Animal Rights Essays (Examples)


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Carl Rogers The Ideal Self And Animal Therapy

Pages: 6 (1743 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Evidence Based Practice Document #:76426063

… or approaches are beneficial for clients or patients suffering from addiction?” For example, one approach that is currently being studied by researchers is animal therapy, wherein a person suffering from substance abuse or addiction is paired with an animal so as to learn what it means to care for another living creature outside oneself. The evidence has shown that animal-assisted therapy can help addicts develop greater self-esteem and learn self-management skills so that they can overcome their addictions (Muela, Balluerka, Amiano,Caldentey &Aliri, 2017). … the practice should be initiated, what good it can do, and what other therapies it can be coupled with. In the case of animal therapy, researchers recommend that it be used in a facilitative or supporting role, with cognitive behavioral therapy…[break]…study to show how the therapy could … from a new perspective.
This shows that theory does play an important role in developing an evidence-based……



Asen, E. & Fonagy, P (2012) Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice. Washington DC.

Kern-Godal, A., Arnevik, E. A., Walderhaug, E., &Ravndal, E. (2015). Substance use disorder treatment retention and completion: a prospective study of horse-assisted therapy (HAT) for young adults. Addiction science & clinical practice, 10(1), 21.

Rogers, C. (1951). Client-Centered Therapy. MA: Riverside Press. Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. (2006). American Psychologist, May-June, 271-285.

Muela, A., Balluerka, N., Amiano, N., Caldentey, M. A., &Aliri, J. (2017). Animal-assisted psychotherapy for young people with behavioural problems in residential care. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 24(6), O1485 O1494. doi: 

Operational Definition for Evidence-Based Practices Addictions and Mental Health Division. (2017). Week 4 material.


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Equine Viral Arteritis

Pages: 3 (889 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:40409672

… may also infect alpacas and llamas. Transmission between equines occurs via respiration, venereal contact or congenitally (Timoney, 2019). It is not a Foreign animal Disease but does occur globally among equines throughout the world. EVA is a reportable disease in Virginia (Virginia Department of Health, 2016).
Clinical ……



Center for Food Security and Public Health. (2009). Equine viral arteritis. Retrieved from 

Price, S. D., Rentsch, G., Burn, B., & Spector, D. A. (1998). The Whole Horse Catalog: The Complete Guide to Buying, Stabling and Stable Management, Equine Health, Tack, Rider Apparel, Equestrian Activities and Organizations... and Everything Else a Horse Owner and Rider Will Ever Need. Simon and Schuster.

Timoney, P. (2019). Overview of Equine Viral Arteritis. Retrieved from 

Timoney, P. J., Creekmore, L., Meade, B., Fly, D., Rogers, E., & King, B. (2008). 2006 Multi-State Occurrence of EVA.

Virginia Department of Health. (2016). One health notes, 1(1). Retrieved from 


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Depression Among Adolescents

Pages: 12 (3576 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:12294857

… do not feel like they have to be afraid to seek help.
Help should be provide in terms of social welfare policies like animal therapy being offered to teens to help them deal with their issues. This could be a public service, where……



Anderson, M. & Jiang, J. (2018). Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018. Retrieved from 

Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.

Chester, J., & Montgomery, K. (2008). No escape: Marketing to kids in the digital age. Multinational Monitor, 29(1), 11.

Greenberg, P. (2015). The Growing Economic Burden of Depression in the U.S. Retrieved from 

Grover, S., Raju, V. V., Sharma, A., & Shah, R. (2019). Depression in children and adolescents: a review of Indian studies. Indian journal of psychological medicine, 41(3), 216.

Korry, E. (2015). California Moves To Stop Misuse Of Psychiatric Meds In Foster Care. Retrieved from 

Lim, X. J., Radzol, A. M., Cheah, J., & Wong, M. W. (2017). The impact of social media influencers on purchase intention and the mediation effect of customer attitude. Asian Journal of Business Research, 7(2), 19-36.

Lohmann, R. (2019). What\\\\\\'s Driving the Rise in Teen Depression? Retrieved from


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Coronavirus COVID 19 In The United States

Pages: 8 (2400 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:648841

The coronavirus is not actually a single disease, instead the term refers to a variety of different zoonotic viruses that cause illnesses in animal and can jump from animal to humans.  The majority of coronaviruses have been relatively mild, simply causing cold-like symptoms in humans.  However, there have been other coronavirus variations … coronavirus variations such as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).  There are also coronaviruses currently in the animal population that have not yet infected humans and may cause serious problems.  Most coronaviruses impact the respiratory system and produce a range of … a vaccine. 

