Political Aspects Essays (Examples)


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Symbolic Frame Of Organizational Analysis Walt Disney Company

Pages: 7 (2089 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:13456127

The Symbolic Frame
A novel approach to organizational behavior, Bolman & Deal’s (2013) model includes the structural, the human resources, the political, and the symbolic frames. The symbolic frame refers to the organization’s use of signs, symbols, and stories to create a brand identity and … fabric of organizational culture, into its products, and into its mission, vision, and values. Moreover, Disney self-consciously promotes and capitalizes on the social, political, and psychological power of storytelling. Storytelling is the company’s medium and its message. Essentially, Disney uses symbols and stories to sell symbols and … impart identity construction and also norms, values, and ideals, the Walt Disney Company uses stories to solicit adoration from members and consumers.
All aspects of the symbolic frame inform organizational culture, structure, and leadership. For example, having a deified hero in the persona of Walt Disney enables … Walt Disney Company can be assessed using all……



“About the Walt Disney Company,” (2020). Retrieved from:  https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/about/ 

Boguszewicz-Kreft, M., Kreft, J. & Zurek, P. (2019). Myth and storytelling: The case of the Walt Disney Company. Myth in Modern Media Management and Marketing. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9100-9.ch002

Bohas, A. (2014). Transnational firms and the knowledge structure: The case of the Walt Disney Company. Global Society 29(1): 23-41.

Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (2013). Reframing organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

Di Giovanni, E. (2014). Cultural otherness and global communication in Walt Disney films at the turn of the century. The Translator 9(2): 207-223.

Forbes, W. & Watson, R. (n.d.). Destructive corporate leadership and board loyalty bias. Retrieved from:  https://www.city.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/56372/2A_Forbes.pdf 

Wasko, J. (2001). Challenging Disney myths. Journal of Communication Inquiry 23(3): 237-257.


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Media And Its Grip On Youth Culture

Pages: 8 (2308 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:55265241

… show how the media has such a strong grip on youth culture and what it does to maintain that grip.
Legitimizing the Prevailing political Economy
As Marger notes, the mass media’s purpose is to depict “reality” in such a way that the depiction legitimizes the prevailing political order or economy. In other words, the mass media is a tool of the state and its purpose is to prop up the … the mass media is a tool of the state and its purpose is to prop up the state, i.e., the power structure. The political system, the economic system, and the mass media are all tied together and are in effect all departments or divisions of the same … from the cradle to the grave, making Disney richer and richer all the while and cementing the rule of the ruling class, whose political views they would imbibe from the……


Works Cited

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Marger, Martin N. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The mass media as a power institution.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Power in modern societies (1993): 238-249.


Study Document Study Document

Evaluating The Ideology Of The IRA

Pages: 9 (2717 words) Sources: 15 Document Type:Essay Document #:29993032

… with a cell structure. The IRA published its Green Book, which laid out the rules of being an IRA volunteer. Meanwhile, on the political front was Sinn Fein, which negotiated behind the scenes with the British state throughout the period known as the Troubles (1969-98) (O’Brien, 1999; … footing and had no realm that it could point to as having control of. The IRA also struggled with the fact that a political peace with the British seemed to be a “sell out” option and pursuing this would undermine the vision and mission of the group, … was barred from re-entry into the IRA and his influence waned from that point on. Eventually, the IRA agreed to disband and a political resolution was struck with Sinn Fein leading the way.
The ideology at the heart of the IRA was to use force and … the table whereupon MacStiofain’s demands……



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Study Document Study Document

Social Work Policy For Sex Trafficking

Pages: 8 (2423 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:78918009

… of Ethics champions for the promotion of social justice. This is the perspective that every individual is deserving of equality in terms of political, social, and economic rights, liberties, and opportunities (Reamer, 2006). This is one of the major strong suits of the social policy as it ……



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Study Document Study Document

How Media Coverage Of Operation Desert Storm Was Influenced By The

Pages: 11 (3336 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:61111774

… weapons of mass destruction, would come to fruition. Although the Iraqi military was never able to live up to their leader’s claims, the political and social fallout from this successful prosecution of this regional war by the United States had long-term implications for American political and military leaders alike. This topic is important to analyze today because the Middle East remains a global hotspot with the very real … advance. When the deadline for withdrawal by January 15, 1991 that was set by the United Nations expired with no response from Iraqi’s political or military leadership, the U.S.-led coalition initiated an 5-week bombing campaign of Iraqi command and control centers an effort to dilute their war-fighting … the wake of this line of decision making are mere humans covered only by thin layers of olive drab who rely on their political leaders to make informed decisions and honestly share……



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Natural Law In Catholic Social Teaching

Pages: 11 (3338 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:14149927

… only makes sense within the parameters of sin and redemption, for outside those parameters are only empty worldly solutions based on false hopes, political promises, and short-sighted economic solutions. The Enlightenment philosophers argued that man in his natural state was sufficient unto himself.
Such was Rousseau’s point … one took for granted. As Lynn Hunt points out, one of the big questions over right was the issue of voting—the distinction between political and civil rights: “political rights guaranteed equal participation; civil rights guaranteed equal treatment before the law in matters concerning marriage, property, and inheritance.”[footnoteRef:3] Nowadays, the assumption is … equal treatment before the law in matters concerning marriage, property, and inheritance.”[footnoteRef:3] Nowadays, the assumption is that people should have both civil and political rights and that these are part of their basic human rights—but such was not the notion in France. Certainly it was not the ……



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Study Document Study Document

Leadership Ethics For Social Change

Pages: 5 (1557 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:41797562

… change concepts include leadership without formal authority, transactional leadership, charismatic leadership and so on. The author looks at social movement structure, resource mobilization, political opportunity structure, and the development of strategic capacity.
The key question that the author is addressing is what it means to engage in … inference/conclusions in this chapter are that social change is generally achieved through a complex interaction of factors and variables, such as a ripening political environment in which social change can serve as a lever for political action—somewhat like the movement for a new economic order is happening today among far-left politicians responding to a far-left movement for social change. ……



Hickman, G. R. (2010). Leading Change in Multiple Contexts : Concepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change Settings. SAGE.


Study Document Study Document

Israel And United States

Pages: 8 (2543 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Policy Proposal Document #:35099199

… in Syria and other states. Ending all foreign aid to Israel would also be a good first step in cleaning out the American political spectrum; a second step would be to oblige AIPAC to register as a foreign lobby in order to increase transparency for the lobby, ……



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Richards, R. (2010). Everyday creativity. The Cambridge handbook of creativity, 189-215.

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Verhaeghe, P. (2014). Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us. The Guardian. Annotated Bibliography


Study Document Study Document

Irregular Warfare And United States

Pages: 5 (1609 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Case Study Document #:48593751

… influence, and power of the adversary, irregular warfare usually utilizes attrition, exhaustion, subversion, and coercion. The result is that they get to exercise political authority and dominance over the conquered population and their military force. The term “irregular’ is used because the aggressor has the strategic goal … because the aggressor has the strategic goal of gaining and maintaining influence and control over the conquered population by using economic, psychological, and political methods. In the long-term, most populations generally gravitate towards legitimate governments that they have chosen to represent them. Where people are being led … represent a big portion of irregular warfare activity today. The goal of insurgency is to overthrow and take the place of an established political structure and government. Usually, insurgency…[break]…involved in the war, their ability to adapt as circumstances change on the ground, and the leadership ability of ……



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Lundberg, K. (2006). The Accidental Statesman: General Petraeus and the City of Mosul, Iraq. Kennedy School of Government, Case Program.

White, J. B. (1996). A different kind of threat: Some thoughts on irregular warfare.

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