Cultural Competence Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Culturally Competent Patient Care Advanced Practice Nursing

Pages: 5 (1514 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:73535366

Culture in Advanced Nursing Practice
cultural competent nurses can assess the psychological, spiritual, physiological, social, environmental, and epidemiological data on a particular cultural group to provide cultural sensitive and patient-centered care. Since Madeleine Leininger first proposed that cultural competency was essential to nursing, various means of incorporating cultural learning and assessment have been incorporated into advanced nursing practice. Culture includes but is not limited to ethnic, linguistic, religious, and national heritage, … been incorporated into advanced nursing practice. Culture includes but is not limited to ethnic, linguistic, religious, and national heritage, and can also include cultural domains, age, socioeconomic status, and political affiliations. Advanced practice nurses have a moral and legal obligation to provide cultural competent care, outlined in Standard 8 of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Standards of Practice. cultural assessment strategies enable the advanced practice nurse to understand the complex intersections between health status, cultural needs, disease prevalence,……



Coats, H., Crist, J. D., Berger, A., Sternberg, E., & Rosenfeld, A. G. (2016). African American Elders’ Serious Illness Experiences. Qualitative Health Research, 27(5), 634–648. doi:10.1177/1049732315620153 

“Cultural Awareness and Influences on Health: NCLEX-RN,” (2020). Registered Nursing. Retrieved from: 

Marion, L., Douglas, M., Lavin, M., Barr, N., Gazaway, S., Thomas, L., Bickford, C., (November 18, 2016) \\\\\\\\\\\\"Implementing the New ANA Standard 8: Culturally Congruent Practice\\\\\\\\\\\\" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 22 No. 1.

Smith, L.S. (2018). A nurse educator\\\\\\\\\\\\'s guide to cultural competence. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy 16(2): 19-23.

Spector, R.E. (2016). Cultural diversity in health and illness. 9th Edition

Wagner, J. (2019). Cultural competency. Medicine Libre Texts. Retrieved from:

Williams, M.T., Duque, G., Wetterneck, C.T., et al. (2018). Ethnic identity and regional differences in mental health in a national sample of African American young adults. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 5(2018): 312-321.

Young, S., & Guo, K. L. (2016). Cultural diversity training: the necessity of cultural competence for health care providers and in nursing practice. The health care manager, 35(2), 94-102.


Study Document Study Document

Leadership Development Plan

Pages: 5 (1638 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:72976137

· Engaging in active listening
· Obtaining feedback from workers
· Communicating a vision
· Using social and emotional intelligence skills
· Gain cultural competence
· Ask for input from workers and listen attentively when it is given
· Establishing regular meeting times (formal and informal) so as … (formal and informal) so as to engage with workers evenly
· Set time aside to reflect each day on worker feedback
· Develop cultural competency by studying one new culture every week and revisiting old material
· Study human behavior and how people respond w/ words, body …
· Formal and informal meetings should take place once a week
· Reflection should be 15 mins each day
· 1 hour for cultural studies per week
· 1 hour for human behavior studies
· 30 mins for studying how to communicate a vision
· Worker morale … communicate effectively (Ruben &……



Atkin-Plunk, C. A., & Armstrong, G. S. (2013). Transformational leadership skills and correlates of prison warden job stress. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(5), 551-568.

Doody, O., & Doody, C. M. (2012). Transformational leadership in nursing practice. British Journal of Nursing, 21(20), 1212-1218.

Leininger, M. (2008). Transcultural nursing: Its importance in nursing practice. Journal of cultural diversity, 15(1), 37-43.

Mikkelson, A. C., York, J. A., & Arritola, J. (2015). Communication competence, leadership behaviors, and employee outcomes in supervisor-employee relationships. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 78(3), 336-354.

Ruben, B. D., & Gigliotti, R. A. (2017). Communication: Sine qua non of organizational leadership theory and practice. International Journal of Business Communication, 54(1), 12-30.

Shanks, N. H. & Buchbinder, S. B. (2012). Introduction to health care management. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

Warrick, D. D. (2011). The urgent need for skilled transformational leaders: Integrating transformational leadership and organization development. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 8(5), 11-26.


Study Document Study Document

Education Law Policy And Social Justice

Pages: 11 (3232 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:71943061

… not only limited to its linguistic aspects. To a large extent, mother tongue should also be conceptualized from the perspective of a child’s cultural as well as social identity. This is the meaning of mother tongue that will be embraced in the context of this discourse.
To … is more so the case given that it serves as a foundation upon which other languages are mastered. The social as well as cultural identity of a child ought not to be interfered with as doing so could cause discomfort and interfere with the learning process. This … the relevance of advancing linguistic diversity in classroom settings cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given that linguistic diversity and cultural are two important factors in the social justice realm. It would be prudent to take this issues into consideration from the perspective of … language rights. In essence, being……



Awopetu, A.V. (2016). Impact of Mother Tongue on Children’s Learning Abilities in Early Childhood Classroom. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 23, 58-63.

