Study Document
… by debris, flooding made other areas inaccessible, and hospitals were overwhelmed (de Arzola, 2018). It was in this environment that Puerto Rico’s Emergency management had to act. This paper will discuss the preparation, planning and execution of Puerto Rico’s response and show where the island failed and … preparation, planning and execution of Puerto Rico’s response and show where the island failed and where it succeeded.
The Puerto Rico Emergency management Agency only had in place a very general emergency response plan in the case of hurricanes. The general response plan essentially served as … taking place every 6 hours until electricity was restored, and then meetings were held daily (de Arzola, 2018). Members of the Federal Emergency management Agency, the National Guard, and nongovernmental organizations met with the health coalition that was established, which “enhanced communication among agencies, allowed prioritization of ……
Acevedo, N. (2018). Puerto Rico lacked disaster planning, communications strategy, hurricane study found. Retrieved from
Achenbach, J. & Hernandez, A. (2017). FEMA administrator: Puerto Rico’s politics, lack of unity, hindering hurricane response. Retrieved from
Amnesty International. (2018). Puerto Rico a year after Hurricane Maria. Retrieved from
Bomey, N. (2017). Hurricane Maria halts crucial drug manufacturing in Puerto Rico, may spur shortages. Retrieved from
CDC. (2019). PHEP. Retrieved from de Arzola, O. R. (2018). Emergency Preparedness and Hurricane Maria: The Experience of a Regional Academic Medical Center in Southwest Puerto Rico. Journal of Graduate Medical Education,10(4), 477-480. Florido, A. (2018). Government Lawyer Says Puerto Rico's Hurricane Response Plan 'Does Not Exist'. Retrieved from
McMahon, C. (2018). Double down on the Jones Act? Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce, 49(2), 153-195.
Samaan, J. L., & Verneuil, L. (2009). Civil–Military Relations in Hurricane Katrina: a case study on crisis management in natural disaster response. Humanitarian Assistance: Improving US-European Cooperation, Center for Transatlantic Relations/Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD/Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin, 413-432.
Study Document
… C. (Eds.). (2000). The Handbook of Social Work Direct Practice. New York, SAGE. This is not a primary source, but the definition of crisis could be used in the proposal.
An assessment of the customary practices utilized by individuals in times of crisis would not be complete without a clear definition of ‘crisis’ in the context of the said practices. In seeking to define the term crisis, the cited authors of the relevant piece in the volume are definite that we must base our perspectives on subjective reality. This is … volume are definite that we must base our perspectives on subjective reality. This is more so the case given that “what precipitates a crisis episode in one individual might not generate such a response in another person” (327). This is true for communities as well. It, therefore, … This is true for communities as well. It, therefore, follows……
Roberts. A.R. (Ed.). (2005). Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Sama’ila, A. (2019). Economic crisis and the coping strategies of indigenous automobile entrepreneurs in northern Nigeria, 1983-2014. Sociology International Journal, 3(6), 437-442.
Study Document
Followers and what they need from Leaders during crisis
A crisis is a serious event with the potential to disrupt an organization. The fact that a crisis can negatively affect a business is the reason why leaders need to prepare for and resolve crises when they occur (Carrington, Combe & … interviewing the subordinates. The questions for the interviews were designed to find out what the subordinates wanted from their leaders in times of crisis. A total of 3 followers working in the United States Department of Justice participated in the study. The three included two Sheriff Deputies … time.
Crises such as the current coronavirus pandemic, create uncertainties, and make people worried about the future. The first step to resolving a crisis that hits an organization is for the organization's leaders to acknowledge the crisis and its potential effects. The need for leaders to acknowledge crises was highlighted……
Birnbaum, T., & Friedman, H. H. (2014). Ezra and Nehemiah: Lessons in Moral and Spiritual Leadership. Available at SSRN 2390230.
Carrington, D. J., Combe, I. A., & Mumford, M. D. (2019). Cognitive shifts within leader and follower teams: Where consensus develops in mental models during an organizational crisis. The Leadership Quarterly, 30(3), 335-350.
Harter, J. (2019). Why Some Leaders Have Their Employees\\\\\\' Trust, and Some Don\\\\\\'t. Workplace. Gallup.
