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… It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” This is the kind of love that I would expect to find from the true people ……
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… difference between all the groups is the motivation/level of dissonance experienced. The control group experienced no dissonance, as they were not required to lie about the experimental procedure nor offered monetary compensation; the other groups were, however, motivated to lie via monetary compensation. Groups A and B are further differentiated by their level of “induced dissonance” through the amount of monetary compensation offered … dissonance do to a person, and what can they do the reduce it?
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Main Idea and Outline
1 John 5:13-21: John concludes his letter with a few parting thoughts on the faith of the believers and the confidence they should have in God, as well as encouragement to avoid sin and idolatry, pray for sinners, and flee the … the world and Satan offer. John urges his audience to remember that Christ is of God and so too are all those who believe in Christ. John also distinguishes between two types of sin—mortal or grievous sin that leads to the death of sanctifying life in the … them all to remain committed to Christ and to avoid idols, which are false gods that lead one to Satan, the Father of Lies. Satan is Death, and Christ is Life. That is the ultimate message John delivers in his closing.
Historical-Cultural Context of the Book
… that those who love, love fully and truly……
1 John 5:13-21
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Exodus 3:14-15 explains that the God of the Old Testament is one God and that He is ……
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Study Document
… us because we were young, different from the others, ethnically a minority, and therefore the obvious culprits. We were all offended by the implied accusation, and everyone looked at us like of course we were the guilty party.
It was very humiliating to have to stand there … not to envy people, and I think that the discourse about privilege today borders on getting people to envy what others have. I believe that envy is a vice and that privilege is not a bad thing in and of itself. I do not like to see, … do not like to see, however, people who have been privileged to abuse that privilege. I think that is where the whole problem lies. When we honor our roles in life and treat others with respect, we show the world that we are honorable. It is when ……
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Study Document
… usually when I am caught up in bad and unhealthy habits like drinking too much alcohol or eating unhealthy foods. I understand and believe that a healthy mind-body-and-soul balance is crucial in order to be completely in soul, as John Wesley explains in his holistic style of … to my loneliness and self-loathing is God all along (Boa, 2001).
Implications for My Leadership
The key lessons from Barton’s work that I believe will have a positive impact upon my role as a leader are, first, that I must strive to be in the soul: this ……
Barton, R. H. (2018). Strengthening the soul of your leadership. InterVarsity Press.
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