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Healthcare Lobbyists Drugmakers, Hospitals and Research Paper

Pages:5 (1614 words)




Document Type:Research Paper


Each of these was included in the initial Senate bill, but was struck from the final Senate version. Despite the victories, the group isn't ready to pledge support for health reform bills. The AMA will not endorse any legislation unless Congress gets rid of the mandated payment cuts of more than $200 billion over 10 years in the government's Medicare program for the elderly. The cuts are part of Congressional action that was passed in 1997 in order to cut costs in the Medicare program, but have never gone into effect. There are also several hospitals, insurers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and advocacy groups that are withholding final support. Most of these groups have pledged support to health care reform in principle while working privately through lobbyists to protect their industries (Eaton and Pell, 2010).

Healthcare lobbyists range from very large companies and corporations to very small groups who are all looking to influence whatever is important to them. There are several lobbyists and a whole lot of money that make their way around Washington everyday. Some seem to have more influence than others but overall they all appear to have a very large influence when they work together.


BREAKING: Health care lobby invests in reform summit. (2010). Retrieved March 1, 2010, from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington Web site:

Eaton, Joe and Pell, M.B. (2010). Lobbyists Swarm Capitol to Influence Health Reform.

Retrieved March 1, 2010, from the Center for Public Integrity Web site:

Eggen, Dan. (2009). Lobbyists Spend Millions to Influence Health Care. Retrieved March 1,

2010, from the Washington Post Web site:

Kilkenny, Allison. (2009). Banning lobbying could save American democracy. Retrieved March

1, 2010, from True/Slant…

Sample Source(s) Used


BREAKING: Health care lobby invests in reform summit. (2010). Retrieved March 1, 2010, from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington Web site:

Eaton, Joe and Pell, M.B. (2010). Lobbyists Swarm Capitol to Influence Health Reform.

Retrieved March 1, 2010, from the Center for Public Integrity Web site:

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