Pain Essays (Examples)


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Understanding The Value Of Qualitative Research

Pages: 6 (1754 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:52738822

...Pain Understanding the Value of Qualitative Research
Qualitative researchers have a number of different research strategies available to them, including case studies, phenomenology, grounded theory and ethnography. Each of these research strategies has its respective strengths and weaknesses, but ethnography in particular represents a special challenge since it seeks to learn more about a group of people from the perspective of an insider. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to identify and describe and benefits of ethnographical research as a strategy for developing a better understanding concerning the lived experiences of others. A critique of Dr. Loïc Wacquant’s ethnographical work and a discussion concerning its implications for social change are followed by a description concerning the potential impact of research in supporting positive social change through public policy in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Role of the qualitative researcher
The role of……



Abrahams, M. (2011, March 10). Boxing proves a hit for French sociologist. The Guardian. Retrieved from .

Asselin, M. E. (2009, March-April). Insider research: Issues to consider when doing qualitative research in your own setting. Nurses in Professional Development, 19(2), 99-103.

Burress, C. (2003, December 8). UC’s ‘boxing sociologist’ / Combative French professor spent 3 years in ring. SFGate. Retrieved from .

Creswell, J. W. (2003). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Retrieved from 

Ishioka, T. (2015, March). How can one be a boxer?: Pain and pleasure in a Manila boxing camp. International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 24(1), 92-105.

Neuman, W. L. (2003). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, 5th ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Wacquant, L. (2011). Habitus as topic and tool: Reflections on becoming a prizefighter. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8(1), 81-92.


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Intake Information For Mental Health

Pages: 9 (2605 words) Sources: 13 Document Type: Document #:76744601

...Pain Case information and intake information
Presenting Problem:
The patient is a Caucasian female that is 29 years old. She presented the symptoms and signs of a mental health condition. Apart from having sleepless nights, she stated that she often felt sad, had crying spells almost daily, and that she was overeating. She stated that her sleeping was not right in the sense that it took her a couple of hours before finally falling a sleep. She also added that during certain nights, falling a sleep was impossible and if it happened, she would only sleep for few hours. She mentioned that she found herself thinking a lot and worrying during the time that she was awake. She said that her worries included the thoughts of her not being a good mother, and she felt as though she was a burden to her husband. She also acknowledged that she often thought……



American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. BMC Med, 17, 133-137.

Buntrock, C., Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Smit, F., Riper, H., Berking, M., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Effect of a web-based guided self-help intervention for prevention of major depression in adults with subthreshold depression: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 315(17), 1854-1863.

Davaasambuu, S., Aira, T., Hamid, P., Wainberg, M., & Witte, S. (2017). Risk and resilience factors for depression and suicidal ideation in Mongolian college students. Mental health & prevention, 5, 33.

Gilbert, P. (2016). Depression: The evolution of powerlessness. Routledge.

Hammen, C. (2018). Risk factors for depression: An autobiographical review. Annual review of clinical psychology, 14, 1-28.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan.

Khoury, B., Langer, E. J., & Pagnini, F. (2014). The DSM: mindful science or mindless power? A critical review. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 602.

MacGill, M. (2017). What is depression and what can I do about it? Medical News Today. Retrieved from


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Black Lives Matter And MLK

Pages: 2 (671 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:56099028

… tweets that they put out in response to the harassment and killings of blacks by white officers, I could see and feel the pain and anger that these people were going through—it was actually quite powerful to see them reading their tweets in the video. It gave ……




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Fight Club And Resiliency

Pages: 9 (2826 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:28924089

...Pain Resiliency
As Webster and Rivers (2018) point out, the notion of resilience has been promoted in a variety of fields and essentially research on it has focused on the need for individuals to “toughen up”—particularly in what has been called a “snowflake” culture, a term popularized by the 1996 Chuck Palahniuk novel Fight Club. As Palahniuk said later when the book was made into a cult hit film, “Every generation gets offended by different things but my friends who teach in high school tell me that their students are very easily offended…The modern Left is always reacting to things. Once they get their show on the road culturally they will stop being so offended” (Londoner, 2017). While there is a lot to unpack in that statement (offense and culture are implicitly linked to resiliency and the ability to cope with conflict), the essence of the point made by Palahniuk is……



Domhardt, M., Münzer, A., Fegert, J. M., & Goldbeck, L. (2015). Resilience in survivors of child sexual abuse: A systematic review of the literature. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 16(4), 476-493.

