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Response to Reketer Barber
The popularity of shows like CSI has led to widespread misperceptions about the quality and nature of forensic science. As you point out, the CSI effect could lead to wrongful acquittals, but it is equally possible that jurors might wrongfully convict … effect could lead to wrongful acquittals, but it is equally possible that jurors might wrongfully convict based on perceptions of the strength of forensic evidence admitted into the trial. As Gaensslen & Larsen (2019) “jurors bring expectations to the jury room that are based on watching television,” (1.1). … room that are based on watching television,” (1.1). One of those expectations is related to the amount of time it takes to process forensic evidence. On television, the scripted shows make it seem like forensic evidence is processed almost instantaneously, and that the results offer cut and dry facts, when in reality the time it……
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
forensic science evolved as an attempt to introduce scientific methods into criminal justice. From the 18th century onward, advancements in chemistry, biology, and physics … attempt to introduce scientific methods into criminal justice. From the 18th century onward, advancements in chemistry, biology, and physics paved the way for forensic science (Gaensslen & Larsen, 2019). Likewise, the routine use of autopsy and forensic pathology helped improve the ability to understand the causes of death (Gaensslen & Larsen, 2019). forensic science steadily evolved, in conjunctions with advancements in scientific instruments and the methods used for data collection and analysis. DNA evidence and analysis has made a huge impact on forensic science. Current concerns in forensic science include the need for increased reliability and validity of forensic science methods, as well as public perceptions of forensic science. Because perceptions of forensic science could have a direct impact on juror decisions, distinguishing real from……
Ballantyne, K. N., Edmond, G., & Found, B. (2017). Peer review in forensic science. Forensic Science International, 277, 66–76.
Bell, S., Sah, S., Albright, T. D., Gates, S. J., Jr, Denton, M. B., & Casadevall, A. (2018). A call for more science in forensic science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 115(18), 4541–4544.
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
The Role of forensic Science in Crime Scene Investigation
The scientific method begins with the identification of a problem. Questions are asked, data is collected, a hypothesis … ask are: what happened, why, when, who was involved, where did it occur, and how did it happen? They collect data and using forensic science to analyze the data, they come up with a narrative that answers those questions (Shaler, 2011). Lab work helps to verify the … data, they come up with a narrative that answers those questions (Shaler, 2011). Lab work helps to verify the story by providing more evidence that can give more details. This paper will show how the scientific method is applied to forensic science.
The forensic scientific method consists of five steps:
1. Acquisition of primary witness and other anamnestic evidence
2. Anticipation of future questions
3. Acquisition of physical evidence
4. Comparison of consistency of……
Gaensslen, R. E., & Larsen, K. (2019). Introductory forensic science (2nd ed.). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
Hash Values in Digital forensic
Hash values denote condensed representations of digitized or binary content within digital material; however, they offer no additional information pertaining to the … in the course of the investigation itself. An identical check is, if possible, carried out at the time of digital content seizures. Digital forensic tools are commonly utilized for computing digital evidence’s hash values. SHA and MD5 hash functions are employed here for calculations and for verifying that datasets aren’t modified on account of the … and MD5 hash functions are employed here for calculations and for verifying that datasets aren’t modified on account of the application of diverse evidence gathering……
Fang, J., Jiang, Z. L., Yiu, S. M., & Hui, L. C. (2011). An efficient scheme for hard disk integrity check-in digital forensics by hashing with combinatorial group testing. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications.
Kaya, M., & Eris, M. (2017). Hash-based block matching for digital evidence image files from forensic software tools. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, 11(10), 1068-1071.
Kumar, K., Sofat, S., Jain, S. K., & Aggarwal, N. (2012). SIGNIFICANCE of hash value generation in digital forensic: A case study. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 2(5), 64-70.
Netherlands Forensic Institute, (2018a). Technical Supplement Forensic Use of Hash Values and Associated Hash Algorithms. Ministry of Justice and security.
