Digital Essays (Examples)


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The Supreme Court And The Constitution

Pages: 3 (1029 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:67413964

… freedom of speech. If they feel they have the right to their own privacy and do not want their homes searched or their digital data spied on by the NSA, they are in favor of Amendments 3 through 5. It all depends upon what people want. If ……


Study Document Study Document

Cyber Espionage

Pages: 16 (4895 words) Sources: 24 Document Type:Case Study Document #:27491269

… powers.[footnoteRef:7] Foreign powers are employing similar tactics as criminals by carrying out malicious activities to intercept communication in computer systems and networks. The digital battlefield has become intense as nations try to intercept communications of their adversaries. For example, China has hacked every big American company looking ……



Ablon, L. “Data Thieves: The Motivations of Cyber Threat Actors and Their Use and Monetization of Stolen Data.” RAND Corporation, March 2018. 

Agarwal A. & CERT-IN. “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques.” Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 2013. 

Banks, W.C. “Cyber Espionage and Electronic Surveillance: Beyond the Media Coverage.” Emory law Journal 66, (2017).

Baxter, P. & Jack, S. “Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers.” The Qualitative Report 13, no. 4 (2008).

Brown, G. “Spying and Fighting in Cyberspace: What is Which?” Journal of National Security Law & Policy 8, (2017).

Connell, M. & Vogler, S. “Russia’s Approach to Cyber Warfare.” CNA Analysis and Solutions, 2017. 

Creswell, J.W. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

Diplomacy Data. “Cyber Security and Cyber Espionage in International Relations.” Diplomacy Data, 2015.


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Vision And Mission Statements Strategic Planning

Pages: 6 (1788 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Case Study Document #:15240681

… on the changes in the society and how the school should adopt to meet them—such as the rise of technological advancements in the Digital Age, and the demands of demographic shifts—the school has instead dithered away without growing its list of donors or building for tomorrow.
Therefore, ……



Kim, W. C. & Mauborgne, R. (2002). Charting Your Company’s Future. Harvard Business Review, June 2002. Harvard Business School, Boston, MA

Klag, M., Giroux, H., & Langley, A. (2012). Strategic planning at Saint Francis de Sales Schools. International Journal of Case Studies in Management (Online), 10(2), 1-20.

Kouzes, J. & Posner, B. (1996). Envisioning your Future: Imagining Ideal Scenarios. Futurist, 30, 14.

Mullane, J. V. (2002). The mission statement is a strategic tool: when used properly. Management Decision, 40(5), 448-455.


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Evolution Of Forensic Science

Pages: 4 (1241 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:57032460

...Digital Forensic science evolved as an attempt to introduce scientific methods into criminal justice. From the 18th century onward, advancements in chemistry, biology, and physics paved the way for forensic science (Gaensslen & Larsen, 2019). Likewise, the routine use of autopsy and forensic pathology helped improve the ability to understand the causes of death (Gaensslen & Larsen, 2019). Forensic science steadily evolved, in conjunctions with advancements in scientific instruments and the methods used for data collection and analysis. DNA evidence and analysis has made a huge impact on forensic science. Current concerns in forensic science include the need for increased reliability and validity of forensic science methods, as well as public perceptions of forensic science. Because perceptions of forensic science could have a direct impact on juror decisions, distinguishing real from junk science becomes one of the most important issues in criminal justice.
Scientific Methods in Forensic Science
Forensic scientific methods……



Ballantyne, K. N., Edmond, G., & Found, B. (2017). Peer review in forensic science. Forensic Science International, 277, 66–76. 

Bell, S., Sah, S., Albright, T. D., Gates, S. J., Jr, Denton, M. B., & Casadevall, A. (2018). A call for more science in forensic science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 115(18), 4541–4544. 

Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from 

Kaplan , A. B., & Puracal, J. C. (2018). It’s not a match: Why the law can’t let go of junk science. Albany Law Review, 81(3), 895–939. Retrieved from 

National Research Council 2009. Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. .

Redmayne, M., Roberts, P., Aitken, C., & Jackson, G. (2011). Forensic science evidence in question. Criminal Law Review 5, 347–356 Retrieved from

Shelton, D. E. (2008, March). The ‘CSI effect:’ Does it really exist?. NIJ Journal, 259. Retrieved from 


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Israeli Security Methods In U S Airports

Pages: 3 (1023 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:94329495

… ways that American airports are importing Israeli security methods is through the use of security…[break]…must go through. The fast pass is basically a digital pre-check in which the traveler uploads all the information that would be sought out by a security interviewer ahead of time in order ……



Gaines, L. K., & Miller, R. L. (2013). Criminal justice in action. Nelson Education.

Haaretz & Reuters. (2017). U.S. Airport Security Is Becoming a Bit More Israeli Today –Here\\\\\\\\\\\\'s What You Need to Know. Retrieved from 

Hasisi, B., Margalioth, Y., & Orgad, L. (2012). Ethnic profiling in airport screening: Lessons from Israel, 1968–2010. American law and economics review, 14(2), 517-560.

