Lobbying Essays (Examples)


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Agency Theory And The Limitations Of Representative Government

Pages: 11 (3159 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:26643855

...Lobbying The Political Nature of the Federal Budget Process
The federal budget process is overseen by US Congressmen, who are fundamentally immersed in the political nature of government. As Elwood (2008) notes, members of Congress are influenced in three ways: 1) by money that is used to finance their political campaigns; 2) by obtaining the votes necessary for reelection; and 3) by obtaining expert advice on topics that are of personal importance to them. The federal budget process is particularly impactful on the first two and vice versa. For example, “the ability to funnel money into a congressional district or state provides an excellent opportunity for a legislator to remain in office” (Elwood, 2008, p. 3). This ability creates a conflict of interest among the politicians overseeing the budget process. On the one hand they are tasked with producing a budget resolution and allocating funds based on the duty to……



Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Agency theory: An assessment and review. Academy of management review, 14(1), 57-74.

Elwood, T. W. (2008). Politics of the US Federal Budget Process. International quarterly of community health education, 28(1), 3-12.

Jennings, M. (2008). Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings. Cengage.

Machold, S., Ahmed, P.K., & Farquhar, S.S. (2007). Corporate Governance and Ethics: A Feminist Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics (2008) 81:665-678.

ProActive Solutions. (2020). Agency theory. Retrieved from http://knowledgegrab.com/learners-zone/study-support/performance-management-review/framework-introduction-to-hrm/agency-theory/


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Carrie Chapman And The Women S Movement

Pages: 8 (2257 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:61754681


The Women’s Rights Movement in the U.S. got going in the 19th century with the National Woman’s Rights Convention of 1850 in Worcester, Massachusetts, where the role of women in society was a major focal point (Siegel, 1994). Women were becoming more outspoken and many women like Sojourner Truth and Angelina Weld were traveling around and speaking out on the evils of slavery and so on. The Women’s Movement would continue on through the latter half of the 19th century into the 20th century. Women’s suffrage would become a major focal point in the early 20th century and women would finally win the right to vote in 1920. Carrie Chapman was a big leader in the Women’s Rights Movement at that time, campaigning hard for the 19th Amendment to be passed. However, there were other campaigns by women that had other outcomes—such as the campaign by Carrie Nation at……



Blackwell, E. (1850). Elizabeth Blackwell on the 1850 Women\\\\\\'s Rights Convention. Retrieved from  http://www.wwhp.org/Resources/WomansRights/blackwell_comments.html 

Griffith, E. (1984). In Her Own Right: The Life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. New York: Oxford University Press.

History. (2019). Women’s suffrage. Retrieved from  https://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/the-fight-for-womens-suffrage 

Lawson, E. N. (2013). Smugglers, Bootleggers, and Scofflaws: Prohibition and New York City. SUNY Press.

Siegel, R. B. (1994). Home as Work: The First Woman\\\\\\'s Rights Claims Concerning

Wives\\\\\\' Household Labor, 1850-1880. The Yale Law Journal, 103(5), 1073-1217.

Van Voris, J. (1996). Carrie Chapman Catt: A Public Life. New York City: Feminist Press at CUNY.


Study Document Study Document

Staffing For Nurses In Hospitals

Pages: 12 (3617 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:39252116

...Lobbying Proposal for mandatory staffing ratios
Introduction: Reflection
Public Policy Issue
This policy will mandate that mandatory staffing ratios be met by hospitals throughout the nation. This is an important public policy issue because it would oblige hospitals that are part of the Medicare program to create a committee that is partly made of nurses who can discuss the issue of staffing. As Fowler and Comeaux (2017) point out, staffing is still a major challenge for nurses. If there are too few nurses on staff it can lead to nurse burnout. The right ratio of nurses to patients is required to prevent nurses from being overburdened (Martin, 2015). The reason I selected this policy is because it is clearly important to nurses’ own health and ability to do their jobs. It can also play a part in preventing turnover rates from going too high (Laschinger & Fida, 2015). Therefore, this is……



ANA. (2019). Nurse staffing. Retrieved from  https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/advocacy/state/nurse-staffing/ 

Dousay, T., Childers, B., Cole, M., Hill, T., & Rogers, C. (2016). Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratio: Higher Patient Satisfaction. Retrieved from  https://scholarworks.moreheadstate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1105&context=student_scholarship_posters 

Fowler, D., & Comeaux, Y. (2017). The legislative role in nurse staffing ratios. MedSurg Nursing, 26(2), 12-14.

