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The Importance of Effective crime scene Management
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to explain the importance of securing crime scene in order to protect evidence from contamination and preserve it for use by the courts. In addition, a discussion concerning different methods that … preserve it for use by the courts. In addition, a discussion concerning different methods that might be necessary to document evidence at a crime scene and different collection methods that might be used at a crime scene is followed by an explanation concerning the chain of custody and why it is important. Finally, the repercussions of failing to protect evidence … and key findings concerning the foregoing issues are presented in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Why it is important to secure the crime scene and salient examples
The most important reason for securing a crime……
Almirall, J. R., Ballou, S., Carroll, P. et al. (2013, September). Crime scene investigation: A guide for law enforcement. Largo, FL: National Forensic Science Technology Center.
Casey, J. & Burke, T. (2009, June). Police and EMS. Law & Order, 51(6), 97-101.
Gehl, R. (2019). Crime scene management. Introduction to Criminal Investigations. Retrieved from .
Florida International University, National Forensic Science Technology Center. (n.d.). Crime scene investigation guide. Retrieved from .
Richards, G. E. Chapters 3, 5 and 6.
Study Document
… and fiction, either—what matters are the unconscious tendencies that jurors can develop after watching many episodes of CSI shows and believing that the crime scene investigation process and forensic science methods work the same way in real life as on television. There are certainly similarities, and many of … unrealistic expectations of what forensic science can offer and how the evidence can and should be interpreted.
Assignment 2
Response to Briony Braswell
crime scene investigation is as methodical as you describe, first involving a thorough survey and then proceeding to analyze each piece of evidence and determining … a thorough survey and then proceeding to analyze each piece of evidence and determining its merits or value. Not all items at the scene can be considered significant, and it is important to be able to discern which pieces of evidence are going to be valuable enough ……
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
1 Identify and discuss some of the principal elements of E. H. Sutherland's contribution to the study of White Collar crime and some of the limitations regarding his work.
Sutherland defined white collar crime as “crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation,” and broke them into two types based … 3). Sutherland argued that white collar criminals were of a higher class than regular blue collar criminals: they were more sophisticated and their crime were not shown on the six o’clock news routinely the way blue collar crime like murder, rape and theft routinely were. In other words, white collar crime was not as visible to the ordinary people on the street because the ordinary person is not of the higher class to which … a Ponzi scheme like Bernie Madoff with people’s pension funds or 401(k)s, etc. (Schultz &……
Eichenwald, K. (2005). Conspiracy of Fools. NY: Random House.
Rosoff, S., Pontell, H. & Tillman, R. (2003). Looting America. NY: Prentice Hall.
Schultz, K. & Greenbert, D. (2009). Bernie Madoff’s Billionaire Victims. Forbes. Retrieved from
Study Document
The Role of Forensic Science in crime scene Investigation
The scientific method begins with the identification of a problem. Questions are asked, data is collected, a hypothesis is formed and then … hypothesis is formed and then tested. The scientific method is essentially no different from the kind of investigative work that investigators of a crime scene do on a daily basis. They a faced with a problem: a crime has occurred. The questions they must ask are: what happened, why, when, who was involved, where did it occur, and how did it …
5. Assessment only to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, recognizing the limitations of science (Young, 2020).
Forensic science is used to facilitate crime scene investigation. That is why the acquisition of primary witnesses as well as anamnestic evidence is important at the outset. Eye witness testimony provides … develop a thesis about what is going……
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
… or is it Unjustified The Case of Tim Masters
Criminal profiling allows law enforcement to develop their understanding of particular types of crime, criminals, criminal behaviors, and crime-ridden areas. The FBI’s Uniform crime Reporting (UCR) Program is one data set tool used in criminal profiling (FBI, 2019). However, criminal profiling is not an exact science but … serial killer investigations. Far more helpful in fact is traditional police and detective work, such as interviewing witnesses, collecting forensic evidence at the scene of the crime, and getting police into the community to help raise awareness about what is going on.
