Test Essays (Examples)


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Chronic GI GU Condition

Pages: 4 (1341 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:62366788

… diagnosis could also be inclusive of gastroparesis, dyspepsia, and gastritis.
To ascertain the primary diagnosis, it would be prudent to conduct additional diagnostic testing. In this case, an upper endoscopy would come in handy in the examination of the 46-year-old’s esophagus and stomach. In the case of … urination. Differential diagnosis in this case would be diabetes and prostate cancer.
To ascertain the BPH diagnosis, physical exam and, if necessary, further tests to verify prostate enlargement would come in handy. The said physical exams could comprise of a digital rectal examination. Further, to ensure that … exams could comprise of a digital rectal examination. Further, to ensure that the presenting symptoms are not triggered by an infection, a urine test could be conducted. In some instances, it might be necessary to undertake a prostate biopsy.
The appropriate approach to treatment in this case ……



Fisichella, P.M., Allaix, M.E., Morino, M. & Patti, M.G. (Eds.). (2014). Esophageal Diseases: Evaluation and Treatment. New York, NY: Springer.

Lacy, B.E. & Patel, B.K. (2017). Rome Criteria and a Diagnostic Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. J Clin Med., 6(11), 95-101.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases – NIDDK (2014). Symptoms & Causes of GER & GERD. Retrieved from https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/acid-reflux-ger-gerd-adults/symptoms-causes

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases – NIDDK (2019). Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Retrieved from  https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/irritable-bowel-syndrome 

National Cancer Institute (2019). NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. Retrieved from  https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/benign-prostatic-hypertrophy 


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Viral Gastroenteritis Diagnosis Case Assessment

Pages: 1 (393 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:53209308

… child could be suffering from viral gastroenteritis (or what is commonly referred to as the stomach flu). In basic terms, this is an intestinal infection that is in most cases developed either via the ingestion of water or food that is contaminated, or via contact with an … of the 5-year-old denies any blood in the diarrhea. To confirm the diagnosis, it would be prudent to conduct physical examination and some tests. The child’s pulse and blood pressure, temperature, as well as degree of dehydration could be assessed in the office. Dehydration could be determined … dehydration could be assessed in the office. Dehydration could be determined via the evaluation of the child’s skin turgor. There are some additional tests that ought to be ordered to not only confirm the diagnosis, but also rule out other causes such as norovirus or rotavirus. These … not only confirm the diagnosis,……



Churgay, C.A. & Aftab, Z. (2012). Gastroenteritis in Children: Part I. Diagnosis. Am Fam Physician, 85(11), 1059-1062.

Hartman, S., Brown, E., Loomis, E., & Russell, H. (2019). Gastroenteritis in Children. Am Fam Physician, 99(3), 159-165.


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Genetic Science Sickle Cell Anemia

Pages: 3 (978 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:19276120

… it difficult to treat. However, various trends are involved in the diagnosis of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease involves a blood test for either a child or an adult. The blood test is used to determine whether an individual’s blood contains the hemoglobin S, which is defective. The test results are positive if the individual emerges to have the hemoglobin S. The doctor, therefore, carries out more tests such as the determination of the blood count of the patient (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). The diagnosis of the disease is consistent for ……


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Career Counseling

Pages: 8 (2777 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:22553329

… work, but we also need to adapt those lesson plans and be flexible in our approach to education. Pressured to teach for standardized tests and assessments, teachers are often constrained in what they do and rarely feel we are reaching our potential or helping students do the … of the resources available to students, including resources for special populations. I also want to help students understand themselves better, by using personality tests and not just making assumptions based on their body language or behavior. Especially in high school, teenagers can be guarded in front of ……



Holland, J.L., Johnston, J.A. & Asama, F. (1994). More evidence for the relationship between Holland’s personality types and personality variables. Journal of Career Assessment 2(4): 331-340.

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Occupational Information Network (ONet, 2017). Website;  https://www.onetonline.org/ 

Rogers, M.E. & Creed, P.A. (2011). A longitudinal examination of adolescent career planning and exploration using a social cognitive career theory framework. Journal of Adolescence 34(1): 163-172.

Rogers, M.E., Creed, P.A. & Glendon, A.I. (2008). The role of personality in adolescent career planning and exploration: A social cognitive perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior 73(1): 132-142.

Savickas, M.L. (2004). The theory and practice of career construction. In Career Development and Counseling. John Wiley.

