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… when judges impose harsher sentences on offenders who are persons of color than on Caucasian offenders for similar crimes (Spohn, 2008).
The Supreme court Building has a phrase engraved on it. The phrase reads, “Equal justice under the law.” However, for the poor, for persons of color, … other groups, this phrase does not mean much. This is because they face discrimination at sentencing and other stages of the criminal justice system. For example, the poor in the United States in America are more likely to be arrested, more likely to get low-quality legal representation, … likely to get maximum sentences than the rich. The paper’s goal is to investigate sentencing discrimination and disparities in the American criminal justice system (Spohn, 2008).
Sentencing Disparities and Discrimination
Despite the increased focus on discrimination and leadership changes at the federal justice department, disparities and discrimination … focus on discrimination and leadership……
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Yang, C. S. (2015). Free at last? Judicial discretion and racial disparities in federal sentencing. The Journal of Legal Studies, 44(1), 75-111.
Study Document
Mental health court in the criminal justice system are designed for individuals with a mental health disability. They act as alternative court for such individuals though they are similar to other specialized court like veterans’ court and drug court. These court were developed to help address the inability of conventional court and jails to address the needs of defendants with mental illnesses (Mental Health America, 2020). Traditional policing, court and corrections lacked measures to address defendants with mental health issues, which resulted in the establishment of these court. Traditional policing initiatives and court treated mental health ill defendants in the same manner as other offenders while corrections did not include programs that sought to provide mental … a result of unique needs of these individuals, practitioners altered their approaches to mental health individuals coming into contact with the criminal justice system through establishing mental health court. This resulted in fundamental……
Mental Health America. (2020). Position Statement 53: Mental Health Courts. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from
Thompson, M., Osher, F. & Tomasini-Joshi, D. (2007). Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses. Retrieved from Bureau of Justice Assistance website:
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… in the U.S. The American Gulag is like that of the Soviet Gulag: people lose their entire lives once they disappear into the system, where they become basically slave laborers for the corporations working for pennies on the dollar while incarcerated (Pelaez, 2019).
Advocacy groups that support … that support bail reform are The Sentencing Project, which is a Wasington, D.C.-based national reform group that focuses on racism in the justice system and lower in the prison population; The Marshall Project, which is made up of journalists seeking to shed light on the justice system as it lacks transparency; and grassroots organizations like The St. Louis Action Committee and the Arch City Defenders, which work with national organizations … and grassroots organizations like The St. Louis Action Committee and the Arch City Defenders, which work with national organizations to reform the justice system (Ziegelheim, 2018).
The current arrest and……
ACLU. (2019). ACLU lawsuit goes after $2 billion bail industry that profits off poor people. Retrieved from
Drug Policy Alliance. (2019). New Jersey Judiciary Releases Annual Bail Reform Report, with Additional Key Statistics. Retrieved from
Pelaez, V. (2019). The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery? Retrieved from
Ziegelheim, D. (2018). Grassroots Organizations Are Leading The Way On Criminal Justice Reform. Retrieved from
Study Document
1. Name the three (3) separate government components that make-up the U.S. Criminal justice system and explain their function and how they work together?
The three separate government components that make-up the U.S. Criminal justice system comprise of court, law enforcement, and corrections. Imperatively, these components are dependent on one another and one would not necessarily be beneficial devoid of the others. … Imperatively, these components are dependent on one another and one would not necessarily be beneficial devoid of the others. First of all, the court are reliant on the law enforcement to legally gather and comprehensively record and document all evidence and statements made. Secondly, law enforcement works … law enforcement to legally gather and comprehensively record and document all evidence and statements made. Secondly, law enforcement works in tandem with the court in regard to serving warrants and subpoenas. The third component of the justice system, corrections,……
Ortmeier, P. J. (2006). Introduction to law enforcement and criminal justice. New York: Prentice Hall.
Peak, K. J. (Ed.). (2013). Encyclopedia of community policing and problem solving. Sage Publications.
Perez, D. W., & Moore, J. A. (2012). Police Ethics. Cengage Learning.
