Political Aspects Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Fero Beauty Boutiques

Pages: 6 (1862 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Marketing Plan Document #:30588715

… is a marketing tool that ascertains the external forces that influence the operations of a company. It helps to gain an understanding regarding aspects of the framework by examining the political, economic, sociological, technological, legal, and environmental factors affecting a company (Jeannet and Hennessey, 2005).
political Factors
One of the key factors affecting the company will be political stability. New York is a relatively political stable city. Beauty will have to be located on a site where there is stability. It is imperative to ensure that the location ……



Boone, L. E., & Kurtz, D. L. (2013). Contemporary marketing. Cengage learning.

Jeannet, J. P., & Hennessey, H. D. (2005). Global marketing strategies. New York: Dreamtech Press.

Menon, R. V., Sigurdsson, V., Larsen, N. M., Fagerstrøm, A., & Foxall, G. R. (2016). Consumer attention to price in social commerce: Eye-tracking patterns in retail clothing. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5008-5013.



Study Document Study Document

Effectiveness Of The War On Drugs

Pages: 14 (4146 words) Sources: 18 Document Type:Reaction Paper Document #:69451857

… the global commodities market for centuries, with the most infamous being opium and tobacco: both of which became so lucrative they led to political and military skirmishes. Government intervention in the drug trade is a new phenomenon, traceable to the Opium Wars first and then to the … entwined with non-state actors including terrorist organizations and other organized crime syndicates worldwide. Perpetuating the War on Drugs has become fundamental to the political and economic stability of nations around the world, which is why drug policy reform proves particularly thorny in spite of the fact that … literature include the deleterious effect of the War on Drugs on racial disparities including income disparity, criminal justice disparity, and also healthcare and political status disparities. Other themes include a loud and substantial cry from the healthcare industries, calling for the decriminalization of drugs and addiction in … of the drug trade, and……



ACLU (2020). Against drug prohibition. Retrieved from:  https://www.aclu.org/other/against-drug-prohibition " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


Study Document Study Document

War On Drugs

Pages: 13 (4034 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Essay Document #:73696424

… the global commodities market for centuries, with the most infamous being opium and tobacco: both of which became so lucrative they led to political and military skirmishes. Government intervention in the drug trade is a new phenomenon, traceable to the Opium Wars first and then to the … entwined with non-state actors including terrorist organizations and other organized crime syndicates worldwide. Perpetuating the War on Drugs has become fundamental to the political and economic stability of nations around the world, which is why drug policy reform proves particularly thorny in spite of the fact that … literature include the deleterious effect of the War on Drugs on racial disparities including income disparity, criminal justice disparity, and also healthcare and political status disparities. Other themes include a loud and substantial cry from the healthcare industries, calling for the decriminalization of drugs and addiction in … of the drug trade, and……



ACLU (2020). Against drug prohibition. Retrieved from:  https://www.aclu.org/other/against-drug-prohibition " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


Study Document Study Document


Pages: 12 (3490 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:question answer Document #:11133529

… of ONCIX strategy, prevention and detection concerning either insider threats, or, economic threats.
Preventing and detecting insider threats is one of the core aspects of the ONCIX strategy. As a new premier counterintelligence and security agency in the U.S. government, ONCIX needs a strong understanding of how … been fighting to get the U.S.-Mexico border the kind of defense needed to reduce illegal penetration, but lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle at both the federal and state levels have pushed back. For political purposes, the safety and security of the nation is jeopardized.
Thus, the effectiveness of national and legal policies that impact upon counterintelligence threats ……



Counter intelligence for National Security, CIA, 1993. https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol2no4/html/v02i4a10p_0001.htm

Johnston, David and James Risen, “U.S.had evidence of espionage,” New York Times, 2001. https://www.nytimes.com/2001/02/23/us/us-had-evidence-of-espionage-but-fbi-failed-to-inspect-itself.html

National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States of America 2016 (Strategy).  https://www.dni.gov/files/NCSC/documents/Regulations/National_CI_Strategy_2016.pdf 

Prunckun, Hank. 2012. Counterintelligence Theory and Practice, Lanham: Rowman&Littlefield Publishers Inc. Read the following: Chapters 8 to 14, pages 131 to 217. Appendices A to D, pages 219 to 231.

Richelson, Jeffrey. 2007. “The Pentagon’s Counterspies: The Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA).” (September 17). National Security Archive. Accessed January 19, 2017.  http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB230/ .

Van Cleave, Michelle. “Strategic Counterintelligence: What Is It and What Should We Do About It ?” 2007. CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence. https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/vol51no2/strategic-counterintelligence.html


Study Document Study Document

How African Customary Social Practices Enhance Coping Strategies

Pages: 7 (2199 words) Sources: 15 Document Type:Essay Document #:81034017

… the past. Improving survival and coping capabilities of African societies and communities through customary practices is quite important right now considering the volatile political and socio-economic conditions across the continent and the reports of starvation, extreme poverty, and violence in various areas throughout Africa.
Most studies on … extreme poverty, and violence in various areas throughout Africa.
Most studies on how crises were managed in traditional African settings focused on economic, political, and security crises. The overwhelming majority of the studies focus on conflicts and how they are managed via customary practices and strategies. There … in short. Some customary practices in Africa and elsewhere across the world are coping mechanisms; they help people to survive crises, e.g., pandemics, political turbulence, and economic downturns. These practices also help individuals to cope with health crises and can indeed help people cope with the current ……



Abel-Smith, B., & Rawal, P. (1992). Can the poor afford ‘free’ health services? A case study of Tanzania. Health Policy and Planning, 7(4), 329-341.

Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (1995). Health and culture: Beyond the Western paradigm. Sage.

Fairhead, J. (2014). The significance of death, funerals, and the after-life in Ebola-hit Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia: Anthropological insights into infection and social resistance.

Handler, J. S. (2016). Custom and law: The status of enslaved Africans in seventeenth-Century Barbados. Slavery & Abolition, 37(2), 233-255.

Iganus, R. B., & Haruna, A. (2017). The Strength of African Culture in Managing Family Crisis in a Globalized World. Anthropol, 5(197), 2332-0915.

Manguvo, A., & Mafuvadze, B. (2015). The impact of traditional and religious practices on the spread of Ebola in West Africa: time for a strategic shift. The Pan African Medical Journal, 22(Suppl 1).

Marsland, R. (2006). Community participation the Tanzanian way: Conceptual contiguity or power struggle? Oxford Development Studies, 34(1).

Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice. Sage publications.


Study Document Study Document

Change Management At Nike

Pages: 8 (2482 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:61161012

...Political aspects Why Nike Needs to Cut Colin Kaepernick
Executive Summary
Nike’s decision to tap into “woke culture” and turn the out of work former NFL quarter Colin Kaepernick into a brand ambassador has been a controversial one since the sportswear company launched its Colin ad campaign in 2018. Nike needs to change the way it approaches its consumer base in America while simultaneously addressing the supply chain issues that have arisen as a result of COVID-19, which has caused major production problems for Nike in Asia. While Nike has been active in promoting the ultimate Trump antagonist in Colin Kaepernick, it is now time to bury the hatch and put America first but cutting ties with Kaepernick and opening up production in the US so as to 1) bring manufacturing back to America and solve the supply chain problems caused by the virus, and 2) to help put Americans back to……


Bibliography and References

Balaji, S., & Murugaiyan, M. S. (2012). Waterfall vs. V-Model vs. Agile: A comparative study on SDLC. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 2(1), 26-30.

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Study Document Study Document

Strategy For National Defense

Pages: 7 (2014 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:59270793

… of America and includes safeguarding the interests of partners/allies around the world. Through the strategy, the United States responds to the increasing military, political and economic competitions encountered worldwide. As part of ensuring suitable response to these competitions, NSS includes a regional context strategy through which the … competition between free and repressive visions of world order, dates back to the earliest days of the nation. Consequently, the United States establishes political, economic, and military and security priority actions to help safeguard her national interests in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. This process entails developing international relations ……



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Study Document Study Document

Cyber Espionage

Pages: 16 (4895 words) Sources: 24 Document Type:Case Study Document #:27491269

… of cyber espionage has attracted considerable attention in existing literature because of the challenges it poses to international relations. Existing studies examine different aspects relating to cyber espionage and its increased use in the modern international relations framework as well as cyber warfare.
Proliferation of Cyber Espionage



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Study Document Study Document

Counterintelligence Issues Within The United States

Pages: 18 (5457 words) Sources: 29 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:72238996

… of counterintelligence from the standpoint of ethical egoism, which is highly problematic both from a rational and ethical standpoint but also from a political standpoint (Lyons 1976). Part of the reason for Cohen’s (2016) problematic position is cultural: Cohen (2016) comes from a Jewish traditional of revolutionary … a zero sum game strategy (Kent 2019). Mattox (2002) at least approaches the issue of moral limits to deception from a practical, universal, political and diplomatic position that has utilitarian, deontological and even virtue ethics elements to it. The opposite position of Cohen (2016) can only be ……



2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center

Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. 2012. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35 (2): 77-99.

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Godson, Roy, and James J. Wirtz. 2000. "Strategic denial and deception." International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 13 (4): 424-437.


Study Document Study Document

COVID 19 Pandemic Public Implications Of Government Response

Pages: 4 (1183 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Case Study Document #:19700171

… gatherings of all kinds (McCloskey et al., 2020). In various jurisdictions, the ban on mass gathering has been designed to address the specific aspects of society. So far, pubic administrations have been effective in the implementation of social distancing measures, and in general, the actions taken by … are no pubic gatherings and that people keep into their homes. This event is sure to impact public administration is a socioeconomic and political dimension (O'Leary, Van Slyke & Kim, 2010). In this paper, therefore, the analysis will be done to determine how the ban and the ……



Fong, M. W., Gao, H., Wong, J. Y., Xiao, J., Shiu, E. Y., Ryu, S., & Cowling, B. J. (2020). Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings-Social Distancing Measures. Emerging infectious diseases, 26(5).

McCloskey, B., Zumla, A., Ippolito, G., Blumberg, L., Arbon, P., Cicero, A., ... & Borodina, M. (2020). Mass gathering events and reducing further global spread of COVID-19: a political and public health dilemma. The Lancet.

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Tuite, A. R., Ng, V., Rees, E., & Fisman, D. (2020). Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Italy. The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

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