
Conflicts in the Public Sector Essay Outline

Related Topics: Abuse Conflict Corruption

Pages:2 (606 words)


Topic:Public Sector

Document Type:Outline


Conflicts in the Public Sector Essay Outline Template

I. Introduction

A. Gripping example of a conflict of interest in the public sector

B. General types of public sector conflicts

C. How to prevent and respond to conflicts

D. Thesis: Best practices related to managing conflicts in the public sector.

II. First body paragraph: Overview and definitions of terms

A. Conflict of interest: when an elected official has private interests or duties (such as managing a company) that might conflict with the duty to do what is in the best interest of the public.

B. Other types of conflicts that can arise include relationships between the elected official and potential enemies of state.

III. Second body paragraph: The challenges of responding to conflicts of interest

A. Corruption and expectations of the public

B. Official watchdog groups or protocol

C. Advice from international organizations like the OECD.

IV. Third body paragraph: The importance of promoting integrity in the public sector.

A. Democracy and transparency

B. Systems of accountability

C. Public trust in government

V. Conclusion

A. Restatement of thesis: Preventing conflict of interest requires a willingness to protect whistleblowers and demand higher standards from elected officials.

B. Corruption and quality of life are inversely correlated, which is why it is important to pay attention to conflict in the public sector.

Conflicts in the Public Sector Essay Outline Example

I. Blatant abuses of power aside, conflicts in the public sector often go unnoticed or undetected. 

A. The most common type of conflict in the public sector is known as a conflict of interest: usually occurring when an elected official has a vested interest in some private sector firm or industry.

B. Due to the nature of corruption, conflicts of interest can quickly bloom out of proportion, undermining public trust in government.

C. The consequences of conflicts in the public sector can last for generations and seriously erode quality of life in a democratic society.

D. Following several essential guidelines, government agencies can prevent and remedy the effects of damaging conflict.

II. A conflict of interest is usually envisioned as being related to financial gain, but can also be linked to other types of personal abuses of power.

A. Examples of conflict of interest current events.

B. Examples of other types of conflicts of interest and how they were or were not resolved.

III. Responding to conflicts in the public sector.

A. Independent watchdog groups can help provide the necessary oversight to vet candidates or alert the general public about potential conflicts of interest.

B. There must be protocols in place, such as those recommended by the OECD (n.d.), which advocates the support of whistleblower programs.

C. The general public should expect more from elected officials and not take conflicts of interest lightly.

IV. Some conflicts are inevitable in the public service sector, but those conflicts do not need to impede the ability of the government to conduct its duties with integrity.

A. Contracts and other financial deals can be thoroughly analyzed by third party watchdogs.

B. Whistleblowers can be supported in order to alert the presence of a potential conflict.

V. Conclusion

A. All elected officials are vulnerable to the effects of conflicts that arise when the title and position facilitates the abuse of power.

B. These conflicts need to be stopped early in order to prevent social, economic, and political problems.

C. Vigilance, oversight, and a culture of honesty are keys to eliminating corruption in government.

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