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Six Reasons the European union Will Not Last
The European union (EU) is the heart and soul of modern Europe, yet it is not without its challenges. Whether it comes to trade issues, member … vocal about their issues with the EU, and now that the UK has officially taken steps to leave the EU, it leaves the union more unstable than when it entered in. There is now a great deal of uncertainty about whether the EU can assuage the nationalist ……
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Pew Research Center. (2016). European opinions of the refugee crisis. Retrieved from
Wirtz, B. (2019). The Beginning Of The End Of Open Borders In Europe. Retrieved from
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John Lewis Gaddis - The Cold War Historian
Blaming Stalin and the soviet for the Cold War
Part 1: Life of John Lewis Gaddis
John Lewis Gaddis was born in 1941 and thus grew up and … the same year Gaddis earned his Bachelor’s. He saw firsthand the effects of the Cold War and lived through the standoff with the soviet over missiles in Cuba. He lived through the tempest that was Vietnam and saw directly how ordinary people were being impacted by the … a great deal for Gaddis to be named the Robert A. Lovett Professor at Yale. Now that he is able to access important soviet, Chinese and American documents that could not be accessed decades earlier, he relishes the opportunity of showing the Cold War to students with … he dared to criticize Stalin’s decisions during WW2, was a prime example of Stalin’s totalitarianism. It was……
Alpha History, “Cold War Historiography.”
Branch, Mark Alden. “Days of Duck and Cover,” Yale Alumni Magazine, 2000.
Encyclopedia. “John Lewis Gaddis,” 2020.
Gaddis, John Lewis. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History. Oxford University Press, 1997.
Kaplan, Fred. “America’s Cold War Sage and His Discontents,” NYTimes, 2007.
Lundestad, Geir. "The Cold War According to John Gaddis." Cold War History 6, no. 4 (2006): 535-542.
National Endowment for the Humanities. “John Lewis Gaddis,” 2005.
Paxton, Robert. Anatomy of Fascism. New York: Vintage, 2012.
Study Document
… Capitalism on the other. The West favored Capitalism and the East favored Communism. The U.S. was the main power in the West and soviet Russia was the main power in the East. The economic approaches of the two powers were only part of the story, however; this … the story, however; this was also a war for hegemony. The U.S. wanted to influence the world order just as much as the soviet did. Each tried to spread their influence—the U.S. throughout Europe via the Marshall Plan (Hogan & Hogan, 1989); the soviet throughout Asia and Latin America through subsidization of Communist takeovers. The scare of Communism taking over in the U.S. was evident: McCarthyism was … the assassination of JFK in 1963 and RFK in 1968 only added to the paranoia. The Vietnam War, supposedly fought to prevent the soviet from extending their Communist influence throughout Asia, added to……
Hogan, M. J. & Hogan, M. (1989). The Marshall Plan: America, Britain and the
Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952. Cambridge University Press.
Stone, O. & Kuznick, P. (2012). The untold history of the United States. NY: Gallery.
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… to the United States government regarding the latter’s containment policy. The AFSC called for a de-escalation of tension between the US and the soviet union. Not surprisingly, considering the hysteria of the time (i.e., McCarthyism), the AFSC was monitored and suspected of being a Communist sympathizer as a … in setting up provisional houses, managed to provide livestock and seed corn. They arranged impressive aid projects in areas in Germany and the soviet union where suffering prevailed after the war (The Nobel Prize, 2020).
The Nobel Committee thus wanted to recognize the efforts of the AFSC because ……
Franklin, S. (2020). American Friends Service Committee. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
...Soviet union Poland is geographically situated in central Europe and is bordered by the Russian Federation and Baltic Sea in the north, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine in the east, Slovakia to the south, and Czech Republic and Germany in the west. Poland has 70 mountains that reach more than 6,500 feet high, all of which are located in the Tatras, the mountain range that serves as a natural border between Poland and Slovakia in the southern portion of the nation. There is also another mountain range—the Beskids, which forms part of the natural border between Poland and the Czech Republic and stretches all the way to the Ukraine in the east. There is also the Sudetes, which stretches from the north down to the Glubczyce Plateau. The Bieszczady Mountains in the southeast and the Gorce Mountains are small formations. The Vistula Dalta is the lowest point in Poland, 6 feet below sea……
Bradberry, B. (2012). The Myth of German Villainy. IN: AuthorHouse.
Nations. (2018). Poland. Retrieved from
Pew Research Center. (2017). Retrieved from
Rempfer, K. (2018). Why Poland wants a permanent US military base, and is willing to pay $2 billion for it. Retrieved from
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Eisenstein’s 1925 silent film, produced during the soviet era, depicts the mutiny on the Battleship Potemkin from the year 1905, prior to the soviet takeover of the state and seen as a foreshadowing of the wider revolution that was to come. In the film, the mutineers/rebels are … the film, the mutineers/rebels are depicted as heroes, embodying the spirit of the fight against Tsarist oppression that the good comrades of the soviet world wanted to project. The Cossacks (themselves a symbol of Russian tradition that the soviet era comrades despised) and the Tsarist cavalry are depicted as brutal thugs, slaughtering the innocent people of Odessa for daring to show support … to live in the Pale of Settlement, the slaughter of people can be seen also as a persecution of Jews, especially since the soviet Revolution was largely Jewish in nature and Eisenstein himself was Jewish. Thus, there is a……
Works Cited
Bascomb, Neal. Red Mutiny: Eleven Fateful Days on the Battleship Potemkin. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007.
