Court Case Essays (Examples)


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The Karen Ann Quinlan Case Legal Aspects Of Healthcare

Pages: 6 (1922 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:87626234

Facts and court Holding
Karen Ann Quinlan attracted national attention following her slipping into a comma in 1975. In essence, the Quinlan case remains a key reference point in discussions revolving around the right to die. According to Drane (1994) Ms. Quinlan fell into a comma … Danville that the machines being used to sustain Quinlan be switched off (Rosenthal, 2018). Quinlan’s parents proceeded to seek the intervention of the court following the refusal by doctors at the healthcare facility to heed to their request. It is this move that set the stage for … the life of their daughter using extraordinary means. However, a month since the suit’s filing, this particular request was denied by a Superior court judge in Morristown, New Jersey (Rosenthal, 2018). According to Rosenthal (2018), the judge in this case argued that the decision to remove Quinlan from the ventilator was not supported by her……



Drane, J.F. (1994). Clinical Bioethics: Theory and Practice in Medical Ethical Decision-making. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.

Holland, S., Kitzinger, C. & Kitzinger, J. (2014). Death, treatment decisions and the permanent vegetative state: evidence from families and experts. Med Health Care Philos., 17(3), 413-423.

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice (2019). The Story of Karen Ann Quinlan Made Headlines! Retrieved from 

Mizzoni, J. (2011). Ethics: The Basics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Rosenthal, M.S. (2018). Clinical Ethics on Film: A Guide for Medical Educators. New York, NY: Springer.

Singer, P. (2013). A Companion to Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


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Coronavirus And The Courts

Pages: 8 (2481 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:21023640

… bailout corporate America and Wall Street (once again) while leaving Main Street to dither in the wind. It is egregious and when a case like Ernie Camacho’s or JoJo’s comes up, as a member of the US Supreme court, I have to state up front my bias—I am completely in sympathy with Camacho and JoJo and find Barr’s actions and California’s overreaction … we do to filter out the noise and reduce our own cognitive bias as we begin to examine the relevant factors of this case? I have already bracketed out my bias by stating it up front. Conscious of my own thoughts and feelings on this matter, it … up front. Conscious of my own thoughts and feelings on this matter, it is now time to look at the facts of the case. This we can do by highlighting them as succinctly as possible.
Facts of the……


Works Cited

Allen v. Harrison (2016). 

Baker, Sinead. “The architect of Sweden's controversially lax coronavirus response says he thinks it's working, and that the capital city is already benefiting from herd immunity.” Business Insider, 2020. 

C&A Carbone, Inc. v. Town of Clarkstown, N.Y., 511 U.S. 383 (1994). 

District of Columbia v. Heller (2008). Retrieved from 

Fox 2. “Alleged fraudulent COVID-19 treatments spark FBI raid of Shelby Twp medical spa.” Fox 2, 2020. 

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905). 

Roe v. Wade (1973). 

Zucht v. King (1922).


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Brown V Board Of Education And Civil Rights Moment By Michael Klarman

Pages: 6 (1764 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:64441378

… to a large degree it was institutionalized. The Jim Crow Era was proof of the institutionalization of racism and even at the Supreme court level, the justices were sympathetic more towards “the white southerners, ‘who are to be coerced out of segregation,’ than with blacks, ‘who are … white southerners, ‘who are to be coerced out of segregation,’ than with blacks, ‘who are coerced into it.’”[footnoteRef:3] The decision rendered in the court case was supported by the majority of the American public, polls showed.[footnoteRef:4] The Justices were not going against the grain of American sentiment or … Germany, which was painted as a racist nation that wanted to promote a white Aryan race only and exterminate all other races.…[break]…as the court tried to deal with the issues of segregation, racism, and how to transform a society at the most basic, fundamental level—the school system. … of segregation, racism, and……



Cripps, Thomas and and David Culbert. “The Negro Soldier (1944): Film Propaganda in Black and White.” American Quarterly Vol. 31, No. 5, Special Issue: Film and American Studies (Winter, 1979), pp. 616-640: The Josh Hopkins University Press.

German, Kathleen M. Promises of Citizenship: Film Recruitment of African Americans in World War 2. University Press of Mississippi, 2017.

Klarman, Michael. Brown v Board of Education and the Civil Rights Moment. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007.