Laschinger, H. K. S., & Fida, R. (2015). Linking nurses’ perceptions of patient care quality to job satisfaction: the role of authentic leadership and empowering professional practice environments. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(5), 276-283.

Martin, C. J. (2015). The effects of nurse staffing on quality of care. MedSurg Nursing, 24(2), S4-S4.

Reiter, K. L., Harless, D. W., Pink, G. H., & Mark, B. A. (2012). Minimum Nurse Staffing Legislation and the Financial Performance of C alifornia Hospitals. Health Services Research, 47(3pt1), 1030-1050.

Rondeau, K. V., & Wagar, T. H. (2016). Human resource management practices and nursing turnover. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 6(10), 101.

Twigg, D. E., Myers, H., Duffield, C., Giles, M., & Evans, G. (2015). Is there an economic case for investing in nursing care–what does the literature tell us?. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(5), 975-990.


Study Document Study Document

Israel And United States

Pages: 8 (2543 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Policy Proposal Document #:35099199

...Lobbying Introduction: the Policy Problem under Consideration
When it comes to foreign policy, there are many different issues in foreign policy that the government needs to address—from tensions regarding missile treaties with Russia to wars in the Middle East to money given to the state of Israel, which has been recognized by the United Nations as a violator of human rights for its treatment of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and on the West Bank (Human Rights Watch, 2018). Of these, America’s special relationship with Israel is perhaps the most unsettling. Israel receives more than $3 billion in foreign aid from the U.S. every year, which is one-fifth of the entire foreign aid budget of the U.S., and the U.S. is further committed to giving $38 billion in military financial aid over the next several years (Sharp, 2018). Essentially, the U.S. is helping to fund a human rights violator by continuing……



Facione, P. (2006). Critical thinking: what it is and why it counts. Insight Assessments.

Hooks, B. (1999). Black looks: Race and representation. South End Press.

Human Rights Watch. (2018). Israel and Palestine. Retrieved from https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2019/country-chapters/israel/palestine

Johnson, S. A. (2011). Women, Shared Leadership, and Policy: The Mano River Women's Peace Network Case Study. Journal of Pan African Studies, 4(8).

Mearsheimer, J. J., & Walt, S. M. (2007). The Israel lobby and US foreign policy. Macmillan.

Richards, R. (2010). Everyday creativity. The Cambridge handbook of creativity, 189-215.

Sharp, J. (2018). U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel. Retrieved from  https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf 

Verhaeghe, P. (2014). Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us. The Guardian. Annotated Bibliography


Study Document Study Document

Compare Between Monarchy And Democracy

Pages: 4 (1301 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:80066348

...Lobbying Monarchy vs. Democracy
When it comes to monarchies, much of the modern world has rejected them, though the West used to be ruled by monarchs. Today, monarchs thrive in the Middle East, particularly in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where a monarchical system of government has enabled the UAE to bring stability and leadership. However, challenges remain, and this paper will describe the pros and cons of a system like UAE and compare it to that of democratic countries, whose prose and cons will also be described.
The pros of a monarchical system are that there is stability and consistency of vision and leadership. A monarch rules for life and the vision presented by the monarch can be implemented over a life time instead of rushed through in the brief span of a few years as is the case in democratic countries where elected leaders have term limits. The monarch……



Brookings Institute. (2013). Kings for all seasons. Retrieved from  https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Resilience-Arab-Monarchies_English.pdf 

Katz, N. (2019). How super pacs shape u.s. Elections with advertisements that portraym candidates in ways publicly identified campaign ads often avoid. Retrieved from  https://scholars.org/contribution/how-super-pacs-shape-us-elections-advertisements-portray-candidates-ways-publicly 

Lumen. (2020). Forms of government. Retrieved from  https://courses.lumenlearning.com/atd-herkimer-introsociology/chapter/reading-forms-of-government/ 

Soskis, B. (2017). George Soros and the Demonization of Philanthropy. Retrieved from  https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/12/soros-philanthropy/547247/ 


Study Document Study Document

Influence Of Political Interests Groups On The Educational Policy

Pages: 6 (1844 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:31534900

… govern a wide range of aspects including, but not limited to, freedom of information, asset disclosure, as well as conflict of interest and lobbying. It therefore follows that political interest groups ought to be allowed to flourish especially given their relevance from diverse perspectives – as has … their activities or undertakings are largely concentrated. It is also important to note that when it comes to the implementation of an effective lobbying strategy, the relevance of credibility cannot be overstated.
It is likely that going forward, the competition for resources at the state level ……



Abbott, I., Rathbone, M. & Whitehead, P. (2012). Education Policy. New York, NY: SAGE.

