Public Essays (Examples)


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Public Health Inconvenient Truth

Pages: 2 (724 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Article Analysis Document #:86664862

Public Health Inconvenient Truth
Article Summary
The article describes the public health sector as an institution that was established with altruistic motives, while businesses are considered as profit-oriented. This presents a ground for skepticism … that was established with altruistic motives, while businesses are considered as profit-oriented. This presents a ground for skepticism on the part of the public health sector, especially to protect the financial interest of its clients/beneficiaries. However, considering the current hike in the cost of care and health … especially to protect the financial interest of its clients/beneficiaries. However, considering the current hike in the cost of care and health research, the public health sector may no longer resist such a partnership due to the observed need for financial support available through businesses (Majestic, 2009). This … for financial support available through businesses (Majestic, 2009). This expected partnership between the two bodies is also seen as……



Johnson, T. D. (2009). Public health benefiting from private-sector partnerships: Health departments reaping results. The Nation\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Health.

Majestic, E. (2009). Public health\\\\\\\\\\\\'s inconvenient truth: the need to create partnerships with the business sector. Preventing chronic disease, 6(2), A39.


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Public Safety And Public Relations

Pages: 7 (2022 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Essay Document #:36972565

Public Relations
Introduction: Public Safety
The aim of the public safety sector is the provision of products and services geared at safeguarding individuals and their property. Over 286,000 individuals are employed in this … this sector, which can be segregated into the following two key segments: commercial and governmental organizations. Federal, regional, state, and local level governmental public safety organizations agencies have outnumbered commercial ones all through the course of the past decade. Most individuals working in this sector are hired … Most individuals working in this sector are hired by governmental organizations, including the fire department, police department, and sheriff's department. Some federal level public safety institutions include the CIA, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and Border Patrol (Vault, 2020).
The most predominant public safety jobs are connected with the police: police officers, detectives/ investigators, or correctional officers. EMT personnel, highway patrol officials, and firefighters make up … are……



Achim, A. C. (2014). Risk management issues in policing: from safety risks faced by law enforcement agents to occupational health. Procedia Economics and Finance, 15, 1671-1676.

Bornstein, A. (2005). Antiterrorist policing in New York City after 9/11: Comparing perspectives on a complex process. Human Organization, 64(1), 52-61. Retrieved from

Buyantseva, L. V., Tulchinsky, M., Kapalka, G. M., Chinchilli, V. M., Qian, Z., Gillio, R., et al. (2007). Evolution of lower respiratory symptoms in New York police officers after 9/11: A prospective longitudinal study. J Occup Environ Med, 49, 310–17.

Homeland Security. (2005). Grand reform: The faster and smarter funding for first responders. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Lippmann, M., Cohen, M. D., & Chen, L-C. (2015). Health effects of World Trade Center (WTC) Dust: An unprecedented disaster with inadequate risk management. Crit Rev Toxicol, 45(6), 492-530. DOI: 10.3109/10408444.2015.1044601

NYPD. (2020). About NYPD. Retrieved from 

OHS. (2008). Occupational Health and Safety Code of Practice. Australian Government.

Vault. (2020). Overview. Retrieved from


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Public Policy Of Agriculture Farm Bill 2018

Pages: 2 (712 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:94429716

… allocated $867 billion for this policy to incentivize the farmers (Aid, 2018).
This Farm Bill of 2018 is of immense benefit to the public and catered to so many areas of farmers. The 2014 Farm bill which issued Farm Ranch and Assistance Network wasn't funded in the ……



Aid, F. (2018, December). What’s in the 2018 Farm Bill? The Good, The Bad and The Offal…. Farm Aid. Retrieved from 

Amadeo, K. (2019, November 24). Current US Federal Budget Deficit. The Balance.

Coalition, N. S. (2019). WHAT IS THE FARM BILL? National Sustainable Agricultural Coalition. Retrieved from 

Queck-Matzie, T. (2018, December 12). GRASSLEY SEES FARM BILL PROS AND CONS. Successful Farming. Retrieved from 

Us, I. U. (2019, November 12). Breaking down the US Federal Budget for the Fiscal Year 2019. It\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Up To Us.


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Public Shame Best Remedy Or Not

Pages: 1 (371 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:52782976

Public Shame is the Best Remedy… or Is It? One of the founding principles of the nation is the freedom of speech, which is … as military men and women have made numerous sacrifices domestically and abroad (The Virginian-Pilot, 2010). Freedom of speech has granted an avenue for public shame, which remains a controversial issue depending on the matter at hand. Public shame is utilized as a means to regulate behavior in various areas. For example, public shame is used as a tool to discourage teen pregnancy as it is viewed as a powerful tool in regulating human behavior. The … teen pregnancy generates positive behaviors by linking it to negative social norms, which in turn encourage positive behaviors among teenagers (Reeves, 2013).
While public shame can generate desired outcomes in certain cases such as reduction of the rate of teenage pregnancy, it can also be damaging based … such……



