Virus Essays(Examples)


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Domestic Violence Trauma

Pages: 7 (2069 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:76636110

...Virus Literature Review
Buss, K. E. & Warren, J. M. (2015, March 1). Trauma and treatment in early childhood: A review of the historical and emerging literature for counselors. The Professional Counselor,5(2), 225-231.
The first author, Buss, is a counselor at Hope-Thru-Horses, Inc. in Lumber Bridge, North Carolina and the second author, Warren, is an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina-Pembroke. Citing the high level of dependence on parents and other caregivers, the authors note that children aged 5 years and younger are especially vulnerable to trauma due to domestic violence. Moreover, these young people are particularly susceptible to different types of trauma due to a wide range of events and incidents involving some form of severe in-home domestic violence. In addition, the authors emphasize that fully 85% of all fatalities among this segment of the American population are caused by domestic violence, and this alarming figure only diminishes……


Plumb, J. L. & Bush, K. A. (2016, April 1). Trauma-sensitive schools: An evidence-based approach. School Social Work Journal, 40(2), 37-41.

If 20 million people were infected by a virus that caused anxiety, impulsivity, aggression, sleep problems, depression, respiratory and heart problems, vulnerability to substance abuse, antisocial and criminal behavior, . . . and school failure, we would consider it an urgent public health crisis. Yet, in the United States alone, there are more than 20 million abused, neglected and traumatized children vulnerable to these problems. Our society has yet to recognize this epidemic, let alone develop an immunization strategy.

Smith, T. J. & Holmes, C. M. (2018, January 1). Assessment and treatment of brain injury in women impacted by intimate partner violence and post-traumatic stress disorder. The Professional Counselor, 8(1), 1-4.

In 1981, the U.S. Congress declared October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, marking a celebratory hallmark for advocates and survivors nationwide (National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, 2012). Since this time, similar social and legislative initiatives have increased overall awareness of gender inequality, thus influencing a decline in women\\\\\\'s risk for intimate partner violence (IPV; Powers & Kaukinen, 2012). Recent initiatives, such as a national briefing focused on brain injury and domestic violence hosted by the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force, continue to call increased attention to the various intersections and implications of this national public health epidemic (Brain Injury Association of America, 2017). Unfortunately, despite various social advocacy movements, IPV remains an underrepresented problem in the United States (Chapman & Monk, 2015). As a result, IPV and related mental and physical health consequences continue to exist at alarmingly high rates (Chapman & Monk, 2015).


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Pros And Cons GMO Farming

Pages: 3 (780 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:20380555

...Virus Pros and Cons of GMO Farming
The commercial growing of GMO crops has been around for a while – with the last two decades having been especially important for GMO advancement. As a matter of fact, it is important to note that from 1996 to 2014, the global area under GM production grew from 1.7 to 182 million HA (James 72). In essence, the crops that account for the largest portion of GM crop production include, but they are not limited to, soybean, canola, maize, and cotton (James 54). However, the all-time favorite GM crop appears to be soybean. It is, however, important to note that GM crop production is not uniform across the world. This is to say that there are some jurisdictions where GM crop production happens to be higher in comparison to others. At present, the largest GM-free zone happens to be Russia. In most cases, policy……


Works Cited

Bawa, Arya and Anilakumar, Kalkin. Genetically modified foods: Safety, risks and public concerns—a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology 50.6 (2013): 1035–1046.

James, Clive. Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2014 - ISAAA Brief No. 49. Ithaca: NY, 2015.

James, Clive. Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2013 - ISAAA Brief No. 49. Ithaca: NY, 2014.

Key, Suzie, Julian K-C Ma, and Pascal MW Drake. “Genetically modified plants and human health.” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 101.2 (2008): 290–298.

Lucht, Johnson M. Public acceptance of plant biotechnology and GM crops. Viruses 7.8 (2015): 4254–4281.

Ramaswami, Bharat, Carl E. Pray, and Natham Lalitha, N. “The spread of illegal transgenic cotton varieties in India: Biosafety regulation, monopoly, and enforcement.” World Development 40.1 (2012): 177–188.


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Cyber Espionage

Pages: 6 (1662 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:11946972

… or techniques on individual computers, networks or the Internet. Some of these techniques or methods include the use of malicious software and computer viruses like Trojan horses and spyware. This practice basically entails intentional activities to infiltrate or penetrate computer systems or networks used by a rival ……



Agarwal A. & CERT-IN. “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques.” Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 2013. 

Banks, W.C. “Cyber Espionage and Electronic Surveillance: Beyond the Media Coverage.” Emory law Journal 66, (2017).

Georgieva, I. “The Unexpected Norm-Setters: Intelligence Agencies in Cyberspace.” Contemporary Security Policy (2019).

Hjortdal, M. “China’s Use of Cyber Warfare: Espionage Meets Strategic Deterrence.” Journal of Strategic Security 4, no. 2 (2011).

Libicki, M. “The Coming of Cyber Espionage Norms.” 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, 2017. " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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Cyber Espionage

Pages: 7 (2040 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:12891464

… or techniques on individual computers, networks or the Internet. Some of these techniques or methods include the use of malicious software and computer viruses like Trojan horses and spyware. This practice basically entails intentional activities to infiltrate or penetrate computer systems or networks used by a rival ……



Agarwal A. & CERT-IN. “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques.” Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 2013. 

Banks, W.C. “Cyber Espionage and Electronic Surveillance: Beyond the Media Coverage.” Emory law Journal 66, (2017).

Georgieva, I. “The Unexpected Norm-Setters: Intelligence Agencies in Cyberspace.” Contemporary Security Policy (2019).

Hjortdal, M. “China’s Use of Cyber Warfare: Espionage Meets Strategic Deterrence.” Journal of Strategic Security 4, no. 2 (2011).

Libicki, M. “The Coming of Cyber Espionage Norms.” 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, 2017. " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation Coronavirus COVID 19 In Nigeria

Pages: 2 (460 words) Document Type:Questionnaire Document #:95467089

...Virus Q1. At present, COVID-19 has largely been a disease of the developed world. Even so, it has presented significant challenges for developed world nations such as the United States to contain its spread. What unique challenges are presented by Africa’s developing world nations in containing a disease for which there is no vaccine, and which is transmitted through social contact?
Q2. Unlike the West, Africa has already faced a relatively recent pandemic, that of Ebola. How are the challenges posed by COVID-19 similar to those posed by Ebola? How are they different? What particular precautions must be undertaken that were not necessary during the Ebola crisis, and how may existing resources be used to help fight COVID-19? What can be learned from the Ebola crisis, particularly from physicians who were there, treating patients at the time?
Q3. How is it possible to meaningfully introduce social distancing into an African context?……

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