Science Daily. (2008). Impact Of Stress On Police Officers\\' Physical And Mental Health. Retrieved from:
The New York Times. (2014). Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles of Policing. Retrieved from:
University of San Diego. (2019). The Top 5 Trends in Law Enforcement. Retrieved from:
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… the wind. It is egregious and when a case like Ernie Camacho’s or JoJo’s comes up, as a member of the US Supreme court, I have to state up front my bias—I am completely in sympathy with Camacho and JoJo and find Barr’s actions and California’s overreaction … media personalities, or the governor’s office is in a panic about a flu about which speculation has run wild and the health care system, using exceedingly questionable tactics, has been essentially permitted or rather encouraged to euthanize its patients (via ventilators) so as to contain the spread ……
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… the negative impact it can have on the child’s mind. The article explains that it should be reported as child abuse and the system should not permit it. This article is relevant to the thesis because it shows that juvenile justice needs to be geared towards the … program, the recidivism rate fell by 26% when compared with a 10% drop in recidivism rates for people put through the traditional justice system that focuses on punishment. Thus, this article is relevant because it provides proof that restorative justice has a 15% greater effectiveness rate than … rehabilitating people. The article’s main strength is when it reveals that “victims report greater satisfaction when sentencing is diverted from the traditional justice system to restorative sentencing” (p. 2349). In other words, victims prefer to see juvenile offenders reform rather than simply be punished: “victims reported higher … a sense of empowerment when……
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Criminology Theory
Answer A:
The documentary showed how the criminal justice system is biased towards the whites while having a huge number of African-American imprisoned. This documentary revolves around the racial injustice that happens within … the whites while having a huge number of African-American imprisoned. This documentary revolves around the racial injustice that happens within the criminal justice system, incarcerating many African-Americans on petty crimes, filling most of the prisons with them. This is shown as just an extension of slavery, which … as APEC joined itself with the private owners, nearly privatizing several laws that pass, declining the expert opinion and making it a profit-making system. America’s president always had this thing for maintaining the law and order for which they ordered mass incarceration, showing changes in the emotional … maintaining the law and order for which they ordered mass incarceration, showing changes in the emotional tone of……
Study Document
… has a relatively stable political environment.
There is nothing particularly onerous about the regulatory environment in St. Lucia. The country has a legal system that is based on the British model, and this is fairly common throughout the Commonwealth. As such, there are local quirks that will … the Commonwealth. As such, there are local quirks that will require local legal advice, but the rule of law is upheld, and the court system should be familiar both to McDonalds in general and to any St. Lucian businessperson who wishes to operate a McDonalds franchise.
The economic ……
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Study Document
Without any set moral guidelines and stipulations, a country’s criminal justice system is not capable of accurately meeting the needs of its people. The role of the system is to penalize poor conduct and make sure that victims of crime are well compensated for any of their losses (Braswell, McCarthy & … crime are well compensated for any of their losses (Braswell, McCarthy & McCarthy, 2017; Souryal & Whitehead, 2019). Ethics are valuable in such system because they offer both the victim and the accused fair justice application (Kramer, 2018). In this essay, the significance of ethics within the … offer both the victim and the accused fair justice application (Kramer, 2018). In this essay, the significance of ethics within the criminal justice system is discussed. Also, instances of unethical behavior, as well as the legal responsibilities suffered by the doers of such action, are presented.
Importance … by……
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Study Document
… to a large degree it was institutionalized. The Jim Crow Era was proof of the institutionalization of racism and even at the Supreme court level, the justices were sympathetic more towards “the white southerners, ‘who are to be coerced out of segregation,’ than with blacks, ‘who are … white southerners, ‘who are to be coerced out of segregation,’ than with blacks, ‘who are coerced into it.’”[footnoteRef:3] The decision rendered in the court case was supported by the majority of the American public, polls showed.[footnoteRef:4] The Justices were not going against the grain of American sentiment … Germany, which was painted as a racist nation that wanted to promote a white Aryan race only and exterminate all other races.…[break]…as the court tried to deal with the issues of segregation, racism, and how to transform a society at the most basic, fundamental level—the school system. Klarman’s book suggests, ultimately, that the……
Cripps, Thomas and and David Culbert. “The Negro Soldier (1944): Film Propaganda in Black and White.” American Quarterly Vol. 31, No. 5, Special Issue: Film and American Studies (Winter, 1979), pp. 616-640: The Josh Hopkins University Press.
German, Kathleen M. Promises of Citizenship: Film Recruitment of African Americans in World War 2. University Press of Mississippi, 2017.
Klarman, Michael. Brown v Board of Education and the Civil Rights Moment. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007.
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