Study Document
An electronic health record (EHR) is a person's authentic health record that is shared among various agencies and offices (Hasanain, 2014). The role of EHRs is getting to be expanding persuasive as progressively … expanding persuasive as progressively tolerant data winds up computerized and bigger quantities of customers express a need to have portable access to their health records. It is an electronic form of a patient's paper record. EHRs offer the upside of making data about patient consideration accessible, in a protected way, to numerous … groups in conveying care dependent on the best accessible proof. The paper shares the EHR platform (EPIC), discusses the challenges and barriers to electronic charting giving reasons why have we moved from paper charting to EHR’s and defining meaningful use regulations analyzing why is it important to … get to the patient diagram by means of a web interface, with the goal……
Gagnon, D., Simonyan, E.K., Ghandour, G., Godin, M., Labrecque, M., Ouimet, M.R. (2016). Factors influencing electronic health record adoption by physicians: A multilevel analysis, Int J Inform Manage, 36, pp. 258-270.
Hasanain, H. (2014). Cooper Solutions to overcome technical and social barriers to electronic health records implementation in Saudi public and private hospitals, J Health Inform Dev Ctries, pp. 46-63.
Kierkegaard, P. (2019). Electronic health record: Wiring Europe\\\\'s healthcare: Computer Law & Security Review. 27 (5): 503–515.
Murphys, E.V., & Yale, J. (2014). Clinical decision support: effectiveness in improving quality processes and clinical outcomes and factors that may influence success. Biol Med; 87, pp. 187–97.
Study Document
health Care Reform and Equity
The author of the “health Care Reform and Equity: Promise, Pitfalls, and Prescriptions” article delves into the subject of the US’s failure to make desired progress within the … nation, though it requires additional laws for doing so. Two key challenges hampering progress are addressed in the article: alignment of the nation’s health resources with the requirements of patients and primary care revitalization, mainly for the underserved population (Fiscella, 2011). Gaps in health service provision have been impeding progress towards more equitable health. This article puts forward the following six interconnected domains: insurance cost and coverage related access, doctor salary modifications, strengthening of primary care, health IT improvements, better accountability, and disparity monitoring, and national quality adoption (Fiscella, 2011).
This paper will deal with how the system’s prescriptions, promises, … deal with how the system’s prescriptions, promises, and pitfalls, as described by the article’s author,……
Fiscella, K. (2011). Health care reform and equity: Promise, pitfalls, and prescriptions. Ann Fam Med, 9(1), 78-84.
Starfield, B., Shi, L., & Macinko, J. (2005). Contribution of primary care to health systems and health. Milbank Q, 83(3), 457-502. Retrieved from PMC2690145/
Study Document
Managing Medical Records and the Implementation of Tools and Safeguards Required within HIS
Few practices are more important in managing health information systems than managing medical records, safeguarding patients’ medical history, and ensuring that all end users of medical information technology are approved and trained. Some of the biggest factors … should be used to accommodate security needs for the HIS, the information tools and safeguards required to protect it, the security needed for electronic health records, an applicable code of ethics, and proposals for training staff.
HIS Programming Language and Relational Databases to Accommodate the Task
As Prince (2013) … with a language that can help minimize the risk of human error is preferable.
As for databases, the most common database used in health care is the relational database (Campbell, 2004). These are the most commonly used because they allow for the tracking of patient care, such ………
Campbell, R. J. (2004). Database Design: What HIM Professionals Need to Know.
Perspectives in Health Information Management 2004, 1:6 (August 4, 2004). Retrieved from
Crossler, R. E., & Posey, C. (2017). Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Surrendering Privacy for Security's Sake in an Identity Ecosystem. Journal of The Association for Information Systems, 18(7), 487-515.
Donovan, F. (2018). Judge Gives Final OK to $115M Anthem Data Breach Settlement. Retrieved from (2018). Health Information Privacy, Security, and Your EHR. Retrieved from
The IMIA Code of Ethics for Health Information Professionals. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.imia
Jackson, R. (2018). Pulling strings. Retrieved from
Prince, B. (2013). Programming Languages Susceptible to Specific Security Flaws: Report. Eweek, 12. Retrieved from
Study Document
Cleveland Clinic Case Study
The Cleveland Clinic is a large health care provider based in Cleveland, but with some expansion under its belt already. The Clinic has in recent years been an innovator in … of the differentiated strategy is an approach that places a premium on service and product excellence, and doing things differently than competitors. In health care, where there is a vast body of literature and practice that informs the best approaches to each type of ailment, disease or … by their nature.
