Human Behavior Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Managing Behavior In Adolescents And Children Through Solution Focused

Pages: 10 (3015 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:12594584

… For this undertaking, FSCJ's databases diary articles are used to find them. To identify with similar restricted center articles, the hunt terms "Overseeing behavior in Adolescents and Children Through Solution-Focused Therapy" was utilized. While choosing the articles, the inquiry was constrained to peer-audited articles distributed somewhere in … articles, the inquiry was constrained to peer-audited articles distributed somewhere in the range of 2014 and 2019 in diaries situated in social work, human science, or brain research. With the end goal of this undertaking, notes, meta-investigation surveys, articles, and audits were rejected. Results: SFBT treatment characterized … SFBT gave answers for directing circumstances like these (Kiser & Piercy, 2014). It is a successful treatment approach for Adolescents and Children overseeing behavior.
Keywords: Solution Focused Therapy, FSCJ, behavior
Managing behavior in Adolescents and Children through Solution-Focused Therapy
behavior is a common occurrence for children and adolescents with lifetime predominance rates running……



Boyer, B., MacKay, K. J., McLeod, B. D., & van der Oord, S. (2018). Comparing Alliance in Two Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Adolescents with ADHD Using a Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 49(5), 781–795. 10.1016/j.beth.2018.01.003

Brockman, M., Hussain, K., Sanchez, B., & Turns, B. (2016). Managing Child Behavior Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Utilizing Structural and Solution Focused Therapy with Primary Caregivers. American Journal of Family Therapy, 44(1), 1–10. 10.1080/01926187.2015.1099414

Gonzalez, C. (2017). Recovering Process from Child Sexual Abuse During Adulthood from an Integrative Approach to Solution-Focused Therapy: A Case Study. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26(7), 785–805. 10.1080/10538712.2017.1354954

Kiser, D. J., & Piercy, F. P. (2014). Creativity and family therapy theory development: Lessons from the founders of solution-focused therapy: The journal of solution focus in organizations. InterAction, 6(2), 51-851645018526?accountid=45782

Smith, T. E., Shelton, V. M., & Richards, K. V. (2016). Solution-focused financial therapy with couples. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 26(5), 452–460. 10.1080/10911359.2015.1087921


Study Document Study Document

Sexual Behavior And Sexual Morality

Pages: 5 (1605 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:69548980

Sexual Morality
Sexual morality is the exploration of sexual behavior in the light of moral consideration like what is morally right and wrong for sexual behavior, which can be applied to other areas as well (Primoratz, 2013). These are further founded through various philosophies being around this topic that … founded through various philosophies being around this topic that is rooted like sex and what function it plays in the life of a human being (Primoratz, 2013). Philosophers have long argued and named sexual activities with different analogies, until Bertrand Russell and Sigmund Freud, who considered sex … 2012). It delves into the deeper meaning of what morality is, in analyzing different philosophies (McCord, 2012). It also explores the motivation of human beings and other aspects to provide conclusive analogies on a semantic level (McCord, 2012). Sexual Morality explored through meta-ethics will lead to proper … which further deepens the……



Goldman, A. H. (2019, February 12). Why Sexual Morality Doesn\\\\\\'t Exist. iai News.

Haidt, J., & Hersh, M. A. (2001). Sexual Morality: The Cultures and Emotions of Conservatives and Liberals. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 191-221.

Halwani, R. (2018, October 19). Sex and Sexuality. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Haqiqatjou, D. (2005, September 17). Ashley Madison and the Problem of Liberal Sexual Ethics. Public Discourse.

McCord, G. S. (2012, January 26). Metaethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Primoratz, I. (2001). Sexual Morality: Is Consent Enough? Ethical Theory and Moral Practise.

Primoratz, I. (2013, February 01). Sexual Morality. Wiley Online Library.

Soble, A. (n.d.). Philosophy of Sexuality. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


Study Document Study Document

Recruitment And Retention Human Resource Policies

Pages: 11 (3188 words) Sources: 15 Document Type:question answer Document #:13270710

… richness to our working environment, the reach of our clients. It results in better service delivery to our patients. Through a highly divergent human capital, we are better positioned to connect with the health needs of the people who make up the society in which we operate. … result, we seek to ensure that we have a meaningful commitment to diversity and inclusion through a dual and concurrent focus on individualistic behavior and descriptions and organizational operations and systems. Being open to alternative ways and approaches to a task or issue, revising work processes, and … by persons residing within the state only. The aim of broadening the applicant pool to the state level is to attract the best human capital available for the position (Flynn et al., 2016; Kehoe & Bentley, 2019). The online applications that will be accepted conform to the … description should include why the……



Arthur, D. (2012). Recruiting, interviewing, selecting & orienting new employees. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

Avery, D. R., McKay, P. F., & Volpone, S. D. (2013). \\\\\\"Diversity staffing: Inclusive personnel recruitment and selection practices.\\\\\\" In Q. M. Roberson (Ed.), Oxford library of psychology. The Oxford handbook of diversity and work (p. 282–299). Oxford University Press.

