Study Document
...Context Fake News Detection
How can fake news be detected and prevented from dominating the online discourse of news events? Numerous researchers have been discussing this issue and identifying ways to detect fake news, whether on social media (Shu et al.) or by creating a benchmark dataset to facilitate the process (Wang). The topic of this study is fake news detection and what methods are available in this new field. The reason for addressing this topic is that fake news has been a hot button issue in politics ever since the election of Donald Trump. Understanding how fake new proliferates and what can be done to stop its proliferation is something that the digital community can benefit from. The inquiry question for this review is: What are some of the ways that fake news detection can be facilitated?
This literature is organized according to what the researchers have found.……
Conroy, Niall J., Victoria L. Rubin, and Yimin Chen. "Automatic deception detection: Methods for finding fake news." Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 52.1 (2015): 1-4.
Rubin, Victoria L., Yimin Chen, and Niall J. Conroy. "Deception detection for news: three types of fakes." Proceedings of the 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting: Information Science with Impact: Research in and for the Community. American Society for Information Science, 2015.
Ruchansky, Natali, Sungyong Seo, and Yan Liu. "Csi: A hybrid deep model for fake news detection." Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 2017.
Shu, Kai, et al. "Fake news detection on social media: A data mining perspective." ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter19.1 (2017): 22-36.
Wang, William Yang. "" liar, liar pants on fire": A new benchmark dataset for fake news detection." arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.00648 (2017).
Study Document
...Context Miami is the de facto gateway to Latin America, and Calle Ocho has for decades served as the hub of the city’s Cuban culture and community. When it first began more than forty years ago, the Calle Ocho street festival was almost exclusively Cuban in character. Now the Calle Ocho festival reflects shifting demographics and the greater diversity of Latin American people in South Florida. I selected the Calle Ocho street festival as an example of what the overall area has to offer. The festival typically takes place in March. Even during the rest of the year, though, Calle Ocho retains a unique culture, identity, and aesthetic. Landmark establishments like Ball and Chain have recently experienced a revival as younger generations recognize the historical value and worth inherent in preserving such iconic places. The Calle Ocho area has become world renowned, and one of the top tourist destinations in the……
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“Little Havana, Miami, neighborhood guide.” Time Out. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… viewed as a political (and social) threat (McCaffrey), and Mexicans were almost always treated poorly—particularly via the Bracero Program (Calavita). Thus, in this context, talk today of immigration reform has to be understood as a long process of push and pull in which ethnic groups have fought ……
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Study Document
...Context Topic: An argumentative comparison of Booker T Washington’s “Speech at the Atlanta Exposition,” and W.E.B. Du Bois', \"The Talented Tenth\".
Any narrative on African American history is incomplete if one fails to examine the competition between W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington that, between the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, altered the route of America's pursuit of equality, besides ending up facilitating the rise of the contemporary Civil Rights Movement. While both rivals belonged to the very same period, were highly talented academicians, and were activists promoting African American civil rights, they differed with respect to their background and the approach adopted by them which eventually influenced the future the most (Blatty, 2015). In this paper, a detailed examination of both activists' works will be performed, and a few fundamental questions pertaining to the difference in their technique of raising African Americans……
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Study Document
...Context Introduction
When a family has to decide how much is too much, as Plakovic (2016) puts it during end-of-life care, there is a clear ethical dilemma that crops up for family members and care providers. That dilemma is related to the issue of how to approach end-of-life treatment. For instance, some individual have strict preferences when it comes to whether or not they want to be resuscitated or kept alive by a machine. Others have no instructions set aside before hand for care providers and family to go by. The ethical dilemma is complicated by the fact that care providers have an oath to care for all life—but at the end-of-the-life, what is the line between postponing the inevitable inhumanely and giving as much humane care as is possible? That blurred line is a complicated one to walk. The two major points that this paper will address when it comes……
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… of life, family burden, poorer psychological wellbeing, financial stress, under/unemployment, and poorer physical and mental health (Zuckerman, Lindly, Bethell & Kuhlthau, 2014).
Research Context
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… to outline an issue that touches on medication safety and to subsequently analyse its legal, ethical, delegation, teamwork, conflict management, and clinical leadership contexts.
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Study Document
...Context Abstract
This paper addresses the significance of ethnic or cultural identity. It deals with the identity of socially advantaged as well as disadvantaged groups and my relation to them. Additionally, it highlights the significance of the self-identity concept. The Multidimensional Model of Racial Identity (MMRI), put forward by Smith, Sellers, Shelton and colleagues (1998), has been utilized to address all of the above aspects. The paper further explains the model, applying its dimensions to various self-identity aspects. Finally, the paper delves into the way such identity-related aspects intersect with one another.
Identity is multifaceted in nature: it may be relational and circumstantial, as well as concurrently permanent, changing and dynamic. Identity development occurs via a process of socialization. It may or may not be self-established. It is, rather frequently, employed in the labeling and categorization of persons believed to possess oppositional or dual differences. Additionally, identity represents a construct applied in creating social……
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Study Document
...Context Introduction
The field of Biblical Theology is different from that of Systematic Theology with regards to its principle of establishment: that is, the former is historical and not logical. It commences with understanding the Scripture's historical dimension: that the Book of Genesis and the Book of Leviticus are different; or, in general, the Old and New Testaments are different. Biblical Theology attempts at understanding the message in the Bible according to how it slowly unfolds, as more and more of God and his purpose with regards to man is revealed (Murray & Rea, 2002; Vos, 2003). Biblical Theology is characterized by realizing the diversity in Scriptural texts as well as their underlying unity as God's revelation to mankind.
Biblical theology attempts at understanding the viewpoint from which authors of the Scriptures have written their texts and interpreted previous holy texts. Further, it attempts at seeking a matrix of suppositions and……
Ellis, E. E. (1993). Jesus’ use of the Old Testament and the genesis of New Testament theology. Bulletin for Biblical Research, 3, 59-75.
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Hamilton Jr, J. M. (2010). Biblical Theology and Preaching. Text-Driven Preaching: God’s Word at the Heart of Every Sermon, 193-218.
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Sailhamer, J. H. (2010). The meaning of the Pentateuch: Revelation, composition and interpretation. InterVarsity Press.
Study Document
… the need to leverage their personal strength and that of team mates so as to overcome adversity and other related challenges. In this context, teamwork could, according to Meredith et al. (2011), be described as “work coordination among team members, including flexibility” (22). In the final analysis, ……
Meredith, L.S., Sherbourne, C.D., Gaillot, S., Hansell, L. Rtschard, H.V., Parker, A.M. & Wrenn, G. (2011). Promoting Psychological Resilience in the U.S. Military. Retrieved from
Sinclair, R.R. & Britt, T.W. (2013). Building Psychological Resilience in Military Personnel: Theory and Practice. New York, NY: American Psychological Association.
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