Studyspark Study Document

Public Health Education Today and Tomorrow Essay

Pages:2 (629 words)



Topic:Public Health

Document Type:Essay


Future of Public Health


Insights, Knowledge and Experiences Gained

Two Strengths

Nearing the completion of this course (Laureate Education, 2014) gives me enormous pride and sense of fulfillment. My constant dream has been to become a public health professional and to contribute my small share to the fulfillment of the mission of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In a broader sense, I wish to contribute my bit in preventing disease in the world, especially among children. The first of the two strengths this course has endowed me with is the knowledge I need to achieve my cherished dream of contributing my share in the fight against and in the prevention of disease everywhere. The second is a greater and deeper appreciation of the gift of life in every person, beginning with myself. I believe that we all have the duty and privilege to preserve life and promote health. Our learning from the program fulfills both dreams simultaneously. These are only two of the many advantages or strengths I have been blessed with by this education.

Two Limitations

My preoccupation is preventing illness in everyone everywhere at al times. But in the duration of our course, I observed at least two limitations or weaknesses, which stand on the way of a truly quality delivery of care in disease management. One is the lack of specific and consistent procedures in preventing present-day illnesses and disease (Derrybery, 2004). At the same time, there is a corresponding lack of completely efficacious therapies for disease. Disease control procedures taught in our course, and very likely in other courses and other schools, are unclear. The lessons on prevention or cure are less concrete than actions to control disease. The other limitation is the lack of emphasis on actions that would prevent or control disease. These lacks hamper the radical changes needed to create changes in…

Sample Source(s) Used


Derryberry, M. (2004). Today's health problems and health education. Vol 94 # 3,

American Journal of Public Health: American Public Health Association. Retrieved on May 22, 2014 from

Laureate Education (2012). Learning outcomes for Bachelor of Science in Public Health

4900 Laureate Education, Inc.

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