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Does criminal profiling Work or is it Unjustified The Case of Tim Masters
criminal profiling allows law enforcement to develop their understanding of particular types of crime, criminal, criminal behaviors, and crime-ridden areas. The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is one data set tool used in criminal profiling (FBI, 2019). However, criminal profiling is not an exact science but rather more of an art and there is a high degree of subjectivity that goes into creating … not an exact science but rather more of an art and there is a high degree of subjectivity that goes into creating a criminal profile. Thus, when it comes to the criminal profiling of serial killers, there are many factors that must be considered—biological, sociological, environmental, criminological, and psychological inputs. This paper will describe what is … there are many factors that must be considered—biological, sociological, environmental, criminological, and psychological inputs.……
Alldredge, J. (2015). The" CSI Effect" and Its Potential Impact on Juror Decisions. Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, 3(1), 6.
Bonn, S. (2019). How the FBI Profiles Serial Offenders. Retrieved from
Dogra, T.D. et al. (2012). A psychological profile of a serial killer: A case report. Omega: Journal of Death & Dying 65(4), 299-316.
FBI. (2019). Summary of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Retrieved from
Karson, M. (2017). Why Profiling Serial Killers Can’t Work. Retrieved from
Miller, L. (2014). Serial killers: I. Subtypes, patterns and motives. Aggression and Violent Behavior 19, 1-11.
Samuel, D. B., & Widiger, T. A. (2007). Describing Ted Bundy's personality and working towards DSM-V. Practice, 27, 20-22.
Sarteschi, C. M. (2016). Serial Murder. In Mass and Serial Murder in America (pp. 45-67). Springer, Cham.
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Types of criminal profiling
According to Bartol & Bartol (2017), there are five broad categories of criminal profiling, but they are not mutually exclusive and are frequently used in tandem with one another to aid investigations. The first type of criminal profiling covered in the text is commonly referred to as psychological profiling: the profiling of known individuals like suspects. The goal of psychological profiling is risk or threat assessment: to determine how serious a person may be if they have threatened violence. Similarly, psychological profiling can be used on persons who have been flagged for violating social norms or who have acted out. As helpful as psychological profiling can be to investigators, it is important to note that the process can be misleading and even harmful to investigations (Sample, 2010). Psychological … can be to investigators, it is important to note that the process can be misleading and even……
Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2017). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (11th ed.). Retrieved from
Kocsis, R. N., & Palermo, G. B. (2015). Disentangling Criminal Profiling: Accuracy, Homology, and the Myth of Trait-Based Profiling. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(3), 313-332.
Sample, I. (2010). Psychological profiling ‘worse than useless.’ The Guardian. Retrieved from:
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What is criminal justice reform? It is the focus on improving the criminal justice system through the implementation of evidence-based best practices, policies that promote greater equitability fairness, and systems that are more cost-efficient (National criminal Justice Association, 2019). One area in which reform is needed is the issue of bail. Bail is the bond that allows an arrested … discuss the history of reform, pros and cons, incarceration rates, advocacy efforts, the current arrest and detention process and statistics in New Jersey.
criminal Justice Reform Background
In the 1990s there was an attitude in America that the government needed to “get tough” on crime. This led … tough” on crime. This led to the creation of the Three Strikes policy and to higher rates of incarceration, the rise in racial profiling, and other abuses—such as prosecutors essentially cornering suspects into pleading guilty just to avoid a lengthy trial……
ACLU. (2019). ACLU lawsuit goes after $2 billion bail industry that profits off poor people. Retrieved from
Drug Policy Alliance. (2019). New Jersey Judiciary Releases Annual Bail Reform Report, with Additional Key Statistics. Retrieved from
National Criminal Justice Association. (2019). Criminal justice system improvement. Retrieved from
Platt, T. (2018). Criminal justice reform in the U.S. has a long history of repressive outcomes. Retrieved from
Vitiello, M. (2002). Three Strikes Laws-A Real or Imagined Deterrent to Crime. Hum. Rts., 29, 3.
Woods, A. & Rosnick, J. (2019). Mistakenly Jailed Pretrial, an Ohio Mother Lost Her Job and Kids. Retrieved from
Ziegelheim, D. (2018). Grassroots Organizations Are Leading The Way On Criminal Justice Reform. Retrieved from
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...Criminal profiling Lifestyle Red Flags of Fraud Perpetrators
As the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (2010) points out, the average fraud perpetrator has—like David L. Miller—no prior fraud convictions. The offender is typically in the 30 to 45 years age range and is more likely to be male than female. Both of these characteristic profile traits fit Miller to a “t”. Moreover, four out of five fraud perpetrators are likely to work in the accounting department of an organization, again just like David L. Miller. And as the perpetrator ages so too does the level of fraud increase in terms of losses (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2010)—again just like with the case of David L. Miller. This paper will analyze the case of David L. Miller and show why he fits the profile of a fraud perpetrator well and why companies tend not to press charges against people like him.……
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. (2010). Who is Most Likely to Commit Fraud at Your Company? Retrieved from
Friedrichs, D. (2009). Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society. Cengage Learning.