Becker, W. J., Connolly, T., & Slaughter, J. E. (2010). The effect of job offer timing on offer acceptance, performance, and turnover. Personnel Psychology, 63(1), 223-241.

Breaugh, J. (2016). Talent acquisition: A guide to understanding and managing the recruitment process. Society of Human Resource Management.

Compton, R. L. (2009). Effective recruitment and selection practices. CCH Australia Limited.

Flynn, W. J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., & Valentine, S. R. (2016). Healthcare human resource management, 3rd Edition. Cengage Learning, U.S.

Garner, E. (2012). Recruitment and Selection. Bookboon.

Gusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the right person. USA: Society for Human Resource Management.


Study Document Study Document

US Army Human Resource Doctrine

Pages: 5 (1545 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:56267713

Senior leaders and Sergeant Major have to develop the leadership skills of soldiers for organizational success. human Resources Support (FM 1-0) and Army Training and Leader Development outline the best approach for developing future Army leaders. Furthermore, Army Training and … self-development, operational, and institutional (United States Department of the Army, 2017). Senior leaders / Sergeant Major should also read the following publications: Theater-Level human Resources Support (ATP) 1-0.2, Army Command Policy (AR) 600-20, and Legal Support to the Operational Army (FM) 1-04, and Soldier for Life – … This paper will convey my strategy for developing future US Army leaders based on the above readings and my experiences from operational assignments.
human Resources (HR) Support
The functions of HR support are described in Field Manual (FM) 1-0: human Resources Support. It includes to provide HR services and personnel support, man the force, and to conduct HR planning and……



United States Department of the Army. (2014). Field Manual FM 1-0 Human Resources Support April 2014. Retrieved from website: 

United States Department of the Army. (2013). Field Manual FM 1-04 Legal Support to the Operational Army March 2013. Retrieved from website:


Study Document Study Document

Strengths And Weaknesses Of Various Organizational Behavior Theories

Pages: 14 (4343 words) Sources: 16 Document Type:Essay Document #:17367904

A Review of Organizational behavior Theories
Because organizations are the primary means by which capital is earned and job are created, it is not surprising that there has … scholarship concerning how organizations actually “behave” in the real world. The purpose of this paper is to provide a current definition of organizational behavior together with a statement of three prominent theories of organizational behavior, French and Raven's Five Bases of Power, Complexity Theory and Resource Dependence Theory. An explanation concerning the fundamental concepts of each of these … strengths and weaknesses of each of these three theories as well as the positive and negative ways that the theories impact the workforce behavior of organizations. Finally, in the context of Air India, the paper presents a critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of interrelationships between … different types of business structures and interrelationships of different organizational functions. A summary of……



‘About Air India.’ Air India. [online] available: .

Arena, MJ ‘Understanding Large Group Intervention Processes: A Complexity Theory Perspective.’ Organization Development Journal, 27, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 49-53

Braunstein, JR and Zhang, JJ ‘Dimensions of Athletic Star Power Associated with Generation Y Sports Consumption.’ International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 6, no. 4 (July 2005): 242-245.

Buble, M and Juras, A ‘The Relationship between Managers\\' Leadership Styles and Motivation.’ Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 19, no. 1 (June 2014): 161-165.

French, JRP & Raven, B ‘Bases of power.’ In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Studies in Social Power (pp. 150-167). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, 1959.

Gruia, GC and Kavan, M ‘An Off-Line Dual Maximum Resource Bin Packing Model for Solving the Maintenance Problem in the Aviation Industry.’ Global Economic Observer, 1, no. 1 (January 1, 2013): 135-140.

Hillman, AJ, Withers, MC and Collins, BJ ‘Resource dependence theory: A Review.’ Journal of Management, 35, no. 6 (2009): 1404-1427.

Jain, AK ‘Organizational Citizenship Behaviour as a Potential Source of Social Power.’ Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 45, no. 3 (January 2010): 396-401.


