Voting Essays (Examples)


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Carrie Chapman And The Women S Movement

Pages: 8 (2257 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:61754681


The Women’s Rights Movement in the U.S. got going in the 19th century with the National Woman’s Rights Convention of 1850 in Worcester, Massachusetts, where the role of women in society was a major focal point (Siegel, 1994). Women were becoming more outspoken and many women like Sojourner Truth and Angelina Weld were traveling around and speaking out on the evils of slavery and so on. The Women’s Movement would continue on through the latter half of the 19th century into the 20th century. Women’s suffrage would become a major focal point in the early 20th century and women would finally win the right to vote in 1920. Carrie Chapman was a big leader in the Women’s Rights Movement at that time, campaigning hard for the 19th Amendment to be passed. However, there were other campaigns by women that had other outcomes—such as the campaign by Carrie Nation at……



Blackwell, E. (1850). Elizabeth Blackwell on the 1850 Women\\\\\\'s Rights Convention. Retrieved from 

Griffith, E. (1984). In Her Own Right: The Life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. New York: Oxford University Press.

History. (2019). Women’s suffrage. Retrieved from 

Lawson, E. N. (2013). Smugglers, Bootleggers, and Scofflaws: Prohibition and New York City. SUNY Press.

Siegel, R. B. (1994). Home as Work: The First Woman\\\\\\'s Rights Claims Concerning

Wives\\\\\\' Household Labor, 1850-1880. The Yale Law Journal, 103(5), 1073-1217.

Van Voris, J. (1996). Carrie Chapman Catt: A Public Life. New York City: Feminist Press at CUNY.


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Principles Of American Democracy

Pages: 11 (3277 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:49458393

… concerned, blacks, women and those without property were not to be afforded the same rights as the landed class. The individual states gave voting rights only to those individuals who owned property. It was not until the 15th Amendment of 1870 that the Constitution was amended and … rights only to those individuals who owned property. It was not until the 15th Amendment of 1870 that the Constitution was amended and voting rights were ensured for all men regardless of race. Women, still, would have to wait another half century before they would receive suffrage. … even something that one took for granted. As Lynn Hunt points out, one of the big questions over right was the issue of voting—the distinction between political and civil rights: “Political rights guaranteed equal participation; civil rights guaranteed equal treatment before the law in matters concerning marriage, … of systemic racism still rage……



Declaration of Independence.  (1776).  Retrieved from 

Rousseau, J.  (2018). Retrieved from 

Van Voris, J. (1996). Carrie Chapman Catt: A Public Life. New York City: Feminist Press at CUNY.

Hunt, L. (2016). "Introduction: The Revolutionary Origins of Human Rights." In The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief History with Documents, 2nd Edition, edited by Lynn Hunt, 1-31 (Boston: Bedford), 1.

Hunt, L. (2016). "Introduction: The Revolutionary Origins of Human Rights." In The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief History with Documents, 2nd Edition, edited by Lynn Hunt, 1-31 (Boston: Bedford), 5.

National Assembly. “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, 26 August 1789.” Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.

Foote, S.  (1958).  The Civil War:  Ft. Sumter to Perryville.  NY:  Random House.

Brutus No. 1. (1787).


Study Document Study Document

Influence Of Political Interests Groups On The Educational Policy

Pages: 6 (1844 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:31534900

… we have Texas Organizing Project, Texas Home School Coalition Association, Texas AFT, and Jolt Action (Vote Smart, 2020). It therefore follows that the voting behaviors of lawmakers cannot be delineated from the influence of special interest groups. Delaney and Doyle (2007) are categorical that during the debating ……



Abbott, I., Rathbone, M. & Whitehead, P. (2012). Education Policy. New York, NY: SAGE.

Anderson, J.E. (2003).Public Policy-Making. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Delaney, J. A., & Doyle, W. R. (2007). The role of higher education in state budgets. Journal of Education Finance, 36(4), 343-268.

Grapevine. (2016). Appropriations: State Tax Funds for Operating Expenses of Higher Education, 1983-1984. Retrieved from: 

Larrabee, B. (2016). Education groups put big money into political causes. Retrieved from

Tandberg, D. A. (2009). Interest groups and governmental institutions: The politics of state funding of public higher education. Educational Policy, 24(5), 104-117.

Vote Smart (2020). Texas Education Special Interest Groups. Retrieved from 

Vote Smart (2020). Florida Education Special Interest Groups. Retrieved from


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Rights And The French Revolution

Pages: 8 (2520 words) Sources: 14 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:58574164

… on property and wealth rather than nobility. Two leading figures for and against the new classes were Robespierre and Sieyes. Sieyes supported separating voting rights from human rights while Robespierre believed voting rights were inherent rights of man. Robespierre’s ideals deteriorated as he gained power. The rights of man were essentially an Enlightenment notion. Thomas … even something that one took for granted. As Lynn Hunt points out, one of the big questions over right was the issue of voting—the distinction between political and civil rights: “Political rights guaranteed equal participation; civil rights guaranteed equal treatment before the law in matters concerning marriage, ……



Abbe Sieyes. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Preliminary to the French Constitution.\\\\\\\\\\\\" In The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief History with Documents, 2nd Edition, edited by Lynn Hunt, 78. Boston: Bedford, 2016.