Where Did COVID-19 Originate?

Because the original cases of COVID-19 were observed in Wuhan, China, the current belief is that the animal-to-human transmission of the disease occurred in a “wet market” in Wuhan, China.  Wet markets sell both live and dead animal for human consumption.  While……


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Key Facts.”  CDC.  12 March 2020. .  Accessed 16 March 2020.

Newey, S. and Gulland, A.  “What Is Coronavirus, How Did It Start and Could the Outbreak Grow Bigger?”  The Telegraph.  16 March 2020. .  Accessed 16 March 2020.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  “Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions.”  FDA.  2020. .  Accessed 16 March 2020.

World Health Organization.  “Coronavirus.”  WHO.  2020. .  Accessed 16 March 2020. 


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Psychology And The Role Of Ethics

Pages: 6 (1774 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:14642099

… them, e.g., funding. If researchers violate the set ethical codes of conduct, e.g., they violate the rules that protect human subjects or use animal without necessary care; their funding can be cut. Fourth, ethical standards are important to encourage support from the public for research studies. Many … standards are important in research because they encourage social and moral values, e.g., public safety, public health, compliance with regulations and the law, animal welfare, human rights, and social responsibility. Without such standards, studies that end up harming the public, subjects, animal, or the researchers themselves could be very common. For instance, there could be many cases of researchers fabricating or falsifying data during…[break]…the APA, … of unethical medical and psychological research can be found. Such cases and some recent cases of unethical studies have underscored problems with human rights, dishonesty, coercion, consent, and the handling of vulnerable groups. The cases……



Hardicre, J. (2014). An overview of research ethics and learning from the past. British Journal of Nursing, 23(9), 483-486.

Kjellström, S., Ross, S. N., & Fridlund, B. (2010). Research ethics in dissertations: ethical issues and complexity of reasoning. Journal of medical ethics, 36(7), 425-430.

Simelane-Mnisi, S. (2018). Role and importance of ethics in research.  Ensuring research integrity and the ethical management of data (pp. 1-13). IGI Global.

Smith, D. (2003). Five principles for research ethics. Monitor on Psychology, 34(1), 56.

Resnik, D. B. (2015). What is ethics in research & why is it important? Retrieved May 26, 2020, from 

Walsh, R. T. (2015). Introduction to ethics in psychology: Historical and philosophical grounding. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 35(2), 69.


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Pages: 8 (2520 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:290264

… before and after treating cuts and wounds; after changing diapers or taking care of a child after using the toilet; after touching an animal, animal waste, or animal food; after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose; and after touching garbage (CDC, 2020). 

There are additional times that health care professionals and ……



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  “When and How to Wash Your Hands.” CDC.  2 April 2020. " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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Healthcare And Reflex Pathways

Pages: 4 (1243 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:20197494

… the natural stimulation associated with peripheral receptors (Goldberger, 2019). The result in most cases is always that several reflex stimuli, especially in various animal experiments, become described specifically in terms of the specific intensity of the electrical stimulation associated with the nerve, rather than particularly in terms … 2018). The relaxation associated with the opposing muscle often facilitates mostly by not specifically…[break]…always is known as a reflex arc. In the higher animal, several sensory neurons never pass directly or specifically into the brain, but basically, synapse particularly in the spinal cord.
Such a characteristic often ……



Goldberger, J. J., Arora, R., Buckley, U., & Shivkumar, K. (2019). Autonomic nervous system dysfunction: JACC focus seminar. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73(10), 1189-1206.

Horn, C. C., Ardell, J. L., & Fisher, L. E. (2019). Electroceutical targeting of the autonomic nervous system. Physiology, 34(2), 150-162.

Kenneth, S. S. (2017). Anatomy & Physiology: The unity of form and function. McGraw-Hill.

Marieb, E. & Hoehn, K. (2018). Human Anatomy & Physiology (11th ed). Boston, MA: Pearson. ISBN: 9780134756363

Steinman, K. J., Spence, S. J., Ramocki, M. B., Proud, M. B., Kessler, S. K., Marco, E. J., ... & Sherr, E. H. (2016). 16p11. 2 deletions and duplication: Characterizing neurologic phenotypes in a large clinically ascertained cohort. American journal of medical genetics Part A, 170(11), 2943-2955.


