Consent Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Right Of Informed Refusal For Minors

Pages: 9 (2623 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:16932208

… practitioners are advocating for greater involvement of minors in their health care decisions. In this regard, Katz and Webb (2016) emphasize that, “Informed consent should be seen as an essential part of health care practice; parental permission and childhood assent is an active process that engages patients, … and ever before, so it is reasonable to suggest that older children and adolescents will gain the level of legal authority to informed consent and informed refusal as their adult counterparts within the next few years.
Until that time, however, parents and health care providers are still … overwhelming majority of Americans today. This special status, though, essentially ends when it comes to providing minors with the same right to informed consent and informed refusal as adults. The research was consistent in showing that this view is gradually changing, due in large part……



Black’s law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Bryden, J. (2016, February 25). Medical help in dying should be widely available, with few restrictions: Report. The Canadian Press, 6.

Hursthouse, R. & Pettigrove, G. (2018, Winter). Virtue ethics. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from .

Katz, A. L. & Webb, S. A. (2016, August). Informed consent in decision-making in pediatric practice. Pediatrics, 138(2), 30-37.

Lemmens, C. (2009, September). End- of- life decisions and minors: do minors have the right to refuse life preserving medical treatment? A comparative study. Medical Law Review, 28(3), 479-497.

Physician-assisted suicide. (2019). CNN. Retrieved from physician-assisted-suicide-fast-facts/index.html.

Salsberry, P. J. (1999, January 1). Caring, virtue theory, and a foundation for nursing ethics. Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice, 6(2), 155-160.

Williams, Z. (2012, October 25). Early puberty: why are kids growing up faster? The Guardian. Retrieved from .


Study Document Study Document

Theism And The Moral Argument

Pages: 11 (3193 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:32872904

… possesses is a reflection of the freedom with which God created existence. Moral knowledge should make this clear. Those who prefer not to consent to knowledge thus stop at belief and save themselves the trouble of having to logically explain their convictions.
The reason of course is … they would prefer not to have to deal with the will of God and what that means for them in their own lives. Consenting to the will of God means consenting to transformation: it means changing oneself and becoming that which even the existentialists are always talking about when they discuss the idea of … such that it supports the moral argument along with the elements of facts, transformation and reason. Knowledge is that which is obtained by consenting to the facts, and it is the step that leads to transformation and faith, itself based upon reason. The moral argument thus……



Baggett, David and Jerry Walls. God and Cosmos. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Baggett, David and Jerry Walls. Good God: The Theistic Foundations of Morality. Oxford University Press, 2011.

Evans, Stephen. God and Moral Obligation. Oxford University Press, 2013.


Study Document Study Document

Psychology And The Role Of Ethics

Pages: 6 (1774 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:14642099

… For instance, there could be many cases of researchers fabricating or falsifying data during…[break]…the APA, psychologists are only allowed, not to ask for consent, when federal laws or institutional regulations say so or when their studies are logically expected not to cause any harm, e.g., when they … and psychological research can be found. Such cases and some recent cases of unethical studies have underscored problems with human rights, dishonesty, coercion, consent, and the handling of vulnerable groups. The cases of unethical studies and their harmful or shameful consequences made it clear decades ago that … Code. The code was informed by the revelations of the types of research Nazi Germany scientists were conducting on human subjects without their consent and approval, and with total disregard for human rights, dignity, and safety. This is the reason why one of the most important elements … safety. This is the reason……



Hardicre, J. (2014). An overview of research ethics and learning from the past. British Journal of Nursing, 23(9), 483-486.

Kjellström, S., Ross, S. N., & Fridlund, B. (2010). Research ethics in dissertations: ethical issues and complexity of reasoning. Journal of medical ethics, 36(7), 425-430.

Simelane-Mnisi, S. (2018). Role and importance of ethics in research.  Ensuring research integrity and the ethical management of data (pp. 1-13). IGI Global.

Smith, D. (2003). Five principles for research ethics. Monitor on Psychology, 34(1), 56.