Fincher, D. (1999). Fight club. Los Angeles, CA: 20th Century Fox.

Koerner, R. (2017). Authoritarians to the Right of Me, Authoritarians to the Left. Retrieved from 

Londoner. (2017). Londoner's Diary: Fight Club's Chuck Palahniuk: "I coined 'snowflake' and I stand by it". Retrieved from 

Perkins-Gough, D. (2013). The significance of grit: A conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth. Educational Leadership, 71(1), 14-20.

Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.

Tough, P. (2013). How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character. NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Webster, D., & Rivers, N. (2018). Resisting resilience: disrupting discourses of self- efficacy. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1-13.


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Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due To Traumatic Brain Injury

Pages: 2 (456 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:12325757

… past the acute post-injury period.
Mild neurocognitive disorders usually do not require any treatment other than the patient taking enough rest and over-the-counter pain relievers mostly for treating the headache. However, the patient should be monitored for any persistent, worsening, or new symptoms (Writer & Schillerstrom, 2009). ……



Cooper, D. B., Bunner, A. E., Kennedy, J. E., Balldin, V., Tate, D. F., Eapen, B. C., & Jaramillo, C. A. (2015). Treatment of persistent post-concussive symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review of cognitive rehabilitation and behavioral health interventions in military service members and veterans. Brain imaging and behavior, 9(3), 403-420.

Hadanny, A., & Efrati, S. (2016). Treatment of persistent post-concussion syndrome due to mild traumatic brain injury: current status and future directions. Expert review of neurotherapeutics, 16(8), 875-887.

Writer, B. W., & Schillerstrom, J. E. (2009). Psychopharmacological treatment for cognitive impairment in survivors of traumatic brain injury: a critical review. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 21(4), 362-370.


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Urinary Tract Infection And Osteoporosis In Women

Pages: 8 (2468 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:75498014

… fractures. Such fractures emerge because the condition results in increased loss of bone strength and mass. In most cases, this condition progresses without pain or any symptoms. As a result, this condition is considered a silent disease that contributes to mortality and morbidity across the globe. According ……



Baars et al. (2019, February 3). The Contribution of Complementary and Alternative Medicine to Reduce Antibiotic Use: A Narrative Review of Health Concepts, Prevention, and Treatment Strategies. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1-29. doi: 10.1155/2019/5365608

Carbone et al. (2015, November). Urinary Tract Stones and Osteoporosis: Findings From the Women’s Health Initiative. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 30(11), 2096-2102.

Eells, S.J., Bharadwa, K., McKinnell, J.A. & Miller, L.G. (2014, January 15). Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Among Women: Comparative Effectiveness of 5 Prevention and Management Strategies Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Model. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 58(2), 147-160.

Harvard Health Publishing. (2017, May). Urinary Tract Infection in Women. Retrieved from Harvard Medical School website: 

Khadilkar, A. & Mandlik, R.M. (2015). Epidemiology and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Women: An Indian Perspective. International Journal of Women’s Health, 7, 841-850.

Tian et al. (2017, October). Prevalence of Osteoporosis and Related Lifestyle and Metabolic Factors of Postmenopausal Women and Elderl Men. Medicine, 96(43), doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008294

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2018, June 26). Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures – U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. JAMA, 319(24), 2521-2531.


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The Battleship Potemkin

Pages: 5 (1631 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Film Analysis Document #:15032782

...Pain Eisenstein’s 1925 silent film, produced during the Soviet era, depicts the mutiny on the Battleship Potemkin from the year 1905, prior to the Soviet takeover of the state and seen as a foreshadowing of the wider revolution that was to come. In the film, the mutineers/rebels are depicted as heroes, embodying the spirit of the fight against Tsarist oppression that the good comrades of the Soviet world wanted to project. The Cossacks (themselves a symbol of Russian tradition that the Soviet era comrades despised) and the Tsarist cavalry are depicted as brutal thugs, slaughtering the innocent people of Odessa for daring to show support for the mutineers. As Odessa was one of the most open cities for Jews to live in the Pale of Settlement, the slaughter of people can be seen also as a persecution of Jews, especially since the Soviet Revolution was largely Jewish in nature and Eisenstein……


Works Cited

Bascomb, Neal. Red Mutiny: Eleven Fateful Days on the Battleship Potemkin. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007.