Hofmeyr, K., Cook, J., & Richardson, A. (2011). How leaders generate hope in their followers. South African Journal of Labour Relations, 35(2), 47-66.
Kranke, D., Gin, J., Der-Martirosian, C., Weiss, E. L., & Dobalian, A. (2020). VA social work leadership and compassion fatigue during the 2017 hurricane season. Social Work in Mental Health, 18(2), 188-199.
Patton, C. (2017). What made Nehemiah an effective leader?. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership, 1(1), 8-14.
Rogers, A. P., & Barber, L. K. (2019). Workplace intrusions and employee strain: the interactive effects of extraversion and emotional stability. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 32(3), 312-328.
Skeet, A. (2020, April 4). Ethical Followership in Times of Crisis. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University.
Study Document
Literature Review 3
Application of the Theory to the Organization in Question 4
Conclusions 6
Recommendations 7
Bibliography and References 9
Change management is about managing people and their reactions to change (Cameron & Green, 2015). However, the need for change is typically related to business … the American public (Freberg, Graham, McGaughey & Freberg, 2011).
Managing resistance to change is another important aspect that has to be considered. Change management requires that managers implement the proper change management method. The one that will work best for Nike in this situation is the change management model developed by Kotter (2012). Kotter (2012) shows that change is best managed when managers involve employees in the change management process and obtain feedback from stakeholders. By inviting feedback from stakeholders, the stakeholders feel that they are part of the change management process and that their opinion matters and is important to……
Bibliography and References
Balaji, S., & Murugaiyan, M. S. (2012). Waterfall vs. V-Model vs. Agile: A comparative study on SDLC. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 2(1), 26-30.
Boehm, B. (2002). Get ready for agile methods, with care. Computer, (1), 64-69.
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Fernandez, D. J., & Fernandez, J. D. (2008). Agile project management—agilism versus traditional approaches. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(2), 10-17.
Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K., & Freberg, L. A. (2011). Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 90-92.
Cameron, E. and Green, M. (2015), Making Sense of Change Management: A complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change. Kogan Page: London
Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press.
TMZ. (2018). Kaep Deal Adds Up... WE GOT NIKE'S CUSTOMER BREAKDOWN. Retrieved from
Study Document
Strategic Supply Chain management: Case Study
I. Executive Summary
Strategic supply chain management consists of strategic, tactical and operational levels, wherein general planning, short-term process decision-making, and day-to-day operations are planned and executed. This case study … outside of Canada, the company has made no inroads of any substantial impact in foreign markets. [3: Krebbler Furniture Case Study, Supply Chain management Association, 12.]
The market for household furniture in Canada is extremely competitive. The founder Michael Krebbler took the company public five years ago … at present are still operating as two separate businesses though they are owned by one owner.[footnoteRef:5] [4: Krebbler Furniture Case Study, Supply Chain management Association, 3.] [5: Krebbler Furniture Case Study, Supply Chain management Association, 8.]
Operating expenses have increased drastically since the sale of Krebbler’s to McCray. Two years prior they 7.23 million CAD compared to … between before and after the merger can……
Channick, Robert. “Fallout from China Trade War,” Chicago Tribune, 2019.
Krebbler Furniture Case Study, Supply Chain Management Association. Digital File.
Study Document
Enterprise Risk management in Wells Fargo during the Pandemic
As Beasley (2020) points out, enterprise risk management (ERM) is especially needed during the COVID 19 pandemic because of the “number of different, but interrelated risks spread all across most organization” … role in managing loan products, using interest rates to attract savers, and offering investment advice. “No single risk associated with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis can be managed in isolation,” as Beasley (2020) points out (p.2). This means that from an ERM perspective the problem has to be … with risk understood at the macro level. This paper will provide 1) a critical analysis, including a comparison and contrast of Enterprise Risk management (ERM) vs. traditional risk management; 2) a discussion of hazard, financial, operational and strategic risks; 3) a SWOT analysis of Wells Fargo; 4) an examination of the relationship … ways in which auditors can incorporate ERM……
Beasley, M. (2020). How to Leverage ERM Principles to Better Respond to COVID-19-Related Risks. ERM Professional Insights.