Cook, Malcolm. Elections in the French Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

“French Constitution, Rights of Man and Citizen,” Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, accessed November 8, 2019, 

Higonnet, Patrice. “The Harmonization of the Spheres,” The French Revolution and the Creation of Modern Political Culture, vol. 4, The Terror. Emerald Publishing, 1994.

Hunt, Lynn. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Introduction: The Revolutionary Origins of Human Rights.\\\\\\\\\\\\" In The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief History with Documents, 2nd Edition, edited by Lynn Hunt, 1-31. Boston: Bedford, 2016

Jones, Colin. The Great Nation. London: Penguin Books, 2003

Lembcke, Oliver, and Weber, Florian. “Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès : The Essential Political Writings.” 1 st ed. Vol. 9

Montesquieu. “Montesquieu on Government Systems (1748).” French Revolution, January 18, 2018. Accessed November 4, 2019,


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US Marshals In Civil Rights Era

Pages: 5 (1551 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:90084071

...Voting The History of US Marshals in Civil Rights Era
The American society was polarized with the African Americans having a lower edge of protection as opposed to the white majority. The state vowed to protect them against harm but in doing so, formulated a federal agency to carry it out swiftly. U.S. marshals are held in high regard in society since they serve the American people. During slavery, a federal agency was formed through a Judiciary act in the constitution to help handle fugitives. Policing America was necessary post-segregation era since the African Americans needed protection against harm, discrimination, and criminalization. The U.S. marshals provided security for them, fulfilling their duty of call to the American people.
The first Congress created the U.S. Marshals under President George Washington. The president signed into law the Judiciary act on September 24, 1789, which charged the marshals with the enforcement of laws and……



Larry K. Gaines, V. E. (2014). Policing in America. New York: Routledge.

Skocpol, T. (1999). Advocates without Members: the recent transformation of American civic life. In T. Skocpol, Civic Engagement in American Democracy (pp. 461-480). Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.


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Solving A Public Issue

Pages: 1 (359 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Journal Document #:43224793

...Voting There is an opportunity in my town to solve a drainage issue on one of the main roads that connects to larger highways through town. The road sees a lot of traffic as cars go from one highway to the other and into residential neighborhoods in between, all of which feed off this main road. The problem is that during a rain the road floods badly as it sits at the bottom of two hills in what is basically a valley. There is now money in the treasury from the state to make the repairs, but should the town make them? Fixing it could cause a great deal of traffic nightmares for many people and construction would be on-going for the better part of a year. If constituents think it is not worth the headache it could mean that some public officials are voted out of office.
The best way……



Decision Making Strategies. (n.d.). Digital file.


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Impact Of Class Gender Ethnicity Culture And Politics As They Relate

Pages: 2 (676 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:33285446

...Voting The Founding Fathers stated in the Declaration of Independence (1776) that “all men are created equal”—but it was a statement that only rang partially true if one is to judge by their actions. Even though Thomas Paine (1791) had identified the “Rights of Man” in his treatise by the same name, the Americans were not really interested in applying Enlightenment philosophy to its fullest, for they still wished to deny the Negro his fair share of equality. Slavery persisted for nearly another century and it took the Civil War to bring that issue to the fore, with the Great Emancipator finally taking the first steps in freeing slaves in states still occupied by the Rebels of the South. However, Emancipation Proclamation was still hardly the turning point in African-American relations that was needed—and Lincoln himself had been working on a plan that would see the slaves deported to a new……



Declaration of Independence. (1776). Retrieved from 

Guelzo, A. C. (2000). Lincoln and the Abolitionists. The Wilson Quarterly, 24(4), 58-70.

O’Sullivan, J. (1845). Annexation. United States Magazine and Democratic Review, 17(1), 5-10.

Paine, T. (1791). The rights of man. Retrieved from 

Van Voris, J. (1996). Carrie Chapman Catt: A Public Life. New York City: Feminist Press at CUNY.


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Gun Control Act Of 1968

Pages: 7 (2011 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:16217740

...Voting Re-Assessing the Effectiveness of the Country’s Gun Laws
America’s Gun Laws Are they Effective
Signed into law on the 22nd of Oct, 1968, the Gun Control Act of 1968 is largely considered to be the very first significant attempt at controlling not only interstate firearms commerce, but also firearm ownership. Prior to this particular legislation, there had been other gun-control laws passed. These included but they were not limited to the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. These laws did not, however, sufficiently put in place a mechanism for the effective regulation of firearm owners and the firearm industry. However, with the assassination of both Martin Luther King and President J.F. Kennedy, there was a clear need for an interventionist measure in the gun politics realm. Today, gun control remains a rather divisive issue in our nation’s politics. Thanks to an escalation in……



Ausman, J.I. & Faria, M.A. (2019). Is Gun Control Really About People Control? Surgical Neurology International, 10(6), 195-204.

