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Intercultural Situations: Describing a Person from a Different Culture
My friend Pio is an information technology consultant who was born and raised in India. He spent ten years in a Catholic seminary in India before leaving and getting a job in IT. He had always been good at math, and after leaving the seminary he enrolled in IT courses. After completing his courses, he was recruited by American headhunters who were in Chennai, where he lived, looking for Indian IT workers. The headhunters asked him if he would come to work for a major banking firm in America. Pio’s father insisted that he take the job and Pio complied with his father’s wishes. His father’s reasoning was that Pio would earn good money in America and would be able to provide financial support for his family back home in Chennai, especially since his father could not depend upon Pio’s brothers who were no account. His father owned a small grocery store but his sons were not good at managing the business and his father saw the recruiters as a God-given opportunity to help make sure the family did not lose everything in the coming years.
So Pio traveled to America—to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to be exact. He began his career as an IT worker here, but he was quite miserable. He felt alone in America and was very sensitive about his appearance and how he sounded. Like many Indians, he had learned English at school, but his accent was thick and the American environment was not like life in Chennai. After several months he was homesick and told his recruiters that he wanted to go home. They tried to understand what the problem was and Pio told them that Ann Arbor was too quiet—he felt like he was suffocating. He asked at the very least for a change—so he was sent to New York City. Pio instantly felt at home as soon as he stepped off the subway in NYC. It was noisy, stinky and chaotic. He felt right at home.
He worked in NYC for a few years in the 1990s. Every month he was sending most of his paycheck home to support his family in Chennai. What he had left he used for rent and food and clothes. After a few years, however, he was again drained and anxious. He went to his bosses and told them he could not keep working there. Pio was a good, hard worker and his bosses did not want to lose him so they asked what the problem was and he told them he had hardly any money because of his situation and he was not able to save anything for himself. His bosses were astounded as Pio was receiving a good paycheck at the time, but Pio told them he saw only a percentage of that because his recruiters took a big cut of his pay. His bosses realized that they needed to get Pio out of whatever contract he was in with his headhunters and they hired him on their own and gave him a nice raise. Pio was happy once again.
Then, in 2001, Pio was called by his father and told that he had to come home to Chennai. His father had found a wife for Pio and Pio was to be married. Pio said okay to his father and returned home for his wedding. The first time he ever saw his wife was on his wedding day. But this was not unusual to Pio because that is the custom in India for many…
…could heal the boy. The men dressed in black robes were Catholic missionaries from Europe. When they arrived at the old man’s village they prayed over the boy and the boy got up and asked for something to eat. The old man was overjoyed and told the priests that they could have whatever they wanted: he told them to pick one of his wives and they could have them as their own. The priests said they did not want that, all they wanted was the old man’s soul. He was told he could have one wife, not several, and the old man said that was fine and so the old man became a Catholic—and because he was the leader of his village all of the people in his village converted to Catholicism as well. The other Indians in the area surrounding the village were angry and they told the old man they would not marry their daughters to any of the children in that old man’s village so long as they remained Catholic but the old man said that was all right with him. The village remained Catholic and so too did all the generations that followed. In India there are many pockets of Catholicism like this throughout the country. And so Pio was descended from that old man and his village.
Back in the U.S. Pio is quite happy to be an “American.” He still sends money home to his family but he makes a lot as a consultant, too, so he is doing quite well for himself and his family. He lives in a big house in a neighborhood of other big houses where there are several foreigners like himself living. When his sister got married back in India, Pio provided the dowry for her, as his father…
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Intercultural Relations Studies as "analysis of intergroup behaviour within contexts of cultural diversity." To explore this issue, they studied Spanish students in an English course at a Spanish university. They found that positive contacts between two cultures was not enough to create positive views of the culture unfamiliar to the participant. Data was gathered by using a questionnaire that measured ethnic attitudes and intercultural assumptions. It covered contacts with foreign
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He must instead keep aware of the accepted verbal and nonverbal communication gestures of other cultures. He should break out of the habit of preferring or revering his own verbal and non-verbal communication over those of others. Cultural relativism views all cultural practices as good. But unlike cultural relativism, effective intercultural communication does not state that al cultural practices as good. Rather the effective intercultural communicator exerts efforts to
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Intercultural Communication When people from different cultural backgrounds interact with each other, they face various problems in effectively communicating their messages and expressing their thoughts, expectations, and beliefs (Paulston, Kiesling, & Rangel, 2012). These problems lead to serious intercultural communication issues in multicultural societies. Researchers have found that difference in languages is not the sole reason of intercultural communication problems; people fail to effectively communicate due to different cultural dimensions that
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Intercultural Communication in the Workplace: As the world continues to experience globalization because of the numerous technological advancements, intercultural communication has become an important element in today's working environments. Intercultural communication is critical because workplaces are currently made up of people from diverse backgrounds, races, ethnicity, and cultures. Therefore, understanding intercultural competence and communication is vital since it helps in promoting effective communication in the workplace. Such understanding also helps in
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Intercultural Management How can MNCs effectively negotiate with local employees, local suppliers, and local governments in the Middle East? Over the last several years, the Middle East has been playing an important part in the global economy. This is based upon vast reserves of oil and natural gas. At the same time, there is a focus on its close proximity to Asia and the West. However, negotiating any kind of business deals
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Within my team of Americans are several African-Americans and three Latinos. In the book Intercultural Communication: A Reader (Samovar, et al., 2008) the authors point out what scholars, sociologists and alert journalists have known for a long time: "…Although Latinos are generally aware of the Black experience, there is little understanding of Black culture. Equally problematic is the lack of awareness among Blacks about Latino culture" (Samovar, p. 183). Albeit