Busse, V., Cenoz, J., Dalmann, N. & Rogge, F. (2019). Addressing Linguistic Diversity in the Language Classroom in a Resource?Oriented Way: An Intervention Study with Primary School Children. Language Learning.

Bingol, A.S. (2012). Mother tongue instruction policies towards Turkish migrant children in Europe. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 70, 1016-1023.

Mcmahon, T., Griese, E.R. & Kenyon, D.B. (2019). Cultivating Native American scientists: An application of an Indigenous model to an undergraduate research experience. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 14, 77-110.

Ozfidan, B. (2017). Right of Knowing and Using Mother Tongue: A Mixed Method Study. English Language Teaching; 10(12), 15-23.

Peyton, J.K. (2015). Language of Instruction: Research Findings and Program and Instructional Implications. Reconsidering Development, 4(1), 71-79.

Philips, J.S. (2015). The rights of indigenous peoples under international law. Global Bioethics, 26(2), 75-82.

Sahin, I. (2018). A look at mother tongue education in the context of the right to education. Educational Research and Reviews, 13(9), 343-353.


Study Document Study Document

CEOs And Presidents

Pages: 11 (3242 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Essay Document #:96542123

… the importance of acting ethically the more likely they will be to succeed. Also, in a global organization there is a need for cultural competence so that all voices can be heard and a truly inclusive environment can be created in the workplace. Workplace equitability is a situation ……



Bromley, H. R. (2007). Are you a transformational leader?. Physician Executive, 33(6), 54.

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Chamers, M.M. (2014). An Integrative Theory of Leadership (4thed.). New York, NY: Psychology Press.

De Vries, M.F.K. (1998). Charisma in action: The transformational abilities of Virgin's Richard Branson and ABB's Percy Barnevik. Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), 7-21.

Healthcare Technology Report. (2019). Alex Gorsky is the all-American CEO. Retrieved from 

Holmes, A. (2007). Ethics: Approaching moral decisions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Kameda, T., Ohtsubo, Y., & Takezawa, M. (1997). Centrality in sociocognitive networks and social influence: An illustration in a group decision-making context. Journal of personality and social psychology, 73(2), 296.

Kolodny, L. (2018). Elon Musk’s extreme micromanagement has wasted time and money at Tesla, insiders say. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Program Logic Model

Pages: 6 (1769 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:question answer Document #:91645810

… get to see first-hand what it is like to be a young mother from their interactions with peer educators and they will…[break]…related to cultural competence that the evaluators may have needed to be sensitive to or address during the evaluation.
Issues related to cultural competence that the evaluators may have needed to be sensitive to or address during the evaluation may have arisen with respect to the ethnicity … about sex may even be strongly forbidden while in other homes it might be something quite freely and openly discussed or accepted. Thus, cultural competency would be something the educators would need in order to know how to address various groups of students or individual teens coming … of families and individuals and how they perceive themselves, others and the world around them. The more emphasis that can be placed on cultural understanding the more educators will be to connect……



Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.

Bickel, R., Weaver, S., Williams, T., & Lange, L. (1997). Opportunity, community, and teen pregnancy in an Appalachian state. The Journal of Educational Research, 90(3), 175-181.

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Damon, W. (1984). Peer education: The untapped potential. Journal of applied developmental psychology, 5(4), 331-343.

Kerpelman, J. L., McElwain, A. D., Pittman, J. F., & Adler-Baeder, F. M. (2016). Engagement in risky sexual behavior: Adolescents’ perceptions of self and the parent–child relationship matter. Youth & Society, 48(1), 101-125.

Sciolla, A., Ziajko, L. A., & Salguero, M. L. (2010). Sexual health competence of international medical graduate psychiatric residents in the United States. Academic Psychiatry, 34(5), 361-368.

Stakic, S., Zielony, R., Bodiroza, A., & Kimzeke, G. (2003). Peer education within a frame of theories and models of behaviour change. Entre Nous: The European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health, 56, 4-6.

Walsh-Buhi, E. R., Marhefka, S. L., Wang, W., Debate, R., Perrin, K., Singleton, A., ... & Ziemba, R. (2016). The impact of the Teen Outreach Program on sexual intentions and behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(3), 283-290.


