Debate Essays (Examples)


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Male Birth Control Pill Debate

Pages: 2 (740 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:13987342

The Male Birth Control Pill: An Overview of the Debate
Pregnancy has traditionally been socially constructed as a female concern, even though two people are needed to get pregnant—a man and a woman. ……



Liao, P. V., & Dollin, J. (2012). Half a century of the oral contraceptive pill: historical review and view to the future. Canadian Family Physician, 58(12), e757–e760. Retrieved from: 

Male contraceptive jab ‘effective,’ but side effects are common. (2016). NHS. Retrieved from: are-common/

Nedelman. M. & Gumbrecht. (2019). A new ‘male birth control’ pill might be safe, but there’s still a long way to go, researchers say. CNN. Retrieved from:


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Local Vs Organic Food

Pages: 6 (1873 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:28856359

When it comes to the great debate over whether it is healthier to eat local foods or organic foods, there are arguments to be found on both sides. But at ……



Debate. (2018). Is organic food healthier than non-organic food? Retrieved from 

Goldberg, H. (2014). People Still Don\\\\'t Know the Difference Between \\\\"Organic\\\\" and \\\\"Local\\\\". Retrieved from 

Heather, X. (2011). The local vs. organic debate. Retrieved from 

Healthline. (2018). Fresh vs Frozen Fruit and Vegetables — Which Are Healthier? Retrieved from 

O’Born, S. (2019). Local vs. organic food: the great debate. Retrieved from

Ryvasy, T. (2018). Is organic or local food better? Retrieved from 

Trimarchi, M. (2018). Is it better to buy local or organic food? Retrieved from 

Wadyka, S. (2018). Farmer’s market produce. Retrieved from


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Sexual Morality

Pages: 7 (2231 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:78495079

… via civil ceremony or even in a religious setup. The idea of same-sex marriage entails lots of moral, religious, and legal intrigues and debates across the globe. The moral standing of such unions has been hotly debated and even contested in some quarters. Those who criticize same-sex marriages brand it as an unnatural and immoral act. Those who support, on … that the issue of same-sex marriage is not new to humanity. The practice was common during the early Roman Empire (Koppelman, 2014).
The debate on whether same-sex marriage is morally acceptable has erupted in the 21st century. There are cultures in the west which believe that marriage … the same sex triggers moral questions. The concept of sexual morality is still hotly contested in ethical discussions. At the core of the debates are questions such as "at what point and circumstances are sexual activity permissible and acceptable?", "who……



Akpan, C. O. (2017). The Morality of Same-Sex Marriage: How Not to Globalize a Cultural Anomie. Online Journal of Health Ethics, 13(1), 2.

Ellison, M. (2012). Is Same-Sex Marriage a \\\\\\"Must\\\\\\" or a \\\\\\"Bust\\\\\\"? In Making Love Just: Sexual Ethics for Perplexing Times (pp. 59-76). Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress. DOI:10.2307/j.ctt22nm74r.8

Koppelman, A. (2014). Judging the case against same-sex marriage. U. Ill. L. Rev., 431.

Millstein, S. (2014). How to argue for gay marriage and win any debate with a hater. Retrieved from 

Morini, M. (2017). Same-sex marriage and other moral taboos: cultural acceptances, change in American public opinion, and the evidence from the opinion polls. European Journal of American studies, 11(11-3).

Primoratz, I. (2013). Sexual Morality. In International Encyclopedia of Ethics, H. Lafollette (Ed.). DOI:10.1002/9781444367072.wbiee127

Rachels, J., &Rachels, S. (2012). The Elements of Moral Philosophy. (7th ed). New York: McGraw Hill Press.


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Evolving Public Interpretation Of Gentrification

Pages: 15 (4506 words) Sources: 25 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:63686489

… and architectural history of cities. Consequently, in any setting, even the mere mention of the word gentrification is likely to start an interesting debate, due to the polarizing nature of this topic.
In recent years, the ubiquity of this phenomenon has garnered a growing amount of attention ……



Anderson, Elijah. 1990. Streetwise. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.

Betancur, John J. “Gentrification in Latin America: Overview and Critical Analysis.” Urban Studies Research 37-41.

Berrey, Ellen C. 2005. Divided over diversity. City & Community 4 (2): 143-70

Black’s Law Dictionary. 1990. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Bostic, Raphael W., and Richard W. Martin. 2003. Black home-owners as a gentrifying force? Urban Studies 40 (12): 2427-49.