Eisenstein, Sergei. The Battleship Potemkin.

Neff, Taylor. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Propaganda on the Big Screen: Film in the Soviet Union from 1925 to 1936.\\\\\\\\\\\\" The FGCUStudent Research Journal 3.2 (2017).

Osborn, Andrew. “Potemkin: the mutiny, the movie and the myth.” The Independent, June 14, 2005. 


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Middle Adulthood Age 45 60 Female

Pages: 4 (1214 words) Document Type:Interview Document #:26810478

… As years went by, my frequency of playing in the field reduced, leading to a corresponding loss of strength. This was accompanied by pain in the joints and feeble legs. To counter this, I try as much as I can to take a walk every morning.
2. … hours on end on a single book so that I benefit from it. Aside from that, I also have a passion for rock painting.
How is your relationship with your parents?
I relate well with my dad, only that Alzheimer’s disease robbed him ……


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The Karen Ann Quinlan Case Legal Aspects Of Healthcare

Pages: 6 (1922 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:87626234

...Pain Facts and Court Holding
Karen Ann Quinlan attracted national attention following her slipping into a comma in 1975. In essence, the Quinlan case remains a key reference point in discussions revolving around the right to die. According to Drane (1994) Ms. Quinlan fell into a comma on the night of April 15, 1975 following her an evening birthday party of one of her friends. It was reported that during the party, Quinlan took a cocktail of alcoholic beverages. In additional to alcohol, it was also reported that she took a tranquilizer (Valium to be specific) (Drane, 1994). She promptly slid into a comma. Soon, her friends realized she was not breathing and called an ambulance which rushed her to Newton Memorial Hospital. Efforts to resuscitate Quinlan were unsuccessful and after it became apparent that her comma was irreversible, she was transferred to another medical facility, i.e. St. Clare’s in Danville.……



Drane, J.F. (1994). Clinical Bioethics: Theory and Practice in Medical Ethical Decision-making. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.

Holland, S., Kitzinger, C. & Kitzinger, J. (2014). Death, treatment decisions and the permanent vegetative state: evidence from families and experts. Med Health Care Philos., 17(3), 413-423.

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice (2019). The Story of Karen Ann Quinlan Made Headlines! Retrieved from 

Mizzoni, J. (2011). Ethics: The Basics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Rosenthal, M.S. (2018). Clinical Ethics on Film: A Guide for Medical Educators. New York, NY: Springer.

Singer, P. (2013). A Companion to Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


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Chronic And Acute Asthma

Pages: 3 (991 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:24963618

...Pain Overview
According to Vasileiadis, Alevrakis, Amepelioti, Vigionas, Rovina, and Koutsoukou (2019), asthma happens to be rather common. Although it could be deemed a minor health concern amongst some people, the condition could be life-threatening for others – especially in relation to asthma attacks. It should be noted, from the onset, that “an acute asthma attack occurs in the midst of the chronic disease of asthma” (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2019). Asthma does not have a cure. This effectively means that for those with the condition, the relevance of working closely with a qualified medical professional in tracking (and responding to) symptoms cannot be overstated.
According to Lynn (2015), there are various physiologic factors involved in as far as asthma is concerned. From a general perspective, at the time of the asthma exacerbation (i.e. an asthma attack), the inflammation as well as swelling of the airways becomes apparent. While……



Austen, F. & Lichtenstein, L.M. (Eds.). (2013). Asthma: Physiology, Immunopharmacology, and Treatment. New York, NY: Elsevier.

Higgins, J.C. (2003). The ‘Crashing Asthmatic’. Am Fam Physician, 67(5), 997-1004.

Lynn, S. (2015). Understanding Asthma Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management. Retrieved from 

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute – NHLBI (2019). Asthma. Retrieved from 

U.S. National Library of Medicine (2019). Allergic Asthma. Retrieved from 

Vasileiadis, I., Alevrakis, E., Amepelioti, S., Vigionas, D., Rovina, N. Koutsoukou, A. (2019). Acid-Base Disturbances in Patients with Asthma: A Literature Review and Comments on Their Pathophysiology. J Clin Med., 8(4), 563-567.

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