Developing Countries Essays (Examples)


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Role And Purpose Of Advocacy In The Health Care Delivery System

Pages: 5 (1453 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:38970574

… of human rights for patients, and 2) by reducing health disparities through the promotion of international collaboration to bring health care changes to countries where access to quality care is limited by lack of infrastructure. Promoting human rights is an important advocacy practice at…[break]…primary means of interacting ……



Ahmadinejad, F., Abbaszadeh, A., & Davoodvand, S. (2016). Patient advocacy from the clinical nurses\\\\' viewpoint: a qualitative study. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 9(5).

Benatar, S. R. (2013). Global Health and Justice: R e?examining our Values. Bioethics,  27(6), 297-304.

Earnest, M. A., Wong, S. L., & Federico, S. G. (2010). Perspective: physician advocacy: what is it and how do we do it?. Academic medicine, 85(1), 63-67.

World Health Organization (WHO). (2015). Global Health Ethics Key issues Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Bioethics. Retrieved from:;jsessionid=BF56A5C93A3B735876DBBF060A0652FC?sequence=1 

World Health Organization. (2016). Online public hearing to help inform the scope of the forthcoming WHO guidelines on health policy and system support to optimize community based health worker programs. Retrieved from:


Study Document Study Document

Career Path Plan

Pages: 9 (2560 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:50150800

...Developing countries How to Make a Career Path Plan
Mission or Purpose
I perceive that my purpose in life is to serve others by using my training, experience, knowledge, skills, and talents and applying them in a way that helps others to achieve their goals. This perception is based on my experience as a leader in the military, where I have given a great deal of my life in service to my country. For me there is no better calling than to serve others, to put oneself at the service of a country, an organization, a group, family, friends, or community.
Personal Philosophy of Work
My beliefs about myself, people and work are that we are all here to work. I do not sit around and dream of holidays and think about how I cannot wait for the work bell to ring so I can go home, sit on the couch, and……


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External Environment Of Salesforce

Pages: 3 (1049 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:20905623

… to uncertainties, it is affecting all the businesses especially the international business (Pratap, 2019). Salesforce and other software companies face political threats from countries which puts their companies (domestic business) over international services which makes it difficult and complex for the companies to enter into various countries because of these barriers (Pratap, 2019). It constricts the scope of the business. Also, as the technology is increasing, the governments are moving … the technology is increasing, the governments are moving towards more private data conservation due to which there are frameworks and laws protecting their countries’ data ( SWOT and Pestle Anlaysis, 2018) threatening the growth of the company.
There are some socio-economic threats and challenges as well as … company to understand its consumers more deeply and customize the services according to their needs. Salesforce also needs to expand internationally to different countries, maximizing its scope of business. As……



Pratap, A. (2019, November 18). PESTEL ANALYSIS OF CRM BRAND SALESFORCE. Notesmatic. Retrieved from 

Pratap, A. (2019, March 2). SALESFORCE.COM SWOT ANALYSIS. Notesmatic. Retrieved from SWOT Analysis, Competitors & USP. (n.d.). MBA Skool. Retrieved from SWOT and Pestle Anlaysis. (2018, December). S & P Swot and Retrieved from 


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Pages: 8 (2520 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:290264

… essay also covers how handwashing is used in medical environments.  There are cultural components to handwashing and the essay will discuss handwashing in developing nations as well as the social and cultural aspects of handwashing. 


Handwashing is always an important way to help preserve health and … to preserve moisture in the hands can help ameliorate any negative side effects.