Study Document Study Document

Transgender The Behaviors Acts And Transitions

Pages: 12 (3516 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:31099543

Transgender- The behavior and Acts Leading up to a Transition
Transgender, as a terminology, alludes to individuals whose sense of their gender is different from … gender dysphoria is a prevalent experience amongst adults who identify as transgender (Psychology Today, 2020). This essay purposes to discuss transgender and the behavior and acts that lead up to a transition.
Psychological Reasons behind Transitioning
Gender incongruence, in delineation, is a condition whereby an individual's gender … al., 2018). Specifically, numerous transgender people face depressive incidents in the course of their lifetime, which in severe cases, are linked with suicidal behavior. Therefore, to overcome this sentiment of gender dysphoria, numerous transgender people opt to seek medical assistance and undergo gender-affirming interventions that can either … exposure to inequality, prejudice, and discrimination faced by members of minority and marginalized groups is linked with negative psychological results and health risk behavior and conducts such……



Bockting, W. O., Miner, M. H., Swinburne Romine, R. E., Hamilton, A., & Coleman, E. (2013). Stigma, mental health, and resilience in an online sample of the US transgender population. American journal of public health, 103(5), 943-951.

Bockting, W., Coleman, E., Deutsch, M. B., Guillamon, A., Meyer, I., Meyer III, W., ... & Ettner, R. (2016). Adult development and quality of life of transgender and gender-nonconforming people. Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity, 23(2), 188.

Catelan, R. F., Costa, A. B., & Lisboa, C. S. D. M. (2017). Psychological interventions for transgender persons: a scoping review. International Journal of Sexual Health, 29(4), 325-337.

Divan, V., Cortez, C., Smelyanskaya, M., & Keatley, J. (2016). Transgender social inclusion and equality: a pivotal path to development. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 19, 20803.

Drydakis, N. (2020). Trans People, Transitioning, Mental Health, Life, and Job Satisfaction. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 1-22.

Glynn, T. R., & van den Berg, J. J. (2017). A systematic review of interventions to reduce problematic substance use among transgender individuals: A call to action. Transgender Health, 2(1), 45-59.

Grossman, A. H., Haney, A. P., Edwards, P., Alessi, E. J., Ardon, M., & Howell, T. J. (2009). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth talk about experiencing and coping with school violence: A qualitative study. Journal of LGBT Youth, 6(1), 24-46.

Jellestad, L., Jäggi, T., Corbisiero, S., Schaefer, D. J., Jenewein, J., Schneeberger, A., ... & Garcia Nuñez, D. (2018). Quality of life in transitioned trans persons: a retrospective cross-sectional cohort study. BioMed research international, 2018.


Study Document Study Document

Maslow S Hierarchy Of Needs Model And Its Application In Human Resources

Pages: 12 (3607 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:83319615

… the effect of self-interest in employee referrals. One proposition mentioned by Eisenhardt (1989) is that “when the principal has information to verify agent behavior, the agent is more likely to behave in the interests of the principal” (p. 60). This means, from an HR perspective, that HR … used to help ensure that the workplace employees have their needs met and are self-actualized individuals. The idea behind Malsow’s theory is that human motivation improves as the hierarchy of basic human needs is met. Maslow showed that people cannot be self-actualizing unless they are fulfilled in other ways. At the base of the hierarchy … unless they are fulfilled in other ways. At the base of the hierarchy of needs pyramid are the physiological needs: these include a human being’s basic need for food, water, fresh air, shelter, and clothing. After the basic physiological needs are met, one’s need for……



Bussin, M., & Christos, D. (2018). Blind hiring not as crazy as it sounds. HR Future,  2018(Sep 2018), 36-39.

CBS News (2017). Retrieved from 

Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Agency theory: An assessment and review. Academy of management review, 14(1), 57-74.

Frank, L. (2018). How to Use Employee Referrals Without Giving Up Workplace Diversity. Retrieved from 

Jensen, M., & Meckling, W. (1976) Theory of the firm: Man- agerial behavior, agency costs, and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3, 305-360.

Larcker, D. F., & Tayan, B. (2017). Governance Gone Wild: Epic Misbehavior at Uber Technologies. Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University Closer Look Series: Topics, Issues and Controversies in Corporate Governance No. CGRP-70, 18-3.

