Company Essays(Examples)


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General Electric Appliance Company Quality Control Instruments

Pages: 7 (2135 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:27536334

Quality Control of General Electric Appliance Company
Company background
General Electric Appliances is renowned for designing and building the best appliances across the globe. Ranging from the design process to production … innovation (GE Appliances, 2020).
GE Appliances has its main center of operations situated in Louisville in the state of Kentucky, United States. The company has manufacturing facilities operating in Decatur in the state of Alabama. Moreover, GE Appliances has wholly-owned subsidiaries that are situated in Georgia and … 2020). Significantly, GE Appliances has ownership of FirstBuild, a multinational co-creation community, and an ultramodern micro-factory that is set in its headquarters. The company set up the second FirstBuild locality in Korea, and a third high-tech micro-factory is situated in India. These platforms guarantee that the company's most ideal conceptions and novel products for the present-day modern home get to the consumers in a faster manner (GE Appliances, 2020).



General Electric. (2019). Annual Report, 2019. Retrieved from: 

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Goh, A., Sullivan, M. (2011). How To Conduct Quality Control With Chinese Manufacturers. Business Insider.

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Hayes, A. (July 28, 2020). Quality Control. Investopedia. Retrieved from:


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Symbolic Frame Of Organizational Analysis Walt Disney Company

Pages: 7 (2089 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:13456127

… stories, myths, or symbols that guide the organization and its members.
Second, the symbolic frame allows for nuance. Especially in a large, heterogeneous company, individual members will perceive events according to their personal interpretation of the symbols. The symbols nevertheless create a sense of unity amid the … marketing, and more.
Framing Disney
Few organizations could possibly prove to be a better example of the symbolic frame than the Walt Disney Company. All major organizations demonstrate the power of storytelling and symbols through their branding, but for Disney, symbols and stories actually are the products … demonstrate the power of storytelling and symbols through their branding, but for Disney, symbols and stories actually are the products and services the company provides. In fact, the mission of the Walt Disney Company is “to entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling,” (“About the Walt……



“About the Walt Disney Company,” (2020). Retrieved from: 

Boguszewicz-Kreft, M., Kreft, J. & Zurek, P. (2019). Myth and storytelling: The case of the Walt Disney Company. Myth in Modern Media Management and Marketing. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9100-9.ch002

Bohas, A. (2014). Transnational firms and the knowledge structure: The case of the Walt Disney Company. Global Society 29(1): 23-41.

Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (2013). Reframing organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

Di Giovanni, E. (2014). Cultural otherness and global communication in Walt Disney films at the turn of the century. The Translator 9(2): 207-223.

Forbes, W. & Watson, R. (n.d.). Destructive corporate leadership and board loyalty bias. Retrieved from: 

Wasko, J. (2001). Challenging Disney myths. Journal of Communication Inquiry 23(3): 237-257.


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Political Frame In The Walt Disney Company

Pages: 8 (2328 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:89023148

… downfall
Michael Eisner’s reign as the CEO and Chairman of Disney can to an end on March 3rd, 2004, after 43% of the company’s shareholders withheld their endorsement and failed to endorse his position on the Board. He stayed as the CEO of the company for one more year then left (Forbes & Watson, 2010). However, the downfall of Eisner has been precipitated by a number of political … corporate social and political bureaucracy. This factor emanated from his desire to accumulate personal power rather than that of the Disney as a company. After Ovitz left in 1996, Eisner was left as the sole leader of the company, and the Board confirmed his status with a ten-year contract. Because of his desire for personal power, Eisner did not delegate duties. To … his desire for personal power, Eisner did not delegate duties. To further this endeavor, he adopted a……



Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

Bright, R., & Eisner, M. (1987). Disneyland: Inside Story. Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated, Publishers.

Downes, M., Russ, G. S., & Ryan, P. A. (2007). Michael Eisner and His Reign at Disney. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 13(3), 71-81.

Forbes, W., & Watson, R. (2010, July). Destructive Corporate Leadership and Board Loyalty Bias: A case study of Michael Eisner’s long tenure at Disney Corporation. In Working Paper presented at the Behavioural Finance Working Group Conference, Cass Business School.

Sasnett, B., & Ross, T. (2007). Leadership frames and perceptions of effectiveness among health information management program directors. Perspectives in health information management/AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, 4.

van Weezel, A. (2006). A Behavioural Approach to Leadership: The case of Michael Eisner and Disney. In Leadership in the Media Industry: Changing Contexts, Emerging Challenges (pp. 169–178). Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School.


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Effect Of Digital Marketing On Competitiveness Of Automobile Companies

Pages: 7 (2171 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:71991463

… clear up the connection between digital marketing and competitiveness of the Kenyan automobile industry by including a section on how digital marketing improves company/dealer ranking in the digital space, as seen in the search engine results page. This ranking is important as studies have shown that customers ……



Evans, M.P., 2007. Analysing Google rankings through search engine optimization data. Internet research, 17(1), pp.21-37.