Study Document Study Document

Culture And Nursing

Pages: 11 (3252 words) Sources: 14 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:16877652

… putting the needs of the group before the desires of the individual. Nurses can use and understand culture by utilizing models like Leininger’s cultural model of nursing, by adopting a patient-centered care strategy, or simply by developing their cultural competencies. In doing so, nurses can promote safe, effective, and quality personalized care for patients, their families, and for the communities they serve … effective, and quality personalized care for patients, their families, and for the communities they serve within the realm of nurses’ care. To promote cultural awareness among nurses, one of the best places to start is Hofstede’s research on cultural dimensions.
Literature Review
What is Culture?
Culture has been defined in terms of the values that it promotes, as Hofstede (1980) shows. Hofstede’s … is Culture?
Culture has been defined in terms of the values that it promotes, as Hofstede (1980) shows. Hofstede’s (2011) 6d model of……



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Hofstede Insights. (2019). Retrieved from,the-usa/


Study Document Study Document

The Cleveland Clinic Health

Pages: 7 (2139 words) Document Type:Case Study Document #:69047640

...Cultural competence Cleveland Clinic Case Study
The Cleveland Clinic is a large health care provider based in Cleveland, but with some expansion under its belt already. The Clinic has in recent years been an innovator in a number of areas, and an early adopter in others such as the use of information technology. These approaches have set the Clinic up for success. Since 1999, operating revenue has increased consistently, each year, including the recession years of 2008 and 2009, going from around $2.3 billion in 1999 to nearly $7 billion in 2014. While the operating margin has fluctuated during that period, it has been above zero since 2002 and is on a two-year upward trend. Thus, there is significant success attached to recent endeavors. For the leadership of the Cleveland Clinic, there are a number of strategic and tactic options on the table, including those with respect to international expansion, operating……


Study Document Study Document

Issues Affecting Kidney Transplantation

Pages: 1 (336 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:53942011

… relating to enhancing access to kidney transplants and renal replacement therapy. One of the approaches the team should undertake to improve service is cultural nursing, which refers to culture-related aspects of healthcare delivery (Albougami, Pounds & Alotaibi, 2016). cultural nursing approach requires understanding culture-related concepts that affect healthcare delivery and health seeking behaviors in this population. The team should adopt cultural-congruent healthcare practices that seeks to enhance care delivery based on the ethnic issues affecting the population and social determinants of health. Through this, … to enhance care delivery based on the ethnic issues affecting the population and social determinants of health. Through this, the team will demonstrate cultural competence and adopt practices that seek to improve service.
Albougami, A.S., Pounds, K.G. & Alotaibi, J.S. (2016, June 27). Comparison of Four cultural competence Models in cultural Nursing: A Discussion Paper. International Archives of Nursing and Health Care, 2(4).……



Albougami, A.S., Pounds, K.G. & Alotaibi, J.S. (2016, June 27). Comparison of Four Cultural Competence Models in Transcultural Nursing: A Discussion Paper. International Archives of Nursing and Health Care, 2(4). DOI: 10.23937/2469-5823/1510053

Khanal, N., Lawton, P.D., Cass, A. & McDonald, S.P. (2018, September 17). Disparity of Access to Kidney Transplantation by Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. The Medical Journal of Australia, 209(6), 261-266.



Study Document Study Document

Including Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Students In The General Education

Pages: 15 (4479 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:71231641

… and hard of hearing experience their reality can be helpful to educators as they honor their commitment to diversity and inclusivity. The more cultural competence that educators obtain, the more likely they will be to exert a positive influence on others.
The deaf community is one that has … school to meet state and federal guidelines as dictated by IDEA.
Another outcome is that deaf students tend to score lower in social competence than hearing students (Wauters & Knoors, 2007). They tend to be more socially withdrawn than hearing students when in a mixed environment. This ……



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Padden, C. A. & Humphries, T. (2005). Inside Deaf Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


Study Document Study Document

Depression Among Older Immigrant African Women In Metro West Massachusetts

Pages: 12 (3684 words) Sources: 20 Document Type:Capstone Project Document #:21927346

… be challenging, and many immigrant women experience challenges that affect their mental health. For example, the changes in practices, values, social factors and cultural identification are considered as factors that contribute to the potential risk of developing mental health issues (Alegría, Álvarez, & DiMarzio, 2017). Similarly, Foo … 2011). As suggested by researchers, immigration can create worry, which may increase the risks of experiencing depression, and this can be exacerbated by cultural factors, such as language barriers that may cause difficulty in diagnosing and treating this disorder among immigrant populations (Landa, Skritskaya, Nicasio, Humensky, & ……



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