Walsh, B. W., & Holland, J. L. (1992). A theory of personality types and work environments. In W. B. Walsh, K. H. Craik, & R. H. Price (Eds.), Person–environment psychology: Models and perspectives (pp. 35-69). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


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To Chief Diversity Office

Pages: 6 (1725 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Memorandum Document #:80199723

...Test To: Chief Diversity Office
From: Higher Education Consultant
Date: 19th March 2019
Subject: Institutional-wide diversity and inclusion strategic plans
Part 1:
1. Harvard University
Harvard University is evidently a diverse institution that valued diversity and inclusion. At Harvard, the administrators, faculty, staff, and students representing various races, interests, ages, and backgrounds come to pursue their common goals (Harvard.edu, 2019). Harvard works towards providing an environment that promotes inclusiveness of culture and racial diversity. The assistant to the Harvard University President has an office whose mission is to deliver a sustained and wholesome effort towards the development, advancement, and coordination of inclusive excellence, equal opportunity, and diversity (Harvard.edu, 2019). At Harvard employees get equal opportunity notwithstanding their race or gender. Labor organizations, employment agencies, educational institutions, local governments, and private employers’ applicants and employees get protection against discrimination from federal laws.
The mission of the office of the Harvard University’s assistant……



Harvard.edu (2019). Diversity and Inclusion. Retrieved 19 March, 2019 from https://hr.harvard.edu/diversity-inclusion

Harvard University (2019). Mission Statement, Office of the Assistant to the President Institutional Diversity and Equity. Retrieved 19 March, 2019 from  https://diversity.harvard.edu/pages/about 

Harvard University (2016). Pursuing Excellence on a Foundation of Inclusion, Harvard University Presidential Task Force on Inclusion and Belonging. Retrieved 19 March, 2019 from https://inclusionandbelongingtaskforce.harvard.edu/files/inclusion/files/harvard_inclusion belonging_task_force_final_report_full_web_180327.pdf

The Guardian (2019). Cambridge University\\\\'s poor diversity record highlighted by report. Retrieved 19 March, 2019 from https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/jun/03/cambridge-colleges-poor-record-on- diversity-highlighted-by-report

University of Cambridge (2019). Equality, diversity and inclusion, Student wellbeing. Retrieved 19 March, 2019 from https://www.studentwellbeing.admin.cam.ac.uk/equality-diversity- and-inclusion

University of Oxford (2018). University of Oxford Strategic Plan. Retrieved 19 March, 2019 from http://www.ox.ac.uk/sites/files/oxford/field/field_document/Strategic%20Plan%202018- 23.pdf

Walpole, M. B. (2003). Socioeconomic Status and College: How SES Affects College Experiences and Outcomes. The Review of Higher Education, 27, 1, 45-73.  https://doi.org/10.1353/rhe.2003.0044 


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Internet Influence On Adolescents

Pages: 5 (1568 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:37510468

...Test How Internet Addiction Impacts Teens Health
The hypothesis of this study is that the Internet influence on adolescence can be negative in terms of mental, social and emotional health if Internet engagement is not moderated.
This research is important because more and more studies are showing that teenagers are getting addicted to technology, to mobile devices, to social media, and that they have not developed important communication skills needed for the real world. Thus, they are unable to develop real world relationships and support networks, and instead rely on Internet-based relationships, which are superficial and not sufficient for real sociality.
Adolescents are the primary population affected by Internet and social media addictions—but these addictions can last into adulthood.
The traditional thoughts on the topic are that social media and the Internet are new media and teens turn to them because their peers are there and they can communicate and……



Agarwal, A. K., Verma, A., & Agarwal, M. (2017). Internet victimization and depression among adolescents, 14(3), 60-62.

Cheung, J. C. S., Chan, K. H. W., Lui, Y. W., Tsui, M. S., & Chan, C. (2018). Psychological well-being and adolescents’ internet addiction: A school-based cross-sectional study in Hong Kong. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 35(5), 477-487.

Festinger, D. S., Dugosh, K. L., Clements, N., Flynn, A. B., Falco, M., McLellan, A. T.,& Arria, A. M. (2016). Use of the internet to obtain drugs without a prescription among treatment-involved adolescents and young adults. Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse, 25(5), 480-486.

Görzig, A. (2016). Adolescents’ viewing of suicide-related web content and psychological problems: Differentiating the roles of cyberbullying involvement. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 19(8), 502-509.

Law, Y. M. (2019). Family factors and internet addiction among junior secondary school students in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Doctoral Dissertation.

Sajeev Kumar, P., Prasad, N., Raj, Z., & Abraham, A. (2015). Internet addiction and substance use disorders in adolescent students-a cross sectional study. J. Int. Med. Dent, 2, 172-179.


Study Document Study Document

Electronic Health Records EHR

Pages: 8 (2498 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:76313206

… to incorporate the therapeutic and treatment accounts of the patient, just as the patient's findings, meds, vaccination dates, radiology pictures, and lab and test results, among other data. EHRs can possibly coordinate data from various sources and give a progressively thorough perspective on patient consideration despite the … execution process. This can make them feel less constrained to completely acknowledge and embrace the new innovation and might be all the more testing with regards to preparing, hence not augmenting the genuine advantage and capability of the EHR framework. EHR framework costs, absence of purchase in, … so as to help significant use (Murphy & Yale, 2014). A portion of these criteria and necessities are straightforwardly relevant to research facility testing at present, and more guaranteed to be pertinent to lab testing later on. Electronic health record (EHR) frameworks hold incredible guarantee for improved patient consideration, yet hitherto they have……



Gagnon, D., Simonyan, E.K., Ghandour, G., Godin, M., Labrecque, M., Ouimet, M.R. (2016). Factors influencing electronic health record adoption by physicians: A multilevel analysis, Int J Inform Manage, 36, pp. 258-270.