Brown-Saracino, Japonica. 2004. Social preservationists and the quest for authentic community. City & Community 3 (2): 135-56.

Brummet, Quentin, and Davin Reed. “The Effects of Gentrification on the Well-Being and Opportunity of Original Resident Adults and Children.” Working Paper (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia), 2019.

Capps, Kriston. “The Hidden Winners in Neighborhood Gentrification.” CityLab, July 22, 2019.


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Abortion Laws Issues

Pages: 3 (1038 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:13785952

… New York law and the proposed changes in Virginia have made full-term abortion the latest issue in the long history of the abortion debate in America. Since Roe v. Wade made it legal to obtain an abortion anywhere in the U.S., the lines have been drawn.……


Works Cited

BBC. “Virginia late-term abortion bill labelled 'infanticide'.” BBC, 2019. 

Green, Emma. “Trump Sees an Opening With Voters on Late-Term Abortion.” Atlantic,2019. 

Kliff, Sarah. “The new Trump plan to defund Planned Parenthood, explained.” Vox,2018. 

North, Anna. “The controversy around Virginia’s new abortion bill, explained.” Vox,2019. 

Selk, Avi. “‘Jane Roe’ made abortion legal. Then a minister made her rethink.”

Washington Post, 2017.

Tolentino, Jia. “How Abortion Law in New York Will Change, and How It Won’t.” New Yorker, 2019. 


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Carrie Chapman And The Women S Movement

Pages: 8 (2257 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:61754681


The Women’s Rights Movement in the U.S. got going in the 19th century with the National Woman’s Rights Convention of 1850 in Worcester, Massachusetts, where the role of women in society was a major focal point (Siegel, 1994). Women were becoming more outspoken and many women like Sojourner Truth and Angelina Weld were traveling around and speaking out on the evils of slavery and so on. The Women’s Movement would continue on through the latter half of the 19th century into the 20th century. Women’s suffrage would become a major focal point in the early 20th century and women would finally win the right to vote in 1920. Carrie Chapman was a big leader in the Women’s Rights Movement at that time, campaigning hard for the 19th Amendment to be passed. However, there were other campaigns by women that had other outcomes—such as the campaign by Carrie Nation at……



Blackwell, E. (1850). Elizabeth Blackwell on the 1850 Women\\\\\\'s Rights Convention. Retrieved from 

Griffith, E. (1984). In Her Own Right: The Life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. New York: Oxford University Press.

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Lawson, E. N. (2013). Smugglers, Bootleggers, and Scofflaws: Prohibition and New York City. SUNY Press.

Siegel, R. B. (1994). Home as Work: The First Woman\\\\\\'s Rights Claims Concerning

Wives\\\\\\' Household Labor, 1850-1880. The Yale Law Journal, 103(5), 1073-1217.

Van Voris, J. (1996). Carrie Chapman Catt: A Public Life. New York City: Feminist Press at CUNY.


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Moral Reasoning Human Trafficking

Pages: 6 (1654 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:37285983

… approaches to human trafficking and show why trafficking is not a black and white issue that can be condemned across the board.
The Debate
Human trafficking is an issue that De Shalit, Heynen and Van der Meulen (2014) say has been politicized as a phenomenon meant to … merely deflecting attention from their own crimes and virtue signaling to the populace. For instance, De Shalit et al. (2014) argue that the debate surrounding sex trafficking is corrupted by political influence and political paradigms adopted by non-government organizations (NGOs) that frame the problem within the perspective … this framing is what leads to moral acceptance or moral condemnation. De Shalit et al. (2014) describe the issue as important because the debate is what leads to organizations receiving funding, laws being passed and public opinion being shaped. If information from the government and from NGOs ……



Beatson, J., & Hanley, J. (2017). The intersection of exploitation and coercion in cases of Canadian labour trafficking. Journal of law and social policy, 26, 137.

Brock, D., & Teixeira, R. (2014). Beyond exploitation and trafficking: Canadian critical perspectives on sex work. Labour: Journal of Canadian Labour Studies/Le Travail: revue d’Études Ouvrières Canadiennes, 74.

De Shalit, A., Heynen, R., & van der Meulen, E. (2014). Human trafficking and media myths: Federal funding, communication strategies, and Canadian anti-trafficking programs. Canadian Journal of Communication, 39(3).

Holmes, A. (2007). Ethics: Approaching moral decisions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Lam, E., & Lepp, A. (2019). Butterfly: Resisting the harms of anti-trafficking policies and fostering peer-based organising in Canada. Anti-trafficking review, (12), 91-107.