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Private Security And Law

Pages: 2 (722 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:32082314

… under vicarious liability for the torts of another and for a violation of 42 U.S.C. 1983 (Reid, 2017). An example of a recent court case involving private security operatives accused or found liable for a 42 U.S.C. 1983 violation and under vicarious liability for the torts of another … liable for a 42 U.S.C. 1983 violation and under vicarious liability for the torts of another is State v. Santiago (2009).
In this case, the defendant Luis Santiago was involved in a verbal altercation at the Coronado Mall on July 20, 2005 in Albuquerque. Following the altercation, … him, and searched his pockets where they found a pill bottle with approximately four grams of cocaine. At the suppression hearing, the District court suppressed Santiago’s cocaine and his inculpatory statements, which was later upheld by the court of Appeals on the premise that security guards were state actors subjected to the……



FindLaw. (2010). State of New Mexico, Plaintiff-Petitioner, v. Luis SANTIAGO, Defendant-Respondent. Retrieved March 24, 2019, from 

Reid, B. (2017, April 14). A Legal Overview of Section 1983 Civil Rights Litigation. The Huffington Post. Retrieved March 24, 2019, from 

Wakefield, J. (2018, April 19). As Alberta’s Private Security Industry Surges, What Happens When Guards Behave Badly? Edmonton Journal. Retrieved March 24, 2019, from 

Yee, M. (2018, June 24). Security Guard Liability. Retrieved March 24, 2019, from 


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Abortion Laws Issues

Pages: 3 (1038 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:13785952

… how the subject continues to be a major political sticking point.
Abortion has been legal in America since Roe v. Wade, the Supreme court case that judged abortion to be the legal right of a mother—i.e., she had the right to determine whether to keep or kill her … the U.S. as mandated by federal law. Till then, it had been illegal to obtain one. Human life advocates have opposed the Supreme court decision ever since, arguing that abortion is immoral and devalues life, womanhood, and the entire cultural fabric of society. Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe … arguing that abortion is immoral and devalues life, womanhood, and the entire cultural fabric of society. Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe of the famous court case) has even since flipped on the issue and became a pro-life advocate and abortion opponent until her death in 2017 (Selk).
Those who ……


Works Cited

BBC. “Virginia late-term abortion bill labelled 'infanticide'.” BBC, 2019. 

Green, Emma. “Trump Sees an Opening With Voters on Late-Term Abortion.” Atlantic,2019. 

Kliff, Sarah. “The new Trump plan to defund Planned Parenthood, explained.” Vox,2018. 

North, Anna. “The controversy around Virginia’s new abortion bill, explained.” Vox,2019. 

Selk, Avi. “‘Jane Roe’ made abortion legal. Then a minister made her rethink.”

Washington Post, 2017.

Tolentino, Jia. “How Abortion Law in New York Will Change, and How It Won’t.” New Yorker, 2019. 


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Racial Tension And Violence In To Kill A Mockingbird

Pages: 6 (1655 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:53390486

… Change was everywhere, however—not just in the domestic sphere. Segregation was under fire ever since Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. The court case brought to the forefront of American society the tension between whites and blacks and the unlawfulness of segregation. Still, ever since WW2, when ……


Works Cited

Executive Order 10925. Thecre.


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Employment Law

Pages: 5 (1530 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Case Study Document #:30263684

II. Client’s case
D. Application of the Law to the Facts
Was Jennifer in breach of the confidentiality agreement that she signed committing never to disclose … of the confidentiality agreement that she signed committing never to disclose confidential/proprietary information she encounters in the course of her employ at Greene’s’s?
case in Brief: In Hallmark Cards, Inc. v. Janet L. Murley (2013), the defendant (Murley) parted ways with the plaintiff (Hallmark Cards) and was … Impact Assessment
i. The situation described herein would most likely have an impact on public perception about Greene’s. This is more so the case given that the layoff in this case was not conducted in a professional and appropriate manner. The fact that the communication to Jennifer was made at the very moment she ……



Frey, M.A. (2015). Essentials of Contract Law (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Gross, J.A. & Compa, L.A. (2009). Human Rights in Labor and Employment Relations International and Domestic Perspectives. Champaign, IL: Labor and Employment Relations Association.

