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Background: Why Teach sexual Education?
With about half of all high school students admitting to have already had sex, and only 60% of those students claiming they … half of all high school students admitting to have already had sex, and only 60% of those students claiming they used a condom, sexual education can be considered a public health imperative (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2019). Unwanted pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases are the most important health-related reasons to teach sexual education in public schools. Research has shown that “when sex education is comprehensive, students feel more informed, make safer choices and have healthier … is comprehensive, students feel more informed, make safer choices and have healthier outcomes — resulting in fewer unplanned pregnancies and more protection against sexual transmitted diseases and infection,” (“America’s Sex Education: How We Are Failing Our Students,” 2017, p. 1). Children will seek out and……
Abbott, K., Ellis, S. J., & Abbott, R. (2016). “We”ve got a lack of family values’: an examination of how teachers formulate and justify their approach to teaching sex and relationships education. Sex Education, 16(6), 678–691. doi:10.1080/14681811.2016.1169398
“America’s Sex Education: How We Are Failing Our Students,” (2017). USC Department of Nursing. Retrieved from
Bauman, S.D. (2018). When sex ed pretends to be secular. Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 8059. Retrieved from
Kirby, D. B. (2008). The impact of abstinence and comprehensive sex and STD/HIV education programs on adolescent sexual behavior. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 5(3), 18-27
Lepore, J. (2015). The facts of life. 94 Foreign Aff. 144 (2015).
National Conference of State Legislatures (2019). State policies on sex education in schools. Retrieved from
Pardini, P. (2019). The history of sexuality education. Rethinking Schools. Retrieved from
Planned Parenthood (2019). What is sex education? Retrieved from
Study Document
...Sexual harassment Summary
Globalization has opened up international markets for almost all good including sex trade. It has also made it easy for traffickers to move women from one country to another and force them to join the sex trade. According to Brewer (2009), with the increasingly integrated world economy has allowed human trafficking to thrive. Human trafficking thrives since the perpetrators make use of well-organized criminal syndicates that use an array of complex and evasive tactics to evade the law. Money is channeled back to the country through elaborate money-laundering schemes using underground banks. Prostitution has now become a globalized commodity with women being forced to partake in the trade against their wishes (Watson, June 18, 2009). The perpetrates lure the women with the promise of jobs and a lucrative life and they entice them to come to a foreign country. When the women arrive their passports and return tickets are……
Brewer, D. (2009). Globalization and human trafficking. Topical Research Digest: Human rights and human trafficking, 2009, 46-56.
Griffith, A. (May 02, 2017). Stop “Saving” Women: A Transnational Feminist Approach. Retrieved from
Valoy, P. (January 28, 2015). Transnational Feminism: Why Feminist Activism Needs to Think Globally. Retrieved from
Watson, C. (June 18, 2009). The globalization of sex. Retrieved from
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… big trends impacting the workplace are 1) the effects of the #MeToo Movement and the need to implement policies to protect workers against sexual harassment, 2) the role that AI is playing in the workplace and the impact it is having on issues such as worker privacy, and … the current issues as they give support to workers in the workplace environment.
The #MeToo movement changed the way organizations think about sexual harassment in a big way—particularly with respect to how upper level managers talk to and engage with lower level workers. Part of the movement … level workers. Part of the movement was its focus on leaders exploiting their positions of power by getting lower level workers to perform sexual favors. Workers would engage in these acts even if they did not want to because they felt pressured to do so—i.e., like their … that must be……
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… is in decline because the morals and mores that defined the traditional family unit and disappearing from the modern culture. Media celebrates the sexual family as though it were just as good if not better than the old traditional family unit. It does not matter that sexual cannot procreate because the culture has already accepted the idea of sex-without-procreation as normal and healthy.
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… assignment. Read Chapter 10 and complete the following questions.
On the section “Cross-Cultural Variation” (pp. 176-177), the authors explain that “cultural codes of sexual expression dictate whether an act is legal, normal, deviant, or pathological.”
1. Choose one of the countries or cultures included in that section … an act is legal, normal, deviant, or pathological.”
1. Choose one of the countries or cultures included in that section and describe their sexual norms and customs (at least 8 sentences)
One of the countries included in the section is the United States. As with the other … countries included in the section is the United States. As with the other countries that have been mentioned, the U.S. has its own sexual norms and customs. It is important to note that there are clear legal provisions that govern some aspects of sexual relations in America. For instance, as it has been……
Study Document
… and their interaction style is different and thus places unique requirements upon program providers within the criminal justice system. They are vulnerable to sexual harassment, and to poor self-esteem, which must be built up if they are to go on to lead productive lives. They are likely to ……
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… the likely implications of violating those rights (Encyclopedia of Security Management, 1993).
Legal liability issues are likely to arise in areas such as sexual harassment, drug testing and client/employee injury. Furthermore, use of contract security forces requires the industry management to properly understand security requirements, legal liabilities and ……
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… individual may have continuous and perpetual feelings of gender dysphoria. This refers to a detachment between the individual's primary as well as secondary sexual characteristics. Also, this refers to as detachment amid designated-gender and the gender with which that individual identified. It is imperative to note that … both transwomen and transmen (Jellestad et al., 2018).
Notably, gender dysphoria can present with a significant indictment of the anatomical characteristics, fundamentally the sexual characteristics. Also, owing to the pervasive social stigmatization that transpersons experience, gender dysphoria can result in negative self-perception and psychological issues (Jellestad et … Clinical studies have demonstrated that high percentages of substance abuse are accredited to individuals facing a gender identity that is on balance with sexual anatomy. Statistics indicate that for transgender people, the level of substance abuse, including opioids, alcohol, methamphetamine, cannabis, and cocaine, are approximately 4 to ……
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