A second element of the differentiated strategy is the focus on IT innovation. Information technology is becoming increasingly important in health care, not just for the things in the case like electronic health records use of diagnostic tools, but for other things as well, like outpatient care, marketing and information gathering. More advanced use cases for … large size and substantial reputation……
Study Document
… front is named-entity recognition (NER). This approach would be most valid because, as would be expected, extracting the relevant information from the robust electronic health record of Timberline health is likely to be a rather challenging undertaking. This is more so the case given the diverse data captured therein, i.e. ad hoc ……
Hull, R.H. (2013). Hearing and Aging. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
Study Document
Optimizing Merged health Information Systems
Although the merger of two comparably sized companies competing in the same industry is a relatively commonplace business strategy, the process … information systems involved that must also be merged successfully. The purpose of this paper is to explicate the responsibilities involved in implementing a health information system (HIS) that meets current health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical health (HITECH) Act and the health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security and Privacy regulatory requirements. To this end, a discussion and analysis of health information systems, a description concerning how a system will affect patient care and documentation and an explanation concerning how using a system to … of the research and important findings about the challenges and issues involved are presented in the paper’s conclusion..
A. Discussion and analysis of health information systems
1. Summary of advantages and disadvantages of a system.
Abouzhar, C. & Boerma, T. (2009, August). Health information systems: The foundations of public health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83(8), 578-583.
Cresswell, K. & Aziz, S. (2013, May). Organizational issues in the implementation and adoption of health information technology innovations: An interpretative review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 87(5), 73-86.
Drazen, E. L. (2006, February). Maximizing the benefits of health care information systems. Journal of Medical Systems, 10(1), 51-56.
Kruse, C. S. & Smith, D. (2017, July). Security techniques for the electronic health records. Journal of Medical Systems, 41(8), 127.
Kumar, V. (2011). Impact of health information systems on organizational health communication and behavior. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 9(2), 37-44.
McGrail, K. M. & Black, C. (2009, August). Access to data in health information systems. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83(8), 563-569.
Murphy, M. L. (2019, March). Mastering accounting for business combinations: Mergers and acquisitions present challenges that finance can overcome by staying involved with the deal and preparing in advance of the closing. Journal of Accountancy, 227(3), 24-27.
NAHQ code of ethics for healthcare quality. (2019). National Association for Healthcare Quality. Retrieved from .
Study Document
Informatics health and the health Care Shortage
Snavely (2016) shows that the looming nursing shortage is due to hit America hard in the coming years, and that shortage … America—especially in hard hit areas like New York City, where the hospitals are being overrun by patients infected by the virus. Shortages of health care providers is a major concern in the US, especially since the US is meant to be a world leader among other nations—and … the US, especially since the US is meant to be a world leader among other nations—and yet an element of its critical infrastructure, health care, is sorely lacking in support in the form of providers. Now that the country has gone into lockdown mode, it is only … of work and shuttering businesses right and left—potentially for good. If economic woes persist for the remainder of the year, the shortage of health care……
Clemmer, T. P. (1995). The role of medical informatics in telemedicine. Journal of Medical Systems, 19(1), 47-58.
Demiris, G. (2003). Integration of telemedicine in graduate medical informatics education. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 10(4), 310-314.
Foster, M., & Sethares, K. (2017). Current strategies to implement informatics into the nursing curriculum: an integrative review. J Nurs Inform, 21(3).
Haddad, L. M., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2019). Nursing shortage. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
Hasbrouck, L. (2016). Strengthening local health department informatics capacity through advocacy, education, and workforce development. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 22(Suppl 6), S3.
IOM. (2010). The future of nursing. Retrieved from
O’Brien, J. (2003). How nurse practitioners obtained provider status: Lessons for pharmacists. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 60(22), 2301-2307.
Snavely, T. M. (2016). A brief economic analysis of the looming nursing shortage in the United States. Nursing Economics, 34(2), 98-101.
Study Document
… nursing science (Twigg, Pugh, Gelder, & Myers, 2016). In part 2, analysis and application of safety programs were explored and Kenneth E. Waldenberg health Care facility was used as a model in the analysis. The findings of the paper was that leadership plays a key role in … model in the analysis. The findings of the paper was that leadership plays a key role in sustaining quality improvement programs in any health care organization (Stetler, Ritchie, Rycroft-Malone, & Charns, 2014). In this third part of the quality and sustainability paper, a change theory that will … quality and sustainability paper, a change theory that will support the implementation of a quality and safety program will be discussed.
Change Theory
health facilitates are required to implement new process or technologies that improve patient safety and quality of care (Hughes, 2007). There exists a formula … technologies that improve patient safety……
Alenius-Smeds, L., Tishelman, C., Lindqvist, R. Runesdotter, S. & McHugh, M.D. (2016). RN assessments of excellent quality of care and patient safety are associated with significantly lower odds of 30-day inpatient mortality: A national cross-sectional study of acute-care hospitals. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Retrieved from (06)005
Brasait?, I., Kaunonen, M., Martink?nas, A., Mockien?, V., & Suominen, T. (2016). Health care professionals’ skills regarding patient safety. Medicina, 52(4), 250-256. doi:10.1016/j.medici.2016.05.004
Campbell, R. J. (2008). Change Management in Health Care. The Health Care Manager, 27(1), 23-39. Retrieved from
Hughes, R.G. (2007). "3 Barriers to quality improvement and quality improvement research." Institute of Medicine (IOM). Advancing quality improvement research: Challenges and opportunities: Workshop summary. doi:10.17226/11884.x
Lennox, L., Maher, L., & Reed, J. (2018). Navigating the sustainability landscape: a systematic review of sustainability approaches in healthcare. Implementation science: IS, 13(1), 27. doi:10.1186/s13012-017-0707-4
Stetler C.B., Ritchie J.A., Rycroft-Malone J. & Charns M.P. (2014) Leadership for evidence-based practice: strategic and functional behaviors for institutionalizing EBP. Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing 11(4), 219–226.
