Study Document
This case conceptualization covers a weekly outpatient relationships group consisting of fifteen members, ages 25-50. All group members have been formally diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and/or Depression, and some with more than one clinical disorder. Additionally, all members have … been formally diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and/or Depression, and some with more than one clinical disorder. Additionally, all members have attended this group for at least six months, most of whom attend regularly on a weekly basis. The case conceptualization includes background information on the clients, … Finally, limitations and supervision needs are discussed in light of scope of counseling practice.
Background: Presenting Problem
Clients’ Biopsychosocial History
Of the fifteen group attendees, seven are female and eight are male. All have been in treatment for at least six months and have received formal diagnoses … diagnosed with both Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Moreover, three of the……
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… whites are not going to recognize you as one of their own, they also are not going to lump you in with other ethnic group, such as blacks or Asians. To illustrate this, Zamudio and Lichter (2008) showed that hotel managers tend to prefer to hire Latinas over … discrimination.
An Instance of Discrimination
For me, an instance of discrimination occurred when I was in my early teens. I was with a group of girlfriends at a clothing store when suddenly a woman began shouting that her wallet had been stolen. The woman was a middle-aged … a sudden we were suspects in a crime and I could not help but feel that it was because we were the only ethnic people in the store. All suspicion fell upon us because we were young, different from the others, ethnic a minority, and therefore the obvious culprits. We were all……
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Study Document
This paper addresses the significance of ethnic or cultural identity. It deals with the identity of socially advantaged as well as disadvantaged group and my relation to them. Additionally, it highlights the significance of the self-identity concept. The Multidimensional Model of Racial Identity (MMRI), put forward … believed to possess oppositional or dual differences. Additionally, identity represents a construct applied in creating social orders of dominance and persecution, characterized by some group being at an advantage in terms of influence and freedom and others, concurrently, being less fortunate (Babbitt, 2013). In this paper, the subject … of, my African-American cultural/racial community is regarded as a minority community. With regard to age, I am a part of the dominant age group of adults. Further, I have no disabilities. With regard to spirituality and my religious background, my community is neutral. With regard to racial/ethnic identity, I belong to a non-dominant population,……
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… to learners' ethical and cognitive levels of development. Action on the part of primary-level children may involve committing to not laugh at derogatory ethnic jokes. Action on the part of early to middle-grade students may include reading books on other cultural, racial, and ethnic group. Students at the upper elementary level may cultivate friendships with students belonging to other ethnic and racial group, in addition to taking part in cross-racial projects and activities with students attending other schools within their city. Lastly, upper- grade enrollees may ……
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Study Document
1. Thinking as a historian, how would you answer the question, “are the Jews a religious group, a nation, or an ethnic minority?”
When thinking as an historian, one can easily say that the Jews are a religious group, a nation, and an ethnic minority—though the terms and conditions under which all of these categorical associations are valid or legitimate is subject to some debate. First of … pre-Christian times. Of the three largest sects of Judaism today—Reform, Conservative and Orthodox—there is a great deal of dispute about what kind of group the Jews are. There are atheist Jews and agnostic Jews, but they still identify as Jews. Jewish nationalists are typically referred to as … Jew wants to live in Israel. Even for much of their own history the Jews have been without a nation of their own. ethnic speaking, the Jews can be seen as a people—but many……
JMW, XII. Jewish Identity Challenged and Redefined: #16
JMW, XI. The Shoah: #21-41
JMW, VIII. Sephardi & Middle Eastern Jewry #32-35
JMW, X. Zionism: #42-55
JMW, IX. American Jewry: #52
Study Document
… any other ethic and that the American realm should be ruled over by WASPs with WASP ideas directing all domestic and foreign policy. group that did not fit into that way of being were conquered, vanquished or pushed to the very margins of society[footnoteRef:5]—which is essentially what … 1 (July-August 1845), 5.] [5: Eugene J., Cornacchia and Dale C. Nelson. "Historical differences in the political experiences of American blacks and white ethnic: Revisiting an unresolved controversy." ethnic and Racial Studies 15, no. 1 (1992), 102.] [6: Cherokee Preservation Foundation. “About the Eastern Band.”]
A Need for “Progress”
The idea behind ……
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Does Gender Affect the Utilization of Mental Health Care Services among Veterans?
The decision one takes when choosing a career poses a lifelong effect on his own life as well as of his family members. The deployment decision of a career that the person has to face sometimes harms his mental health and family both (Brooks & Chopik, 2020). For example, if the person belongs to the army, he might be deployed in a war zone, which later would have disastrous impacts on his mental health in the form of stress, depression, and excessive use of alcohol, etc. The intensity of trauma might increase if the diagnosis is not done on time and may lead to family problems like divorce, social dysfunction, substance abuse, difficulties in future employment, legal complications, and, most of all, physical health troubles.
Recently, women's inclusion in almost all areas of life……
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Study Document
...Ethnic group Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major public health problem across the globe as it contributes to nearly 1 million deaths annually. It is an infection that basically attacks the liver and has the potential to generate acute and chronic diseases. This communicable disease is mostly transmitted from mother to child during birth. Additionally, HBV is transmitted through contact with body fluids like blood. Since it is a life-threatening condition, the viral infection has received considerable attention in the healthcare sector. Healthcare professionals and other relevant stakeholders have developed various initiatives to help lessen the prevalence of this infection and mitigate its impacts worldwide. This paper analyzes this communicable disease, determinants of health relating to its development, epidemiological triad, and role of the nurse practitioner in the management of the infectious disease.
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… some point in the nation’s history. The research topic of interest to this paper concerns the issue of reparations for certain American minority group that have suffered hundreds of years of injustice at the hands of the U.S. government. In this regard, the research question that will … as was follows: Historical injustices including genocide, oppression, slavery, and racial discrimination in the United States have caused current economic disparities between racial group so the call for reparations is quite justified and the various arguments in support and against reparations are examined further below.
Review and … in support and against reparations are examined further below.
Review and Analysis
Type of historical injustices that have caused economic disparities between racial group today
The historical record is replete with instances of genocide, oppression, slavery, forced relocations, invasions and racial discrimination that have adversely affected or … millionaires out of all of……
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