Study Document
Pages:6 (1740 words)
Topic:Evidence Based Practice
Document Type:Essay
Janvnbakht, Hejazi, & Ghasemi (2009) have clearly identified the purpose of their study. They have also stated the importance and relevance of the research topic to the current evidence-based practice. An already diagnosed illness of anxiety and depression is included in the study and evaluation of the history of other psychiatric illness confirmed before the study. The use of participants with an already diagnosed illness facilitates the study of the effectiveness of the yoga intervention in alleviating disorders and symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. There is an adequate description of the sample of the participants, response rate, and sample attrition.
Critical Appraisal of the Research Article (cont'd)
However, it fails to provide a detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria used in the study alongside the actions taken to maintain blinding.
For example, the study fails to include strategies adopted to maintain blinding such as training the therapist not to discuss with the participants the treatment
In the introduction of the research article, the analysis is supported by the provision of detailed analysis of empirical evidence to the topics of study.
They incorporate their own data with that of other authors who have conducted similar researches found in the MEDLINE database.
For instance, they use the studies conducted by Milchalsen, Gupta, and Taherkhani to support their evidence of the effectiveness of the intervention.
Despite the contradiction of the results obtained by Pearson, Field & Jordan (2007), in their study,
They incorporate their own data with that of other authors who have conducted similar researches found in the MEDLINE database.
For instance, they use the studies conducted by Milchalsen, Gupta, and Taherkhani to support their evidence of the effectiveness of the intervention.
Despite the contradiction of the results obtained by Pearson, Field & Jordan (2007), in their study,
Study Document
Evidence-based practice is an approach that has been applied to clinical practice and nursing. Evidence-based practice started initially in medicine and went to fields like education, psychology, nursing and dentistry. It should be noted that the research is based on studies that were carried out and these studies go on to fit the scenario that is currently being dealt with. Treatments that are supported empirically are the ones that are proven
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Evidence Base Practiced Reseach Evidence Base Practiced Research Evidence-based practice is considered to be a combination of the best practice gotten from patient care data, research study, and expert opinion so as to identify dissimilar approaches of improvement in providing high quality care that reflects things such as needs, values, interest and selections of the patient. Skills and Knowledge gained in the procedure of evidence-based practice assist health care workers to bring
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Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the term that refers to the need for nursing to be based on research that has been conducted in the most thorough scientific manner, consistently tested, rigorously proved, and only then published by peer-refereed academic journals. Evidence-based nursing is popular in nursing since it joins science with practice and bases nursing on a more critical scientific basis. It puts the nurse, so to speak, in the driver's
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Evidence-Based Practice Resource Filtered Unfiltered Clinical Practice Guidelines (1) Authors combined several studies for efficacy Block, S.L. (2) Older data (over 10 years) and used only one research study. Kelley, (3) Credible and systematic; great review of literature McCracken (4) Older data (over 10 years) and used only one research study. No scholarly or academic research, materials is hearsay and anecdotal. Resource Primary Research Evidence Evidence-Guideline Evidence Summary Clinical Practice Guidelines (1) Inclusion of Primary Research Includes Guidelines for Best Practices Summarization of a number of sources, generalized but academic. Block,
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Evidence-Based Practice There is a lot of talk about evidence-based practice in the medical community, and it may seem as though it is being overstated. However, that is definitely not the case. Evidence-based practice is very important in order to make sure healthcare outcomes are the best they can be. Any problematic outcomes can be improved through the use of scholarly inquiry and analysis. Being able to analyze issues properly and
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A study conducted by Leep Hunderfund et al. tested the effectiveness of a follow-up assessment and risk factor specific intervention measures in reducing falls in an inpatient setting (2011). The study suggested that the Hendrich Risk Fall Model works as an effective primary screening tool and, when used in combination with further physician assessment, reduces the number of patient falls dramatically. Ang, Mordiffi and Wong corroborated these results in