Hasanain, H. (2014). Cooper Solutions to overcome technical and social barriers to electronic health records implementation in Saudi public and private hospitals, J Health Inform Dev Ctries, pp. 46-63.

Kierkegaard, P. (2019). Electronic health record: Wiring Europe\\\\'s healthcare: Computer Law & Security Review. 27 (5): 503–515.

Murphys, E.V., & Yale, J. (2014). Clinical decision support: effectiveness in improving quality processes and clinical outcomes and factors that may influence success. Biol Med; 87, pp. 187–97.


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Volkswagen Emissions Fraud

Pages: 4 (1299 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:48904563

… by Bias
Volkswagen produced vehicles that were equipped with emissions controls that were designed to shut off once the cars had passed regulatory tests. As s result, not only did the cars pollute more in real life than in those tests, but the company benefitted from these tests financially, because they showed that diesel engines were less polluting than gasoline ones. The result was misleading the public, making the company eligible ……



Ganti, A. (2019) Rationcal choice theory. Investopedia. Retrieved January 18, 2020 from  https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/rational-choice-theory.asp 

Palmiter, A. (no date). Corporate governance as moral psychology. In possession of the author.

Parloff, R. (2018) How VW paid $25 billion for dieselgate – and got off easy. Business Ethics. Retrieved January 18, 2020 from  https://business-ethics.com/2018/02/08/1638-how-vw-paid-25-billion-for-dieselgate-and-got-off-easy/ 

Smith, A. (2018) Volkswagen ex-CEO charged with fraud in diesel emissions scandal. CNN. Retrieved January 18, 2020 from  https://money.cnn.com/2018/05/03/news/companies/winterkorn-vw-diesel-scandal/index.html 


Study Document Study Document

Virtual Learning Solutions For English As Second Language Students

Pages: 11 (3230 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:70086670

… them an automatic response, and they can gain from the instant feedback whereas in a traditional classroom they may be waiting on a test for a week before it is graded and handed back to them. Computers improve the feedback time and enhance the learning environment in … other digital forms of technology. On the contrary, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the use of technology in the teaching of ESLs. Their vocabulary, testing, reading and writing can all improve when technology is part of their learning environment. Blended classrooms where in-class instruction is modified with virtual ……



Alvarez-Marinelli, H., Blanco, M., Lara-Alecio, R., Irby, B. J., Tong, F., Stanley, K., & Fan, Y. (2016). Computer assisted English language learning in Costa Rican elementary schools: an experimental study. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(1), 103-126.

Beetham, H., & Sharpe, R. (Eds.). (2013). Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: Designing for 21st century learning. NY: Routledge.

Cassady, J. C., Smith, L. L., & Thomas, C. L. (2017). Supporting emergent literacy for English language learners with computer?assisted instruction. Journal of Research in Reading.

Jiang, H., Tang, M., Peng, X., & Liu, X. (2018). Learning design and technology through social networks for high school students in China. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28(1), 189-206.

Kahai, S. S., Carroll, E., & Jestice, R. (2007). Team collaboration in virtual worlds. ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 38(4), 61-68.

Kasapo?lu-Akyol, P. (2010). Using educational technology tools to improve language and communication skills of ESL students. Novitas-Royal, 4(2).

Meskill, G., & Mossop, J. (2003). Technologies use with learners of ESL in New Your State: Preliminary report. Retrieved from  https://www.albany.edu/lap/Papers/technology%20use.htm 

Park, J. Y. (2011). Design education online: Learning delivery and evaluation. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 30(2), 176-187.


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General Strain Theory Bullying Childhood Abuse

Pages: 8 (2254 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:59504241

… delinquent behavior. Family-based strains have also been shown to cause criminogenic effects.
Cullen et al. (2008) and Watts and McNulty (2013) are both testing general strain theory in their different criminal justice research articles. General strain theory (GST) offers a unique explanation of delinquency and crime, which … use of GST to determine the impact of bullying on delinquent involvement and substance usage. Watts and McNulty (2013) is using GST to test a model of childhood abuse and crime relationship. Cullen et al. (2008) believes that bullying is one of the strains that a child ……



Agnew, R. (2002). Experienced, vicarious, and anticipated strain: An exploratory study on physical victimization and delinquency. Justice Quarterly, 19(4), 603-632.

Agnew, R. (2007). Pressured into crime: An overview of general strain theory. Los Angeles,CA: Roxbury.

Cullen, F. T., Unnever, J. D., Hartman, J. L., Turner, M. G., & Agnew, R. (2008). Gender, bullying victimization, and juvenile delinquency: A test of general strain theory. Victims and Offenders, 3(4), 346-364.

Warner, B. D., & Fowler, S. K. (2003). Strain and violence: Testing a general strain theory model of community violence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 31(6), 511-521.

Watts, S. J., & McNulty, T. L. (2013). Childhood abuse and criminal behavior: Testing a general strain theory model. Journal of interpersonal violence, 28(15), 3023-3040.

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