Rasjid, Z. E., Soewito, B., Witjaksono, G., & Abdurachman, E. (2017). A review of collisions in cryptographic hash function used in digital forensic tools. Procedia computer science, 116, 381-392.
Study Document
… this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to explain the importance of securing crime scenes in order to protect evidence from contamination and preserve it for use by the courts. In addition, a discussion concerning different methods that might be necessary to document … from contamination and preserve it for use by the courts. In addition, a discussion concerning different methods that might be necessary to document evidence at a crime scene and different collection methods that might be used at a crime scene is followed by an explanation concerning the … scene is followed by an explanation concerning the chain of custody and why it is important. Finally, the repercussions of failing to protect evidence or establish chain of custody is followed by an explanation concerning how an investigator or forensic expert differentiates between what is or is not evidence. A summary of the……
Almirall, J. R., Ballou, S., Carroll, P. et al. (2013, September). Crime scene investigation: A guide for law enforcement. Largo, FL: National Forensic Science Technology Center.
Casey, J. & Burke, T. (2009, June). Police and EMS. Law & Order, 51(6), 97-101.
Gehl, R. (2019). Crime scene management. Introduction to Criminal Investigations. Retrieved from .
Florida International University, National Forensic Science Technology Center. (n.d.). Crime scene investigation guide. Retrieved from .
Richards, G. E. Chapters 3, 5 and 6.
Study Document
… process, before, during, and following the interview
The interview would comprise of four basic stages. These are: planning of the investigation, interview conduction, evidence gathering, and evidence evaluation. In as far as planning is concerned, the items of great relevance would be issue outline, interviewee list, questions to be asked, … know their rights in as far as their participation is concerned. With every interview, effort will be made to maintain objectivity and impartiality. evidence gathering, though part and parcel of interview process, could be deemed a stand-alone process due to the distinctive activities involved. This is more … process due to the distinctive activities involved. This is more so the case when it comes to the documentation processes. Lastly, we have evidence evaluation which is essentially the assessment of the information collected thus far with an aim of determining whether there is indeed any possibility … of: personal……
Adam, C. (2016). Forensic Evidence in Court: Evaluation and Scientific Opinion. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Casey, E. (Ed.). (2009). Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation. Burlington, MA: Academic Press.
Maras, M. (2014). Computer Forensics: Cybercriminals, Laws, and Evidence (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Newman, R.C. (2007). Computer Forensics: Evidence Collection and Management. New York, NY: CRC Press.
Reddy, N. (2019). Practical Cyber Forensics: An Incident-Based Approach to Forensic Investigations. New York, NY: Springer.
U.S. Department of Justice (2018). Reporting Intellectual Property Crime: A Guide for Victims of Copyright Infringement, Trademark Counterfeiting, and Trade Secret Theft. Retrieved from
Study Document
… the end-all-be-all facilitator of serial killer investigations. Far more helpful in fact is traditional police and detective work, such as interviewing witnesses, collecting forensic evidence at the scene of the crime, and getting police into the community to help raise awareness about what is going on.
The Process … Alldredge (2015) points out that the CSI Effect unfortunately has led to jurors in courtroom trials having unrealistic expectations about the strength of forensic evidence.
The fact of the matter is that every type of evidence or profile can be abused and used to manipulate the facts of a case. Prosecutors, judges, jurors, investigators, law enforcement officers—all of them … may be a real phenomenon but it is up to attorneys in a trial to make sure that juries understand the strength of evidence.
The Merits of Criminal Profiling of Serial Killers
The merits of criminal profiling of serial killers……
Alldredge, J. (2015). The" CSI Effect" and Its Potential Impact on Juror Decisions. Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, 3(1), 6.
Bonn, S. (2019). How the FBI Profiles Serial Offenders. Retrieved from
Dogra, T.D. et al. (2012). A psychological profile of a serial killer: A case report. Omega: Journal of Death & Dying 65(4), 299-316.
FBI. (2019). Summary of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Retrieved from
Karson, M. (2017). Why Profiling Serial Killers Can’t Work. Retrieved from
Miller, L. (2014). Serial killers: I. Subtypes, patterns and motives. Aggression and Violent Behavior 19, 1-11.