Anderson, J.E. (2003).Public Policy-Making. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Delaney, J. A., & Doyle, W. R. (2007). The role of higher education in state budgets. Journal of Education Finance, 36(4), 343-268.

Grapevine. (2016). Appropriations: State Tax Funds for Operating Expenses of Higher Education, 1983-1984. Retrieved from:  https://education.illinoisstate.edu/grapevine/tables/ 

Larrabee, B. (2016). Education groups put big money into political causes. Retrieved from https://www.gainesville.com/news/20160828/education-groups-put-big-money-into-political-causes

Tandberg, D. A. (2009). Interest groups and governmental institutions: The politics of state funding of public higher education. Educational Policy, 24(5), 104-117.

Vote Smart (2020). Texas Education Special Interest Groups. Retrieved from  https://votesmart.org/interest-groups/TX/27#.XrVCzsBRW00 

Vote Smart (2020). Florida Education Special Interest Groups. Retrieved from  https://votesmart.org/interest-groups/FL/27#.XrVKScBRW01


Study Document Study Document

Global Boycott Divestment And Sanctions Movement

Pages: 5 (1417 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:75753246

...Lobbying Analyzing the Global Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement
In Favor of BDS (Anecdote)
As an individual with friends in Palestine, I have heard the stories and seen firsthand the immoral acts committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza and in the West Bank. I have seen the bulldozed homes, the illegal Israeli settlements, the victims of Israeli aggression, the loved ones buried—killed by soldiers or burned and murdered by Israel’s use of white phosphorous, which others have also reported on (Kaposi, 2016). The BDS Movement is a movement that aims to draw attention to these crimes and to hold Israel accountable. It aims to put pressure on the state—economically—so that the state begins to realize the enormity of its crimes and makes amends.
One story that I can share that will illuminate the reason why BDS should be supported is this: not to long time ago, my……



Aridan, N. (2019). Israel Lobby. Israel Studies, 24(2), 128-143.

Cohen, M. S., & Freilich, C. D. (2018). War by other means: the delegitimisation campaign against Israel. Israel Affairs, 24(1), 1-25.

Gazit, N. (2015). State-sponsored vigilantism: Jewish settlers’ violence in the occupied Palestinian territories. Sociology, 49(3), 438-454.

Kaposi, D. (2016). On the possibility of critiquing Israel: The Times’ engagement with Israel’s deployment of white phosphorous during the first Gaza war. Media, War & Conflict, 9(3), 272-289.

Sheskin, I. M., & Felson, E. (2016). Is the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement Tainted by Anti-Semitism?. Geographical Review, 106(2), 270.

UN. (2019). Israel’s Exploitation of Palestinian Resources is Human Rights Violation, Says UN Special Rapporteur for the Situation of Human Rights in the OPT. Retrieved from  https://www.un.org/unispal/document/israels-exploitation-of-palestinian-resources-is-human-rights-violation-says-un-special-rapporteur-for-the-situation-of-human-rights-in-the-opt-press-release/ 


Study Document Study Document

Why Uber Refuses To Hire Drivers As Full Time Employees

Pages: 11 (3298 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:74911361

...Lobbying Problem at Uber
Uber has 22,000 employees worldwide and approximately half of its employees work inside the US. The company has nearly 1 million drivers in the US and approximately 4 million worldwide (Sainato, 2019). The problem that Uber has is that it does not consider its drivers as actual employees even though this categorization has been challenged at the federal level. Regulators have argued in the past that the company should count its drivers as employees rather than as freelancers or contractors. Drivers too have argued that they deserve the benefits, protections and compensation that regular employees receive (Rapier, 2019). However, the National Labor Relations Board's general counsel recently revealed that Uber’s drivers will continue to be classified as contractors. Though the company has viewed this as a victory for its business model, there are plenty of problems that remain as a result of this continuation of what……



Bhuiyan, J. (2018). Uber’s sleek new product? Your safety. Retrieved from  https://www.vox.com/2018/9/6/17824294/uber-safety-product-feature s

Bond, S. (2019). Uber Received Nearly 6,000 U.S. Sexual Assault Claims In Past 2 Years. Retrieved from  https://www.npr.org/2019/12/05/785037245/uber-received-nearly-6-000-u-s-sexual-assault-claims-in-past-2-year s

Kaltner, J. (2018). Employment status of uber and lyft drivers: Unsettlingly settled.  Hastings Women's LJ, 29, 29.