Resnik, D. B. (2015). What is ethics in research & why is it important? Retrieved May 26, 2020, from 

Walsh, R. T. (2015). Introduction to ethics in psychology: Historical and philosophical grounding. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 35(2), 69.


Study Document Study Document

Sexual Behavior And Sexual Morality

Pages: 5 (1605 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:69548980

… philosophers to study. However, it still fundamentally harms no one in the process. Thus it is not immoral (Soble). For the liberalist's view, consent is enough for making the entire act moral as it corresponds with individual choices and autonomy, taking into account the other person's choice … which one focuses on a pessimist point of view challenging the optimist point view where different viewpoints contradict the concepts like infidelity and consent as the only source of analyzing sex as moral. There are different layers to these arguments leading to different conclusions inherently contradicting each ……



Goldman, A. H. (2019, February 12). Why Sexual Morality Doesn\\\\\\'t Exist. iai News.

Haidt, J., & Hersh, M. A. (2001). Sexual Morality: The Cultures and Emotions of Conservatives and Liberals. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 191-221.

Halwani, R. (2018, October 19). Sex and Sexuality. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Haqiqatjou, D. (2005, September 17). Ashley Madison and the Problem of Liberal Sexual Ethics. Public Discourse.

McCord, G. S. (2012, January 26). Metaethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Primoratz, I. (2001). Sexual Morality: Is Consent Enough? Ethical Theory and Moral Practise.

Primoratz, I. (2013, February 01). Sexual Morality. Wiley Online Library.

Soble, A. (n.d.). Philosophy of Sexuality. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


Study Document Study Document

Examining Sampling Methods

Pages: 10 (3107 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:69865492

… to the issue of obesity. Because of the nature of Mayes’ (2015) study, the normal ethical considerations related to sampling (such as obtaining consent forms or submitting to an IRB) are not evident in the study. Mayes (2015) presents a critique of two scholars’ recent arguments regarding … no participants were included in this study, the ethical principles normally associated with statistical sampling, such as IRB guidelines or the gathering of consent forms from participants, do not apply. The author is making a scholarly, reasoned, and public critique of the works of two bioethicists and … of scholarship. As for sampling, because the scholars’ arguments were presented in published journals, there is no ethical imperative for Mayes to obtain consent forms in order to name them or discuss their arguments in a separate article in an academic journal.
The data from the sample … were included in the study……



Mayes, C. (2015). The harm of bioethics: A critique of Singer and Callahan on obesity. Bioethics, 29(3), 217-221.

Pause, C. (2017). Borderline: The ethics of fat stigma in public health. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 45, 510-517.

Wetter, S., Hodge, J. (2016). Taxing sugar-sweetened beverages to lower childhood obesity. Ethical and Legal Issues in Pediatrics, 44, 359-363.


Study Document Study Document

Coronavirus And The Courts

Pages: 8 (2481 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:21023640

...Consent The Right to Due Process and Privacy in Times of Coronavirus
One of the major problems in the US and the wider world is the dissemination of news or information that is accepted uncritically as gospel truth because it comes from a trusted source, a trusted outlet, a trusted organization, or a professional with the right sort of credentials that get people to assume trust. With regards to the coronavirus there is a great deal of misinformation and a great deal of legitimate questions and points that are raised by professionals, doctors, scientists, researchers and people with extensive backgrounds in epidemiology and health care that are not promoted in the mainstream media because those questions and points do not provoke fear and hysteria, which are the main drivers of the lockdown. Governors across the US have used fear and hysteria, rather than common sense, as justification for locking down……


Works Cited

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Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905). 

Roe v. Wade (1973). 

Zucht v. King (1922).


