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1. Being Aware of Emotions
Because the counselor’s work depends on emotional connecting with others, it is important to maintain strict vigilance of one’s own emotions, particularly emotions that correspond to those expressed by clients. … it is important to maintain strict vigilance of one’s own emotions, particularly emotions that correspond to those expressed by clients. Learning to read emotional cues in self and others is an essential emotional intelligence strategy I will incorporate into my work. Starting with myself, being aware of emotions means first tuning into the body. Emotions manifest first … beyond what the person is saying in words—thereby allowing for a deeper active listening experience.
2. Identifying Own Emotions
Another critical component of emotional intelligence is learning how to identify emotions, naming them, and therefore having greater control over them. First, I need to develop a sort of … learning how to identify emotions, naming them,……
Gutierrez, D., Mullen, P.R. & Fox, J. (2016). Exploring emotional intelligence among masters-level counseling trainees. Counselor Education & Supervision 56(2017): 19-32.
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Prikhidko, A. & Swank, J.M. (2016). Emotion regulation for counselors. Journal of Counseling and Development 96(2018): 206-212.
Study Document
… Success
Communicate more effectively by:
· Engaging in active listening
· Obtaining feedback from workers
· Communicating a vision
· Using social and emotional intelligence skills
· Gain cultural competence
· Ask for input from workers and listen attentively when it is given
· Establishing regular meeting times … leader is the need to communicate effectively (Ruben & Gigliotti, 2017). This skill is one that actually includes a number of other competencies: emotional and social intelligence acquisition, cultural competence, the ability to listen and obtain and accept and reflect on feedback; the ability to communicate and express a vision ……
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… most important ways that I myself can apply the philosophy and concepts of mission command is to develop and implement my social and emotional skills, as these are like the cylinders that contain the pistons: they can be used to create the right sense of energy, urgency, … that needs to exist in a team (Fredrickson, 2001).
I have seen leaders come and go who lack all sense of social and emotional intelligence. They do not know how to communicate well with others, how to sense when something is wrong, how to pick up on the … up on the fact that a worker does not understand the orders and thus needs more explanation. Leaders who have no social and emotional intelligence are like ships that have no compass. They are pointed in the right direction and when a storm comes and blows them off … they are basically……
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… it can be practiced in a variety of ways and incorporates different components. However, the approach taken in leadership requires possessing social and emotional intelligence in order to be effective. Social and emotional intelligence are vital components in today’s leadership since leaders generally work with people from diverse backgrounds and with different needs. Such intelligence provides a premise for adoption of effective approaches that enhance their subordinates’ motivation.
The need for social and emotional intelligence implies that leadership begins from within before it is extended outward. Individual leaders need to manage themselves in order to effectively demonstrate social … that leadership begins from within before it is extended outward. Individual leaders need to manage themselves in order to effectively demonstrate social and emotional intelligence. In addition, personal management helps prepare the leader to develop a vision and strategy that is communicated to subordinates and influences their actions ……
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… months prior. Losing a sister is challenging enough for any individual; for one going through puberty at the same time, the effects of emotional devastation and loss can be confusing and even traumatic. Therefore, Jim’s behaviors, his shift in social scene, and his differential identity during this ……
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… end up impacting the vocational or academic success of such individuals later in life. Even individuals with autism who have higher or average intelligence usually find it difficult to overcome social difficulties and to communicate in a manner that observes all the unwritten rules of conversation and … been successfully utilized to improve learning skills, social communication, pragmatic functioning, and conversational competence over the years (Adams et al., 2012). The EBSST (emotional-Based Social Skills Training) intervention is also a good intervention. It has been shown to boost emotional competence significantly. The SCI (Social Competence Intervention) is also great social skills intervention for people with ASD. It has been proven to boost ……
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… because conflict communication is about reaching middle ground and creating win-win situations for the whole team. It is important to use social and emotional intelligence so as not to rob others of face, for maintaining face is important for people’s sense of self-esteem and morale. Considering conflict styles ……
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… most important tools of a level two leader, and that involves both being a good listener and being able to use social and emotional intelligence to deliver important information and support to others. Self-concept is the other important factor here. The concept of self-concept simply refers to who … and effective manner,…[break]…are not convinced by it initially can drop their resistance once it is explained to them using logic. Leaders should be emotional and socially intelligent so that they can empathize with others and communicate most effectively. They should have a number of leadership styles that ……
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… communicate a vision to workers, inspire them to want to be part of that vision and to pursue, provide them with the needed emotional and social support so that they will engage, and give them the logical reasons for why embracing the change is necessary (Xirasagar, 2008). … a transformative and positive manner. First, they will re-order the manager’s approach to his workers by emphasizing the need to exercise social and emotional intelligence. Workers do not need an autocratic style of leadership: in this case, they need a transformational style of leadership, as this will give ……
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Study Document
...Emotional intelligence Simulation – Role playing exercise negotiation skills assessment
Role Playing Exercise
Relationships are crucial in any negotiation—in fact they are the bedrock of negotiation, as there can be no negotiation without first establishing the foundation of relationship. The relationship need not be identical to friendship, but it must be workable and rooted in respect. In the role playing exercise “Lost at Sea,” the items listed in Appendix A were ranked in order of importance, with 1 being the most important and 15 being the least important to a group of sailors lost in a life raft at sea after their ship had sunk. The fishing kit has been ranked most important, for instance, because it was viewed as a means of obtaining food for the group. The rum was ranked least important because it would only dehydrate and dull the senses. Among a group of sailors, the captain should……
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