Malos, S., Lester, G. V., & Virick, M. (2018). Uber drivers and employment status in the gig economy: Should corporate social responsibility tip the scales?. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 30(4), 239-251.

North, A. (2019). It’s not just passengers being assaulted in Ubers. Drivers are at risk, too. Retrieved from  https://www.vox.com/2019/12/7/20998646/uber-safety-report-sexual-assault-lyft-case s

Rapier, G. (2019). Uber scored a major victory when the US government ruled drivers aren't employees, but not everyone is happy. Retrieved from  https://www.businessinsider.com/uber-drivers-disappointed-ruling-not-employees-2019-5 

Reingold, J. (2013). Southwest’s Herb Kelleher: Still crazy after all these years. Retrieved from  http://fortune.com/2013/01/14/southwests-herb-kelleher-still-crazy-after-all-these-years/ 

Rogers, B. (2016). Employment rights in the platform economy: Getting back to basics. Harv. L. & Pol'y Rev., 10, 479.


Study Document Study Document

Gender Dysphoria

Pages: 1 (340 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:96459162

...Lobbying Why Treating Gender Dysphoria with Hormone Therapy is a Bad Idea
Gender dysphoria is a psychological condition that stems from confusion regarding one’s gender. While sex is biological and gender conceptual, gender is essentially the psychological awareness and acceptance of one’s biological sex. A person who is gender dysphoric is confused on this matter. Conception of a third gender in one’s mind does not mean a third sex has developed. The misalignment between gender identification and sex can lead to mental illness and physical illness if hormonal therapy is introduced, puberty suppressed or other chemicals used to help the person alter his or her sense of sex so as to promote the gender identity.
Suicide ideation, attempts at suicide, depression, anxiety—all of these are short term affects of gender dysphoria (Delgado-Ruiz et al.). Individuals who engage in hormonal therapy to help themselves to transition to the gender with which they……


Works Cited

Ashford, B. “ The Ugly Truth About Sex Reassignment the Transgender Lobby

Doesn’t Want You to Know.” Daily Signal, 2017.  https://www.dailysignal.com/2017/10/30/ugly-truth-sex-reassignment-transgender-lobby-doesnt-want-know/ 

Delgado-Ruiz, Rafael, Patricia Swanson, and Georgios Romanos. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Systematic Review of

the Long-Term Effects of Transgender Hormone Therapy on Bone Markers and Bone Mineral Density and Their Potential Effects in Implant Therapy.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Journal of clinical medicine 8.6 (2019): 784.


Study Document Study Document

Criminal Justice Ethical Issues

Pages: 2 (578 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:43254409

...Lobbying Lawyer Misconduct and the Sixth Amendment Rights of the Accused
The responsibility of the law in preventing harm to oneself and upholding social morals varies from state to state. For example, in parts of Nevada, prostitution is legal; in other parts, it is not. The same goes for drug use. In some states, like Colorado, marijuana use has been legalized. In other states, it is still illegal and even under federal law it is illegal. Thus, in a democracy, the people are ultimately the ones to determine what their laws will be. However, there are definitely organizations that lobby for certain laws to be passed. For instance, prior to Prohibition, there were organizations that lobbied to have alcohol banned and eventually their voices were heard at the federal level.
The responsibility of the law in preventing harm to oneself is ultimately a controversial one in a liberty-loving society. People……



Rindels, M. (2018). How legal prostitution works in Nevada. Retrieved from  https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/the-indy-explains-how-legal-prostitution-works-in-nevada 

Wilhelm, R. (2019). Effective counsel. Retrieved from  https://www.lawyers.com/legal-info/criminal/criminal-law-basics/effective-or-ineffective-assistance-of-counsel.html 

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