Twigg, D. E., Pugh, J. D., Gelder, L., & Myers, H. (2016). Foundations of a nursing-sensitive outcome indicator suite for monitoring public patient safety in Western Australia. Collegian, 23(2), 167-181. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2015.03.007
Study Document
Clinical Decision Support and electronic health Records
Information technology has revolutionized nearly every aspect of life, from how people recreate to how they work. This is no less true … revolutionized nearly every aspect of life, from how people recreate to how they work. This is no less true in the field of health care, where clinical informatics is reshaping the nursing workplace environment, how patient data is recorded and shared, and how health care is delivered. This paper will discuss clinical informatics concepts emerging in the 21st century, what evidence-based practice (EBP) shows with respect to … how the law figures into this issue with respect to HIPAA, privacy/confidentiality and security issues; and how patient safety, the nursing role and electronic medical records are impacted.
Clinical Informatics Concepts in the 21st Century
Controlling the flow of information to promote efficiency, security, and safety is the number … to……
Cho, O. M., Kim, H., Lee, Y. W., & Cho, I. (2016). Clinical alarms in intensive care units: Perceived obstacles of alarm management and alarm fatigue in nurses. Healthcare informatics research, 22(1), 46-53.
Effken, J., Weaver, C., Cochran, K., Androwich, I., & O’Brien, A. (2016). Toward a central repository for sharing nursing informatics’ best practices. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(6), 245-246.
Elsayed, W. A., Hussein, F. M., & Othman, W. N. (2017). Relation between nursing informatics competency and nurses’ attitude toward evidence-based practice among qualified nurses at Mansoura Oncology Center. International Journal of Nursing Didactics, 7(6), 26-33.
Drolet, B. C., Marwaha, J. S., Hyatt, B., Blazar, P. E., & Lifchez, S. D. (2017). Electronic communication of protected health information: privacy, security, and HIPAA compliance. The Journal of hand surgery, 42(6), 411-416.
Haupeltshofer, A., Egerer, V., & Seeling, S. (2020). Promoting health literacy: What potential does nursing informatics offer to support older adults in the use of technology? A scoping review. Health Informatics Journal, 1460458220933417.
Kharbanda, E. O., Asche, S. E., Sinaiko, A. R., Ekstrom, H. L., Nordin, J. D., Sherwood, N. E., & O’Connor, P. (2018). Clinical decision support for recognition and management of hypertension: a randomized trial. Pediatrics, 141(2).
Khezri, H., & Abdekhoda, M. (2019). Assessing nurses’ informatics competency and identifying its related factors. Journal of Research in Nursing, 24(7), 529-538.
Kleib, M., & Nagle, L. (2018). Factors associated with Canadian nurses\\\\\\\\\\\\' informatics competency. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(8), 406-415.
Study Document
Introducing Informatics Early in Nursing Education
As Shackelford (2019) notes in “Industry Voices—health is Changing,” there is a serious need to reach future workforce members at an earlier age, before they enter into college and a … into college and a nursing program. Students need to start developing real world skills that will translate well to professional development in the health industry—and that means they need to develop communication skills, technological understanding, and have access to intro-level health care courses when they enter high school. Getting students interested in a future health career at the age of 14 or 15 is a great way to prepare the future workforce and provide them with “career-ready” skills, … (2019) puts it. The rationale for selecting this topic regarding the need to expose younger students to skills that can be used in health informatics is that in today’s digital age technology is……
Eardley, D. L., Krumwiede, K. A., Secginli, S., Garner, L., DeBlieck, C., Cosansu, G., & Nahcivan, N. O. (2018). The Omaha System as a Structured Instrument for Bridging Nursing Informatics With Public Health Nursing Education: A Feasibility Study. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(6), 275-283.
Kinnunen, U. M., Rajalahti, E., Cummings, E., & Borycki, E. M. (2017). Curricula challenges and informatics competencies for nurse educators. Forecasting informatics competencies for nurses in the future of connected health, 232, 41-48.
Piscotty Jr, R. J., Kalisch, B., & Gracey?Thomas, A. (2015). Impact of healthcare information technology on nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(4), 287-293.
Risling, T. (2017). Educating the nurses of 2025: Technology trends of the next decade. Nurse education in practice, 22, 89-92.
Shackelford, S. (2019). Industry Voices—Healthcare is changing. We need to reach the future workforce earlier. Retrieved from
Shin, E. H., Cummings, E., & Ford, K. (2018). A qualitative study of new graduates’ readiness to use nursing informatics in acute care settings: clinical nurse educators’ perspectives. Contemporary nurse, 54(1), 64-76.
Tubaishat, A. (2019). The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 44(1), 79-91.
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