Bouton, L., Conconi, P., Pino, F. & Zanardi, M. (2014). Guns and Votes. Retrieved from 

Cole, G.F., Smith, C.E. & DeJong, C. (2016). Criminal Justice in America (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Gramlich, J. & Schaeffer, K. (2019). 7 facts about guns in the U.S. Retrieved from 

Hayes, V. (2016). Gun Control in the United States. Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs, 4(2), 33-39.

Johnson, N.J., Kopel, D.B. & Mocsary, G.A. (2017). Firearms Law and the Second Amendment: Regulation, Rights, and Policy. New York, NY: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D., Baggs, M. & Bilbo, A. (2017). Emerging Political Identities? Gun Ownership and Voting in Presidential Elections. Social Science Quarterly, 98(2), 382-396.

Webster, D.W. & Wintemute, G.J. (2015). Effects of Policies Designed to Keep Firearms from High-Risk Individuals. Annual Review of Public Health, 36, 21-37.


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Traditional Medicine Usage In African Nations

Pages: 12 (3615 words) Sources: 30 Document Type:Essay Document #:38085332

...Voting Overview of Africa’s Post-Conflict History
Historical Formal Institutions
Colonial legacies persist in Africa in spite of a post-colonial era (Austin, 2010). These legacies have continued in post-conflict Africa’s history. In Africa, there has been no real unifying factor bringing individuals together, primarily because of the communal aspect of society throughout the continent. Community exists and can be found everywhere in Africa. Structural, dramaturgic and institutional factors in formal institutionalization in Africa of health care has come about as a result of investment, development, and political stability (Ratcliffe, 2013). The relationship among cultural traditions, laws of society, and the symbolic boundaries have served to create the structural meanings behind formal institutions; the expressive dimension, communicative properties and interaction of these elements have made up the dramaturgic, and the actors and organizations themselves have manifested the institutional. An example of this can be seen in Nigeria.
Structurally, dramaturgically and institutionally, Africa has……



Afro-centric Alliance, A. (2001). Indigenisingorganizational change: Localisation in Tanzania and Malawi. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 16(1), 59-78.

Asiseh, F., Owusu, A., & Quaicoe, O. (2017). An analysis of family dynamics on high school adolescent risky behaviors in Ghana. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 26(5), 425-431.

Austin, G. (2010). African economic development and colonial legacies (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 11-32). Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement.

Brager, G., Specht, H., Torczyner, J. L., &Torczyner, J. (1987). Community organizing. Columbia University Press.

Bratton, M., & Van de Walle, N. (1997). Democratic experiments in Africa: Regime transitions in comparative perspective. Cambridge university press.

Burnham, G. M., Pariyo, G., Galiwango, E., & Wabwire-Mangen, F. (2004). Discontinuation of cost sharing in Uganda. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 82, 187-195.

Dillard, C., Duncan, K. L., & Johnson, L. (2017). Black History Full Circle: Lessons from a Ghana Study Abroad in Education Program. Social Education, 81(1), 50-53.

Ehui, S. (2020). Protecting food security in Africa. Retrieved from


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Agency Theory And The Limitations Of Representative Government

Pages: 11 (3159 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:26643855

...Voting The Political Nature of the Federal Budget Process
The federal budget process is overseen by US Congressmen, who are fundamentally immersed in the political nature of government. As Elwood (2008) notes, members of Congress are influenced in three ways: 1) by money that is used to finance their political campaigns; 2) by obtaining the votes necessary for reelection; and 3) by obtaining expert advice on topics that are of personal importance to them. The federal budget process is particularly impactful on the first two and vice versa. For example, “the ability to funnel money into a congressional district or state provides an excellent opportunity for a legislator to remain in office” (Elwood, 2008, p. 3). This ability creates a conflict of interest among the politicians overseeing the budget process. On the one hand they are tasked with producing a budget resolution and allocating funds based on the duty to……



Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Agency theory: An assessment and review. Academy of management review, 14(1), 57-74.

Elwood, T. W. (2008). Politics of the US Federal Budget Process. International quarterly of community health education, 28(1), 3-12.

Jennings, M. (2008). Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings. Cengage.

Machold, S., Ahmed, P.K., & Farquhar, S.S. (2007). Corporate Governance and Ethics: A Feminist Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics (2008) 81:665-678.

ProActive Solutions. (2020). Agency theory. Retrieved from

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