Payscale. (2018). Retrieved from s

ProActive Solutions. (2020). Agency theory. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Theory Practice Of Business Psychology In Johnson & Johnson Company

Pages: 12 (3695 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:41420615

… id diminished, and the levels of employee satisfaction and motivation, as well as their performance, can be heightened. Notably, motivation rejuvenates, and invigorates behavior, provides direction to such mannerisms, and underlines the tendency to persevere. Motivation is a significant aspect as it leads to influence another individual … within the workplace setting, the factors that satisfy employees are significantly different from those that dissatisfy them (Herzberg, 1987). Imperatively, Herzberg established that human behavior is impacted by either the satisfaction factor or the dissatisfaction factor. He designated hygiene factors to be sources of social dissatisfaction, and on … individual’s motivation and determination with the expected desired results. The approach illustrates the process of how an individual opts to carry out specific behavior or mannerisms over others and how decisions made are associated with the goals. More specifically, the theory asserts that the motivation that a … that effort, motivation, and……



Asim, M., 2013. Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance with effect of training: Specific to Education Sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(9), 1-9.

Heneman, H. G., & Schwab, D. P., 1972. Evaluation of research on expectancy theory predictions of employee performance. Psychological Bulletin, 78(1), 1.

Herzberg, F., 1987. One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? Harvard Business Review, 65, 5.

Herzberg, F., Mausner, B. & Snyderman, B. 1959. The motivation to work. New York. John Wiley.

Hilgert, R. L., Leonard, E. C., 2001. Supervision: Concepts and practices of management. New York: South-Western College Publication.

Johnson & Johnson., 2020. Wellness 360: 9 Innovative Johnson & Johnson Employee Benefits for Mind, Body, and Budget. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from 

Johnson & Johnson., 2020. Careers: Healthiest Finances. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from .

Johnson & Johnson. , 2018. 2018 Health for Humanity Report: Creating Unique Career Opportunities. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from


Study Document Study Document

Adolescent Psychosocial Assessment

Pages: 10 (2865 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Case Study Document #:54875989

… religious and spiritual. I love watching T.V., taking part in sports, creative activities, reading, and listening to music.
1. Choose any two theories/theorists on the effect of the social environment on human behavior and one theory/theorist on, Person-In-Environment (PIE).
Social Learning Theory
According to Bandura, a crititcal element of human learning occurs through imitation. Of course, imitation involves some cognitive processes. A lot of information is gained when we simply look at models. … members to operate in socially acceptable ways. The socializing process is so important that it has a major effect on all kinds of behavior, including skills of technical nature. Most of the boys of teenage age in the U.S. feel that they won't be compatible with their … ways; girls are also taught to behave in ways expected of girls and women. People, though, as they……



Alexander Jr, R. (2010). The Impact of Poverty on African American Children in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems. In Forum on Public Policy Online (Vol. 2010, No. 4). Oxford Round Table. 406 West Florida Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801.

Belgrave, F. Z., & Allison, K. W. (2009). African American psychology: From Africa to America. Los Angeles: Sage.

Brittian A. S. (2012). Understanding African American Adolescents\\\\\\' Identity Development: A Relational Developmental Systems Perspective. The Journal of black psychology, 38(2), 172–200. 

Chávez, R. (2016). Psychosocial development factors associated with occupational and vocational identity between infancy and adolescence. Adolescent Research Review, 1(4), 307-327.

Crain, W. C. (2014). Theories of development: Concepts and applications. Harlow, Essex: Pearson.

Fernandes-Alcantara, A. L. (2018). Vulnerable Youth: Background and policies.Congressional Research Service

Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2015). Theories of human development. Psychology Press.

Reubins, B. M., &Reubins, M. S. (2014). Pioneers of child psychoanalysis: Influential theories and practices in healthy child development. London: Karnac.


Study Document Study Document

Gestalt Theory

Pages: 9 (2559 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:29092375

Gestalt is a German word signifying a pattern or shape. The roots of Gestalt therapy can be traced to Max Wertheimer, who studied human perceptual illusions. Wertheimer’s research led to a holistic view of the human psyche that provided a necessary counterpoint to the fragmented, reductionist, and structuralist views that prevailed in research psychology. Gestalt therapy emerged after blending … psychotherapy. In particular, Gestalt therapists like Frederick “Fritz” Perls used the concept of a Gestalt to emphasize the importance of holism in psychotherapy. human also became a cornerstone of Gestalt therapy, which promotes an “I/Thou” therapeutic relationship based on points of contact between individuals who are connected …
Although the phrase may seem out of vogue, Gestalt psychology underwrites a lot of contemporary psychotherapies and therapeutic interventions, particularly those with a human outlook. Gestalt psychology started off with firm empirical grounding in the science of perception and cognition, and……



Corey, G. (2016). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Levine, T. B. Y. (2012). Gestalt Therapy: Advances in Theory and Practice. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

Woldt, A. L., & Toman, S. M. (2005). Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

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