. National Intelligence Council. In possession of the author.

Pollack, J. (no date). Competing visions: China, America and the Asia-Pacific Security Order. In possession of the author.


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Effectiveness Of The War On Drugs

Pages: 14 (4146 words) Sources: 18 Document Type:Reaction Paper Document #:69451857

… non-state actors including terrorist organizations and other organized crime syndicates worldwide. Perpetuating the War on Drugs has become fundamental to the political and economic stability of nations around the world, which is why drug policy reform proves particularly thorny in spite of the fact that no research … no research can substantiate its effectiveness. Quite the opposite: the War on Drugs has led to more lives lost, more crime, and more economic and social instability, than drug abuse or addiction has ever caused.
Fear of addiction, and fear of drugs, have become the propaganda fueling … the decriminalization of drugs and addiction in order to provide effective interventions and better educate the public. The literature also directly discusses the economic of the drug trade, and the financial implications of the war on drugs versus ending the war on drugs. A deeper historical and … effective healthcare, instead interjecting those……



ACLU (2020). Against drug prohibition. Retrieved from: " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


Study Document Study Document

War On Drugs

Pages: 13 (4034 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Essay Document #:73696424

… non-state actors including terrorist organizations and other organized crime syndicates worldwide. Perpetuating the War on Drugs has become fundamental to the political and economic stability of nations around the world, which is why drug policy reform proves particularly thorny in spite of the fact that no research … no research can substantiate its effectiveness. Quite the opposite: the War on Drugs has led to more lives lost, more crime, and more economic and social instability, than drug abuse or addiction has ever caused.
Fear of addiction, and fear of drugs, have become the propaganda fueling … the decriminalization of drugs and addiction in order to provide effective interventions and better educate the public. The literature also directly discusses the economic of the drug trade, and the financial implications of the war on drugs versus ending the war on drugs. A deeper historical and … effective healthcare, instead interjecting those……



ACLU (2020). Against drug prohibition. Retrieved from: " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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The Modern World Of Autonomy Vs Heteronomy

Pages: 5 (1560 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:86232532

Karl Marx and Critical Sociology
According to Marx, the development of the modern society is tied to capitalism’s rise as a universal financial system. During the mid-1800s, when industrialization was growing, Marx noticed that labor settings became increasingly exploitative. The huge steel producers were especially cruel, and … which culture together with other social organizations rest, creating the superstructure. According to Marx, the base determines how a society’s law, culture, political system, family form, and conflicts will be.
Figure 1. For Marx, each of the elements of the structure of a society depend on the … form, and conflicts will be.
Figure 1. For Marx, each of the elements of the structure of a society depend on the society’s economic/financial structure (adopted from, Little)
According to Marx, financial conflict is the main means of change in a society. The base of all kinds … to Marx, financial conflict is……


Works cited

Gerth, H. H., and C. Wright Mills. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Politics as a Vocation.\\\\\\\\\\\\" From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (1946): 77-128.

Little, William. “Chapter 4. Society and Modern Life.” Introduction to Sociology – 2nd Canadian Edition. (n.d.). Web.

Lumen Learning. “Theoretical Perspectives on Society.” Society and Social Interaction. (n.d.). Web.

Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The Communist Manifesto.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Selected Works bu Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Neu York: International Publishers 1363 (1848). 108-127.

Marx, Karl. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Economic and philosophical manuscripts.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Early writings 333 (1844) 75–112.

Marx, Karl. Grundrisse: Foundations of the critique of political economy. Penguin UK, 2005. 82-111.

Steiner, Pierre, and John Stewart. \\\\\\\\\\\\"From autonomy to heteronomy (and back): The enaction of social life.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8.4 (2009): 527.

Weber, Max. The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. New Introduction and Translation by Stephen Kalberg. ROXBURY PUBLISHING COMPANY, 2001. 13-37


Study Document Study Document

Cyber Espionage

Pages: 6 (1662 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:11946972

… is a practice that involves obtaining secrets without the permission of the owner/possessor of the information. The information is obtained for personal, political, economic or military advantage. Since this practice results in illegitimate possession of personal, sensitive, classified or proprietary information, it can generate numerous risks or … use of malicious software and computer viruses like Trojan horses and spyware. This practice basically entails intentional activities to infiltrate or penetrate computer system or networks used by a rival to obtain information within or transmitted through these networks or system.[footnoteRef:3] Cyber espionage has emerged as an international problem because of increased reliance on cyberspace by state and non-state actors. Nations across the globe ……



Agarwal A. & CERT-IN. “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques.” Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 2013.

Banks, W.C. “Cyber Espionage and Electronic Surveillance: Beyond the Media Coverage.” Emory law Journal 66, (2017).

Georgieva, I. “The Unexpected Norm-Setters: Intelligence Agencies in Cyberspace.” Contemporary Security Policy (2019).

Hjortdal, M. “China’s Use of Cyber Warfare: Espionage Meets Strategic Deterrence.” Journal of Strategic Security 4, no. 2 (2011).

Libicki, M. “The Coming of Cyber Espionage Norms.” 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, 2017. 

National Counterintelligence and Security Center. “Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace.” Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2018. 

Rubenstein, D. “Nation State Cyber Espionage and its Impacts.” Washington University in St. Louis, December 2014. 

Weissbrodt, D. “Cyber-Conflict, Cyber-Crime, and Cyber-Espionage.” Minnesota Journal of International Law 22, no. 2 (2013).


Study Document Study Document

Understanding The Factors Affecting The Success Of Credit Risk In

Pages: 11 (3237 words) Sources: 15 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:41178734

… financial establishments, particularly commercial banks, to generate money is of great significance in business operations. These banks operate as financial intermediaries within any economic setting and they are key providers of financial credit to both the corporate and household sectors. Credit risk is basically the likelihood that … banking issues continues to have a direct relation to the counterparties’ credit standards, inappropriate risk management, or failure to focus on changes in economic or other situations that can result in a worsening in the credit position of a financial institution’s counterparties. Taking into consideration that exposure … existent literature, scholars have determined that the factors affecting the success of credit risk can be categorized into two groups including internal factors (micro-economic) and external factors (macro-economic). In accordance to Garr (2013), the different factors that influence credit risk can be classified into economic factors, industry-specific factors, and bank institution –specific factors.……



Bhattarai, Y. R. (2016). Effect of credit risk on the performance of Nepalese commercial banks. NRB Economic Review, 28(1), 41-64.

Das, A. and Ghosh, S. (2007). Determinants of Credit Risk in Indian State-owned Banks: An Empirical Investigation. Economic Issues, 12(2): 48-66.

Derelio?lu, G., & Gürgen, F. (2011). Knowledge discovery using neural approach for SME’s credit risk analysis problem in Turkey. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(8), 9313-9318

Garr, D. K. (2013). Determinants of credit risk in the banking industry of Ghana. Developing Country Studies, 3(11), 64-77.

Gizaw, M., Kebede, M., & Selvaraj, S. (2015). The impact of credit risk on profitability performance of commercial banks in Ethiopia. African Journal of Business Management, 9(2), 59-66.

Johnson, B., & Christensen, L. (2008). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. New York: Sage.

Kithinji, A. M. (2010). Credit risk management and profitability of commercial banks in Kenya. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi).

Limam, I. (2001). Measuring technical efficiency of Kuwaiti banks. Kuwait: Arab Planning Institute.

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