Making Handwashing Habitual: The Importance of Behavior Change

Even in countries with easy access to clean running water and soap, handwashing has not become a reliable habit.  In countries where there is a cultural or religious component to hand washing, people are much more likely to wash their hands.  However, even in … is a cultural or religious component to hand washing, people are much more likely to wash their hands.  However, even in relatively clean countries like the United States, only about three-fourths of people regularly wash……



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  “When and How to Wash Your Hands.” CDC.  2 April 2020. " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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Comparing Irans Military And Culture To The U S Military And Culture

Pages: 8 (2313 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:35757446

… of armed groups; whether this violence is actual, potential, or symbolic” (p. 30). When it comes to the U.S. and Iran, no two countries could be more different. The U.S. is a liberal, Western democracy with the world’s biggest all-volunteer military. Iran is a Middle Eastern nation … U.S. (Jacobson, 2008). The U.S. on the other hand is engaged often in mission creep with military bases in dozens upon dozens of countries all over the world, and is seen as both aggressor and as protector, depending upon the perspectives of the countries either involved in conflict with the U.S. or looking to receive military support from the U.S. (Adams & Murray, 2014).
As Ulrich vom … Their Personnel and Provide for Transition Back to Civilian Life
Personnel are institutionalized by the training they receive in Basic Training in both countries. However, it is much less organized and rigid in……



Adams, G., & Murray, S. (Eds.). (2014). Mission creep: the militarization of US foreign policy?. Georgetown University Press.

Butler, S. (2003). War is a Racket. LA: Feral House.

Chambers, J. (2003). To Raise an Army: The Draft Comes to Modern America. New York: The Free Press.

Forsling, C. (2017). The military has a toxic leadership problem. Retrieved from 

Jacobson, M. (2008). Sanctions against Iran: A promising struggle. Washington Quarterly, 31(3), 69-88.

Ouellet, E. (n.d.). New directions in military sociology.

Reuters. (2019). Senior Iranian military adviser threatens broad response to any U.S. move. Retrieved from 

Snow, R., & Wynn, S. T. (2018). Managing Opioid Use Disorder and Co-Occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Veterans. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 56(6), 36-42.


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Cyber Espionage

Pages: 16 (4895 words) Sources: 24 Document Type:Case Study Document #:27491269

… capabilities.
Cyberspace has become an important element in the operations of any given country since we are living in an information age. countries across the globe use cyberspace for various purposes including business and in modern warfare. Cyberspace has developed into a crucial component of modern … to collect intelligence that is used for offensive cyber warfare. For example, Russia recently hacked Iranian hackers to conduct attacks in over 35 countries.[footnoteRef:30] [29: Ibid., 1.] [30: Helen Warrell & Henry Foy, “Russian Cyberattack Unit ‘masqueraded’ as Iranian Hackers, UK Says”, Financial Times, 2019.]
Theme ……



Ablon, L. “Data Thieves: The Motivations of Cyber Threat Actors and Their Use and Monetization of Stolen Data.” RAND Corporation, March 2018. 

Agarwal A. & CERT-IN. “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques.” Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 2013. 

Banks, W.C. “Cyber Espionage and Electronic Surveillance: Beyond the Media Coverage.” Emory law Journal 66, (2017).

Baxter, P. & Jack, S. “Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers.” The Qualitative Report 13, no. 4 (2008).

Brown, G. “Spying and Fighting in Cyberspace: What is Which?” Journal of National Security Law & Policy 8, (2017).

Connell, M. & Vogler, S. “Russia’s Approach to Cyber Warfare.” CNA Analysis and Solutions, 2017. 

Creswell, J.W. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

Diplomacy Data. “Cyber Security and Cyber Espionage in International Relations.” Diplomacy Data, 2015.


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Enterprise Risk Management In Wells Fargo During The Pandemic

Pages: 15 (4587 words) Sources: 15 Document Type:Essay Document #:32848070

… the firm to reduce exposure to these risks by preparing for them through safety mechanisms, altering strategy so as to avoid them, or developing a plan to meet these challenges head-on. The aim of ERM is to address the issue of risk holistically, comprehensively and from the ……



Beasley, M. (2020). How to Leverage ERM Principles to Better Respond to COVID-19-Related Risks. ERM Professional Insights.

Derysh, I. (2020). Watchdog questions why Wells Fargo reported giving only one large PPP loan to a Black-owned business. Retrieved from 

English, C. (2020). Wells Fargo Forced to Cut Its Dividend After Fed Stress Test. Here’s What Other Banks Did. Retrieved from 

Hall, J. (2007). Internal Auditing and ERM: Fitting in and Adding Value. Retrieved from  Documents/Sawyer_Award_2007.pdf

Kaplan, R. & Mikes, A. (2012). Managing risks: A new framework. Harvard Business Review, 3.