Peacock, W. (2013). Breach of Contract, Confidential Info Leak Case: Hallmark Prevails. Retrieved from 


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Child Protection

Pages: 6 (1880 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:91826674

NRS311 – Life Stage Considerations: Child, Adolescent & Family Health
Assessment Task Two: Child Protection case Study
Young people and children are the most vulnerable groups in society. As a Registered nurse in NSW, I can identify, consult … the common reasons that predispose young people and children to risk include family and domestic violence, sexual, emotional, and physical neglect. In Fiona's case, the important risk of harm is neglect (NSW Government, 2018b). Fiona burnt part of her feet on the heater three days ago. Susanna, … ago. Susanna, on noticing, cleaned the wound using tap water. She applied papaw ointment and covered it with an adhesive bandage. In this case, the most significant risk is neglect. Under the circumstances, a question suffices to ask where the mother was when Fiona, a three-year-old, got … young person has been diagnosed and found to have sustained a serious condition caused……



Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC). (2010). Family violence: A national legal response. Canberra: ALRC.

Child Family Community Australia (CFCA). (2016). Australian legal definitions: When is a child in need of protection? (CFCA Resource Sheet). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.

New South Wales Government. (1998). Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.

NSW Government, (2018a). Child wellbeing and child protection fact sheet for NSW Health workers. Retrieved from

NSW Government, (2018b). About child protection and wellbeing. Retrieved from

WHO (2002). \\\\\\\\\\\\"Chapter 3: Child abuse and neglect by parents and other caregivers.\\\\\\\\\\\\" World report on violence and health. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2006). Preventing child maltreatment: a guide to taking action and generating evidence. Geneva, WHO.


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EEOC Complaint Process

Pages: 3 (1103 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:607918

… matter with the Human Resources Department.  However, the lack of assistance from the HR department allows him to file a discrimination and harassment case against the employer.  The elements of a hostile work environment that John faces include discrimination based on his race and national origin and … a hostile work environment that John faces include discrimination based on his race and national origin and offensive behavior from his supervisor.  The case of Johns as presented does satisfy the elements of a hostile work environment claim.  The claim could be filed against the employer and … and he or she has the right to demote or fire any employee who is under him or her, John has a strong case and the supervisor role fits the explanation given under the Vance v. Ball State case (Meyers, 2015).  The supervisor has been given tangible employment actions that he or she……



EEOC. (n.d). Filing a Formal Complaint. Washington, DC: EEOC Headquarters Retrieved from .

Glaviano, A. (2017). Teaching Organizational Leaders: Application of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to Hiring Practices and Harassment Prevention in New Orleans. 

Meyers, S. D. (2015). Who’s the Boss: The Definition of a Supervisor in Workplace Harassment Under Vance v. Ball State University. Saint Louis University Law Journal, 59(3), 19.


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Importance Of Ethics Within The Criminal Justice

Pages: 6 (1652 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:18050591

… act in their very own best interest (Kramer, 2018). Lawyers are expected to stick to the guidelines of professional behavior in all criminal case; the jury should fairly take into consideration all of the provided facts to establish if the defendant of innocent or guilty, and following … jury, the judge should come up with a just ruling that’s based on the applicable laws, presented facts, and circumstances that surround the case at hand (Kramer, 2018; Souryal & Whitehead, 2019).
What may happen when ethics are not observed?
Order cannot be maintained in a society … be maintained in a society if ethics are not observed. Different people and cultures have different behaviors, and this…[break]…for certain information regarding their case. Because of her poor conduct, one of her clients lost his child support case. At the same time, another one had their case entirely dismissed (Indiana Supreme court Disciplinary……



Braswell, M. C., McCarthy, B. R., & McCarthy, B. J. (2017). Justice, crime, and ethics. Taylor & Francis.

Kramer, L. (2018). Why Is Ethics Important in Criminal Justice? Legal Beagle. Retrieved from 

News Services (2008, June 13). Woman gets $7.7M in false arrest case, Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from 

Sahakian, W. S., & Sahakian, M. L. (1966). Ideas of the great philosophers (No. 218). Barnes & Noble Publishing.

Souryal, S. S., & Whitehead, J. T. (2019). Ethics in criminal justice: In search of the truth. Routledge. Case law

Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission vs. Dana E. F. DANIELS, Supreme Court Cause No. 49S00-1402-DI-133, (2015).

Jackson v. City of Chicago, No. 03 C 8289, (July 31, 2006).

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