Galvan, J.L. and Galvan, M.C., 2017. Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences. Routledge.

Kaplan, A.M. and Haenlein, M., 2010. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), pp.59-68.

Kigunda, E. N. 2017. Effect of Digital Marketing on Competitiveness of Automobile Companies in Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, United States International University-Africa).

Kimani, B., 2012. When social media does the marketing. Management magazine, (36-37).

Machi, L.A. and McEvoy, B.T., 2016. The literature review: Six steps to success. Corwin Press.

Ngulube, P., Mathipa, E.R. and Gumbo, M.T., 2015. Theoretical and conceptual frameworks in the social and management sciences. Addressing research challenges: Making headway in developing researchers, pp.43-66.

Wong, L.L.C., 2016. Challenges and expectations: Preparing postgraduate students to write literature reviews. In International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), 2016. University of Alicante.


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Theory Practice Of Business Psychology In Johnson & Johnson Company

Pages: 12 (3695 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:41420615

… have an impact on their pay, prospects, status as well as their approach. This paper reviews the case study on Johnson & Johnson Company, and motivation within the company as a workplace setting.
Motivators in the Workplace
Motivation plays a pivotal role in all organizations as a key driver in facilitating employee … Snyderman, 1959).
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Principles (French, Rayner, Rees, & Rumbles, 2011)
Hygiene factors consist of salary, remuneration, wages, and work benefits, working conditions, company policies, work supervision, and also job security. These are concerning the workplace context, which is indicative of a person’s workplace setting, and they … of dissatisfaction. Nonetheless, the absence of hygiene factors will undoubtedly result in a lack of motivation (Chapman, 2017). Regarding Johnson & Johnson, the company makes sure that all of its employees have fair and equal wages that surpass the minimum wage rate that is set in the ………



Asim, M., 2013. Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance with effect of training: Specific to Education Sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(9), 1-9.

Heneman, H. G., & Schwab, D. P., 1972. Evaluation of research on expectancy theory predictions of employee performance. Psychological Bulletin, 78(1), 1.

Herzberg, F., 1987. One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? Harvard Business Review, 65, 5.

Herzberg, F., Mausner, B. & Snyderman, B. 1959. The motivation to work. New York. John Wiley.

Hilgert, R. L., Leonard, E. C., 2001. Supervision: Concepts and practices of management. New York: South-Western College Publication.

Johnson & Johnson., 2020. Wellness 360: 9 Innovative Johnson & Johnson Employee Benefits for Mind, Body, and Budget. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from 

Johnson & Johnson., 2020. Careers: Healthiest Finances. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from .

Johnson & Johnson. , 2018. 2018 Health for Humanity Report: Creating Unique Career Opportunities. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from


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Culture Analysis At A Software Company

Pages: 5 (1573 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:44019185

Culture Analysis Paper
Company Overview
I’m studying a software company that shall be known as K. K is not based in Silicon Valley, but elsewhere in the US, with offices around the world. … the world. K sells SaaS products in the B2B market and has sales in the hundreds of millions, and over 1000 employees. This company has also acquired several small firms in recent years. Integrating all of those individual cultures into a cohesive one has been one of … that provide meaning, which is another problem that will need to be resolved.
Primary Research
As I know people who work in this company I was able to conduct a few interviews and get a sense of what the culture is like. At the baseline level, K … a sense of what the culture is like. At the baseline level, K has a culture that blends some of……



Chambers, K. & Honeycutt, A. (2009) Telecommunications mega-mergers: Impact on employee morale and turnover intention. Journal of Business & Economics Research. Vol. 7 (2) 43-52.

Dencker, J., Joshi, A, & Martocchio, J. (2007) Employee benefits as context for intergenerational conflict Human Resource Management Review. Vol. 17 (2) 208-220.

Lund, D. (2003) Organizational culture and job satisfaction. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol. 18 (3) 219-236.

North, M. & Fiske, S. (2015) Intergenerational resource tensions in the workplace and beyond: Individual, interpersonal, institutional and international. Research in Organizational Behavior. Vol. 35 (2015) 159-179.

Yamanoi, J. & Sayama, H. (2013). Post-merger cultural integration from a social network perspective: A computational modeling approach. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Vol. 19 (2013) 516-537.


