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Is the Constitution Still Relevant? No—What Matters is Who Has the Power to Decide What the Constitution Means
The Constitution is relevant when people want it to be, and irrelevant when they do not want it to be. For instance, everyone become a … is relevant when people want it to be, and irrelevant when they do not want it to be. For instance, everyone become a Constitutionalist when he starts arguing that habeas corpus (Article I), due process (5th and 14th Amendments) and freedom of speech (1st Amendment) are important. … safety should come before the right to privacy (3rd, 4th and 5th Amendments). Thus, people are generally torn about what parts of the Constitution are relevant and what parts are not. Typically, when it comes to themselves, they want the protections of the Constitution—so if they feel that society poses a threat to themselves, they generally want the……
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… in the Declaration of Independence was meant primarily to be limited to the rights of the propertied class, i.e., themselves. Thus, the original Constitution of the US did not even address the issue of rights of blacks or women. As far as the framers of the Constitution were concerned, blacks, women and those without property were not to be afforded the same rights as the landed class. The individual states … individual states gave voting rights only to those individuals who owned property. It was not until the 15th Amendment of 1870 that the Constitution was amended and voting rights were ensured for all men regardless of race. Women, still, would have to wait another half century before … support for suffrage. Wilson promised that if Chapman threw support behind the war, he would move Congress to support an amendment to the Constitution to grant women the right to……
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… yet everywhere it appears it has been gravely abused with fear and hysteria serving as the underlying motivation for this abuse.
But the Constitution does not give governors or the federal government the right to assume dictatorial control just because fear and hysteria are in the air. … not doing their job. The hysteria must be brought to heel and it must be brought to heel within the framework of the constitutional law that gives this country the conditions upon which rights are to be exercised and laws are to be implemented.
Due process is … vile and unscrupulous approach to law and the execution of justice. Every American has the right to due process as defined by the Constitution and no American should feel like he has to make a defense for his liberties by appealing to a commerce clause. How utterly … human being in this nation……
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Study Document
...Constitution The Rights of Man and Revolution in France
Despite the push to eradicate a class based system during the Enlightenment and events leading up to the French Revolution, it was replaced instead by classes based on property and wealth rather than nobility. Two leading figures for and against the new classes were Robespierre and Sieyes. Sieyes supported separating voting rights from human rights while Robespierre believed voting rights were inherent rights of man. Robespierre’s ideals deteriorated as he gained power. The rights of man were essentially an Enlightenment notion. Thomas Paine had written The Rights of Man in 1791 as the French Revolution was underway and he had even gone there to show his support for it; however, Robespierre had him locked away and schedule for execution, not trusting the American. In short, France was a hotbed of insurrection, chaos, mistrust, and change. The politics of governance were in……
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… Query 18).
Because blacks are human, Douglass argued that they were entitled to all-natural rights that the United States made clear in its Constitution and Declaration of Independence. He argued that slavery was a clear subversion of natural rights because it subjugated the slaves and brutalized them. ……
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… democratic nations also seek to influence government in monarchies.
Monarchies can rule by edict, so long as they are absolute. If they are constitutional monarchies, the rulers have to abide by laws that are written in the constitution and it is not an absolute authority that the monarchy has. If it is an absolute monarchy, the ruler has absolute authority. It … authority. It is actually similar to the situation that the President faces in the US: he must abide by the laws of the constitution, yet he can also rule by edict with Executive Orders, so long as they are not challenged and overturned by the Supreme Court … In monarchs, the power is vested for a lifetime in one person or family who rules with absolute authority. If it is a constitutional monarchy, the power of the ruler is limited by the laws of the constitution. In……
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… both opponents and proponents of gun control point out that their position is firmly rooted in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. As a matter of fact, while those in support of stricter laws are of the opinion that the framers of the Constitution had militias in mind in as far as the Second Amendment is concerned, there are those who are convinced that owning guns is … in mind in as far as the Second Amendment is concerned, there are those who are convinced that owning guns is an inalienable constitutional right. With regard to the latter perspective, Hayes (2016) points out that gun ownership is considered to be a longstanding tradition of the … that gun ownership is considered to be a longstanding tradition of the American society and one that has the backing of the U.S. Constitution. It therefore follows that having in place……
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