Studyspark Study Document

Strengths Perspective Theory

Pages:8 (2254 words)



Topic:Systems Theory


Strengths Perspective Theory

Provide some data specific points on the trends associated with the two oppressed/marginalized population (LGBTC Youth and Homeless Youth). B. Indicate the reason behind your interest in the population, and its direct connection to social work practice.

LGBTC youths are overrepresented amongst the homeless population. In spite of the fact that it is challenging to obtain accurate figures, it is approximated that LGBTC youths constitute 20 percent to 40 percent of the entire homeless youth population but make up solely 4 percent to 10 percent of the overall youth population. It is suggested that LGBTC youths are at greater risk of facing homelessness as compared to other youths (Cray et al., 2013). The inference of this is that they are almost 7 times over represented amongst the homeless community. Research indicates that LGBTC youth have a greater likelihood of running away from their homes as compared to other youth populations. Akin to several other homeless youths, LGBTC youth more often than not report abuse, neglect, as well as family conflict as the basis for fleeing from home. Notably, rejection on the basis of their gender identity or sexual orientation is considered to be the foundation for the family conflict. Notably, family conflict is deemed to be the most underlying reason for all youth homelessness. 50 percent of all teenagers experience a negative reaction from their parents and the family as a whole when they choose to come out and more than one in four of these teenagers are forced to leave their homes (Durso and Gates, 2012; Cunningham et al., 2014).

The reason behind my interest in this population, that is LGBTC and homeless youth, and its direct connection to social work practice is because it encounters emotional suffering and anguish, depression, seclusion, internalized homophobia or transphobia, violence and victimization, substance abuse, depression, suicide, pregnancy, conflict with the family, poor performances in the school setting and also sexually transmitted diseases (Morrow, 2004).

Identify, Discuss, compare and contrast the special needs the populations may face , which either constitute to their primary problem or contribute to their development. B. Discuss in general, how and why those special needs tends to develop for the (LGBTC Youth and Homeless Youth) or why they persist. (Consider any biological, psychological, spiritual, fiscal or environmental influences on these needs

LGBTQ youth have a superior susceptibility to a variety of general health, mental health, and social difficulties, for instance, sexually transmitted diseases, eating disorders, difficulties in school, homelessness, forced sexual activities, violence and victimization as well as suicide (Higa et al., 2014). These adverse outcomes are not inescapable because of the sexual minority status, but their incidence might intensify as a result of the marginalization, seclusion and also discrimination that are more often than not linked with being LGBTQ. In spite of the fact that there is a progressively greater acceptance and espousal of LGBTQ individuals in the United States, being a young individual who identifies as a sexual minority can considerably challenging and daunting in a society significantly in favor of towards heterosexuals (Higa et al., 2014).

LGBTQ youth can face problems in manifold contexts or settings. For instance, within the family setting, a number of them have delineated their relationship with guardians or parents to be strained and also withdrawn owing to their sexual orientation. There is also the fear and concern of being victimized by members of the family, together with a lack of approval from members who are socially conventional. Within the school setting, LGBTQ youth have reported facing negative involvements such as victimization and bullying by anti-gay students (D’Augelli, 2006).

Reflect (i.e Identify, compare and Discuss) on at least two theories of social work practice and indicate which theory seems best suited to deal/assist with the special need of those population. B. Briefly discuss the main points of the theory selected but spend more time discussing the connection made between the LGBT Youth and Homeless Youth and the…

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…be best suited to work with your specific population.

Based on the aforementioned social work theories, there are a number of interventions that will be best suited to work with this specific population. Specifically, when examining challenges faced by homeless youth and LGBTQ youth, the systems theory and psychosocial theory are a pivotal lens for professionals in social work to exploit in comprehending the life experiences of this population and developing solutions (Foss, 2017). It is imperative for human services professionals to have a vivid and comprehensive understanding of the distinctive needs, risk factors as well as challenges that are being faced by homeless youth so as to create and deliver the best conceivable services to their clients. By taking into consideration the manifold of influences that go past personal choice, social workers and aiding professionals can examine and construe proper evidence-based interventions, resources and support services for the LGBTQ youth and homeless youth population. The interventions rendered to this population should be designed to facilitate greater social and communal inclusion, fundamentally within the family setting and subsequently within the community. Imperatively, interventions ought to be intended to decrease discrimination within the school setting and also the community at large by safeguarding LGBTQ youth and homeless youth with policies that are supportive (Foss, 2017).

It is pivotal for social workers to call on and sway the community and generate connections to improve the lives of LGBTQ youth and homeless youth. Peer support ought to be a fundamental element of the resources granted to LGBTQ youth and homeless youth via community and school programs. Professionals in social work must provide assistance in the development of a network of peer support for LGBTQ youth and homeless youth. What is more, interventions designed should also include development trainings for faculty members that facilitate the promotion of education for parents, students and also faculty regarding the needs for LGBTQ youth and homeless youth. There should also be programs that deliberate on topics concerning LGBTQ youth and homeless…

Sample Source(s) Used


Bilodeau, B. L., & Renn, K. A. (2005). Analysis of LGBT identity development models and implications for practice. New directions for student services, 2005(111), 25-39.

Cray, A., Miller, K., & Durso, L. E. (2013). Seeking shelter: The experiences and unmet needs of LGBT homeless youth. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress.

Cunningham, M., Pergamit, M., Astone, N., & Luna, J. (2014). Homeless LGBTQ youth. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.

Dank, M., Yahner, J., Madden, K., Bañuelos, I., Yu, L., Ritchie, A., ... & Conner, B. (2015). Surviving the Streets of New York: Experiences of LGBTQ Youth, YMSM and YWSW Engaged in Survival Sex. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.

D'augelli, A. R. (2006). Developmental and contextual factors and mental health among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths. American Psychological Association.

Durso, L. E., & Gates, G. J. (2012). Serving our youth: Findings from a national survey of services providers working with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Los Angeles: The Williams Institute with True Colors and the Palatte Fund.

Foss, S. (2017). A Guide to Social Work Advocacy for Transgender Adolescents and Young Adults. Texas State University.

Higa, D., Hoppe, M. J., Lindhorst, T., Mincer, S., Beadnell, B., Morrison, D. M., ... & Mountz, S. (2014). Negative and positive factors associated with the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Youth & Society, 46(5), 663-687.

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