Derysh, I. (2020). Watchdog questions why Wells Fargo reported giving only one large PPP loan to a Black-owned business. Retrieved from
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Hall, J. (2007). Internal Auditing and ERM: Fitting in and Adding Value. Retrieved from Documents/Sawyer_Award_2007.pdf
Kaplan, R. & Mikes, A. (2012). Managing risks: A new framework. Harvard Business Review, 3.
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Lundqvist, S. (2014). Abandoning Silos for Integration: Implementing Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Governance. Lund University.
Morgenson, G. (2020). More Wells Fargo customers say the bank decided to pause their mortgage payments without asking. Retrieved from
Study Document
How African Customary and Social Practices have been Utilized to Enhance Coping Strategies in Times of crisis, focus on health pandemic
Background of the Study
Centuries before missionaries and colonialists arrived in Africa and centuries before the slave trade commenced, ……
Abel-Smith, B., & Rawal, P. (1992). Can the poor afford ‘free’ health services? A case study of Tanzania. Health Policy and Planning, 7(4), 329-341.
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Handler, J. S. (2016). Custom and law: The status of enslaved Africans in seventeenth-Century Barbados. Slavery & Abolition, 37(2), 233-255.
Iganus, R. B., & Haruna, A. (2017). The Strength of African Culture in Managing Family Crisis in a Globalized World. Anthropol, 5(197), 2332-0915.
Manguvo, A., & Mafuvadze, B. (2015). The impact of traditional and religious practices on the spread of Ebola in West Africa: time for a strategic shift. The Pan African Medical Journal, 22(Suppl 1).
Marsland, R. (2006). Community participation the Tanzanian way: Conceptual contiguity or power struggle? Oxford Development Studies, 34(1).
Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice. Sage publications.
Study Document
… people of this nation? Are you more or less worried than you were before? Do you feel we are prepared to handle this crisis?
3. Testing is a big issue in identifying carriers of this virus and getting them quarantined to help flatten the curve. Do you ……
Study Document
… had not been trained for such a disaster either. A National Response Plan had not been developed nor was there a National Incident management System, which meant FEMA was not ready to act (Lewis, 2009; Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane ……
The Brookings Institution. (2007). 9/11, Katrina and the future of interagency disaster response. Retrieved from
E-PARCC Collaborative Governance Initiative. (2008). Collaboration Amid Crisis: The Department of Defense During Hurricane Katrina Teaching Note. Retrieved from
Lewis, D. E. (2009). Revisiting the administrative presidency: Policy, patronage, and agency competence. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 39(1), 60-73.
Philipps, D. (2017). Seven hard lessons responders to Harvey learned from Katrina. Retrieved from
Samaan, J. L., & Verneuil, L. (2009). Civil–Military Relations in Hurricane Katrina: a case study on crisis management in natural disaster response. Humanitarian Assistance: Improving US-European Cooperation, Center for Transatlantic Relations/Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD/Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin, 413-432.
Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina. (2006). A failure of initiative. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Crisis management Weapons of Mass Destruction
An electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) attack could crash the American economy and bring virtually every industry to a standstill—such is the reliance of modern business upon the digital infrastructure. Thus, considering an EMP attack is something that government should take very seriously. As more and more of the world becomes dependent upon cyber infrastructure for the maintenance of other systems, the complexity of the security services of a country grows and intensifies. Is it possible therefore that there is an overreliance upon technology and that this overreliance can actually compromise a country’s progress and increase its risk of falling into ruin should a sudden attack like an EMP attack hit where it hurts most? Absolutely—and both state and non-state actors know that, which is why either one could conduct a high altitude EMP attack upon the US. The consequences would be devastating.
Non-state actors are just……
Chatfield, A. T., Reddick, C. G., & Brajawidagda, U. (2015, May). Tweeting propaganda, radicalization and recruitment: Islamic state supporters multi-sided twitter networks. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (pp. 239-249).
Christenson, G. (2015). CBRN response. National Guard Bureau.
Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K., & Freberg, L. A. (2011). Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 90-92.
Garellek, A. (2016, March 4). The ISIS WMD Threat. The Cipher Brief. Retrieved from
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Klein, A. (2019). From Twitter to Charlottesville: Analyzing the Fighting Words Between the Alt-Right and Antifa. International Journal of Communication, 13, 22.
Maras, M-H. (2014). Transnational Security. Florida: CRC Press.
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