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Canadian Reciprocity Treaty Of 1854

Pages: 10 (2920 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:12980829

… step Britain took towards free trade. It was what made the United States try and reach an agreement with the country over fishing rights off the Canadian colonies. The United States was desperate to reach an agreement with Great Britain to ensure American fishermen could continue fishing … on many primary products. Among the primary products that could no longer attract duties included lumber, timber, coal, tallow, poultry, fish, fruit, meats, animal, breadstuffs, flour, and grain. The treaty also allowed American fishermen to fish in British colonial fisheries and granted British people the right to ……



Ankli, R. E. (1971). The reciprocity treaty of 1854. The Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d\\\\\\\\\\\\'Economique, 4(1), 1-20.

Gerriets, M., & Gwyn, J. (1996). Tariffs, trade, and reciprocity: Nova Scotia, 1830-1866. Acadiensis, 25(2), 62-81.

Haynes, F. E. (1892). The Reciprocity treaty with Canada of 1854 (Vol. 7, No. 6). Baltimore, Md.: American Economic Association.

Hinton, M. (2013). Canadian economic growth and the reciprocity treaty of 1854. Working Papers 13038, Economic History Society.

Masters, D. C. (1963). The reciprocity treaty of 1854: its history, its relation to British colonial and foreign policy, and to the development of Canadian fiscal autonomy (Vol. 9). McGill-Queen\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Press-MQUP.

Officer, L. H., & Smith, L. B. (1968). The Canadian-American reciprocity treaty of 1855 to 1866. Journal of Economic History, 598-623.

Porritt, E. (1908). Sixty Years of Protection in Canada, 1846-1907: Where Industry Leans on the Politician. London: Macmillan.

Saunders, S. A. (1934). The Maritime Provinces and the Reciprocity Treaty. The Dalhousie Review.


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Coronavirus COVID 19

Pages: 9 (2907 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:604304

… a bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China, near the wet market where the virus was first alleged to have been contracted by human from animal species.  There is still no confirmation one way or another on the matter, and Chinese leaders have speculated that the outbreak was a … unleashed on the global public—even though numerous nations are engaged in the development of such biological weapons.  If the virus came from an animal to human transmission, China has shown itself unwilling to accept blame for not acting quickly enough to stop the spread, and the World … masks become required in public places, whether digital monitoring using chip implants becomes a staple of American life, whether more freedoms and civil rights are given up in the name of safety and security, and whether the divide between the Right and Left reaches a point where ……



Chen, N., Zhou, M., Dong, X., Qu, J., Gong, F., Han, Y., ... & Yu, T. (2020).  Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. The Lancet, 395(10223), 507-513.

Kekatos, M. (2020). Ventilating too soon. Retrieved from 

Myers, S. L. (2020). China Spins Tale That the U.S. Army Started the Coronavirus Epidemic. Retrieved from

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2015). Improving diagnosis in health care. National Academies Press.

Oliver, D. (2020). Coronavirus genetic material stayed on surfaces for up to 17 days on Diamond Princess cruise, CDC says. Retrieved from 


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Sexual Morality

Pages: 7 (2231 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:78495079

… on the other hand, insist that there is nothing immoral about the whole arrangement because it is covered by the doctrine of human rights. What is interesting is that it is still widely unknown to many people that the issue of same-sex marriage is not new to … believe that marriage between people of the same sex is morally defensible and should be legal. The same advocates have used the human rights argument to champion for the same and encourage it across the globe. Developing countries have, however, been widely opposed to the phenomenon. Various … the western world and Africa has been highlighted. In the western sphere, homosexual marriage is popular. The practice is fired by the human rights fad, that it is a fundamental human right to do what one wants with their body. In the latter case, same-sex marriage is … with those they love, it……



Akpan, C. O. (2017). The Morality of Same-Sex Marriage: How Not to Globalize a Cultural Anomie. Online Journal of Health Ethics, 13(1), 2.

Ellison, M. (2012). Is Same-Sex Marriage a \\\\\\"Must\\\\\\" or a \\\\\\"Bust\\\\\\"? In Making Love Just: Sexual Ethics for Perplexing Times (pp. 59-76). Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress. DOI:10.2307/j.ctt22nm74r.8

Koppelman, A. (2014). Judging the case against same-sex marriage. U. Ill. L. Rev., 431.

Millstein, S. (2014). How to argue for gay marriage and win any debate with a hater. Retrieved from 

Morini, M. (2017). Same-sex marriage and other moral taboos: cultural acceptances, change in American public opinion, and the evidence from the opinion polls. European Journal of American studies, 11(11-3).

Primoratz, I. (2013). Sexual Morality. In International Encyclopedia of Ethics, H. Lafollette (Ed.). DOI:10.1002/9781444367072.wbiee127

Rachels, J., &Rachels, S. (2012). The Elements of Moral Philosophy. (7th ed). New York: McGraw Hill Press.

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