Reeves, R.V. (2013, March 15). Shame Is Not a Four-Letter Word. The New York Times. Retrieved June 11, 2020, from

The Virginian-Pilot. (2010, June 23). Public Shame is the Best Remedy. Retrieved June 11, 2020, from 



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Public Private Partnerships And Critical Infrastructure

Pages: 1 (331 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:35083794

Private Security and Homeland Defense
Most of the critical infrastructure in the United States is regulated by the public sector, but owned by the private sector. As a result, protection of U.S. critical infrastructure is a major challenge because of complexities in … owned by the private sector. As a result, protection of U.S. critical infrastructure is a major challenge because of complexities in both the public and private sectors. Moreover, safeguarding critical infrastructure is complicated by the sophisticated and growing assortment of cybersecurity challenges (Brooks par, 2). Given the … Moreover, safeguarding critical infrastructure is complicated by the sophisticated and growing assortment of cybersecurity challenges (Brooks par, 2). Given the involvement of the public and private sectors in U.S. critical infrastructure, public-private partnerships are vital. These partnerships refer to collaboration between the government and private sector entities in order to realize certain goals or objectives … refer to collaboration……


Works Cited

Brooks, Chuck. “Public Private Partnerships And The Cybersecurity Challenge Of Protecting Critical Infrastructure.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 6 May 2019, .

Busch, Nathan E, and Austen D Givens. “Public-Private Partnerships in Homeland Security: Opportunities and Challenges.” Homeland Security Affairs, vol. 8, no. 18, Oct. 2012, .


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COVID 19 Pandemic Public Implications Of Government Response

Pages: 4 (1183 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Case Study Document #:19700171

… coronavirus, covid, covid-19
Executive Summary
The current coronavirus health crisis facing the world has brought about a need for rethinking and reorientation of public administration. Public administration in many of the jurisdictions has been tasked with the role of keeping the public safe; by ensuring that there are no public gatherings and that people remain in their homes. To emphasize on social distancing, government, and in general, public administrations have banned mass public gatherings of all kinds (McCloskey et al., 2020). In various jurisdictions, the ban on mass gathering has been designed to address the specific … of society. So far, pubic administrations have been effective in the implementation of social distancing measures, and in general, the actions taken by public administrations are supported by the masses, despite the little challenges that such measures might bring about. However, it is expected that as new … little challenges that such……



Fong, M. W., Gao, H., Wong, J. Y., Xiao, J., Shiu, E. Y., Ryu, S., & Cowling, B. J. (2020). Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings-Social Distancing Measures. Emerging infectious diseases, 26(5).

McCloskey, B., Zumla, A., Ippolito, G., Blumberg, L., Arbon, P., Cicero, A., ... & Borodina, M. (2020). Mass gathering events and reducing further global spread of COVID-19: a political and public health dilemma. The Lancet.

O\\\\\\'Leary, R., Van Slyke, D. M., & Kim, S. (Eds.). (2010). The future of public administration around the world: The Minnowbrook perspective. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

Tuite, A. R., Ng, V., Rees, E., & Fisman, D. (2020). Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Italy. The Lancet Infectious Diseases.


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The Rising Cost Of Public Education In United States

Pages: 7 (2143 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Essay Document #:91796938

… difficult for racially and economically diverse students to have affordability and access to the highly-priced educational institutes. Recently, the costs for attending a public college have surged up to $21,370 as compared to $8,250 in 1980, which means it is an approximately 30 percent rise in the … college have surged up to $21,370 as compared to $8,250 in 1980, which means it is an approximately 30 percent rise in the public education costs (Hess “The Cost of College Increased”).
The three causes for the rise in the cost of public education in the US are financial aids from the government and educational institutes, sticker price and price discrimination, and cost increment due to … spent less than 13 percent on students of the educational institutions (see attached figure). After the depression, the government had to fund the public institutions and the students for better educational provisions. For that,……


Works Cited

Amour, Madeline. “Report: living expenses, not tuition, are the problem.” Inside Higher Ed, 13 May 2020,  barrier-students-tuition-report-finds. Accessed 30 Jul. 2020.

Cude, Katherine. The Rising Cost Of Tuition At Four Year Public Universities: A Comparison Of The Explanations Offered By The Academic Literature And University Decision Makers. 2016. University of Vermont, Undergraduate theses. Scholar Works,

Davidson, Adam. “Is College Tuition Really Too High?” The New York Times Magazine, 8 Sep. 2015, . Accessed 30 Jul. 2020.

Desrochers, Donna, and Kirshstein, Rita. Labor Intensive or Labor Expensive? 2014. American Institutes for Research, Delta Cost Project. Lumina Foundation,  education-staffing-brief-feb2014.pdf

Dickler, Jessica. “Why College Tuition Keeps Rising.” CNBC, 24 Oct. 2019,, Accessed 30 Jul. 2020.