Study Document Study Document

Healthcare Scientific Merit

Pages: 11 (3267 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Paper Document #:78470537

… the participants is protected, and the researchers have ensured that all information provided remains confidential. Further, the researchers took caution to get written consent from the participants in the study (Doekhie et al., 2018).
Qualitative employ narratives and multi-pronged interviews to get an account of experiences. This … confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in absolute terms in a scenario where complete written records are made of the information provided by the participants, consent is essential. Keeping a written record also helps participants decide what they want……



Brook, R. H., & Vaiana, M. E. (2015). Using the knowledge base of health services research to redefine health care systems. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(10), 1547-1556.

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Thomas, D. R. (2017). Feedback from research participants: are member checks useful in qualitative research?. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 14(1), 23-41.


Study Document Study Document

Hand Hygiene And Infection In Hospitals

Pages: 7 (2096 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Article Critique Document #:82779888

… is through the seeking of ethical approval and sanction from the Infection Control and Prevention Committee of the hospital. Notably, research permit and consent was sought from the main director of the hospital. Secondly, participation of all human subjects in the study was entirely voluntary. None of … subjects in the study was entirely voluntary. None of the participants were forced to partake in the study. Third, information package and informed consent was provided. In regard to cultural considerations, the participants that were included in the research study encompassed healthcare professionals. That is, medical doctors, … objectives, the approach of collecting data and also the role that the researchers would play in the study. Subsequently, the researchers obtained informed consent from each of the study participants without any incentives. What is more, all of the study participants were given the assurance that any ……



Joshi, S. C., Diwan, V., Tamhankar, A. J., Joshi, R., Shah, H., Sharma, M., ... & Lundborg, C. S. (2012). Qualitative study on perceptions of hand hygiene among hospital staff in a rural teaching hospital in India. Journal of Hospital Infection, 80(4), 340-344.

Tan Jr, A. K., & Jeffrey Olivo, B. S. (2015). Assessing healthcare associated infections and hand hygiene perceptions amongst healthcare professionals. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(1), 108.


Study Document Study Document

Violence Prevention Programs

Pages: 9 (2805 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:52417572

… specialized or standardized ahead of time so that investigators know what to look for, and it should not be done without the participant’s consent. But once consent is given, the help should come in the form of one who knows what risks to look for and what aid can be … community members involved in social media through the program so that they can reach out and touch base with participants who give their consent to be contacted via social media. This can allow participants and community members to meet virtually and to communicate and foster real connections.



Altafim, E. R. P., & Linhares, M. B. M. (2016). Universal violence and childmaltreatment prevention programs for parents: A systematic review. Psychosocial Intervention, 25(1), 27-38.

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Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (1995). Why violence prevention programs don't work--and what does. Educational Leadership, 52(5), 63-68.

Lee, C., & Wong, J. S. (2020). Examining the effects of teen dating violence prevention programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-40.

Siegel, L. (2018). Criminology, 7th Ed. Cengage Learning.

Stagg, S. J., & Sheridan, D. (2010). Effectiveness of bullying and violence prevention programs: A systematic review. Aaohn Journal, 58(10), 419-424.


Study Document Study Document

Legal And Ethical Issues In Healthcare

Pages: 9 (2618 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:17702391

...Consent Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare
Healthcare ethics have to do with the wide range of moral decisions that have to be made in medical practice. These are the other considerations that have to be made besides the regular policies and procedures designed for effective medical practice. Of the various aspects of the human body and life, none is as important as health. Technological advancements in the practice of medicine and healthcare, in general, emerge with their sets of moral dilemmas. Many of such issues arise from developments in genetic knowledge and reproductive health (Taylor, 2015).
The relationship between the patient and the healthcare expert, the human subject behavioral research, harvesting and transplanting of human organs, abortion, euthanasia, and allocation of healthcare resources and services are other areas that present moral dilemmas. In the clarification of moral issues in healthcare provision, and consequently, understood, healthcare quality as it is received……



Chen, Y. Y., Chu, T. S., Kao, Y. H., Tsai, P. R., Huang, T. S., &Ko, W. J. (2014). To evaluate the effectiveness of health care ethics consultation based on the goals of health care ethics consultation: a prospective cohort study with randomization. BMC medical ethics, 15(1), 1.

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