Lewis, M. (2010). The Big Short. NY: W. W. Norton.

Lundqvist, S. (2014). Abandoning Silos for Integration: Implementing Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Governance. Lund University.

Morgenson, G. (2020). More Wells Fargo customers say the bank decided to pause their mortgage payments without asking. Retrieved from


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Homeland Defense And Private Security After September 11 Attacks

Pages: 6 (1861 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:15174853

...Developing countries Introduction
The most significant terrorist attack on American soil was the September 11 attacks by Al Qaeda terrorists. The attacks changed the perception that America cannot suffer such attacks, considering how far away it is from where terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda are based. The attacks also initiated America’s war against terrorism, which continues to date. Before the September 11 attacks, Americans had never experienced a large scale terrorist incident within their country’s borders. Moreover, most local and state security agencies had no experience with such attacks and were, therefore, very ill-prepared to respond to them. The only historic attacks or incidents that compare to the September 11 attacks were the airplane hijackings of the seventies and the eighties. The fact that Americans were not prepared and for the attacks and never expected such attacks to happen on their soil resulted in many people being very surprised and mentally……



Chanley, V. (2002). Trust in Government in the Aftermath of 9/11: Determinants and Consequences. Political Psychology, 23(3), 469-483. Retrieved May 11, 2020, from

Dugulin, R., & Niglia, A. (2015, May 17). The private sector in the protection of critical infrastructure - GRI. Global Risk Insights.

Gramlich, J. (2018, September 11). Since 9/11, Americans have seen anti-terrorism policy as a top priority. Pew Research Center. 

Morgan, D. (2019). Homeland Security Research and Development: Homeland Security Issues in the 116th Congress. Current Politics and Economics of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, 21(1), 43-46.

Moteff, J., Copeland, C., & Fischer, J. (2003, January). Critical infrastructures: What makes an infrastructure critical?. Library of Congress Washington DC Congressional Research Service.


Study Document Study Document

Six Fundamental Pillars Of Character

Pages: 6 (1920 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:61579019

...Developing countries Six Fundamental Pillars of Character
Today, the notion of what factors comprise a good character for humans is undergoing some profoundly significant challenges as the nation’s top leadership struggles to respond to the ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic in an honest and forthright fashion. Moreover, the demographic composition of the United States and many other Western nations has experienced significant changes in recent years, introducing a number of cross-cultural factors that are used to define good character. Against this backdrop, it is important for individuals to apply their critical thinking skills to develop their own conceptualization of character. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to provide a list of six fundamental pillars of character: integrity, dependability, responsible, patriotic, open-minded and considerate of others. The critical analysis the follows below examines how these pillars of character can be used to assess the extent to which people satisfy these characteristics……


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Weapons Of Mass Destruction WMD Antifa

Pages: 13 (3787 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:67320498

… international conflict breaks out in the coming years? What can the U.S. do to protect its network given that cyber attackers are always developing innovative new ways to hack and take over systems of targets?
The National Guard is a military unit that is part of ……



Chatfield, A. T., Reddick, C. G., & Brajawidagda, U. (2015, May). Tweeting propaganda, radicalization and recruitment: Islamic state supporters multi-sided twitter networks. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (pp. 239-249).

Christenson, G. (2015). CBRN response. National Guard Bureau.

Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K., & Freberg, L. A. (2011). Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 90-92.

Garellek, A. (2016, March 4). The ISIS WMD Threat. The Cipher Brief. Retrieved from 

Jennings, P. (2006). Miami port poses serious risks. Retrieved from 

Johnston, W.R. (2016, November 30). Summary of historical attacks using chemical or biological weapons. The Johnston Archive. Retrieved from 

Klein, A. (2019). From Twitter to Charlottesville: Analyzing the Fighting Words Between the Alt-Right and Antifa. International Journal of Communication, 13, 22.

Maras, M-H. (2014). Transnational Security. Florida: CRC Press.

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