Hemelt, Steven, and Marcotte, Dave. Rising Tuition And Enrollment In Public Higher Education. 2008. IZA, Discussion Paper. IZA, 

Hemelt, Steven, and Marcotte, Dave. “The Impact of Tuition Increases on Enrollment at Public Colleges and Universities.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, vol. 33, no. 4, Dec. 2011, pp. 435-457.

Hess, Abigail. “The Cost of College Increased by More Than 25% In the Last 10 Years- Here’s Why.” CNBC, 13 Dec. 2019, increased-by-more-than-25percent-in-the-last-10-years.html. Accessed 30 Jul. 2020.


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Ethical Issue In Public Administration

Pages: 6 (1796 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:87375741

Trash or Treasure - Case Study
Ethics is an important issue in the field of public administration since it provides accountability between the administration and the public. To enhance accountability, public administrators, public service leaders and other stakeholders in this field are required to adhere to a code of ethics. The code of ethics gives these … to a code of ethics. The code of ethics gives these professionals guidelines for integrity in their work and helps to ensure the public receives its needs in a fair manner (Academic Partnerships, 2016). However, not every professional in the field adheres to the code of ethics … Commissioner Richard Mitchell, his wife, Director of Transportation, Nick Kellogg, Deputy Director of Transportation, the City Council, Department of Transportation staff, and the public. These key actions in the scenario have different roles that can further be described through the following table.
(#2) Actor……



Academic Partnerships. (2016, May 24). The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration. Retrieved from the University of Texas Arlington website:,the%20trust%20of%20the%20community .

Kure, G.M. (2018, May). Public Servants’ Attitude Towards Professional Ethics and its Implications for Service Delivery in Selected Bureaus of the Oromia Regional State. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from 

UNC School of Government. (2019, November 20). The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration. Retrieved from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill website:,integrity%2C%20promote%20ethical%20organizations%2C%20and 

Whitton, H. (2001, February). Implementing Effective Ethics Standards in Government and the Civil Service. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from 



Study Document Study Document

What Is Public Administration Today

Pages: 8 (2502 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:response paper Document #:69284084

Public Administration
How Public Administrative Discretion Works
The main difference between public and private administration is that in the former the administration both administers to the public and is accountable to the public; in the latter, the administration is accountable only to stakeholders, which may or may not include members of the community/public. Other differences include the fact that in private administration, the idea is that the administration is overseeing some business organization that focuses on … the idea is that the administration is overseeing some business organization that focuses on a goal related to its mission, its business model. Public administration, on the other hand, refers to a political process wherein official administrators are elected or appointed to do a job for the … other hand, refers to a political process wherein official administrators are elected or appointed to do a job for the good of the public.……



Cann, S. (2007). The Administrative State, the Exercise of Discretion, and the Constitution. Public Administration Review, 67(4), 780–782.

EPA. (2015). Administrative discretion. Retrieved from 

Reyes, P., & Pounder, D. G. (1993). Organizational orientation in public and private elementary schools. The Journal of Educational Research, 87(2), 86-93.

Reyes, D. R. (1998). Public sector reengineering: Practice, problems and prospects.

Rinaldi, M., Montanari, R., & Bottani, E. (2015). Improving the efficiency of public

administrations through business process reengineering and simulation: A case study. Business Process Management Journal, 21(2), 419-462.

Rubenstein, D. S. (2015). Administrative Federalism as Separation of Powers. Wash. & Lee L. Rev., 72, 171.

Savoie, D. J. (2006). What is wrong with the new public management?. In Comparative Public Administration (pp. 593-602). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


Study Document Study Document

Governments Procurement Methods In Integrated Public Service

Pages: 8 (2291 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:45996468

Integrated Public Service
PPPs, as they have come to be popularly referred, are methods of procurement by governments where there is a larger number … are methods of procurement by governments where there is a larger number of stakeholders involving the government, the private sector, and the general public is securing services and, or goods. The model focuses on the delivery of services, products, and infrastructure to the public. The areas under focus transcend a broad span, including water treatment, transportation, health, education, energy, environment, among others. It is a common belief … among others. It is a common belief that PPP is a great approach to handle the provision of services and products to the public. The procurement strategy is known as the Public-Private Partnership. As the name suggests, the program is meant to encourage the government to involve the private sector and the general public in the……



Duff, V. (2020). What is organizational integration? Retrieved from 

Friedman, S. (2016). Successful public/private partnerships from principles to practices. Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute.

Ma, L., Li, J., Jin, R., &Ke, Y. (2019). A holistic review of public-private partnership literature published between 2008 and 2018. Advances in Civil Engineering. Retrieved from 

PrivacySense. (2016). Public sector. Retrieved from 

Reddy, C. (2016). Staff training: Importance, benefits, advantages, and disadvantages. Retrieved from 

Sekhri, N., Feachem, R., & Ni, A. (2011). Public-private integrated partnerships demonstrate the potential to improve health care access, quality, and efficiency. Health Affairs, 30(8).

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