Lowrey, A. (2010, January 8). Foreign policy: The costs of Israel level security [Opinion]. NPR. Retrieved from 

NBC. (2018). NYC-Area Airports Set Record for Passenger Traffic, Rank Among Worst in U.S. for On-Time Performance. Retrieved from 

Zeff, M. (2017). 2016 record year for Israeli air traffic. Retrieved from 


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Physical And Mental Disabilities In The Workplace

Pages: 9 (2585 words) Sources: 15 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:74915062

...Digital Introduction
By analyzing the critical issues of diversity in today’s world through the lenses of history, the humanities, the natural and applied sciences, and the social sciences, one can see how the feedback loop within society is created. This paper explores the issue of physical and mental disabilities in the workplace. Until recently in this nation’s history, individuals with disabilities were viewed as liabilities—but now the very language that people use when discussing individuals who have physical or mental disabilities is changing. Even the term “disabled” seems to stem from the problematic concept of ableism: as the Center for Disability Rights points out, some managers still operate under “the assumption that disabled people need to be 'fixed' in one form or the other.” That assumption is being challenged across the country as the rights of disabled people are asserted and defended—and this paper shows how. Historically, the disabled population has been one……



Baruch, Y. (2000). Teleworking: benefits and pitfalls as perceived by professionals and managers. New technology, work and employment, 15(1), 34-49.

Bortz, D. (2018). Can Blind Hiring Improve Workplace Diversity? Retrieved from 

Center for Disability Rights. (2019). Ableism. Retrieved from 

Corrigan, P. W. (2016). Lessons learned from unintended consequences about erasing the stigma of mental illness. World Psychiatry, 15(1), 67-73.

Fabian, R. (2019). New Marvel Film \\\\\\\\\\\\'The Eternals\\\\\\\\\\\\' Will Feature First Deaf Superhero. Retrieved from

Faurer, J., Rogers-Brodersen, A., & Bailie, P. (2014). Managing the re-employment of military veterans through the Transition Assistance Program (TAP). Journal of Business & Economics Research (Online), 12(1), 55.

Guruge, S., Wang, A. Z. Y., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., & Sidani, S. (2017). Knowing so much, yet knowing so little: a scoping review of interventions that address the stigma of mental illness in the Canadian context. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(5), 507-523.

Marquis, J.P., Lim, N., Kavanagh, J., Harrell, M.C. & Scott, L.M. (2007). Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis. Pittsburgh, PA: Rand Corporation.


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Including Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Students In The General Education

Pages: 15 (4479 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:71231641

...Digital Abstract
This paper provides an extensive review of literature on deaf students and deafness. The purpose of the literature review is to obtain an understanding of what deafness is, what causes deafness, how it occurs, and what deaf culture is like for deaf people. The review identifies schools and programs that are used to help the deaf community and it also examines the outcomes of deaf students in general education. It discusses whether deaf students are better served in an inclusive environment or whether they are better served in a deaf community based learning environment. It examines the characteristics of hearing loss and how there are different tools and ways to treat hearing loss when it occurs in cases where reversing the hearing loss is possible. In some cases, reversal is not possible but surgical solutions may exist.
One of the more remarkable qualities of deaf culture is that……



Arizona Office for Americans with Disabilities. (2007). Retrieved from 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Retrieved from 

Curhan, G., & Curhan, S. (2016). Epidemiology of hearing impairment. In Hearing Aids (pp. 21-58). Springer, Cham.

Gallaudet University. (2019). Retrieved from 

Hill, M. (2019). Embryology Sensory - Hearing Abnormalities. Retrieved from 

Hyde, M., Nikolaraizi, M., Powell, D., & Stinson, M. (2016). Critical factors toward the Inclusion of deaf and hard-of-hearing students in higher education. Diversity in deaf education, 441-472.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (2006). Retrieved from 

Padden, C. A. & Humphries, T. (2005). Inside Deaf Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


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Starbucks Corporation Operational Sustainability

Pages: 6 (1944 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:45580397

… so at large volumes globally that have allowed it to benefit from economies of scale. To ensure sustainability as the average consumer goes digital and embraces various technological products, the corporation has partnered with Apple to offer coupons that can be redeemed using iPhones. The company is ……



Bruhn-Hansen, S. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility–A case study of Starbucks’ CSR: communication through its corporate website. Unpublished master’s thesis, Illinois State University. Retrieved from http://pure. au. dk/portal/files/45282206/ba_thesis. pdf.

Harnrungchalotorn, S., & Phayonlerd, Y. (2016). Starbucks with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):“How Starbucks succeeds in a business world with CSR” (Doctoral dissertation, Master Thesis. Faculty Board of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT Business Administration).

Juneja, P. (2018). PESTLE Analysis of Starbucks. Retrieved November 21, 2019, from .

Khalamayzer, A. (2017, November 16). How Starbucks brewed a stronger sustainability bond. Retrieved November 21, 2019, from .

Steven Li. (2019, July 5). Is Starbucks actually serious about environmental sustainability? Retrieved November 21, 2019, from .

Sustainalytics. (2019). Second-Party Opinion Starbucks Sustainability Bond. Sustainalytics Second-Party Opinion Review.


Study Document Study Document

Depression And Social Media

Pages: 8 (2464 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:12318199

...Digital Introduction
Loneliness is defined as “a subjective, unwelcome feeling of lack or loss of companionship. It happens when we have a mismatch between the quantity and quality of social relationships that we have, and those that we want” (Office for National Satistics).  As Horne notes, loneliness and depression play off one another. Loneliness is not necessarily isolation from people as it is the feeling of being alone (Horne). Van Winkel et al. show that loneliness often is both a predictor and symptom of depression. Depression in other words is typically an underlying current in loneliness.
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the rate of depression among young adults (National Institute of Mental Health). Twenge, Cooper, Joiner, Duffy and Binau show that over the past decade, the number of adolescents who are depressed has more than doubled. This coincides with the rise of social media and the……


Works Cited

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