US Attorney’s Office. (2019). Attorney Convicted of Embezzling Over $1.5 Million from Virginia Senator, Canadian Business, and Autism Organization. Retrieved from
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Background and Biographical Data
The case of Jesse Norman Imeson reveals the possible connections between childhood upbringing, childhood trauma, and psychological characteristics on criminal behavior. While childhood experiences can never be used to condone violence or criminal, understanding the correlation between these factors may help identify early warning signs or risk factors that can then be used in crime prevention … was never diagnosed as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) but certainly could have been; ADHD being a major risk factor in delinquency and criminal behavior (Bartol & Bartol, 2016).
Within a year after her husband’s suicide, Jesse’s mother placed him—but not his siblings--in foster care with an … Bartolp. 2016, p. 60). In fact, the string of events that occurred since his father’s suicide made for a precariously perfect precursor to criminal. Children’s Aid actually called his mother’s use of foster care to extricate herself from parenting responsibilities, separating……
Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A, M. (2018). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.
“Jesse Imeson charged in death of Windsor man,” (2007). CTV News. Retrieved from:
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Mellor, L. (2013). Rampage. Toronto, Ontario: Dundurn
Paiva, M. (2019). Windsor murderer claims he was sexually abused. iHeart Radio. Retrieved from:
Perkel, C. (2018). Family of victims lash out as smirking killer gets life sentence. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from:
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Forensic science evolved as an attempt to introduce scientific methods into criminal justice. From the 18th century onward, advancements in chemistry, biology, and physics paved the way for forensic science (Gaensslen & Larsen, 2019). Likewise, … forensic science could have a direct impact on juror decisions, distinguishing real from junk science becomes one of the most important issues in criminal justice.
Scientific Methods in Forensic Science
Forensic scientific methods are varied and complex,“ranging from DNA analysis to chemical composition to pattern recognition,” (Bell, … yet to be vetted by the scientific community. Instead, the standards of validity and reliability were established by members of the legal and criminal justice systems (Bell, Sah, Albright, et al., 2018). Ongoing investigations critiquing the methods used in forensic science led to the dismantling of the … (p. 66). Peer review processes are only as valid and reliable as their structure and design;…[break]…communities may consist……
Ballantyne, K. N., Edmond, G., & Found, B. (2017). Peer review in forensic science. Forensic Science International, 277, 66–76.
Bell, S., Sah, S., Albright, T. D., Gates, S. J., Jr, Denton, M. B., & Casadevall, A. (2018). A call for more science in forensic science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 115(18), 4541–4544.
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
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...Criminal profiling The Role of Forensic Science in Crime Scene Investigation
The scientific method begins with the identification of a problem. Questions are asked, data is collected, a hypothesis is formed and then tested. The scientific method is essentially no different from the kind of investigative work that investigators of a crime scene do on a daily basis. They a faced with a problem: a crime has occurred. The questions they must ask are: what happened, why, when, who was involved, where did it occur, and how did it happen? They collect data and using forensic science to analyze the data, they come up with a narrative that answers those questions (Shaler, 2011). Lab work helps to verify the story by providing more evidence that can give more details. This paper will show how the scientific method is applied to forensic science.
The forensic scientific method consists of five steps:
1. Acquisition……
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
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...Criminal profiling Developing Ethical Leaders in Law Enforcement
At any point in time but especially during periods of social and political unrest, American citizens look to law enforcement authorities to provide them with the informed guidance and support they need to navigate their ways through these challenging times successfully. It is therefore incumbent upon law enforcement agencies at every level to create an organizational culture that places a high priority of ethical policing practices and to develop ethical leaders that can model the way for their subordinates. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to explicate the importance of ethical leadership and to identify strategies for developing ethical leaders in law enforcement today. A summary of the research and key findings concerning these issues are presented in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Importance of Ethical Leadership in Law Enforcement
One of……
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Steirheim, M. (2020, March). The importance of ethical leadership and moral courage in pubic management. Public Management, 102(3), 19-23.
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...Criminal profiling Introduction of Strategy
Almost ten years back, the Austin History Center launched a new permanent exhibit on African American history in Travis County that has since inspired local activism, awareness, and community self-empowerment (Castillo, 2018). This strategy builds upon the success of the Austin History Center projects, which include the vast resources contained in the Austin History Center’s African American Community Archivist (2019). Building resilience through the arts, culture, and community pride will be the solution-focused approach to addressing persistent disparities in Travis County, Texas.
A needs assessment of the African American community in Travis County reveals several areas of vulnerability this strategy aims to address by coordinating with existing ongoing initiatives and organizations.
Physical and Mental Health Disparities
Physical and mental health disparities are among the top vulnerabilities for the African American community in Travis County. Research reveals several major disparities in mental and physical health that render the……
Austin History Center (2019). African American Community Archivist. Retrieved from
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“New report points to racism and longer confinement of African Americans in Travis County Jail,” (2017). Grassroots Leadership. 13 July, 2017. Retrieved from
Prosperity Now (2019). Racial wealth divide in Austin. Retrieved from
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… to be effective because they primarily profile passengers to identify terrorists whereas Americans tend to scan everyone indiscriminately to avoid being accused of profiling. The latter method leads to lines and delays. The former methods does as well—but the lines and delays are formed outside the airport. ……
Gaines, L. K., & Miller, R. L. (2013). Criminal justice in action. Nelson Education.
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Hasisi, B., Margalioth, Y., & Orgad, L. (2012). Ethnic profiling in airport screening: Lessons from Israel, 1968–2010. American law and economics review, 14(2), 517-560.
Lowrey, A. (2010, January 8). Foreign policy: The costs of Israel level security [Opinion]. NPR. Retrieved from
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