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Transnational Feminism and Sexual Politics Essay

Pages:2 (711 words)


Subject:Social Issues


Document Type:Essay



Globalization has opened up international markets for almost all good including sex trade. It has also made it easy for traffickers to move women from one country to another and force them to join the sex trade. According to Brewer (2009), with the increasingly integrated world economy has allowed human trafficking to thrive. Human trafficking thrives since the perpetrators make use of well-organized criminal syndicates that use an array of complex and evasive tactics to evade the law. Money is channeled back to the country through elaborate money-laundering schemes using underground banks. Prostitution has now become a globalized commodity with women being forced to partake in the trade against their wishes (Watson, June 18, 2009). The perpetrates lure the women with the promise of jobs and a lucrative life and they entice them to come to a foreign country. When the women arrive their passports and return tickets are confiscated and they are forced to buy them back through prostitution (Watson, June 18, 2009).

Transnational feminism is all about examining issues from a global perspective. Combating oppression is at the heart of transnational feminism, and the best case is presented in India. Here the women have joined hands and empower each other through various activities (Griffith, May 02, 2017). Their goal is to better the lives of each other in the community. The women take part in academic activism and NGOs as their form of activism. There is misinformation being spread by feminism through the lack of understanding. For instance, the veiling of women is seen as a sign of oppression by westerners…

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…clothes, but rather offering support for fellow women. With an understanding of the needs of each other, women can uplift each other instead of competing against each other all the time. This way, society will be in a better place as compared to the current one where women are considered to the worst enemies of fellow women. The oppression being faced by women across the globe cannot be answered in the manner that western feminists arrange for advocacy. There is a need for them to consider the aspects being faced by each woman and seek for ways that would apply to the various women. Having a one size fits all will not work. Having a global perspective will empower the women as they will now see and understand the different aspects and challenges faced by…

Sample Source(s) Used


Brewer, D. (2009). Globalization and human trafficking. Topical Research Digest: Human rights and human trafficking, 2009, 46-56.

Griffith, A. (May 02, 2017). Stop “Saving” Women: A Transnational Feminist Approach. Retrieved from

Valoy, P. (January 28, 2015). Transnational Feminism: Why Feminist Activism Needs to Think Globally. Retrieved from

Watson, C. (June 18, 2009). The globalization of sex. Retrieved from

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