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Walt Disney

Pages: 12 (3606 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Case Study Document #:25870152

… capabilities among product lines and business units” (Wheelan, Hunger, Hoffman & Bamford, 2010, p. 5). The strategy has to focus on what the company is doing with its human capital. Intangible assets are human capital—i.e., knowledge, know how, motivation, and ability to deliver products and services at … of which can be accomplished with the flick of a switch. Thus, intangible assets are often more valuable than tangible assets if the company’s leaders are worth their salt. An organization that fails to adequately value its intangible assets is an organization that is asking for trouble … Disney wants to expand into international markets it has to be in a way that makes sense for the culture and for the company.
The expansion should be an organic one—i.e., one that conforms with the company’s activities. Thus, it would not make sense for Disney to expand in an area outside of……



Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2010). Strategic management and business policy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


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Papa Johns Strategic Analysis

Pages: 7 (2158 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Essay Document #:51025972

… quick service restaurant overall (QSR, 2018). Its total revenues for 2018 were $1.573 billion, with net income of $1.64 million, according to the company’s latest 10-K. In terms of sales per unit, QSR Magazine (2018) lists Papa John’s with $968,000, higher than Little Caesar’s and Pizza Hut, … sales per unit, QSR Magazine (2018) lists Papa John’s with $968,000, higher than Little Caesar’s and Pizza Hut, but lower than Domino’s. The company has over 3300 units in total. According to the company’s website, it has over 5000 locations total, in 45 countries. Founded in 1985 in Jeffersonville, IN, the company began franchising the next year, and has grown steadily since then, although there was a decline in the number of stores in 2017 … John’s has a net margin of less than 1%.
There are several critical success factors in pizza. First, a good brand helps a company to……



Halzack, S. (2018) Papa John’s just went from bad to worse. BNN Bloomberg. Retrieved April 7, 2019 from

IBIS World (2019) Pizza restaurants industry in the US. IBIS World. Retrieved April 7, 2019 from 

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McCormick, M. (2018) Key success factors in a pizza business. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved April 7, 2019 from 

Navellier, L. (2009) Papa John’s – how to beat the recession with pizza. NASDAQ. Retrieved April 7, 2019 from

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Papa John’s website, various pages. (2019) Retrieved April 7, 2019 from 

QSR (2018) The QSR Top 50. QSR Magazine. Retrieved April 7, 2019 from


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Customer Persona For Filshie Clip System

Pages: 12 (3656 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Capstone Project Document #:94593472

… target market. The creation of this persona was based on a comprehensive analysis of the target market and a brief background of the company. The discussion demonstrates how professional women who are of childbearing age are the ideal target market for this stylish and effective method of … the marketing mix have provided. 


Femcare is a group of companies owned by Utah Medical Products Inc. in the United States. This company has perfected Filshie Clip, a female surgical contraception that is regarded more effective birth control method than any other existing product in the … is regarded more effective birth control method than any other existing product in the market (Antoun, Smith, Gupta & Clark, 2017). Currently, the company is the leading manufacturer and distributor of the Fishie Clip System. Women of birth-giving age are the target market for the Filshie Clip … which is a female surgical……



Antoun, L., Smith, P., Gupta, J. K., & Clark, T. J 2017. The feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of hysteroscopic sterilization compared with laparoscopic sterilization. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, vol. 217, no. 5, pp.e571-570. e576. 

Beerthuizen, R 2010. State-of-the-art of non-hormonal methods of contraception: V. Female sterilisation. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, vol. 15, no. 2, pp.124-135.

De Toni, D., Milan, G.S., Saciloto, E.B., & Larentis, F 2017. Pricing strategies and levels and their impact on corporate profitability. Revista de Administracao, vol. 52, no. 2, pp.120-133.

Duran, A 2018. Sink or swim: how to create buyer personas to ensure marketing success. Forbes. Viewed 20 August 2019,

Griffin, A, Noble, CH, Durmusoglu, SS, Luchs, MI, & Swan, S 2015. ‘Chapter 3 Personas: powerful tools for designers’, in Design Thinking : New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, Hoboken.

Johnson, S., Pion, C. & Jennings, V 2013. Current methods and attitudes of women towards contraception in Europe and America. Reproductive Health, vol. 10, no. 7, pp.1-9.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2015). Marketing Management, Global Edition. Pearson Education Limited: Boston, MA.

Magrath, A.J 1986. When Marketing Services, 4Ps are not enough. Business Horizons, pp.4450.


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Pages: 8 (2288 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:financial analysis Document #:63475461

… the past 20 years, Starbucks has experienced both periods of strong growth, and periods of retraction, most notably during the Great Recession. The company’s investment strategies should have reflected its strategic priorities during this period, and an analysis of the company’s financials over this time should illustrate that. Starbucks’ growth since 1998 has mainly been in overseas markets, but the company has also branched out into other business lines, in an attempt to diversify its income streams. Today, Starbucks appears to have settled into … in an attempt to diversify its income streams. Today, Starbucks appears to have settled into more of a “cash cow” state, where the company is earning healthy returns from its businesses, and focused on growth mainly in some of the overseas markets where the coffee market is … forward.
Starbucks Income Statement
Starbucks has been a strong growth story for most of this period.……



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