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Anxiety Disorders Essay

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Topic:Anxiety Disorder

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Anxiety disorders is a term used to refer to a group of mental illnesses that cause significant distress, which affects an individual’s ability to continue living normally. However, individuals experiencing substantial anxiety due to various factors in their lives are usually confused whether they are having normal reactions or suffering from an anxiety disorder. There are different kinds of anxiety disorders including specific phobia and adjustment disorder. Anxiety disorder refers to a mental illnesses that generate significant distress and affects an individual’s normal living while adjustment disorder refers to stress-related conditions due to difficulties coping with changes in life circumstances (Mayo Clinic, 2017). For instance, a person could suffer from an adjustment disorder after the loss of a job or death of a loved one.

Specific Phobia is an example of anxiety disorders and is characterized by intense fear of a particular situation or object. For instance, a person could diagnosed with specific phobia for fear of flying or heights. However, the diagnosis is applicable if the individual’s fear exceeds what’s appropriate/ordinary and may cause him/her to avoid ordinary situations (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the diagnostic criteria for specific phobia incorporates seven attributes including marked anxiety of fear regarding a specific situation or object, the phobic situation or object triggers immediate anxiety or fear. The other characteristics include avoiding or enduring the phobic situation/object with intense fear, the anxiety/fear is unreasonable to the actual danger posed, the fear/anxiety is persistent for at least 6 months, the fear/anxiety causes significant distress, and the disturbance is not attributable to another mental illness (Truschel & Cagliostro, 2018). Evidence-based psychotherapy treatment for this disorder involves the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy while psychopharmacologic treatment involves using a series of anti-depressants.


Mayo Clinic. (2017, October 25). Adjustment Disorders. Retrieved October 2, 2019, from

Mayo Clinic. (2016, October 19). Specific Phobias. Retrieved October 2, 2019, from

Truschel, J. & Cagliostro, D. (2018, February 13). Anxiety and Phobias: What are Specific Phobias? Retrieved October 2, 2019, from


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