Samuel, D. B., & Widiger, T. A. (2007). Describing Ted Bundy's personality and working towards DSM-V. Practice, 27, 20-22.
Sarteschi, C. M. (2016). Serial Murder. In Mass and Serial Murder in America (pp. 45-67). Springer, Cham.
Study Document
...Forensic evidence Types of Criminal Profiling
According to Bartol & Bartol (2017), there are five broad categories of criminal profiling, but they are not mutually exclusive and are frequently used in tandem with one another to aid investigations. The first type of criminal profiling covered in the text is commonly referred to as psychological profiling: the profiling of known individuals like suspects. The goal of psychological profiling is risk or threat assessment: to determine how serious a person may be if they have threatened violence. Similarly, psychological profiling can be used on persons who have been flagged for violating social norms or who have acted out. As helpful as psychological profiling can be to investigators, it is important to note that the process can be misleading and even harmful to investigations (Sample, 2010). Psychological profiling methods are not necessarily grounded in research, and can lead to spurious results and prejudicial data.
Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2017). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (11th ed.). Retrieved from
Kocsis, R. N., & Palermo, G. B. (2015). Disentangling Criminal Profiling: Accuracy, Homology, and the Myth of Trait-Based Profiling. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(3), 313-332.
Sample, I. (2010). Psychological profiling ‘worse than useless.’ The Guardian. Retrieved from:
Study Document
...Forensic evidence Background and Biographical Data
The case of Jesse Norman Imeson reveals the possible connections between childhood upbringing, childhood trauma, and psychological characteristics on criminal behavior. While childhood experiences can never be used to condone violence or criminality, understanding the correlation between these factors may help identify early warning signs or risk factors that can then be used in crime prevention strategies. The story of Jesse Imeson gripped Canada because it involved the heinous killing of three individuals in the summer of 2007. Imeson was apprehended at age 22, pled guilty to all three counts of second-degree murder in 2008, and was sentenced to life in prison.
Jesse was the oldest of three children in the Imeson family. Until the first known traumatic event that occurred in Imeson’s early life, he was described by babysitters and friends as being “likeable,” “adventurous,” “happy,” and “wide-eyed...always smiling” boy who just wanted “to have……
Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A, M. (2018). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.
“Jesse Imeson charged in death of Windsor man,” (2007). CTV News. Retrieved from:
Lessard, C. (2008). So, why did he do it? Grand Bend Strip. Retrieved from:
“LFP Archives: The hunt for, and truth about, spree killer Jesse Imeson,” (2018). The London Free Press. Retrieved from:
“Man who killed elderly couple and bartender has appeal rejected by Supreme Court,” (2019). CBC. Retrieved from:
Mellor, L. (2013). Rampage. Toronto, Ontario: Dundurn
Paiva, M. (2019). Windsor murderer claims he was sexually abused. iHeart Radio. Retrieved from:
Perkel, C. (2018). Family of victims lash out as smirking killer gets life sentence. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from:
Study Document
FBI Digital forensic Services
Requirements for employment as a member of an FBI CART
In order for one to become a member of the FBI CART … crime investigation. This is because CART offers assistance to the FBI field offices when it comes to the search and seizure of computer evidence. This team is charged with the performance of forensic examinations for all FBI seizures that are related to technology and computers. Therefore, computer forensic is a mandatory requirement for this position. The potential candidate should have a bachelor’s degree in an IT-related field. However, they should have … for this position. The potential candidate should have a bachelor’s degree in an IT-related field. However, they should have a major in computer forensic. A candidate is required to have good communication skills since they will be required to communicate effectively their findings to other non-technical individuals … will ensure that……
Federal Bureau of Investigation. (July 2, 2019). Workers’ Compensation Fraud.
Kentucky RCFL. (June 6, 2013 ). Louisville Man Guilty of Harboring 20,000 Images of Child Pornography.
Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory. (n.d.). About the RCFL. Retrieved from
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