UNODC. (2015). UNODC on human trafficking and migrant smuggling. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Retrieved from 


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Coronavirus COVID 19

Pages: 9 (2907 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:604304

… or negligence on that front—much to chagrin of President Trump.

Aside from the question of where the virus came from, what is still debated, too, is how the virus spreads.  It is believed that the primary method of transmission is small droplets that contain a high viral … at the grocery store where everyone in the community is still shopping.


Prevention of the spread of COVID 19 is still being debated and there are presently two camps with regards to prevention:  those who view the virus as a credible threat and those who view … this…[break]…that may or may not be killing as many people as is reported in the media?  One of the big problems in this debate is the fact that there are so many unknowns and so much speculation.  It is rampant speculation that allows for so much guessing ……



Chen, N., Zhou, M., Dong, X., Qu, J., Gong, F., Han, Y., ... & Yu, T. (2020).  Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. The Lancet, 395(10223), 507-513.

Kekatos, M. (2020). Ventilating too soon. Retrieved from 

Myers, S. L. (2020). China Spins Tale That the U.S. Army Started the Coronavirus Epidemic. Retrieved from

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2015). Improving diagnosis in health care. National Academies Press.

Oliver, D. (2020). Coronavirus genetic material stayed on surfaces for up to 17 days on Diamond Princess cruise, CDC says. Retrieved from 


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The Karen Ann Quinlan Case Legal Aspects Of Healthcare

Pages: 6 (1922 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:87626234

… healthcare facility to heed to their request. It is this move that set the stage for what came to be an intense national debate on the question of life and death, and the right to die.
On September 1985, Quinlan parents filed a suit seeking termination of ……



Drane, J.F. (1994). Clinical Bioethics: Theory and Practice in Medical Ethical Decision-making. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.

Holland, S., Kitzinger, C. & Kitzinger, J. (2014). Death, treatment decisions and the permanent vegetative state: evidence from families and experts. Med Health Care Philos., 17(3), 413-423.

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice (2019). The Story of Karen Ann Quinlan Made Headlines! Retrieved from 

Mizzoni, J. (2011). Ethics: The Basics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Rosenthal, M.S. (2018). Clinical Ethics on Film: A Guide for Medical Educators. New York, NY: Springer.

Singer, P. (2013). A Companion to Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


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Privacy In Social Networks Regarding Machine Learning

Pages: 8 (2537 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:98311751

...Debate Abstract
This paper discusses the issue of privacy in social networks with respect to advances in machine learning. It shows how machine learning protocols have been developed both to enhance and secure privacy as well as to invade privacy and collect, analyze, predict data based on users’ information and experience online. The conflict between these two directions in machine learning is likely to lead to a system wherein machine learning algorithms are actively engaged in the subversion of one another, with one attempting to conceal data and the other attempting to uncover it. This paper concludes with recommendations for social networks and the issue of privacy regarding machine learning.
Social networks have allowed an ocean of personal data to form that is now sitting there waiting for machine learning algorithms to collect it, analyze it, and recognize individuals on social media (Oh, Benenson, Fritz & Schiele, 2016). Machine learning……



Balle, B., Gascón, A., Ohrimenko, O., Raykova, M., Schoppmmann, P., & Troncoso, C. (2019, November). PPML\\\\\\\\\\\\'19: Privacy Preserving Machine Learning. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (pp. 2717-2718). ACM.

Bilogrevic, I., Huguenin, K., Agir, B., Jadliwala, M., Gazaki, M., & Hubaux, J. P. (2016). A machine-learning based approach to privacy-aware information-sharing in mobile social networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 25, 125-142.

Bonawitz, K., Ivanov, V., Kreuter, B., Marcedone, A., McMahan, H. B., Patel, S., ... & Seth, K. (2017, October). Practical secure aggregation for privacy-preserving machine learning. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (pp. 1175-1191). ACM.

Hunt, T., Song, C., Shokri, R., Shmatikov, V., & Witchel, E. (2018). Chiron: Privacy-preserving machine learning as a service. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.05961.

Lindsey, N. (2019). New Research Study Shows That Social Media Privacy Might Not Be Possible. Retrieved from

Mohassel, P., & Zhang, Y. (2017, May). Secureml: A system for scalable privacy-preserving machine learning. In 2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) (pp. 19-38). IEEE.

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Oh, S. J., Benenson, R., Fritz, M., & Schiele, B. (2016, October). Faceless person recognition: Privacy implications in social media. In European Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 19-35). Springer, Cham.

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