Eisenstein, Sergei. The Battleship Potemkin.
Neff, Taylor. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Propaganda on the Big Screen: Film in the Soviet Union from 1925 to 1936.\\\\\\\\\\\\" The FGCUStudent Research Journal 3.2 (2017).
Osborn, Andrew. “Potemkin: the mutiny, the movie and the myth.” The Independent, June 14, 2005.
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… Ukraine and millions of lives there, and the telling reveals the fragile nature of the democracies of Eastern Europe in general in the post-soviet era. For it was Berezovsky who vowed revenge against Putin and immediately began meddling in Ukraine politics as a way of getting back … Problems?
The problems of the Ukraine are essentially the problems that Russia had under Yeltsin in the 1990s: with the dissolution of the soviet union, Russia saw a wholesale looting of the economy by a group of men who became…[break]…undermine the unpopular antics of the new status quo ……
Alexievich, S. (2007). Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets. NY: Random House.
Alexievich, S. (2017). The Unwomanly Face of War: An Oral History of Women in World War II. NY: Random House.
BBC. (2012). Russian godfathers. Retrieved from
Forbes. (2020). Ihor Kolomoyskyy. Retrieved from
Klebnikov, P. (2000). Godfather of the Kremlin. New York, NY: Harcourt.
IMF. (2007). Report for Ukraine. Retrieved from
Mezrich, B. (2015). Once upon a time in Russia. New York, NY: Atria.
Risen, J. (2019). I Wrote About the Bidens and Ukraine Years Ago. Retrieved from
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...Soviet union Polish Culture
Poland is one of the biggest Central European countries and is divided into 16 subdivisions. Approximately 60.1% of the population of 38.4 million people live in urban areas (CIA, 2019). A majority of the population identify themselves as Poles and speak Polish as their native language (CIA, 2019). The capital in Warsaw, and it is a Unitary parliamentary constitutional Republic with a president and prime minister. It has a legislature divided into and upper and lower house (CIA, 2019). It is bounded by the Baltic Sea, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia, Russia’s Kaliningrad Oblast, the Czech Republic, and Germany (InfoPoland, n.d.).
The geography of Poland is relatively low, with 91% of the country at just 300 meters above sea level (InfoPoland, n.d.). It has a relatively flat terrain, but glaciers in the region formed low hills and numerous small lakes in the northern portion of Poland (InfoPoland, n.d.). The……
CIA (2019). The World Factbook: Poland. Retrieved from
IntoPoland. (n.d.). Geography of Poland. Retrieved from
Peszke, M. (2017). Polish Armed Forces, 1918-present. Oxford Bibliographies. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of State. (2019, June 10). U.S. Relations with Poland. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Soviet union How the Quakers Opposed the Detainment of Japanese Americans during WWII
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), the co-beneficiary of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947, was established in Philadelphia by individuals from the Religious Society of Friends (i.e., the Quakers) in Spring 1917. The link between AFSC and the Religious Society of Friends was always tenuous, as the activism of the organization was something universal that many non-Quakers around the world could celebrate, while the actual tenets of Quakerism were not nearly as popular as the peace movement that the Religious Society of Friends took part in. Initially, the goals of the committee were limited; however, over the 20th century, the AFSC embraced pacifism and began taking part in the fight for peace (Ingle, 2016). The AFSC essentially helped to support and come to the aid of the victims of war, whether they were Jewish, Russian, European, African, etc.……
Franklin, S. (2020). American Friends Service Committee. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
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… to remove some of the obstacles that prevented African Americans from obtaining their civil rights in the 20th century. The Communists of the soviet union used American racism as a cudgel with which to browbeat America for its hypocritical values and so-called freedom. America was essentially forced to … The threat of nuclear war also frightened many middle class white Americans, especially in the 1960s as a standoff between the US and soviet-backed Cuba threatened to take the world to the brink of all-out nuclear war. Kennedy stated in his 1962 speech that the presence of … Cuba threatened to take the world to the brink of all-out nuclear war. Kennedy stated in his 1962 speech that the presence of soviet missiles in Cuba represented “an explicit threat to the peace and security of all the Americas” (Kennedy). The difference for white Americans and ……
Kennedy, John F. “Speech, 22 October 1962.”
Skrentny, John David. "The effect of the Cold War on African-American civil rights: America and the world audience, 1945-1968." Theory and Society 27.2 (1998): 237-285.
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