The Process of Criminal Profiling
The primary task … Criminal Profiling
The primary task of profiling serial killers falls to the FBI's Behavioral Unit and the National Center for the Analysis of Violent crime (NCAVC) (Van Aken, 2015). Although profiling assists investigators, it is not 100% a reliable source, and is……
Alldredge, J. (2015). The" CSI Effect" and Its Potential Impact on Juror Decisions. Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, 3(1), 6.
Bonn, S. (2019). How the FBI Profiles Serial Offenders. Retrieved from
Dogra, T.D. et al. (2012). A psychological profile of a serial killer: A case report. Omega: Journal of Death & Dying 65(4), 299-316.
FBI. (2019). Summary of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Retrieved from
Karson, M. (2017). Why Profiling Serial Killers Can’t Work. Retrieved from
Miller, L. (2014). Serial killers: I. Subtypes, patterns and motives. Aggression and Violent Behavior 19, 1-11.
Samuel, D. B., & Widiger, T. A. (2007). Describing Ted Bundy's personality and working towards DSM-V. Practice, 27, 20-22.
Sarteschi, C. M. (2016). Serial Murder. In Mass and Serial Murder in America (pp. 45-67). Springer, Cham.
Study Document
No one type of profiling is necessarily more promising than any other. Each should be used in accordance with the details of the crime and the nature of the investigation. However, crime scene profiling provides a comprehensive method that takes into account multiple variables.
crime scene Profiling
crime scene profiling is neither fully reliable nor entirely valid because it is not based on raw data; instead it relies on subjective impressions and … based on raw data; instead it relies on subjective impressions and potentially biased observations (Bartol & Bartol, 2017). To mitigate problems associated with crime scene profiling, it may be helpful to use a team of investigators with diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Similarly, crime scene profiling should ideally be combined with other methods of profiling to provide investigators with a more robust and valid data……
Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2017). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (11th ed.). Retrieved from
Kocsis, R. N., & Palermo, G. B. (2015). Disentangling Criminal Profiling: Accuracy, Homology, and the Myth of Trait-Based Profiling. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(3), 313-332.
Sample, I. (2010). Psychological profiling ‘worse than useless.’ The Guardian. Retrieved from:
Study Document
...Crime scene Forensic science evolved as an attempt to introduce scientific methods into criminal justice. From the 18th century onward, advancements in chemistry, biology, and physics paved the way for forensic science (Gaensslen & Larsen, 2019). Likewise, the routine use of autopsy and forensic pathology helped improve the ability to understand the causes of death (Gaensslen & Larsen, 2019). Forensic science steadily evolved, in conjunctions with advancements in scientific instruments and the methods used for data collection and analysis. DNA evidence and analysis has made a huge impact on forensic science. Current concerns in forensic science include the need for increased reliability and validity of forensic science methods, as well as public perceptions of forensic science. Because perceptions of forensic science could have a direct impact on juror decisions, distinguishing real from junk science becomes one of the most important issues in criminal justice.
Scientific Methods in Forensic Science
Forensic scientific methods……
Ballantyne, K. N., Edmond, G., & Found, B. (2017). Peer review in forensic science. Forensic Science International, 277, 66–76.
Bell, S., Sah, S., Albright, T. D., Gates, S. J., Jr, Denton, M. B., & Casadevall, A. (2018). A call for more science in forensic science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 115(18), 4541–4544.
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
… alleged killer – a teacher by the name Terry Maitland. While the evidence police gather in this case directly connects Maitland to the crime, the teacher has what appears to be an irrefutable alibi. As a matter of fact, when he is arrested, Maitland is bewildered. At … forensic identification. To a large extent, it is possible to actively utilize trace evidence to identify specific objects. It therefore follows that in crime scene, detectives can often scout for trace evidence left behind by suspects in a bid to identify the actual perpetrators.
In an attempt to ……
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Study Document
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Study Document
… a bit of his wisdom and nobility before the curtain falls; he exits not cursing his fate but taking responsibility for his own crime and acknowledging the justice delivered upon himself. Sixth, the play achieves a cathartic effect by arousing pity and fear in the audience in … a bit of his wisdom and nobility before the curtain falls; he exits not cursing his fate but taking responsibility for his own crime and acknowledging the justice delivered upon himself. Sixth, the play can be considered an Aristotelian tragedy because it achieves a cathartic effect by ……
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